NAATI考试 职业道德

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NAATI考试之职业道德AUSIT Code of Ethics,qto A#e#e0R0The Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators Inc (AUSIT) was founded at au/VDo.wm0meeting in Canberra in 1987, convened by the National Accreditation Authority forCBMC 商道 T SXq OTranslators and Interpreters (NAATI) to establish a national association of interpretingOY q9wi| 0and translation professionals in Australia.!h6Fy0P1e%H t&DLhf0Central to the establishment of any profession is the codification of its practices not onlyF C2I$_9nTj0in organisational matters, but also, and crucially, in matters of professional conduct.;IA JZj&DU0Adherence to a Code of Ethics represents an undertaking by the members of aCBMC 商道k*SHZ)G2yprofessional association that they can be relied upon to behave according to rules thatCBMC 商道1f;1pEWxP2Za tprotect and respect the interests of their clients as well as those of their fellow members.Ci.MQ:v0The development of the AUSIT Code of Ethics was completed in 1995, when it wasCBMC 商道F J%Z+)mBwendorsed by NAATI, adopted by AUSIT at the National General Meeting and presentedCBMC 商道 b7qesk EFto the International Federation of Translators at its World Congress in Melbourne in8Cbj!NGe01996.CBMC 商道,hwtO0qIn summary, the Code obliges members to:)o l*o,QF0N0respect their clients rights to privacy and confidentiality9?*h:uWi0X p_+(K0decline to undertake work beyond their competence or accreditation levelsB-*f$mHS!Y0take responsibility for the work of people under their supervisionCBMC 商道g4v&T$A,IqG(GB/Ydecline to mix promotional activity for clients with interpreting or translation workCBMC 商道V s3Y7Q:O C _Iguard against misuse of inside information for personal gain3P+Ol,sBr0guard against encroaching on the work of co-membersCBMC 商道!GO,ZP8nZ$M/Dmaintain professional detachment, impartiality and objectivityCBMC 商道C M2|qoHLJ6fb o4Prefer to arbitration by the National Council of any dispute with other members and toG8lHoA&k g+|+u0accept the Council decision as binding.*xU/Y G5VLk4V5c0The development of the rules embodied in the Code has been a serious and painstakingHB,Vm Iy&c0undertaking, but its effectiveness is attested to by the fact that, apart from the NAATIZ0t#EI)w ik2QW0endorsement, a number of major organisations have sought and been granted the right toCBMC 商道8z mE,i+Q7a*qadopt and reproduce it. They include interalia the Commonwealth Governments%z/z s g;&p0Translation and Interpreting Service (TIS), Centrelink Multicultural Services, the2|-V(ey3y0Refugee Review Tribunal.CBMC 商道%W(T#B|IuGENERAL PRINCIPLESCBMC 商道2l:ae)Ojj 1. PROFESSIONAL CONDUCTCBMC 商道Wfrb-etInterpreters and translators shall at all times act in accordance with the standards ofz,5z$E6P7?rL0conduct and decorum appropriate to the aims of AUSIT, the national professionalCBMC 商道Cj6OS1nassociation of interpreting and translation practitioners.vLT37Fbi02. CONFIDENTIALITYIt.W$O1Y m$#V!O*&x0Interpreters and translators shall not disclose information acquired during the course ofxfFzK#a?0their assignments.!J1X;w7D03. COMPETENCECB&b%ds-x0Interpreters and translators shall undertake only work which they are competent toCBMC 商道4o m:a M#q Jcperform in the language areas for which they are “accredited” or “recognised” byCBMC 商道 P bL#iGNAATI.CBMC 商道,0s(t.kc LMl4. IMPARTIALITYCBMC 商道8H%L3c6CD* GInterpreters and translators shall observe impartiality in all professional contracts.1K$eO CryWpk?05. ACCURACY%PL&h0n&NZl8Hh0Interpreters and translators shall take all reasonable care to be accurate.T5me we06. EMPLOYMENTCBMC 商道zJ.|B$g8Q1DInterpreters and translators shall be responsible for the quality of their work, whether asCBMC 商道 T*Y ufreelance practitioners or employed practitioners of interpreting and translation agenciesX i:GHM TQz0and other employers.hw|:N5b)BGY07. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT1P,|V.q5KF0Interpreters and translators shall continue to develop their professional knowledge and!P9T2CTw-?0skills.CBMC 商道 tQh*uD)6BE(b8. PROFESSIONAL SOLIDARITYCBMC 商道Uu!dj Oyy,sInterpreters and translators shall respect and support their fellow professionals.CBMC 商道oS%| GC,mCODE OF PRACTICEF u*yW$M.D4Lh-x0Annotations to General Principles of Code of EthicszB4V6kp In01. PROFESSIONAL CONDUCTCBMC 商道VWxBB.Ma) Standards of Conduct and DecorumCBMC 商道1pCg8MZi. Interpreters and translators shall be polite and courteous at all times.1_(N#,z0ii. Interpreters and translators shall explain their role to those unaccustomed toCBMC 商道 Bb#v.d%C3s Zworking with them.3x+E60a2rfr(0iii. Interpreters and translators shall be unobtrusive, but firm and dignified, at all,CJAb;tLYLW$Y |7Ah0times.CBMC 商道j H;Z/yBiiv. It is the responsibility of interpreters and translators to ensure that the conditionsCBMC 商道hXrr F lZyunder which they work facilitate rather than hinder communication.CBMC 商道q M0A Ur.wv. Interpreters shall encourage speakers to address each other directly.W9U-wc!%ya!Q;D0b) Honesty, Integrity and DignityCBMC 商道R%o c!)mai. Interpreters and translators shall not allow personal or other interests to prejudiceCBMC 商道+f!H7S*GBy2Qor influence their work.CBMC 商道zX u P_ xPii. Interpreters and translators shall not solicit or accept gratuities or other benefits.CBMC 商道P p# g,yCf. 6. Employment b) (iii)/3fS i-f4e0iii. Interpreters and translators shall not exercise power or influence over their clients.CBMC 商道Z7C4U3L!Aq-Eiv. Interpreters and translators shall maintain their integrity and independence at allCBMC 商道0V9i.r#Mf&s$d U3ktimes.CBMC 商道1w B&S5n8u4gaLv. Interpreters and translators shall frankly disclose any possible conflict of interest.Q&o ?|QOt0c) Reliabilityo:Vl0P9N0i.M4g$T0i. Interpreters and translators shall adhere to appointment times and deadlines, or inCBMC 商道V7xWu SyCemergencies advise clients promptly.CBMC 商道*Yuy;ZUG.?ii .Interpreters and translators shall undertake appropriate preparations for allCBMC 商道A8RCIY*translating and interpreting (T&I) assignments._r#Z:ycy;Z5A%T8B0iii. Interpreters and translators shall complete interpreting and translation assignments) mht u1o6c0they have accepted.CBMC 商道?Z$K,-qd) Infamous ConductCBMC 商道uW*X;G K:jInterpreters and translators shall refrain from behaviour which their colleaguesCBMC 商道 C2J7CJ2Kiw|:d(kwould reasonably regard as unprofessional or dishonourable.CBMC 商道#d7C+x:bzHde) Disputes0FB6axHG0i. Interpreters and translators shall try to resolve any disputes with their interpretingCBMC 商道N*hE7ct D,pp8mand translating colleagues in a cooperative, constructive and professional manner.CBMC 商道L:?Nb0lk7Bii. Interpreters and translators shall refer any unresolved disputes with other AUSIThL A5Hd2C7c3ezC0members to the Executive Committee of their professional association and theCBMC 商道zVy4si6v u hijconclusive direction of the Executive Committee shall be binding on members,EO|.M.n#B0with the provision of appeal or review in the interests of natural justice.CBMC 商道GL3I XY2. CONFIDENTIALITYCBMC 商道vV76R |)rgdK:Va) Information Sharing0Rl+F-A0i. Information shared in interpreting and translating assignments is strictlyCBMC 商道3U7tLv)vDEconfidential.F h/|,P4Kf Q w2o0ii. Disclosure of information may be permissible with clients agreement or whenCBMC 商道24b:mz e6pGdisclosure is mandated by law.vCOBf0iii. Where teamwork is required, and with the clients permission, it may beI n#l!S#C:qt A0necessary to brief other interpreters or translators who are members of the teamCBMC 商道&F*jq3kc5qrinvolved in the assignment. In such circumstances, the ethical obligation forCBMC 商道!IZ Df-bASXconfidentiality extends to all members of the team and/or agency.I9IkXR0iv. Information gained by interpreters and translators from consultations betweenhaN0tQR0clients and their legal representatives is protected under the common law rule ofW6XO*pBgU0legal professional privilege.rkYGXX7CXU:0v. Interpreters and translators shall not sub-contract work to interpreting andwE1dKO#w0translating colleagues without permission from their client.9Bzm1L(Gbs0E&v.d+N(0vi. Translated documents at all times remain the property of the client and shall notCBMC 商道G.y,OZbe shown or released to a third party without the express permission of the client,CBMC 商道L(w5Por by order of a court of law.CBMC 商道k b:Bcm#V:tX&mx8f v3. COMPETENCECBMC 商道HX#jDi O s:I%sa) Qualifications and AccreditationCBMC 商道4BK0v AK7iU9Zi. Interpreters and translators shall accept only interpreting and translationCBMC 商道cxo Cq&w.s?#|assignments which they are competent to perform.CBMC 商道u K2Y:cs|cii. Acceptance of an interpreting and translation is an implicit declaration of anCBMC 商道-c;VO(g;uU)sSuinterpreters or translators competence and constitutes a contract (oral or written).u+QltuK0iii. Interpreters and translators shall clearly specify to their clients the NAATI levelC Va&I;g T0and direction in the languages for which they are accredited or recognised.CBMC 商道 (j;Y5R#8civ. If requested by clients, interpreters and translators shall explain the differenceB7|S Nm0between NAATI “Accreditation” and “Recognition”.,m)F2r |B6k!wZ|0b) Level of Expertiseb;-O!B#s0In the course of an assignment, if it becomes apparent to interpreters aCBMC 商道$xg)gu9ta澳大利亚翻译行业道德守则(中文版)Code of ethics 道德守则 Code of practice 工作准则 1专业品行 口译与笔译工作者应在任何时候都按照与全国口译与笔译工作者专业协会(AUSIT)目标相符的行为与礼貌标准行事。 a)品行与举止标准 i) 口译与笔译工作者在任何时候都应该有礼貌、客气 ii) 口译与笔译工作者应该向那些对与他们在一起工作还不熟悉的人解释他们的作用 iii) 口译与笔译工作者在任何时候都应该不莽撞,但要坚定而有尊严 b)诚实、 正直和尊严 i) 口译与笔译工作者不应该允许个人或其他利益使他们在工作中带有偏见或影响他们的工作 ii) 口译与笔译工作者不应该索要或接受小费或其它好处 (参考第6条,b)iii) iii) 口译与笔译工作者不应该向他们的客户施加影响 iv) 口译与笔译工作者在任何时候都应该保持他们的正直和独立性 v) 口译与笔译工作者应该坦率地披露任何可能的利益冲突 c)可靠性 i) 口译与笔译工作者应该遵守约定的时间和最后期限,否则,应立即通知客户 ii) 口译与笔译工作者应该对所有口译和笔译工作做适当的准备 iii) 口译与笔译工作者应该完成他们所接受的口译和笔译任务 d)不名誉行为 i) 口译与笔译工作者应该避免有可能被他们的同事认为是不专业或不名誉的行为 e)争端 i) 口译与笔译工作者应该尽量以合作性、建设性和专业性的方式与他们的口译和笔译同行解决任何争端 ii) 口译与笔译工作者应该将任何与口译和笔译协会其他成员之间未解决的纠纷提交到他们专业协会的执行委员会,并且该执行委员会的结论性指令应该对所有成员都具有约束力,成员本着寻求公正的原则可以上诉或申请复议。 2 保密 口译与笔译工作者不应泄露任何他们在相关工作中获取的信息 a)信息分享 i) 在口译和笔译过程中得到的信息应严格保密 ii) 在客户同意时或法律要求下可以披露信息 iii) 如果翻译任务须团队完成,并且是在客户同意的情况下,可能需要向参与翻译工作的团队其他成员简要介绍情况. 在此情况下,保密的道德义务适用于翻译团队伍和/或翻译代理的所有成员 iv)按照有关合法职业权利的法律规定,口译与笔译工作者在与客户及客户的合法代表沟通中取得的信息应该受到保护。 v)口译与笔译工作者在未征得客户同意的情况下不应该将翻译工作转包给自己的同事来做 vi) 翻译文件在任何时候都是属于客户的财产,如果没有客户的同意或法庭的命令,不应该被出示或泄露给第三方 3 胜任工作 口译与笔译工作者应该只从事他们能够胜任的翻译工作,并且是在被NAATI“鉴定合格”或“认可”的范围内 a)资格和认证 i) 口译与笔译工作者应该只接受他们能够胜任的口译和笔译工作 ii) 接受一项口译和笔译任务,就是表明口译或笔译工作者能够胜任该工作,并且构成了一个合同(口头或书面) iii) 口译与笔译工作者应该向他们的客户清楚地说明他们被鉴定合格或认可的的NAATI等级及语种方向 iv) 如果客户有要求,口译与笔译工作者应该解释NAATI“鉴定合格”和“认可”的区别 b)专业水平 i) 在翻译过程中,如果口译与笔译工作者明显感到该工作超过了他们的能力范围,他们应该立即通知客户并提出退出该项工作。 ii) 口译与笔译工作者有责任保证工作条件有利于而不是防碍沟通 c)提前准备 口译与笔译工作者应该提前弄清将要承担的翻译任务对他们有哪些要求,然后做必要的准备。 d)不同意见和审校 由于其他口译或笔译工作者的不同意见和/或审校,需要对口译或笔译翻译工作进行修改时, 应该在相关的口译和笔译者之间达成一致。 4 公正 口译与笔译工作者应在所有专业工作中遵守公正、无偏见的原则 a)利益冲突 i) 口译与笔译工作者不应该向客户推荐任何他们在其中拥有个人或经济利益的生意、机构、程序、物质或重大事项,除非他们向客户完全披露了这些利益。 ii) 口译与笔译工作者应该坦率地披露所有利益冲突,包括为亲戚、朋友做的翻译工作和影响到他们雇主的翻译工作 iii) 口译与笔译工作者不应该接受,或应该退出那些由于个人信仰或情况而难以保证公正无偏见的工作 b)客观性 i) 在任何情况下,做口译笔译工作都要求专业独立性 ii) 如果口译与笔译工作者的客观性受到威胁,他们应该退出工作 c)与公正有关的责任 i) 口译与笔译工作者不对客户所说或所写的东西负责 ii) 无论有没有被要求,口译与笔译工作者不应该对与翻译任务有关的人和事发表口头或书面意见 iii) 如果同一法律纠纷的各方分别邀请口译与笔译工作者为他们服务,口译与笔译工作者应为最先提出请求的一方服务,并通知有关各方 5 准确 口译与笔译工作者应尽全部所能保证翻译的准确性 a)忠实与完整 iii)如果客户所说或所写明显的不真实,口译与笔译工作者应该准确地按照所说或所写的翻译. iv) 口译与笔译工作者不应该更改、添加或省略翻译工作中的任何内容。 b)传递与理解中的不确定 i) 口译与笔译工作者应该承认并及时纠正他们的口译或笔译错误 ii) 如果有任何地方不清楚,口译与笔译工作者应该请求对方重复、换一种说法或给予解释 c)资格证明 如果客户有要求,笔译者应该出示资格证明,以证明在他们知道的范围内,他们的翻译是真实准确的。资格证明应该注明笔译者的姓名、NAATI认证或承认的细节、语种和语言方向,还应当有签名,注有日期。 6 就业 口译与笔译工作者,无论是作为自由执业者,还是受雇于各种翻译代理和其他雇主,都应对他们的工作质量负责。 a)自由职业者和受翻译代理雇佣 iii)如果口译与笔译工作者的职业道德守则与某一雇主机构的指令有冲突,口译与笔译工作者应该遵守职业道德守则,并且,如有需要,应该退出该工作 b)收费及收取实物作为费用 i)AUSIT 成员可以自由定出自己的价格和条件。AUSIT可以就收费标准范围为成员提供信息。 ii) 当向某客户推荐任何人、商业机构、物质或重大事项、程序或服务时,口译与笔译工作者不能为了个人利益,向任何个人、企业、公司或政府机构收取任何费用、好处、回扣之类的好处。 iii) 一般来说,除双方约定的费用外,不应该收取礼物和小费。但是在某些客户的文化背景里,礼物是表达谢意的象征时,这时可以自行决定。 C)负责任 i) 口译和笔译者必须对自己所雇佣的助手或转包译员向客户提供或代表客户的任何服务负责。 ii)受雇于其他口译与笔译同行或口译与笔译代理的口译与笔译工作者,在履行自己的职责当中,应该象在所有的专业翻译中一样尽力。 7 专业发展 口译与笔译工作者应该不断提高他们的专业知识和技能 a)保持技能 i) 口译与笔译工作者应该经常审查并重新评估他们的工作表现,以保持能被接受的标准。 ii) 从业的口译与笔译工作者应该通过继续相关的学习和实践以保持并加强他们的语言技能。 iii) 口译与笔译工作者应该对他们提供专业口译和笔译服务的语言和文化保持熟悉。 b)培训和训练 i) 口译与笔译工作者应该不断地努力提高他们的口译与笔译技能。 ii) 口译与笔译工作者应该支持并鼓励同行们的专业发展。 8 职业团结 口译与笔译工作者应该尊重并支持他们的同业者 a)支持同行 i) 口译与笔译工作者应该支持并促进翻译行业和同行的利益,并在需要时相互提供合理的帮助 ii) 口译与笔译工作者应该拒绝有损同行声誉的言论 b)信任与尊重 i) 口译与笔译工作者应该通过培养信任和相互尊重促进并加强职业团结。 ii) 口译与笔译工作者之间的任何不同意见应该以坦率、尊重而不是诋毁的态度表达。 1. 你客户让你做中翻英,结果你发现文章本来是英语翻过来的,并且客户要求你对完成英翻中的翻译的工作质量进行评论,你该怎么办? 2. 两个人打官司,你帮一方准备材料,另一方说要送你小礼物,要你把准备的材料告诉他,问你应该怎么做? 3. 如果你不能在规定时间内完成,需要另一个翻译帮忙,what issues are involved? what obligation does the other translator have? 4. 发现翻译文章中,some parts are false facts about your country, and you feel offended, what do you do and explain the reason. 5.客户的健康证明中其健康情况不好,而客户要应聘的公司正是你弟弟的公司,如何处理?6. 客户要你翻译资料,主要是个人成绩单.客户要求你翻译的时候将几门成绩不好的内容漏掉,问该怎么办?7. 你帮一个被告的律师翻译了一些文件, 被告的律师按规定将这些材料也提供给了原告的律师。后来原告赢了,他觉得是你翻译的这些材料帮了大忙,给你一大笔钱表示感谢。该怎么办? 8. 你受聘于一家翻译机构给一个政府部门翻译一份很长的文件,时间很紧急,但翻译过程中你发现有些地方不太清楚,你对一些术语也不熟悉,你请该翻译机构代表你同那个政府部门联系以澄清不清楚的地方,但该机构对你很不满,认为这样做会让他们很丢脸,也不能接受你作为naati认可的翻译竟然不懂那些术语,问该怎么办。 9. 一家公司请你翻译关于他们产品的说明材料,完了以后要求你提供给他们很多copy,并在产品型号部分留出空来,以便他们以后再有该系列的产品就用你的译稿,他们自己会在空白处填上不同的型号,并答应每用一次就给你一笔翻译费,问怎么办。NAATI道德题:多给钱伪造证件You are an experienced translator and you have done a lot of translation of graduation certificates. A client approached you to translate a graduation certificate. Looking at the certificate, you suspect that the certificate is a fake one according to your experience. The client said that he needed the translation urgently and was willing to pay more if you could do it as soon as possible. What you would do?This question mainly involves professional conduct, impartiality, and employment. According to the AUSIT Code of Practice article 1.d), translators shall refrain from behavior which their collegues would resonably regard as unprofessional or dishonorable, so I will not accept this assignment because to help a client with fake graduation certificate is definitely infamous. According to article 4.a)iii), translators shall not accept, or shall withdraw from, assignment in which impartiality may be difficult to maintain because of personal beliefs or circumstances, therefore I will also refuse to accept the work, because I personally hate any fake certificates, especially graduation certificate. According to article 6.b)iii), generally, gifts and tips and other benefits in addition to the aggreed fee shall not be accepted, more pay than usual is definitely additional benefit, so I will refuse the clients offer to pay more. There is no evidence of any mitigating culture or religious imperative connected with the offer.NAATI道德题:法庭口译A private client has approached you for translation of a legal document about divorce. He is very happy with the quality of your translation. He said he would be going to court and would like you to his interpreter. What would you do?This question mainly relates to the principles of professional conduct and competence. According to AUSIT Code of Practice article 1.a)ii), interpreters and translators shall explain their role to those unaccustomed to working with them. So in this case,(the client takes for granted that I am surely competent enough and qualified for interpretation work since I am competent and qualified for translation.)So I will clearly explain (the difference between interpreting and translating) as well as my accreditation level and languages, recognition, etc. According to article 3.a)i), interpreters and translators shall accept only translating and interpreting assignments with they are competent to perform. (As far as I am concerned,I am not accredited or recognized to perform interpreting assignment in court. So in this case, I will not accept the assignment.NAATI道德题:非法走私You have contracted a translation job from a private client. Before doing the translation, you have found that the document contains some information, which you suspect is related to smuggling illegal migrants into Australia. What would you do?This question mainly involves the principle of confidentiality and professional conduct. According to AUSIT Code of Practice article 2.a)ii), disclose of information maybe permissible with clients agreement or the disclose is mandated by law. Is to disclose of smuggling illegal migrants into Australia surely mandated by law? I will seek competent and independent advice first and make a report to the police, if thus advised. And according to article 1.d), interpreters and translators shall refrain from behavior, which their colleagues would reasonably regard as unprofessional or dishonorable. Failure to report illegal migrant criminal matters to the police and accept such assignment would doubtlessly be infamous, so I will not accept this assignment. However, according to article 2.a)i), information shared in translating is strictly confidential. If the competent and independence advice suggests disclosure of this information is not mandated by law. I will not disclose the information to any third part.NAATI道德题:公司利益You are an in-house translator of a company and at the same time you are a freelancing translator who contracts translating jobs from the translation agents. In one of the translation jobs, you found that the document contains some important information about a competitor of your company that is planning a project, which will bring a huge impact on your company. What would you do?This question mainly involves principles of impartiality and confidentiality. According to article 4.a)ii), translators shall frankly disclose all conflict of interests and anything affecting their employer. As the information in the document may bring a huge impact on my company, so I will frankly and timely disclose this conflict of interest to the client.According to article 4.a)iii),translator shall not accept, or withdraw from, assignments in which impartiality may be difficult to maintain because of personal beliefs or circumstances, consequently I will withdraw from this work because of lacking confidence of maintain impartiality during translation. According to article 2.a)i), information shared in translation work is strictly confidential, so I will not disclose any information to anybody including my company.NAATI道德题:揭露新药You are translating a document about a new medicine treating cancer. One of your family members saw your translation and asked you to give him/her a copy because one of your mutual friends was suffering cancer. According to your understanding, the information contained in the document mignt be made available to the public anyway. What would you do?This question mainly relates to principles of confidentiality. According


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