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Unit 3 Online tours过关默写Class_Name_Score_1. This _ (节目) _ (begin) an hour ago/_ (开始了) for an hour.2. 收发邮件_在网上搜索信息_3. 亚洲_非洲_欧洲_美洲_4. a _ _ (世界著名的贸易) centre5. _ the _ end of . (在.的南端)6. There are many big _(公司) and _(国际的) banks here.7. _ _ (数千) people _ (聚集) here _ New Years Eve.8. Its _ (excit) to see the h_ glass ball _ (fall) through the d_.9. _ (介词) _ (几个) lakes, hills and a large green _ (草坪), its a good place _ (relax) after _(辛苦工作一天).10. Cats is one of the most popular Broadway _ (歌剧).11. _ _ _ New York(关于纽约就讲这么多).12. _ the _(顶部) /_ (底部) of the page13. on these _ (网站) 14. Have you ever _ _ (梦想) _ (travel) around the world without a _ (护照)? dream- _ - _15. _/_ (实现) your dream by _ (take) an online trip16. Sydney is on the south-east _ (海岸) of A_.17. _(澳大利亚的) seasons are the _ (对立的人或物) of _(we).18. -Would you _ (介意) _ (预定) tickets and hotels for us? - _ _ _(当然不).19. _ _ (点击) the “_”(打印) icon20. - Thanks for your help. - _ _(很乐意效劳).21. The UK _ _ _ _ (由.组成) _(英格兰), Scotland, Wales and .22. _(而且), remember that people use _(英镑) there, not _(美元)!23. _ European country _ online shop (a/an) 24. I _(write) an email to my friend the other day. Daniel _(write) two emails to his friend so far.25. New York _ (被叫做) “ the big apple”.26. The palaces all over the country used to be those _ (统治者).27. 因为.而出名_ _ _ 28. - Where is Nancy? (have gone to / have been to / have been in) - She _ the UK on business and she _ the country for a week


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