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此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。初一英语Unit 27 What time do you get up? 人教朗文版【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容: Unit 27 What time do you get up?1. Its time to do sth 与Its time for sth.的区别这两个句型都是表示该做某事了,但它们的区别在于:Its time to后跟动词原形doIts time for后跟名词sth.例如:Its time to have supperIts time for supper 该吃饭了。Its time to begin class.Its time for class. 该上课了。此外,在Its time后还可以加上 for sb.表示“某人该做某事了”。Its time for sb. to do sth.Its time for sb. for sth. 例如:Its time for you to get up 你该起床了。Its time for her for supper.她该吃晚饭了。2. early和late(1)这两词都可作形容词或副词。作形容词时常在句中作表语或定语,作副词时,在句中作状语。例如:You are too early/late. 你来得太早了/晚了。Hes often late for work. 他经常上班迟到。My mother is an early bird. 我妈妈有早起的习惯。Tom often comes to work late, but goes home early. 汤姆经常上班迟到但回家很早。(2)短语be late for意为“迟到”,介词for后面一般接名词。例如:Jim is late for class. 吉姆上课迟到了。Hes late for the meeting. 他开会迟到了。3. 特殊疑问句的意义和构成(1)特殊疑问句是用来对句子中某一特殊部分提问的疑问句,这种特殊疑问句多读降调,一般以疑问词(包括疑问代词和疑问副词)开头,特殊疑问句不能用yes或no回答。(2)特殊疑问句的构成:疑问词放在句首,后接 be动词的变化形式或接助动词 do (does)或can,could等,再接句子的主语,谓语动词及其他成份,句末用问号。例如:What time do you get up? 你几点起床?I get up at six oclock in the morning. 我早晨6点钟起床。What time does Han Meimei go to bed? 韩梅梅几点睡觉?She goes to bed at nine oclock in the evening. 她晚上9点钟睡觉。4. on weekdays工作日,学习日weekdays指每周除周六和周日以外的工作日(对于工作的人来说)或学习日(对于学生来说)。一般指周一至周五5天时间,前面用介词on,而不用in。例如:On weekdays Im busy. May I see you some Sunday?平时我很忙,可否在哪个星期日去看你?On weekdays, what time do you have breakfast? 平日你什么时候吃早饭?5. 动词 have和 hashave/has一般用来表示“有”,是状态,而不是一个动作,因此不能用于现在进行时。我们只能说I have a sister. 而不能说Im having a sister.,只有行为动词,才能用现在进行时,表示一个正在进行的动作。然而 have/has可以和某些名词搭配,构成固定的动词词组,具有不同的意思。这时have/has往往表示的是一个具体的动作,就可以用现在进行时了。例如:Hes having breakfast with his family now.他现在正在与他的家人一起吃早饭。Lets have some tea. 我们喝茶吧。We often have a walk after supper. 我们常常晚饭后散步。The teacher is having a talk with Mike. 老师正在与迈克进行交谈。Its so hot. Lets go and have a swim. 天太热,我们去游泳吧。They are having a math class. 他们正在上数学课。We have sport after school every day. 放学后我们每天进行体育活动。Id like to have some apples. 我想买些苹果。Can I have your bike for a day? 我能借用一天你的自行车吗?6. when 表示时间的疑问副词When do you go to school every day? 你们每天什么时候去上学?When does he go to bed every day? 他每天什么时候上床睡觉?7. Hes going to school right now. 他立刻去上学。短语right now意为“立刻”或“在此刻”。例如:Please do it right now. 请立即动手。We must leave right now. 我们必须马上走。8. sometimes 有时,频度副词,频繁率界于often 与seldom, hardly ever 之间,表示有时。How often do you take a bath? Sometimes. 你多长时间洗一回澡?有时洗。表示频度的副词按频繁度从高向低为:always, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never. sometimes 是一个容易混淆的单词,下面将几个易混词一一为大家做分析。some time:一些时间,这里的time是不可数名词。It takes me some time to go shopping every weekends. 我每周都花一些时间去购物。some times 几次,这里的 time是可数名词,表示次数。Do you know the new shop? I go there for some times. 你知道那家新开的商店吗?我去过几次。sometime 某时,指在某个时间I must go there sometime. 我一定找时间去一趟。9. usually 通常,一般情况下Mr.Zou usually goes to work by bus. But he sometimes also walks to school. 邹老师通常都是坐汽车上班,但他有时也走路来学校。它的形容词形式为usual: 平常的。Its usual. 很平常。10. right now 立刻,相当于 at onceMother says to Jim:“Go to bed right now. Its very late.”妈妈对Jim说:“立刻上床睡觉,晚了。”11. take off 脱下,这是put on 的反义词off 有“离开,脱离”之意。Its warm here. You can take off your coat. 这里挺暖和的,你可以把大衣脱下来。12. I get to school at about 7:30 every day. 我每天大约七点半上学。短语get to意为“到达”,后面接表示地点的名词,如果是副词,则要去掉介词to。例如:I often get to the bus stop at 6:00 oclock in the morning.我经常是早晨六点钟到达汽车站。When do you usually get home from work? 下班后你通常什么时候到家?Can you get there at about eight tomorrow morning?明天上午八点左右你能到那儿吗?13. Classes are over at 3:30. 三点半放学。over是副词,be over意为“结束”或“完了”。例如:School is over. 放学了。The game is over. Lets go home. 比赛结束了,我们回家吧。14. I often watch TV, but sometimes I like to do some reading.我经常看电视,但有时我爱读点书。do这个词可以和许多动词-ing形式搭配构成各种动词短语,如:do some reading/washing/writing/cooking/shopping等。例如:My mother usually does some washing and cleaning on Sundays.我母亲通常在星期日洗衣服,打扫卫生。I often help my mother do some shopping on weekends.我经常在周末帮妈妈买些东西。15. go shopping和 do some shoppinggo shopping意为“去买东西”,do some shopping意为“买些东西”,至于买什么东西没有明确说出来,是一种笼统概念。do the shopping也意为“买东西”,指具体的一次,至于买什么,双方可能明确,可能不明确。如果要具体地说买何物,则须用buy。例如:Id like to go shopping. Would you like to go with me?我想去买东西,你愿意和我一起去吗?My mother is going to the shops. She wants me to help her do the shopping.我妈妈要去商店买东西,她要我帮她一块儿买。Shall we go and do some shopping? 我们去买些东西好吗?Lilys father buys her a watch. 莉莉的爸爸给她买了一块表。16. Now please get up quickly and have your breakfast, or youll be late.现在请快起来吃早饭,要不你就迟到了。or在这里是“否则,不然,要不”的意思,而不是“或者”的意思。例如:Listen to me carefully, or you wont be able to understand.仔细听讲,否则你不会懂的。【模拟试题】(答题时间:30分钟)一、从A、B、C、D中选出画线部分读音不同的词。1. ( )A. teachesB. catches C. washesD. finds2. ( )A. doB. two C. someD. who3. ( )A. goesB. does C. drivesD. drinks4. ( )A. underB. driver C. herD. farmer5. ( )A. forty B. morning C. fourD. work二、用动词的一般现在时或现在进行时填空. 1. Listen! The teacher _(talk)to you.2. _ he _(watch)TV at home in the evening?3. Mr. Smith _ (eat)rice every day.4. My mother _ (clean)the room now.5. Wheres your father? He _(make) a kite in the room.6. Her friend _(not work) in Beijing.7. _(be) the children from London? 8. Li Ming _(not want) to help him.9. Lucy _(come)from America.10. My brother _(like) playing football very much.三、句型转换。1. Weiweis father is a driver.(划线提问)2. He likes reading books.(划线提问)3. The students study at school every day.(划线提问)4. Tom does his homework in the evening.(变否定句)5. What do you do?(改写同义句)四、交际英语:找出最佳答语。( )1. Do you work here?A. Yes, I do.B. Yes, I am.C. No, Im not.D. No, youre wrong.( )2. What does your sister do?A. She does a teacher.B. She is a teacher.C. She teaches English.D. She do a teacher.( )3. Do you have a brother?A. Yes, I have one.B. Yes, I have.C. Yes, I am one.D. No, I havent.( )4. Where does she work?A. She work in a factory.B. She works in factory.C. She works in a factory.D. She does work is factory.( )5. Do you like apples, oranges or bananas?A. Yes, I like.B. No, I dont.C. Yes, I do like.D. No, I not like them.( )6. Can I borrow your ruler?A. Thank you.B. See you.C. Goodbye. D. Certainly. Here it is! 五、阅读理解:Mr. Green is from London in England. He teaches English in a middle school in China. He speaks a little Chinese. He goes to Chinese classes every week. Mr. Green likes working in China very much. He says his students are very friendly and they work very hard.Mr. Green has a son and a daughter. His sons name is Jim and his daughters name is Kate. They go to school here in China. They like school very much.根据短文内容,判断正误(正确的划“”,错误的划“”)。1. Mr. Green is English.( )2. Mr. Green is a policeman.( )3. Mr. Green thinks his students are very friendly.( ) 4. Mr. Green has two children.( )5. His children go to school in England.( )【试题答案】一、1. D 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. D二、1. is talking2. Does, watch3. eats4. is cleaning5. is making6. doesnt work7. Are8. doesnt want9. comes10. likes三、1. What is Weiweis father?2. What does he like doing?3. Where do the students study every day?4. Tom doesnt do his homework in the evening.5. What are you?四、1. A2. B3. A4. C 5. B6. D五、1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


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