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知 识 清 单,考 点 详 解,中考真题汇编,知 识 清 单,重点单词 1倒出,倾倒v._ 2蜂蜜n._ 3食糖n._ 4增加,添加 v. _ 5传统的adj._ 6片,块,段 n. _ 7接待,服务,提供v._ 8温度,气温,体温n._,pour,honey,sugar,add,traditional,piece,serve,temperature,9使做好准备,把准备好v._ 10及时赶上,抓住v._ 11邀请v._ 12接受v._ 13拒绝v._ 14回答,答复v._ 15删除v._ 16音乐会n._ 17组织,筹备v._ 18难过,失望,沮丧adj._,prepare,catch,invite,accept,refuse,reply,delete,concert,organize,upset,19劝告,建议n._ 20专家n._ 21(1319岁的)青少年n._ 22除非,如果不conj._ 23解决,解答v._ 24错误,失误n._ 25劝告,建议v._ 26经验,经历n._,advice,expert,teenager,unless,solve,mistake,advise,experience,词汇拓展 1final_(adv.)最后;最终 2salt _(adj.)咸的 3human_ (复数形式) 4travel _(n.)游客;旅行者 5celebrate_(n.)庆祝 6prepare _(n.)准备;准备工作 7avail_(adj.)有空的;可获得的 8invite_(n.)邀请;请柬,finally,salty,humans,traveler,celebration,preparation,available,invitation,9sad _(n.)悲伤,难过 _(adv.) 难过地,悲伤地 10open _(n.)开幕式;落成典礼 11advice _(v.)劝告;建议 12certainly _(adj.)某一;必然的 13understanding _(v.)理解 14careless _(反义词)小心的;细致的 15himself _(代词主格) 他_(代词宾格) 他 16trust_(adj.) 真的;真实的_(n.) 真相,sadness,sadly,opening,advise,certain,understand,careful,he,him,true,truth,重点短语 1接通;打开_ 2去看医生_ 3去参加聚会_ 4玩得开心_ 5谈论_ 6(帮助)分担工作,解决难题_ 7盼望,期待_ 8分成两半_,turn on,go to the doctor,go to the party,have a great time,talk about,help out,look forward to,in half,9拒绝_ 10为做准备_ 11. 其他时间,别的时间_ 12闲逛,常去某处_ 13. 去旅行_ 14. 保守秘密_ 15. 犯错误_,turn down,prepare for,another time,hang out,take a trip,keep.to oneself,make mistakes,重点句型 1要是你喜欢,你可以放更多。 You can_ _ if you like. 2为了制作这种特殊的食物,你需要有米线 _ _ this special food, you _ _ have rice noodles. 3当准备好的时候,把火鸡放在一个大盘子上,然后淋上调味肉汁。 When it is ready, _ the turkey _ a large plate and _ it _ gravy.,put,more,To,make,need,to,place,on,cover,with,4我已经有了一个怎样做的好主意。 I already have a great idea about _ _ _ that. 5让我知道你是否需要我的帮助。 Let me _ _ you need my help. 6多喝热水,多睡觉。 Drink lots of _ _ and get lots of _. 7Sam要到下周三才离开。 Sam _ leaving _ next Wednesday. 8周六你有空来我那儿吗? _ you _ to come to my place on Saturday?,how,to,do,know,if,hot,water,sleep,isnt,until,Are,free,9我盼望着收到你们的信。 I look _ _ _ _ you all. 10如果是这样,你能帮助做任何事吗? If so, can you _ _ any of these things? 11要是你这样做,老师将不会让你进。 If you do, the teachers _ _ you in. 12假如他们在开派对时看录相,会发生什么呢? What _ _ _ they watch a video at the party?,forward,to,hearing,from,help,with,wont,let,will,happen,if,考 点 详 解,一、中考重点词汇 1finally adv.最后;最终 【考点辨析】finally, at last与in the end,2serve v接待;服务;提供 【考点归纳】(1)意为“为服务”,如serve sb.,其中serve为及物动词,不能依照汉语思维用“serve for sb.”。 我们必须全心全意为人民服务。 正:We must serve the people heart and soul. 误:We must serve for the people heart and soul.,(2)意为“伺候(吃饭);招待(顾客);端(菜)等”,作及物动词,且常用被动语态。 There was no one to serve me in the shop. 店铺里没有人招待我。 (3)意为“任职;服役”,用作不及物动词。 He serves in the army.他在部队里服役。,【温馨提示】serve as意为“担任,起作用”。 I have served as a teacher for 6 years. 我当老师已经有6年了。 serve sb.right是固定用法,意思是“活该;罪有应得”。 I got a traffic fine yesterday evening. 我昨晚被交警罚款了。 It served you right.I told you not to drink at all. 活该。我叫你不要喝酒的。,(4) service n服务;帮助 Service first.服务第一。 You need the services of a good lawyer. 你需要找一位好律师来帮助你。,3invite v邀请 【考点归纳】invite动词,意为“邀请”,其名词形式为invitation。作动词,其用法是: (1)invite sb.to 场合(如party, concert等) I will invite her to my birthday party.我将邀请她参加我的生日聚会。 (2)invite sb.to 地点(如house, park等) We invited Uncle Wang to the park yesterday.昨天我们邀请了王叔叔去这个公园。,(3)invite sb.to do sth.邀请某人做某事 Jim invited me to play football with him two days ago.两天前吉姆邀请我和他一起踢足球。,4reply v回答;答复 【考点辨析】answer与reply,5experience n经验;经历 【考点归纳】(1)作可数名词,意为“经历”。 Tell me about your experiences in Africa.告诉我你在非洲的经历吧。 (2)作不可数名词,意为“经验”。后接of或in,表示在某方面的经验。 Have you had experience in doing the work?你有做这项工作的经验吗? (3)作动词,意为“经历、体验、感受”。 Our country has experienced great changes in the last 20 years.在过去20年里,我们的国家经历了巨大变化。,二、中考重点短语 6turn on接通(电流、煤气、水等);打开 【考点辨析】turn on, turn off, turn up和turn down,7look forward to 盼望;期待 【考点归纳】look forward to意为“希望;期待”,后面接名词、代词或动词ing形式作宾语。 Everyone here looks forward to your news.这儿的每个人都期待着你的消息。 I am looking forward to seeing you again.我期望再次见到你。,三、中考重点句型 8Next, fill the turkey with this bread mix.接着,将面包混合物放入火鸡内。 【考点归纳】fill动词,意为“装满”,常与介词with搭配,构成fill.with.,意为“用装满”。 Please fill the bottle with water.请把这个瓶子装满水。 【拓展】full也有“充满;填满”的意思,但其是形容词,常用短语be full of,意为“充满”。 The desk is full of books.桌子里装满了书。,9. .but Sam isnt leaving until next Wednesday.可是萨姆下周三才离开。 【考点归纳】 until既可以用作连词,又可以用作介词,其用法有: (1)用于肯定句中,主句动词常为延续性动词,表示这个动作一直延续到until所表示的时间为止,意为“到为止”。 He will wait for you until your mother comes.他将等你直到你母亲来。,(2)until用于否定句中,构成not.until结构,意为“直到才”,主句常用瞬间动词,表示until所表示的时间到了该动作才发生。 My mother didnt go to bed until I got back last night.昨天夜里妈妈直到我回来才上床睡觉。,10Unless we talk to someone, well certainly feel worse. 如果我们不和别人说一说自己的烦恼,我们当然会感到更糟糕。 【考点归纳】unless是从属连词,意为“除非;如果不”。引导条件状语从句,含有否定意义,相当于if not。因此本句可以说成: If we dont talk to someone, well certainly feel worse. You wont catch the bus unless you run.你如果不跑着去,就赶不上公共汽车。,()1.The Kings succeeded in solving all the problems _. Ain the endBat the end Cin the end ofDat the end of ()2.Tea _ in many restaurants in China. AserveBserves Cis servedDis serving,A,C,()3.Why are you going in such a hurry? My good friend invited me _his party. AforBwith CatDto ()4.“How many times have you been to Beijing?” Xiaoming asked. “I have been to Beijing twice.”he _. Areplies to Breplies Creply toDreplied,D,D,()5.Why did your cousin get the job successfully finally? Because she had much experience _that job. AdoBdid CdoingDto do ()6.Mr. Millers cup is empty. Let me help to fill it _some hot tea. AinBout CwithDfor,C,C,()7.Most students look forward _less homework every evening. Then they can have a good rest. AhaveBhad Cto havingDto have ()8._do you need to help you with the housework? Linda. AOther whoBWho other CElse whoDWho else,C,D,()9.Im sorry to keep you waiting for me here _two oclock. AuntilBif CsinceDto ()10.Youll miss the early bus _you take a taxi now. AifBor CunlessDbecause,A,C,()11.I cant hear the radio clearly. Can you _a little? Sure. Im doing it right now. Aturn onBturn off Cturn upDturn down ()12.Next Wednesday, my parents will take me to Hainan by plane. _. AHave a nice tripBNo problem CThat dependsDBig deal,C,A,()13._ away the old books and _ me that new one. ABring; bringBBring; take CTake; takeDTake; bring,D,中考真题汇编,()1.(2017安徽)May I do some sports after finishing my homework? _. It is good for your health. AI hope notBSorry, you cant COf courseDYes, Id love to,C,()2.(2015安徽)We planned to meet at 10:30 at the station last Sunday, but Bob didnt _ until 12:00. Aturn upBgive up Cstay upDgrow up ()3.(2014安徽)Can I bring a friend to your birthday party? Sure, _. Ano problem Bnot at all Cmy pleasureDwell done,A,A,()1. (2018安顺)The weather report says that it _ tomorrow in most parts of An shun city. If it _, the school sports meet will be canceled. Awill rain; will rain Bwill rain; rains Crains; will rain Drains; rains,B,()2. (2018武汉) Must you go? Yes,Im afraid I really_. AmayBshould CmustDcan ()3. (2018泰州) To keep children away from danger during the coming summer holiday, parents _ give them some safety tips. Ashould Bmay Ccould Dmight,C,A,()4. (2018泸州)Your dream will not come true _you keep trying your best. AwhenBunless CwhetherDbecause ()5. (2018随州)Some people wont realize the importance of their health _they lose it. Abecause Bafter Cwhen Duntil,B,D,()6. (2018资阳)We will achieve our China Dream_we work hard and never give up. Aand Bso Cif Dbut ()7. (2018南充)Have you ever read the traditional story Yu Gong Moves A Mountain? Yes, our teacher often advises us _more meaningful traditional books. Areading Breads CreadDto read,C,D,()8. (2018宜宾)We all look forward to _ you again soon. AseeBseeing Cseen ()9. (2018天津)Harry invited me_ with him when his parents were out of town. AstayBstayed CstayingDto stay,B,D,()10. (2018泸州)The baby is sleeping. Please _the radio. Sorry, Ill do it right now. Aturn upBturn down Cturn onDturn over ()11. (2018扬州) I offered Sandy a helping hand.However, she _it. Maybe she can manage herself. Areceived Breturned Crefused Drewarded,B,C,()12. (2018福建A卷)I dont know how to use the APP Fun Dubbing. Ask Jimmy for help. He has lots of_in doing it. Aexperience Btrouble Ccourage ()13. (2018盐城)Please give me some_on how to spend the coming weekend. Aspace Badvice Cpraise Dcourage,A,B,()14. (2018青岛)Could you please put some_in my cup? Id like sweet coffee. Asugar Bsalt Cice Dpepper ()15. (2018东营) Look, how wonderful this papercutting is! So it is. Paper cutting is a/an _ Chinese art with a long history. Acommon Bmodern Cimportant Dtraditional,A,D,()16. (2018孝感) Miss Yang, are you _this afternoon? Id like to ask you some questions. Yes, I will wait for you in my office. Aafraid Bavailable Cabsent Dactive ()17. (2018宜昌)Can you go to the opening ceremony of the Sports Center with me? _. Ive been looking forward to it. AIm afraid BIts a pity CTake it easy DSure, Id love to,B,D,()18. (2018恩施)My friends and I are going out for a picnic tomorrow. _. AMy pleasure. BHave a good time! CHelp yourselves.,B,


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