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7A Unit4 My day一词组1. 做早操 2. 进行课外活动 3. 外出 4. 需要好好休息 5. 开始上课 6. 在图书馆看书 7. 我最喜欢的学科 8. 相互聊天 二根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式1. My father (很少 ) goes to school on foot.2.Six fifteen means (意思是 ) a quarter 超( 过) six.3. We have no 课( ) on Saturdays or Sundays.4. Lets (开始 ) our class with an English song.5. What I want to buy is (只是) a can of cola.6. We do morning 操( ) after the second lesson every day.7. You must 练( 习,训练 ) English every day.8. Best 祝( 愿) for New Year.9. We have a lot of 课( 外的) (活动) at school.10. (练习,训练 ) makes perfect.Reading II 完成)11. He goes to the (swim) Club every Saturday.12. There are all kinds of after-school(act) for you to choose选择)in the playground.13. Would you like to go roller (skate) with me?14.If you want to learn English well, (one) you should listen carefullyin class.15. -Which subject do you like (good) of all?-English. Itsmy favorite.16. Do you know anything about those 博( 物馆 ).17. At first I found English difficult ( 难) to (学).18. My friend (不喜欢) running in PE lessons.19. Now I like English because I find its (有趣的 ).20. (游泳) can make us strong. Itsgood for our health.21.Is this one of the 原( 因) why we are late?22.You are not having much 运( 气) today, are you?三单选() 1. Does he home or bus?D. walk to, by theA. walk, take B. walk to, by C. walk, take the() 2. late for school today?A. Does he B. Is he C. Does him be D. Is he be() 3. ? It stwo past three.A. What day is it todayB. Whats the date todayC. What time it isD. Whats the time( ) 4. We are busy. We have to do.A. many homeworkB. a lot of homeworkC. many homeworksD. a lot of homeworks() 5. Hobo just doesnt know .A. how have funB. how to funC. what to have funD. how to have fun( ) 6. We have a lot of at school, but we have there too.A. homework, fun B. homework, funsC. homeworks, fun D. homeworks, funs( ) 7. I often get up 6:00 Monday morning.A. on, in B. at, on C. at, in D. on, on( ) 8. Do Bob and Mary often at school?A. chat each other B. help each otherC. chat to each other D. nice to each other( ) 9. boys in our class is tall.A. Every B. Every of theC. Each D. Each of the( ) 10. My friend enjoys badminton after school.A. practise B. practise playing C. practising play D. practising playing( ) 11. I like this book very much. I read it the beginning( 开头 ) the end (结尾 ).A. at, and B. at, to C. from, and D. from, to( ) 12. How long does it him to do his homework every day?A. spend B. spends C. take D. takes( ) 13. We have a class meeting the afternoon of December 22.A. in B. on C. at D. by( ) 14. He, his friend, sports very much.A. like, like B. like, likes C. likes, like D. likes, likes(Reading II 完成)()15. We usually have an examthe las最后)day of a term.A. inB. atC. onD. for() 16. People often do exercises in the park su n ny mornings in winter.A. inB. onC. atD. to() 17. She will meet me the afternoon November 1.A. on, of B. on, inC. in, ofD. from, to() 18. I go to the park with my sister every Sunday afternoon.A. inB. /C. onD. at() 19. You can come to visit me 2:00 3:00 tomorrow afternoon.A. between, and B. from, to C. at, to D. at, for()20. -How ofte n do you have a talk with your pare nts?-a mon th.A. one time B. two times C. three time D. twice()21. I hope youat your new school.A. have a funB. can have good timeC. have great funD. are have a good time()22. I thi nkof you is great.A. everyB. every oneC. eachD. all()23. Dancing is goodus and many people are goodit.A. for, atB. for, for C. at, atD. at, for()24.the morning of the weekends, many people get together todance by the lake.A. OnB. InC. AtD. Of()25. The homework iseasy. You don eed to spe ndtime onit.A. too much, too muchB. much too, too muchC. too much, much tooD. much too, much too()26. Jackpare ntsto work7:00every morni ng.A. go, at, in B. goes, on, in C. goes, at, /()27. Thank you for.A. helpingB. help me C. your helping()28. I like. Would you likeD. go, at, /D. your help with me this after noon?A. swimming, swimmingB. to swim, to swimC. swimmi ng, to swimD. to swim, to swim()29. Today we have funin the park.A. play B. to play C. for play D. playing()30. Hewatches TV so he know little(少)about the world.A. usually B. often C. seldom D. always()31. We will visit the zoothe morni ngJuly 3 rd.A. in, inB. in, of C. on, on D. on, of()32. -do you do your homework every day?-Two hours.A. How much timesB. How longC. How many hourD. How ofte n()33. Doi ng morni ng exercisesus get readythe day.A. helps, for B. helps, with C. help, for D. help, on()34. -Would you like ano ther cake?-.Im full(饱)now.A. No, tha nksB. All rightC. Never mi ndD. That sall right四句型转换1. They donknow how they can have a good time.改为同义句)They don tk now how.2. Toms likes walking after supper.(划线部分提问)Tomafter supper?3. It time for supper.改为同义句)It timesupper.4. She usually goes to bed at 9:00.对划线部分提问)she usuallyto bed?5. It eight fifteen.(改为同义句)It.6. My favorite subjects are English and Maths.改为同义句)IEn glish and Maths.7. Mary is in the dancing team.改为同义句)Mary isthe dancing team.8. What other things would you like?(改为同义句) would you like?9. He usually has some noodles for breakfast at home对戈U线部分提问)he usuallyfor breakfast at home?10. She never plays football.对划线部分提问)shefootball?11. The football match starts at 7:30 in the evening.对划线部分提问)the football match?五用动词的适当形式填空1. Do you have fun(play) in the hills?2. He doesntk now how(do) eye exercises.3. I enjoy(liste n) to music.4. My frie nd and I ofte n(have) lunch at school.5. He ofte n practices(play) football on Sun days.6. you(like) your school life?7. One of my classmates likes(travel).8. Mike with his pare nts ofte n(see) a film on Saturdays.9. your school(start) at 7:00 every morning?10. Would you like(go) shopping with me tomorrow?(Reading II 完成)11. In Hainan it n ever(snow) in win ter.12. Would you like(play) tennis with us?13. Mr Green always(wake) up early but(get) up late.14. Im busy. I don have much time(chat) with my pare nts.15. Tom with his family(live) in Beijing.六翻译句子1.你为什么这么晚才醒?你上班迟到啦。Why do you?You are.2. 我姐姐每天花半小时做家庭作业。It my sister half an hour every day.3. 我们放学后进行课外活动,好吗? do the after school?4. 玛丽和琳达课后经常聊天吗? Mary with Linda often after class?5. 他参加校游泳队,是校游泳队的队员之一。He is the school . He is it6. 我的同班同学们对我都很好。我们经常相互交谈,互相帮助。My classmates are all me. We often and help(Reading II 完成)7. 周末你想去哪度假?Where you to go for your holiday ?8. 我作业很多,没有时间玩电脑游戏。I have to do and time to computer games.9. 你想告诉我关于你的学校生活的情况吗? you to your school ?10. 看电视太多对我们的眼睛有害。 TV too much isnt our eyes.11. 她擅长画画,但不喜欢课外活动。She is but after-school12. 谢谢你帮我了解许多世界知识。Thank you me a lot the world.13. 有关野餐的一切事宜已准备妥当。 Everything the picnic.14. 每天做眼保健操对我们眼睛有益。 eye every day our eyes.15. 感谢你每天午餐时间和我聊天。 you me at lunchtime every day.参考答案一、英汉互译1. do morning exercises3. go out5. start lessons 7. my favorite subject 二、根据句意和汉语注释,1. seldom 6. exercises 10. practice2. do after-school activities4. need a good rest6. read books in the library8. chat with each other 写出单词的正确形式15. best 16.20. Swimming 三、单项选择 1-5: CBDBD16-20: BABAD 四、句型转换 1. to have fun 4. what time does go 7. a member of2. past 3. lessons 4. start 5. just7. pracitse 8. wishes9. after-school activities11. Swimming 12. activities 13. skating 14. first museums 17. learn 18. dislikes 19. interesting 21. causes 22. luck6-10: ABBDD21-25: CCAAB11-15: DCBBC26-30: DDCDC31-34: DBAA10. How often does play 五、用动词的适当形式填空 1. playing 2. to do 6. do like 7. travelling 11. snows 12. to play 六、翻译句子2. What does like doing3. to have5. A quarter past eight6. Like best8. What else9. What does have11. When does start3. listening 4. have 5. playing8. sees 9. Does start 10. to go13. wakes gets 14. to chat 15. lives1. wake up so late late for work 3. Shall we after-school activities 5. in swimming team a member of 7. Would like at weekends 9. Watching good for 11. for helping learn about 13. Doing exercises is good for2. takes to do her homework4. does chat with each other6. nice to chat with each other8. much homework tell me about life10. good at drawing dislikes activities12. is ready for14. Thank you chatting with


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