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润安公学 2011 2012 学年度第一学期分层走班教学八年级英语学科讲学稿( No.14)课题:主备人:汪于兵班级:Module 2 Experiences测试题审核人:审批时间:学生姓名:使用时间: 听力部分( 20 分)(略) 基础知识运用( 25 分)I. 从A、E、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案。(每小题1分,共15分) ()21. Could you give me some?Why don t you join an English club and do more practice?A. ways B. advice C. food D. money( ) 22. Please remember what he says at the meeting. I ll his words.A. write down B. take away C. hear from D. listen to()23. I didn t hear you clearly. Can youit? Sure.A. answerB. repeat C. translateD. improve( ) 24. My little brother is only 3 years old, but he can _ from one to one hundred in English.A. get B. talk C. learn D. count( ) 25. Why didn t you buy any bread on your way home?Sorry, I forgotany money with me.A. bringB. bringing C. to takeD. taking( ) 26. I usually go there by train. Whythere by pla ne for a cha nge?A. don t goB. not to go C. not goD. not you go()27. Can Ithis book?Yes, but you mustn tit to others.A. lend; borrowB. borrow; keep C. borrow; lend D. lend; keep( ) 28. Has Jimmy visited the USA ? No, never.A. beforeB. agoC. afterD. later( ) 29. She sang a song to us. Her voice soundedA. sweet B. swell C. clearly D. happily( ) 30.Do you want to see the filmHarry Potter?The film Harry Potter ? Iit. It is reallywonderful.A. have seenB. see C. was seeingD. will see it( ) 31. Would you like cake? No, thanks. I m full.A. another B. other C. elseD. others( ) 32. The food good, and I have had a lot of it.A. feelsB. sounds C. becomes D. tastes( ) 33. What good boys they are! They listen to the report carefullyA. sometimes B. all the time C. some times D. last time( ) 34. It s very cold. It s difficult to _ the car.A. open B. get C. takeD. start( ) 35. boys took part in the competition but only a few of themsucceeded.A. One million ofB. Million of C. Millions of D.Two millionsII. 完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)Marco and his dad went on a camping trip. Marco wrote this 36 to his cousin Tino after he returned from the trip.Dear Tino,Last Saturday Dad and I went camping in Enchanted Rock Park in central Texas. We 37 a great time. We didnt leave home 38 10 oclockon Saturday morning because I had my guitar lesson. It was around noon when we finally got to the 39 . Wehad lunch and then took a hike. The park is large. Dad said it is about 1,640 acres (英亩). It is namedafter the huge pink granite (花岗岩 ) rock located in the middle of the park.The rock 40 like the back of a big turtle (海龟). You may love oneside of the rock. It is a favourite 41 for rock climbers. Wesaw lotsof animals in the park. A 42 of bird-watchers campednear us. A woman 43 me use her binoculars ( 双筒望远镜 ). I used them to watch a wild turkey that was far away. I was 44 how strange it looked. I have so many 45 things to tell you. I cant wait to see you.Your cousin,MarcoC. letter D. advice( ) 36. A. diary B. message( ) 37. A. brought( ) 38. A. when( ) 39. A. park( ) 40. A. looks( ) 41. A. name( ) 42. A. pair( ) 43. A. let( ) 44. A. surprising( ) 45. A. anotherB. had C. kept D. gotB. after C. to D. untilB. zoo C. shopD. houseB. sounds C. feels D. hearsB. place C. room D. landB. piece C. kilo D. groupB. asked C. wanted D. likedD. surprisedB. worrying C. worriedB. else C. other D. others阅读理解( 30分)III. 阅读下面的文章,完成文后各题。 (每小题 2 分,共 30 分) AHi, boys and girls! What kinds of gifts do you want to have on your birthday? Do you like to have a box with nothing in it? Here is a story about it.There were two people in the family, a girl and her father. They werepoor. It was her father s 45th birthday. The girl wan ted to give her father a prese nt, but she had no mon ey. So she cut some color paper to make a box, and the n she brought it to her father. Father was very angry and talked loudly to the girl,“ Don t you know that? Wheryou give some onea present, you should put something in it.” The little girl looked ather father. “Oh, daddy, it s not empty at all.I blow ( 吹)kisses (吻)into the bo x. They re all for you, ” she said.Father put his arms around his little girl. He tha nked her for her best gift.After a short time, the girl died. Father put the box by the side of the bed. He remembered the love of the child.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。()46. The father wasyears old whe n the story happe ned.A. 45 B. 54 C. 43 D. 34()47. The girl gave her father a box because the family was.A. richB. poor C. big D. small()48. Father waswhe n he got the box at first.A. in terestedB. happy C. angryD. surprised()49. The writer wants to tell us.A. we should liste n to our pare ntsB. we shouldn t waste ( 浪费)anything at homeC. we should show our love to othersD. we should give people prese nts on their birthdays()50. Why did the girl thi nk the box was not empty?A. Because it was full of love.B. Because it was full of air.C. Because she made it herself.D. Because she liked it a lot.BHey, kids! Have you bee n look ing for a place where you can get active,play with your mates, meet newfriends and even meet someof your favourite sports stars?Well, if you re between the ages of 7 and 15, the Sanitarium (疗养所)Weet-Bix Kids TRY-athlon is for you! At the Kids TRY-athlon, every kid is a champion (冠军).It s all about having fun. It s not a competition, and it s just a cool way to get active, feel healthy and enjoy a great day. You ll swim, cycle and run with other kids at your age.Here are the items for your age group you can do it!f_S、portsAge GroupSwimmi ngCycli ngRunning11 - 15 years old200 meters6 kilometers1 kilometer7 - 10 years old100 meters3 kilometers500 meters根据短文内容填空,每空一词Hi, mynameis Kate. I mten. I will have a great day at the Kids TRY-athlon.I can take part in (51) kinds of sports. They are swimming, cyclingand (52) . Many people there are the (53) age as me. Only afew of them are older than me.The older children will have a (54) distance to train than us. I am sure I will have fun and (55) manynew friends there.语言综合运用( 45 分)IV. 词汇。(每小题1分,共15分)A. 根据句意及首字母提示写单词,使句子完整、通顺。1. His English p is not good, so he often practises speaking it.2. You ve made several spelling m in the composition.3. She won the first p in the competition.4. America is a w country.5. He is the c of our school football team.6. A s often shows pleasure and friendship.7. We go to c mountains every Sunday.B. 从方框中选择合适的词组填空,注意用其正确形式。sell out, translate . into ., enjoy oneself, sound like, come true, give a concert, ask for, take a breath8. Can you it English?9. His wish to be an actor has .10. He and began to speak.11. They at that party last night.12. It a nice room. Can we take a look at it?13. He felt too difficult help.14. I m sorry, but we ve all small sizes.15. Liu Huan has lots of in Beijing.V. 按要求完成句子。(每小题 2 分,共 10 分)16. Why don t you write down his name on the piece of paper?(改为同义句) writing down his name on the piece of paper?17. Please remember to speak English after class. (改为同义句) Please to speak English after class.18. China, travelled, all, I, have, over(连词成句)19. I have returned the Mp3 to my elder sister.(改为否定句)I the Mp3 to my elder sister.20. 以前我去过那个国家,所以我知道这个规则。 (根据汉语提示,完成句子)I have , so I know the rule.VI. 根据上下文内容,用合适的句子补全对话,使对话完整、通顺。( 每小题1 分,共 5 分)A: Hi, Bill! Youre reading the novel again.B: Yes, Tom. I ll never be tired of it. A:(81) B: Three times. Every time I read it, I can always learn something new.A: Really? (82)B: Charles Dicke ns. He is a great En glish writer.A: (83)He is also my favorite writer. Please let mehave a look at it.B: OK, here you are! (84)A: It s great. I haven t seen such a good novel. Where did you buy it? B: In the Rose Bookshop.A: I don t know where it is. (85)B: No, only 10 minutes walk from here. It is quite near.A: Oh, I see. I m going there to get one, too. Thank you.B: You are welcome.VII. 书面表达。(15分)请以“ A school trip”为题,根据提示和要求写一次你难忘的学校郊游。提示:1. 请写出你郊游的时间、地点、人物以及有哪些活动等。2. 写出你对这次郊游的感受。要求:词数在60词左右,不能出现作者的真实信息


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