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1.类比写法类比写法 2.听写笔记听写笔记 3.阅读大纲阅读大纲 1.类比写法:类比写法:1.1 写法写法 1.2 衔接词衔接词 1.1 写法写法 1.1.1 point-to-point 1.1.2 block pattern Unit 7.Compare and contrast two classes you had in elementary school.Describe the similarities and differences.Explain the comparison using details and examples.(p128)1.1.1 point-to-point I.内容内容 II.教师教师 III.方法方法 语文语文 英语英语 深化深化 温顺温顺 背诵默写背诵默写 Differences:内容,教师,方法 1.The contents are different.2.The personality of teachers differs from each other.3.The teaching methods are dissimilar.1.The contents are different.语文课内容较难,有很多古代名人语文课内容较难,有很多古代名人写的古诗。写的古诗。The texts in Chinese class are difficult,including many poems which were written by famous ancient poets.英语课内容相对简单,有很多童谣。英语课内容相对简单,有很多童谣。The passages in English class are comparatively simple which contains a great many nursery rhymes.英语课内容相对简单,我们可以学到英语课内容相对简单,我们可以学到很多童谣。很多童谣。The passages in English class are comparatively simple from which we have learned a great many nursery rhymes.语文课内容较难,语文课内容较难,英语课内容相对简单,英语课内容相对简单,但是,然而,但是,然而,相反相反 The texts in Chinese class are difficult.However,the passages in English class are comparatively simple The passage in English class,however,are comparatively simple.大纲大纲 A语文语文 Vs B 英语英语 I:内容:内容 A B II:教师教师 A B III.方法方法1.1.2 block pattern I.语文语文 内容深化内容深化 教师温顺教师温顺 课堂背诵默写课堂背诵默写 II.英语英语 内容简单内容简单 教师活泼教师活泼 课堂唱歌游戏课堂唱歌游戏大纲大纲 I.语文语文 A.B.C.II.英语英语 A.B.C.1.2 衔接词衔接词 1.2.1类似类类似类 1.2.2差别类差别类 1.2.1类似类类似类 similar to,like,likewise,similarly,in the same way,in a like manner,similar to 语文课的目的是教学生说一门言语语文课的目的是教学生说一门言语。和语文课类似,英语课的目的是。和语文课类似,英语课的目的是教学生说一门外语言语。教学生说一门外语言语。Similar to the purpose of Chinese class,the aim of English class is to teach students to speak a language.like Like the purpose of Chinese class,the aim of English class is to teach students to speak a language.likewise 语文课的目的是教学生说一门言语,同样,英语语文课的目的是教学生说一门言语,同样,英语课的目的是教学生学一门英语。课的目的是教学生学一门英语。The purpose of Chinese class is to teach students speaking a language.Likewise,the aim of English class is to help students learn a foreign language.similarly,in the same way,in a like manner,1.2.2 差别类差别类 in contrast to on the contrary on the other hand conversely while练习练习 1.语文课内容较难,有很多古代名语文课内容较难,有很多古代名人写的古诗。然而,英语课内容相人写的古诗。然而,英语课内容相对简单,有很多童谣。对简单,有很多童谣。The texts in Chinese class are difficult,including many poems which were written by famous ancient poets.The passages in English class,on the other hand,are comparatively simple which contains a great many nursery rhymes.2.阅读大纲阅读大纲 2.1 阅读特点:阅读特点:三点理由式三点理由式 2.2 阅读要点:阅读要点:看首句找主旨看首句找主旨 过渡句词找观念过渡句词找观念 主旨关联词后找观念主旨关联词后找观念 看首句找主旨看首句找主旨 P145 Unit 8 食物问题食物问题 主旨:主旨:The university is planning to change the food-service system on campus.The university decides to food-service system同义词交换同义词交换练习练习 P107 Unit 6 慈悲 主旨:What makes people give money to charity?The reasons for people to give charity.过渡句后找观念过渡句后找观念 1.Right now,we have many different providers,but they all offer similar food,an we dont have the authority to ask them to make changes.Providers offer the same food and we dont have right to make them change the food.2.In addition,will fewer food vendors,administrative costs to the university will go down.The costs of vendors administration to the university will be reduces.3.The university is proposing to find one or two providers to run all the food outlets on campus.The university is planning to employ one or two providers for the food business on campus.练习练习 P107 Unit 6 慈悲慈悲 观念:观念:1.One reason is altruism.2.Charitable gifts can also be made for reasons involving personal interest.Personal interest is another reason for charitable gifts.3.In addition to tax benefits,donors often receive favorable publicity for making donations,and they have an opportunity to influence the world around them.Donors not only get good publicity but influence the world around them as well.3.听写笔记听写笔记 符号符号 汉字汉字 缩写缩写 学生讨论:学生讨论:p204 Sch plan:多多cmpy choice 少少 choice Cost:比比 c No比比 Serv:good bad Sch plan:多多cmpy choice 少少 choice We have many choices about food among many companies.Conversely,the choices are less if there are one or tow companies.Cost:比比 c No比比 The competition makes the cost of food low.While the cost will increase if there is no competition.Serv:good bad We can enjoy good service when there are many companies.However,the service will not be as good as before if the number of vendors is down.Topic Summarize the universitys proposal and explain the students opinions about the proposal.一一 操操 作作 方方 法法 练习写句子练习写句子 学着背课文学着背课文 坚持每两周写一篇坚持每两周写一篇圣旨圣旨


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