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9A Unit 4 TV programmes导学案 课题 welcome to the unit 主备人 李晓亚 审核人签名 班级 姓名 学号 日期 学习目标1了解与电视节目相关的词汇。2学会用英语表达喜欢或者不喜欢的理由。3学会怎样从压力中释放出来。学习重点1学会用英语表达喜欢或者不喜欢的理由2掌握短语、句型:far too busy to do; have nothing to do ; ones own favourite programme; from to; Shall we do? 自主备课(学习)课前导学认真阅读课文,把下列内容译成英语1. 实在太忙了不能去购物 _2. 无事可做 _3. 小睡一会 _4. 狗的工作是做不完的 _5. 通过收音机或电视机发送节目 _6. 从远处控制一台机器 _7. 你最不喜欢的节目 _8. 电视台 _课堂活动Step 1. Free talkStep 2. Play a guessing game(选择合适的英文解释)1.a play for the theatre, television or radio .2.a film made up of a series of drawings that change slow so that they look as if they are moving.3.a short film that shows a popular song 4.a woman who performs in TV programmes,films etc.Step 3 PresentationAsk students who invented TV. Then 1. Give some information about TV. It was made by John Logie Baird .Ask where are the programmes made? To present the word “studio”2. Explain that after the programmes are made, the workers in the studio station send out the programmes to the audience far away. Explain send out means broadcast.Step 4 Welcome to the unit 1 Teacher says, Eddie and Hobo are our old friends, they are also comic characters ,cartoon Characters, listen what they are talking about. Teacher asks some questions about the conversation. (Show them on the screen if possible.)What does Hobo ask Eddie to do? What will Eddie do ? 2. Play the recorder again. Let the students read after the tape. And try to repeat.3.Play the roles of Eddie and Hobo in two Step5 Group work Practice the conversationStep6: Sum up:To think about TV preferences &rate different types of TV programmes. 课堂反馈一、根据课文内容,填入适当的单词:Hobo wanted to go shopping today. But Eddie said he was _ too busy _ go with Hobo. He had to watch TV _ 9 _ 12. Then he would like to have lunch and a sleep _ 2 _ 7. After that, it would be dinner time. Eddie thought a dogs _ is never _. 二、用所给词的正确形式填空.1. The room where TV programmes are made is (call )a studio.2. Shall we go (shop ) today ?3. I am far too busy (help )you with your maths .4. -Do you know Luyi? -Yes ,he is a famous (act ).5. Tony is ill today. He needs to have a good ( sleep ) at home .6. The boy was trapped in the hole and had nothing (eat) for two days.三、选择填空( )1. He is excited to hear the good news . A. far too B. too far C. too more D. more too ( )2. A dogs work is never .A. did B. do C. does D. done( )3. We use to control a machine from a distance. A. mouse B. studio C. remote control D. TV channel( )4. The _ man told us his past days before he _. His _ made us very sad. A. dying, died, death B. dead, dying, die C. dead, died, dying D. dead, dying, death( )5. He had nothing .He felt bored .A. doing B. do C. to do D. does( )6. Your mother looked so tired .She should have sleep .A. a little B. little C. few D. a few ( )7. -Do you know the girl Jack Alice?-Yes , she is LucyA. between; in B. from ;to C. between ;and D. from; and ( )8. Lets go shopping, ?A. will you B. shall we C. wont you D. shall I 教师评价 教学反思 课题 Reading (I) 主备人 李晓亚 审核人签名 班级 姓名 学号 日期 学习目标 1认识并理解与电视节目相关的词汇。2将学生自己的偏好和时间安排与电视节目匹配起来。学习重点初步了解课文内容并根据课文内容判断正误。课前导学(一)、电视知识介绍 电视是20世纪人类最伟大是发明之一。1924年,英国人贝尔德发明了最原始的电视机,用电传输了图像。1941年,贝尔德又研究成功了彩色电视机。(二)、用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. Who is your favourite basketball_(play )?2. Eddie is far too busy _ (go ) shopping .3. His speech was a little_ , so we all felt_ (bore ).4. The programme covers different sports ,such as football ,tennis and _ (swim ).5. Milk is the _ (nature ) food for young people .6. The rich man _ (murder ) last night .7. The presentation will be held in Beijing this _ (come ) Saturday .8.We have a w_ round-up of what happened in our class every Friday.9. This news programme is really good, it offers lots of u_ information. 10. There are a n_ of fans waiting for the film star.课堂活动Step 1 Lead in1. T: We have learnt something about TV, and we know there are many types of TV programmes. Who can tell me some types of TV programmes?2. Talk about their favourite TV programmes: (1) When do you watch TV every day?(2) What is your favourite TV programmes? Why?(3) Do you know what is your parents favourite TV programme?Step 2 Reading comprehension1. Get Ss to listen carefully and try to answer: (1)Is the weekly round-up in sport all about basketball? (2)How many fans have voted online for their favourite songs, singers and music videos? (3)Can you find out who the murderer is at the end of the film? (4)Do you think the number of tigers in India is getting larger and larger?2.listen to the tape paragraph by paragraph and answer each question3.Ask students to finish B1 onP66, then check the answers.课堂反馈一、根据汉语提示和句意,写出合适的单词1. Our Chinese teacher will tell us the _ (最新的)news after class.2. The film Hero is very wonderful. Its _ (执导)by Zhang Yimou.3. He ran fast and soon _ (消失) at the end of the road.4. My father will go to the_ (音乐会) with me this evening.5. The children in poor areas are still_ (面对) many serious problems.二、单项选择( )1.Fans can vote their heroes on the Internet .A. for B. to C. on D. in ( )2.If you are an animal lover ,you will find our programme .A. interest B. interesting C. interested D. interests( )3.We can what is happening in the world by the Internet .A. touch B. hear C. make D. learn ( )4.The box is very heavy because it is rice. A. covered with B. covering by C. full of D. fill with ( )5.After the program ,you will become interested in animals .A. watch B. watching C. look D. looking 四、根据课文内容和首字母提示,写出合适的单词 Millie is reading a TV guide online. She is also discussing w_(1) her friends about their favourite TV programmes. Sports World will be on TV b_(2)10:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. If you watch Sports World, you will hear a w_(3)round-up of what is happening in sports. This week it is all about football, including some i_(4)with some famous football players. Simon likes it best. This years Beijing Music Awards will be on TV this _(5)Saturday. It will be a good show to watch. Many famous stars will attend. The results will be a_(6)during theprogramme. Its Amys favourite programme. There will be a h_(7)film tonight. In this film, a doctor is k_(8) . The a_(9) are all new, yet they do very well.Tiger Watch is about the life of t_(10) in India. You can see s_(11) in India, one of the few p_(12) on Earth where tigers still live. 教师评价 教学反思 课题 Reading (II) 主备人 李晓亚 审核人签名 班级 姓名 学号 日期 学习目标 1.进一步阅读并了解四篇节目介绍。2.了解更多的星期六电视节目。3.形成对星期六电视节目的正确态度。自主备课(学习)课前导学认真阅读课文,把下列短语译成英语:1. 每周概要 2. 最新消息 3. 发送信息 4. 例如 5. 有一点无聊 6. 一部长达一小时的纪录片 7. 容易受惊吓 8. 获得奖项 9. 破解谜团 10. 选举 课堂活动Language points 1. A weekly round-up of what is happening in sport, with lots of up-to-date information.综述一周体育事件,为你提供大量的最新体坛动态。*weekly 每周一次的 e.g. a weekly magazine They are doing the weekly cleaning. *up-to-date 最新的, 其反义词是out of date.e.g. The book is up-to-date. This ticket is out of date.2. There are also a number of interviews with the famous football players. 还有许多对著名球员的采访。(1) a number of “许多,大量”,修饰可数名词的复数形式,相当于many,动词用复数。e.g. A number of students are playing on the playground. (2) the number of 的数量, 动词用单数。e.g. The number of students in our class is 42. Now the number of the traffic accidents is increasing.3. This years Beijing Music Awards will be covered live. 本年度北京音乐颁奖大会将进行实况转播。will be covered live 将来时的被动语态。一般将来时的被动结构是: will be + v. ed.e.g. The meeting will be held tomorrow.4. Murder in a Country House is a horror film directed by Cindy Clark, a new director. 乡村小屋谋杀案是一位由新导演辛迪克拉客导演的恐怖片。 directed by 是过去分词短语做定语,修饰film。5. This film is excellent and is full of horror and mysteries. 这部电影很精彩,而且充满了恐怖和神秘色彩。be full of 充满,装满;类似的词组有 be filled withe.g. The world is full of colours. The bottle is filled with water.6. If you get scared easily, do not watch it.如果你容易被惊吓,就不要看了。get scared 被惊吓7. This one-hour documentary takes a close look at the Asian Tiger.这部长一小时的记录片让我们近距离地领略亚洲虎。take a close look at 近距离地看8. You can see scenes of Indian, one of the few places on earth. Where tigers still live. 你可以领略印度风光,这里是世界上老虎仍然生存的几个地方之一。on Earth =in the world 世界上e.g. You are the happiest man on earth.9. It will be a good show to watch. 这将是一场好看的比赛。to watch 动词不定式,在句中做定语修饰show。e.g. Tom didnt know which book to buy.Can I have something to drink?10. I dont mind feeling scared. 我不在乎恐惧。mind v. 介意,反对, 后跟doing sth. 多用于句型:Would you mind / Do you mind ? 表示征求意见e.g. Do you mind my smoking / Do you mind if I smoke? mind 作为名词,表示“大脑、精神” e.g. Wearing blue is good for the mind and body. He has made up his mind to be a teacher.课堂反馈一. 用所给词的适当形式填空或根据提示完成句子1.Sandy is an animal _ (love) and she keeps many animals.2.There will be a _ (present) of this years Beijing Music Award next Saturday.3.This cartoon film _ (direct) by Jim Green.4.When I watch this programme, I find it very _ (disturb).5.Millie often gets _ (scare) when she watches the snakes.二、单项选择( )1. Some people dont know the value of their health _ they lost it. A. after B. when C. until D. as( )2. The sports meeting _ next Sunday. A. happens B. will be taken place C. will take place D. will hold( )3. Dont lose heart, my friend. Life is _ ups and downs.A filled of B full with C full of D fill of ( )4. Look! Many tigers are being killed _ their skin and bones.A. of B. by C. for D. because( )5. Kitty works so _ that she _ spends time playing. A. hard, hardly B. hard, hard C. harder, hardly D. hardly, hardly 教师评价 教学反思 课题 Vocabulary 主备人 李晓亚 审核人签名 班级 姓名 学号 日期 学习目标1进一步了解与电视节目相关的主要词汇。2谈论不同类型的电视节目,提高学生听、说、读、写及知识运用的综合能力3认识并理解关于电视节目的词汇.自主备课(学习)课前导学配对:1.cartoon_ a. Tao Anqing 2.chat show_ b. Cui Yongyuanedy_ c. Li Yong 4.documentary_ d. Zhou Xingchi5.drama series_ e .Hello Kitty 6.game show_ f. Wild animals课堂活动Step One :Leading inGo over different TV programmes.Step Two :Pre task 1Talk about Sports World, Beijing Music Awards, Murder in a Country house and Tiger Watch.Step Three :While task 1Task 1 The TV guide on Page 64.Task 2 Which programmes do the students like? on Page 65.Step Four: Post-task 1Talk about the students favourite TV programmes.Step Five :Pre task 2Talk about different types of TV programmes and teach the new words: show, comedy, series, prize, right.Step Six :While task 2Task 1 Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks Part ATask 2 Complete the dialogue using the words in Part A Part B.Task 3 Talking about favourite TV programme using the following sentencepatterns: I like I prefer I love My favourite one isStep Seven: Post-task 2 Language points: There are always famous people on these shows talking about their lives. 这是一个there be 结构的句子,注意句中的talking, 不能用talk原形。e.g. There is a fire burning in the fireplace. 壁炉里炉火正在燃烧。There is a bird flying in the sky.课堂反馈(一)根据短文内容和首字母提示,写出合适的单词More and more children like to watch TV now. Of c 1 there are more and more p 2 for children to choose. They have cartoons, movies and many other things. But w 3 too much TV causes many problems. Some children have poor e 4 now. Some students write wrong characters b 5 of watching some advertisements. And some TV programmes are f 6 of violence(暴力). They are really not g 7 for children. Many parents w 8 about it, and they do not allow their children watch TV by t 9 .Experts(专家) suggest parents should pay a 10 to the programmes their children are watching and limit(限制) the time they spend with the television. Parents should tell their children violence is not the best way to solve problems.1._ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _(二)用所给词的适当形式填空1. This documentary shows the Asian tiger in its _ (nature) habitat.2. Have you found anything _ (amaze) there?3. Something that is up-to-date includes the _(late) information.4. Would you please tell us your _ (decide)?5. He said he _(prefer) the yellow dress .So his parent bought it for him.6. There are always famous people on these shows _ _ (talk) about their lives.7. If I have time, I _ (visit) one of my old friends in the countryside.8. Sorry, I wont have enough time _(finish) this work alone .9. What makes you _ (think) I am a teacher?10.Dont worry. I_ (not leave) until your father _(come) back. 教师评价 教学反思 课题 Grammar (I) 主备人 李晓亚 审核人签名 班级 姓名 学号 日期 学习目标1学会用betweenand和fromto来表示一段时间。2学会用before, after, until,来说明事情发生的时间。 学习重点Until与notuntil的使用区别自主备课(学习)课前导学(一)、英汉互译1. 电视连续剧 2.三国演义 3.天气预报 4.洗淋浴 5.中国少年 6. 谈话节目 (三)根据句意。从括号中选择适当的单词完成下列句子:1I was reading _ (from/ between) 8:00 p.m yesterday.2. Most people are busy with the work or study from Monday_ (to/ and ) Friday.3. What were you doing between 6:00 _(to/ and ) 8:30 yesterday evening?4. _ (From / Between ) 2003 to 2005, I have been to Beijing four times.5. I think the man in blue is _ (from / between) 40 and 50 years old.6. You should make a thoughtful plan _( before / after) you do anything important?7. Last night I watched the football game and didnt go to bed _(as/ until) 12 0clock.课堂活动Step One :Leading inExplain that betweenandand fromtoare used to express length of time.Step Two :Pre task 1 Ask students to read the explanations and examples at the top of page 65. Tell them that we can replace fromtowith betweenand.Step Three :While task 11. Write a list of times on the board with programme names.Step Four: Post-task 1Ask students to read Programmes on Golden TV and complete the table. Step Five :Pre task 21. Remind students that apart from these two, we can also use before, after and until to talk about time.Step Six :While task 2Finally, complete work out the rule.Step Seven: Post-task 2Language pointsA prepositional phrases of time: “between and ”and from to 表示时间的介词短语 between and ; from to between and 和 from to 都表示一段特定的时间(1). between and 表示“在和之间”The girls like to eat snakes between lunch and supper. (2).from to 表示“从到”B Talking about when things happen with before, after, and until. 用before, after, until来表示事情发生的时间。 before, after, until 都可以用作时间连词 ,我们可以用它们来引导一个时间状语从句,这些连词可以放在句首,也可以放在句中。放在句首时,要用逗号和主句分开。(1).before “比早一点的时候”,“在之前”;(2).after “比迟一点的时候”,“在之后”。e.g. Before the awards start, we will interview some of the most famous stars.Simon went to play basketball after he finished his homework.(3).until “直到的时候”。e.g. Lets wait until the train stops. 让我们等火车停下来吧。 until可以和till互换,但till一般只位于句中,不能位于句首。e.g. I wont go to bed until / till those two programmers finish. not until 直到才e.g. You wont find out the answer until the end of the film.课堂反馈(一)、用from to,betweenand,before ,when ,if ,after ,until填空1. I wont go to bed _ my mother comes back.2. He could swim _he was five years old.3. You may come to my office _ 9:00 a.m. _ 11:30 a.m. tomorrow.4. We go to school _ Monday _ Saturday.5. Tom will go skating with us _ he has time.6. The train had already left _ we got to the station.(二)、翻译句子1. 会议将在早晨八点至九点开始。The meeting _.2. 当她散步的时候,突然想到买一本杂志。_, she _ a magazine.3. 把你的碟片收好,否则你下次就不会很容易找到它们。_ your CDROMs, or youll not _ next time.4. 听了他的采访后我知道了更多关于这个名人的事。I_ about the famous person after_.5. 昨天晚上6点与7点之间你妈妈在干什么?What _ last night? 教师评价 教学反思 课题 Grammar (II) 主备人 李晓亚 审核人签名 班级 姓名 学号 日期 学习目标1学会用while, as来说明事情发生的时间。2学会副词的比较级和最高级的使用。自主备课(学习)课前导学(一)写出以下词的比较级、最高级1, fast _ _ 2, hard _ _3, high _ _ 4, beautiful _ _ 5, carefully _ _ 6, well _ _ 7, badly _ _ 8, far _ _(二)用所给单词的正确形式填空1. _(After/ While) I had my breakfast, I went to school.2. John fell asleep _ (while / until) he was listening to music.3. The telephone rang _ (as/ while) I entered the room.4. He can swim_ (fast )among the four students .5. Which is_ (


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