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毕业设计(论文)英文文献翻译学 院: 机电工程学院 专 业: 车辆工程姓 名: 学 号: 导 师: 日 期: High-speed passenger car of chinaChinese in the development of high-speed railway field is some developed countries in the world since the late, but the rapid development of the 21st century, in a world of bits. May 1998, guangzhou-shenzhen railway electrification transformation, design the highest speed per hour for 200 kilometers, in August guangzhou-shenzhen railway pioneered the use of the lease by Sweden X2000 tilting high-speed train . Because all adopted in the 1990s many reached international advanced level,so the technology and equipment at guangzhou-shenzhen railway lines as China into the transformation from the beginning of high-speed railway. But Chinas first real sense of high-speed railway in 2002, was opened at qing-shen passenger line design reach speeds, 200-250 kilometers, the star of power in qing-shen passenger trains were created the first rate China railway 321.5 km/h, caused a sensation. In 2007, the China railway sixth great speed, Chinas first in every major trunk (such as beijing-shanghai line speed rail line, and JiaoJiXian jingha, etc) as per hour scale operation of 200-250 kilometers in the China railway high-speed (CRH) emu train, reached the world advanced level of the existing speed modification. August 2008, Chinas first design of 300 kilometers per hour of high-speed railway - the beijing-tianjin inter-city railway traffic operation.Until October 2009, China top operation of more than 200 kilometers per hour speed railway mileage has reached nearly 85 kilometers, including the reconstruction of the existing railway after speed and the new high-speed railway. Currently under construction and planning of the high-speed railway construction total mileage 1.7 million kilometers has reached, including five types of line: has been the four PDL, inter-city passenger system, the speed of existing, perfect network layout and the western development, and the west coast of the strait railway line. Expected to 2012, there will be a 1.3 million kilometers of the inter-city railway PDL, and put into operation, including 300-200-250 kilometers, the lines are 80 km and mileage 5,000 kilometers . By 2020, China railway high-speed total mileage will be more than 1.8 million kilometers, the high-speed railway, more than half of the total mileage.China railway trains are CRH, China railway trains series power by 2004 successively many foreign companies to buy high speed railway vehicle technology, to introduce advanced foreign technology and digestion and absorption way by China, north China southern railway vehicle and vehicle manufacturing enterprise group based on production.The current level of Chinas railway passenger train mainly in the following categories: EMU train: a top speed of 350 km, using the CRH series Harmony EMU high-speed electric train trips for the G prefix. Intercity EMU train: a top speed of 350 km, using the CRH series Harmony EMU high-speed electric train trips for the C prefix. EMU train: a top speed of 200-250 km and CRH series Harmony EMU high-speed electric train trips for the D prefix. Direct express train: a top speed of 160 kilometers, nonstop car or only a few stops to the stations evening-morning train inter-bureau, train number for the Z prefix. Express train: a top speed of 140 km / 160 km (a few levels by direct express trains run) and inter-bureau or tube train, train number for the T-head. Fast train: a top speed of 120 km of inter-bureau or tube train, train number for the K prefix. Ordinary fast train: a top speed of 120 km of inter-bureau or tube train, train number range of 1001-5998, no letters. Ordinary passenger train: a top speed of 100 km of the train, train number range is 6001-7598, no letters. Temporary Tourist Train: To travel the peak passenger flow and the opening line of passenger train, train number for the Y prefix. Temporary passenger trains: in spring, Shu Yun opening line such as passenger flow peak trains, train number for the L prefix. Transport by rail each year, passenger volume continued to increase, highlighting the shortage of railway transportation capacity, the Ministry of Railways ability to remain fully advantage of the new line, but also further improve the Ticket dynamic analysis system, flexible adjustment of ticket sales limited to section, expand the seat complexTicket to share with and to achieve maximum passenger capacity utilization.In addition, the transparency of information to expand ticketing from February 2009 onwards, the Ministry of Railways stations across the country in major real-time display the number of tickets remaining, the station must be published prominently in the booking hall, ticket pre-sale period tickets remaining conditions andthe purchase of popular trips and number of information sheets, and not simply displayed as yes or no ticket. Ministry of Railways and the MTR cooperation, joint provision of cross-border passenger train service, connecting Hong Kong and mainland China Intercity train.A total of 3 train service routes were wide-Kowloon Through Train, Shanghai and Beijing-Kowloon Through Train train, visitors can take the train directly from Hong Kong and Mainland China in some cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Foshan andZhaoqing, but only need to end the station of origin and immigration clearance.中国高速铁路客车中国在高速铁路领域的发展较世界上部分发达国家晚,但自21世纪以来发展迅速,在世界上占有一席之位。1998年5月,广深铁路电气化提速改造完成,设计最高时速为200公里,同年8月广深铁路率先使用由瑞典租赁的X2000摆式高速动车组。由于全线采用了众多达到1990年代国际先进水平的技术和设备,因此当时广深铁路被视为中国由既有线改造踏入高速铁路的开端。而中国第一条真正意义上的高速铁路,是在2002年建成开通的秦沈客运专线,全线设计时速达到200250公里,同年“中华之星”电力动车组在秦沈客运专线创造了当时“中国铁路第一速”的321.5km/h,轰动一时。在2007年实行的中国铁路第六次大提速,中国首次在各主要提速干线(如京沪线、京广线、京哈线、胶济线等)大规模开行时速高达200250公里的中国铁路高速(CRH)动车组列车,达到了目前世界上既有线提速改造的先进水平。2008年8月,中国首条设计时速达300公里的高速铁路京津城际铁路通车运营。至2009年10月,中国大陆境内最高运营时速达200公里以上的高速铁路里程已经达到近8500公里,其中包括提速改造后的既有线铁路和新建的高速铁路。目前在建和规划兴建的高速铁路总里程已达1.7万公里,其中包括了5种类型的线路:“四纵四横”客运专线、城际客运系统、经提速改造后的既有线、完善路网布局和西部开发性新线,以及海峡西岸铁路。预计到2012年,将有1.3万公里的客运专线及城际铁路投入运营,其中时速300350、200250公里的线路里程分别有8000公里和5000公里。到2020年,中国高速铁路总里程将超过1.8万公里,占世界高速铁路总里程的一半以上。目前中国的高速铁路列车均为CRH系列电力动车组,中国铁道部由2004年起先后向多间外国企业购买高速铁路车辆技术,以引进国外先进技术并消化吸收的方式,由中国北车集团和中国南车集团旗下的车辆制造企业进行国产化生产。目前中国铁路的旅客列车等级主要有以下几种:高速动车组列车:最高时速350公里,使用CRH系列“和谐号”高速电力动车组,列车车次为G字头。城际动车组列车:最高时速350公里,使用CRH系列“和谐号”高速电力动车组,列车车次为C字头。动车组列车:最高时速200-250公里,使用CRH系列“和谐号”高速电力动车组,列车车次为D字头。直达特快列车:最高时速160公里、中途不停车或者仅停靠少数车站的夕发朝至跨局列车,列车车次为Z字头。特快列车:最高时速140公里/160公里(少数按直达特快等级运行的列车)的跨局或管内列车,列车车次为T字头。快速列车:最高时速120公里的跨局或管内列车,列车车次为K字头。普通快速列车:最高时速120公里的跨局或管内列车,列车车次范围是1001-5998,无字母。普通旅客列车:最高时速100公里的列车,列车车次范围是6001-7598,无字母。临时旅游列车:为旅游高峰客流而开行的旅客列车,列车车次为Y字头。临时旅客列车:在春运、暑运等客流高峰开行的列车,列车车次为L字头。由于每年经由铁路运输的旅客发送量持续增加,凸显出铁路运能的不足,铁道部除了充分利用新线能力,亦进一步健全票额利用动态分析制度、灵活调整车票限售区段、扩大席位复用和票额共用,以实现客运能力利用最大化。另外,为扩大票务信息的透明度,自2009年2月起,铁道部要求全国各大车站实时显示车票剩余数量,车站必须在售票大厅明显位置公布车票预售期、车票剩余情况和热门车次限购张数等资料,而不能简单显示为“有”或“无”车票。铁道部也和港铁合作,联营提供跨境铁路客运服务、连接香港与中国大陆的城际直通车。直通车服务共设3条路线,分别为广九直通车、沪九直通车及京九直通车,旅客可乘坐列车直接来往香港及中国内地部分城市,包括北京、上海、广州、东莞、佛山和肇庆,而仅需要在始发和终到站办理出入境手续。5


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