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Unit3 Family members教材简析:本单元的教学内容是“认人”,与第二单元的“认物”有相似之处,只是将确认物品转化为认识朋友的家庭成员,在结构上仍然围绕一般疑问句展开,词汇在Book3A 第三单元的基础上增加了七个:grandfather, grandmother , uncle ,aunt ,son ,daughter ,a friend , 新授内容较少。在学生进行“认人”操练时,教师应特别重视情景的引入,情景引入必须有助于刺激学生的交际动机,使学生自然产生询问的欲望,并鼓励学生用多种已学句型进行操练。教学要求:1 能正确地听、说、读、写 2能听懂、会说日常交际用语Is this your ?Hes/Shes , I think . Yes ,he /she is . No ,he /she isnt .Whos he /she ?3. 听懂、会说单词 grandfather 、grandmother 、uncle 、aunt 、son 、daughter、friend 及词组a family photo .4. 能正确区别he 和she ,并能熟练运用。5能掌握单词photo 的正确读音。6会唱歌曲Family song .教学重点:见教学要求:1、2、3、6。教学难点:见教学要求:2、3、4、5。教学安排:第一课时:A部分 1、3 两幅图,B 部分单词grandfather 、grandmother .第二课时:A部分2、4两幅图,B部分单词uncle、aunt 、son 、daughter .第三课时: C、D 部分。第四课时: E 部分,练习册。教具准备:家庭照、图片、教学挂图。The first periodTeaching Contents :Vocabulary : a family photo ,grandfather ,grandmother .Patterns : Is this your father /? Yes ,he /she is . No ,he /she isnt .Whos he /she ? Hes /shes my Teaching Aims: 能听懂、会说单词 grandfather ,grandmother 和词组a family photo .能听懂、会说日常交际用语Is this your ?Hes /Shes Yes ,he /she is .Whos he /she?Teaching Steps :Step1Warm-up :a. Greetings .b. Free talk .Whats this /that on /in the ? Its a Whats this /that in English ?Step 2 Presentation and practice .a. Learn to say : a family photo ,grandfather ,grandmother .The teacher shows the family photo .T: Look ,this is my family photo .Read after me ,please .Afamily photo .T:Please introduce your family members .S: This is my father /mother T: Look at my family photo ,listen to me carefully .Look ,this is my grandfather .Grandfather is fathers father . Understand?The Ss learn to say: Grandfather .Hes my grandfather .T: Grandmother is mothers /fathers mother .(走到一位学生面前,指着一位老人的照片问)Whos she ?(引导学生回答)S:Shes my grandmother .b.Practice in pairs .(用各自的照片练习对话:hos he /she ?Hes /Shes my c.Learn to say: Is this your? Yes he/she is .No ,he /she isnt.T: Is this your book? S: Yes ,it is .T: Is this your pen ? S: No ,it isnt .T: ( 指学生的照片问)Is this your father ?(引导学生回答)S:Yes ,he is /No, he isnt .T: Is this your sister ?S:Yes ,she is /No,she isnt .Play a game : Think and guess.两个人一组带着照片到讲台前,一人蒙上双眼,猜对方手中所指的是哪一位家庭成员。e.gSa: Whos she ? Guess please . Sb: Is this your sister?Sa : No, she isnt . Sb: Is this your mother ?Sa: Yes ,she is .Step 3 Have a rest .a. Listen to the song: Family song .b.Try to repeat .(说出听到的家庭成员类单词)Step 4 Consolidation .a.板书:nit 3 Family members .b. Open the book page 18. Look at the picture1 and picture3.c. Discuss: What are they saying? d. Listen to the tape and repeat .e. Read after the tape .Step 5 ENDING .Design: Unit 3Family members grandfather grandmother fathermother brother sister Hes my Shes my The second periodTeaching contents :A. Vocabulary : uncle ,aunt,son,daughter .B. Patterns : This is , I think .Shes /Hes , I think .Teaching Aims :能听懂、会说单词:uncle ,aunt ,son ,daughter .能听懂、会说日常交际用语:This is , I think . Shes /Hes , I think .Teaching Steps:Step1 Free talk and motivation .Free talk .T: Hi ,boys and girls .How are you?Ss: Fine ,thank you .And you ?T: Me ,too .Hi ,Li Yang .Whos she? /Is this your ?Li : Shes /Yes ,she is /No ,she isnt .Shes 师生之间,学生与学生之间用上节课所学句型对话。2Sing a song: Familysong .Step2Presentationand practice .Learn to say the new words .T:Your uncle is your fathers /mothers brother .Please introduce your uncle to others.S: (走到其他同学面前介绍) Look ,this is my uncle .教师指着一位学生手中的照片: This is your uncle ,I think .Yes or no ? 指导学生应答语: Yes ,he is /No ,he isnt .2. Practice in pairs .S1: This is your mother /father /brother /sister /, I think .S2: Yes ,she /he is .No ,she /he isnt .3. 同法教学单词 :aunt ,son ,daughter .Look at the picture .(Picture4)Discuss: Who are they ? What are they saying?Listen to the tape and try to repeat .(Shes your grandmother ,I think .Yes ,she is .)Step 3Have a rest .Play a game .(Whos missing ?) 请几位学生分别戴上grandmother ,grandfather ,father ,mother ,aunt ,uncle 的头饰站到讲台前,进行小组比赛。每组选出一人背对同学,让带头饰的学生互换位置重新排列后让其中一位躲起来,各组代表快速判断Whos missing ?Step 4 Consolidation .Listen to the tape: BLook and learn .The third periodTeaching Contents:C. Look and says: Is he /she your ? Yes ,he /she is .No,he /she isnt .Whos he /she ? Hes /Shes my D. Look ,read and write : Ee Ff.Teaching Aims:能正确地听、说、读、写字母EeFf.能熟练地在情景中运用日常交际用语:Is he /she your ? Yes ,he /she is .No, he /she isnt .Whos he /she ? Hes /Shes my Teaching Steps :Greetings .Sing a song: ABC song .Free talk .T: Whats this in English ?S1:Its a family photo.T: Whos he /she? Is thisyour? S2: Hes /Shes Yes ,he /she is .No ,he /she isnt .Step2 Look and say .1.Show the wall picture 1 .Discuss: a. Who are they ? b. What are they saying?e.g A:Whos she?/ Is this your daughter ? B:Shes my daughter ,Nancy ./Yes ,she is .2.Group work .3.Check .Step 3 Presentation .Show the cards : Aa Bb Cc Dd .抽读字母卡片。学习EeFf的发音及写法。a. The Ss read the letters after the T .b. The Ss learn to write the letters : Ee Ff .c. 教师范写指导。d.学生练写。Step 4Work: Copy the new letters four times .Design :Unit 3 Family membersThe fourth periodTeaching Contents :EFun house : Listen and number .Make an album .Sing a song : Family song .WBUnit 3 Teaching Aims :能熟练掌握本单元所学的字母、单词及词组。能较熟练地运用本单元所学的日常交际用语。会唱歌曲Family song .Teaching Steps:Step1 Free talk and motivation .Greetings .Think and guess .e.g T: Fathers father . S1 : Grandfather . T: Fathers brother .S2:Free talk .Whats this /that in English?Is this /thata ? Yes ,It is ./No, it isnt .Is this /that your ?This is your ,I think . Whos he/she ?Step2Revision .1.汉译英。a. 看,这是一张家庭照。(Look ,this is a familyphoto.)b . 这是你的爷爷吗?( Is this your grandfather ?)c.不是的。(No ,he isnt )d.我想,她一定是你的阿姨。(Shes your aunt ,I think .)2. 听写字母。Step 3 Listen andnumber .1. Listen to the tape and number .2. Check .Step 4 Make an album .分为五步进行,注意引导学生在制作过程中充分发挥创造力,培养学生的动手能力,边贴照片边介绍家庭成员,在学习中培养孩子热爱父母以及家庭其他成员,尊老爱小,热爱生活。tep 5 Sing a song : Family song .利用课件做成家庭相册,让学生把自己家里的照片上传到教师的邮箱,还可以出现蜡笔小新的一家,小丸子的一家,家有儿女的一家等,激发学生的学习热情,符合学生心理发展,拓展所学句型,学以致用。教学反思:苏教版牛津小学英语的教学任务是以单元为一个主题,而本单元的主题是家庭成员,教学内容是“认人”,在学生进行操练时,教师要特别重视情景的引入。让学生感兴趣,贴近学生的实际生活,使学生自然产生询问的欲望,传统课堂让学生带照片来介绍,缺点是有的孩子带来的照片太小,人物介绍的时候,其他学生看不清楚,也无法提出问题,句型得不到有效的操练,现在让学生把自己的照片发到教师邮箱,教师有选择的展示一些学生的照片,学生可以清楚的看到照片内容,节约了时间,提高了课堂效率。还可以拓展学生喜欢的蜡笔小新一家,小丸子一家,多啦爱梦一家,家有儿女的一家等,学习最大的乐趣就是贴近生活的实际,能学以致用。


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