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仁爱版英语八年级上册衔接教学测试卷(6)班级 姓名 成绩 Unit 2 Keeping HealthyTopic 3 Must we do exercise to prevent the flu?一、听力部分 (共20分).听录音,回答问题(10分,每小题2分)。( ) 1. A. watching TV . B. talking with a journalist . C. sleeping .( ) 2. A. Yes , you can . B. No, you couldnt . C. Yes , you could .( ) 3. A. Thank you . B. Me , too . C. Thats all right .( ) 4. A.He learnt by himself . B. He learnt by the teacher . C. He learnt by his friend .( ) 5. A. On Sunday . B. On Saturday . C. Not from Monday to Friday . 听对话,选择正确答案(10分,每小题2分)。( ) 6.Why does Sandy often drink milk ? Because A. Its good for health B. Its bad for health C. Its hot( ) 7.How often does Sandy drink milk ?A. Once a week B. Every day C. On Sundays( ) 8.Whats Sandys favorite food ?A. Junk food B.Meat C. Dumplings ( ) 9.When does Sandy eat oranges ?A. After lunch B.Before lunch C.At noon( ) 10.Does Sandy think junk food is healthy ?A. No, he does. B.No, he doesnt. C.Yes, he does. 笔试部分(共80分)二、单项选择题(共30分,每小题2分)。 ( ) 1.Smoking _ your health . A. is good for B.is bad for C. is good to D. is bad to ( ) 2.Some of us watch TV three _ four _ a week . A.and ; times B.but ; time C. and ; time D. or ; times( ) 3.I do homework every day , usually when I come _ home _ school . A. to ; from B.at ;for C. / ; from D. from ; to( ) 4.Is your fathers lifestye the same as your mothers _ different ?. A. and B.or C. to D. but( ) 5.What did you have _ lunch today ? A. with B.for C. at D. to( ) 6.Alice stopped _ TV and started doing her homework . A. watch B.watching C. watched D. to watch( ) 7 .I have to look after _ and _ sister today. A.him ; his B.her ; hers C. his ; him D.hers ; her( ) 8 .Did you see him _ the room just now ? A. to leave B.leaves C. left D. leave( )9 .As everyone knows , its important to _ healthy . A.stay B.improve C. return D. take( ) 10 .I cant _ this . Its too sweet . A.eating B.eat C. eatting D.ate( ) 11.My son is more careful with his lesson than before and makes fewer mistakes in his _ . A.exercise B.exercised C. exercising D. exercises( ) 12. How long did you _ last night ? A.get there B.fall asleep C. leave home D.watch TV( ) 13 .Eating _ junk food (零食) is bad for your health . A. too many B. many too C. too much D. much too ( ) 14 .There was no road _ the two cities ten years ago . A. across B.along C. between D.among( ) 15. What _ he want ? He wants to have something to eat . A.does B.would C. do D.did 三、选词填空:从方框中所给的10个词中选词填空,使所给的句子通顺有意义,每词只用一次(10分,每小题1分)。 on healthy catching neednt carefully comes enjoy helped not herself1. We dont have to be afraid of SARS.2. Must we keep the windows open all the time ?No, we .3.Ill tel her about the good news when she back . 4.The girl often listens in Enlish classes . 5.Did you yourself , Maria ? 6.I my mother cook at home . 7.Who looks ? 8.Wed better go to crowed places. 9.Jane taught on the Internet . 10.He couldnt go home and he could only talk with his family the phone .四、阅读下面短文,选择正确答案(10分,每小题2分)。All students need to have good study habits(习惯). When you have good study habits, you can learn things quickly. You also remember them easily.Do you like to study in the living-room? This is not a good place because it is usually too noisy. You need to study in a quiet place, like your bedroom. A quiet place will help you only think about one thing, and you will learn better. Before you begin to study, do not forget to clean your desk. A good desk light is important, too. You are feeling tired easily if there is not enough(足够的) light.1. When you have good study habits, you will _.A. learn things quickly B. remember things easily C. both A and B2. The living-room is not a good place for study because it is too _.A. quiet B. noisy C. clean3. You are feeling tired easily if the light is _.A. good B. enough C. bad4. You should remember to _ before you study.A. tidy the room B. clean the desk C. turn on the light5. The best title(标题) for this passage is _. A. Good Study Habits B. How to Study C. Desk Light is important五、英译汉:把下列词组或短语译成中文(10分)1. be afraid of 2.dont have to 3. agree with sb.4. take care of 5 . care for6. keep the windows open 7.take a message for sb. 8. ask her to call me back 9. borrrow sth. from sb. 10.leave a message六、完成句子:根据句子所给的汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。(共10分,每空1分)1. SARS 在人们中间很容易地传播 。 SARS spreads people .2. 为了与SARS 作斗争我们该做什么呢? What we do fight SARS ? 3. 告诉我父亲请他多保重。 Please my father to take good care of .4. 我们班将于星期六下午七点开晚会。 Our class a party at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday .5. Mr. Brown 多久时间锻炼一次?他每天都锻炼 。 does Mr. Brown exercise ? He exercises every day . 七、书面表达:把下列句子翻译成英文(10分,每句2分)。1. 我是Jane, 找Maria接电话好吗?。 2.如果明天下午不下雨,我们将举行篮球比赛。 3.拯救病人是我的责任。 4 在昨天的足球比赛中他积极、主动。 5. 你在家是怎样度过你的时间呢?我在网上自学 。 用心 爱心 专心


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