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编号: 桂林电子科技大学信息科技学院 毕 业 论 文题 目:解读哈利波特中爱的主题 An Analysis of the Theme of Love in Harry Potter 系 (部): 外贸与外语系 专 业: 英语专业 学生姓名: 杨 阳 学 号: 1156120120 指导教师: 蓝 玲 职 称: 讲 师 题目类型:理论研究 实验研究 工程设计 工程技术研究 软件开发 应用研究2015年 5 月 20 日诚 信 宣 言我,杨阳,郑重宣布:除了参考文献所标明引用的资料和内容之外,本论文中不包含有任何已经被其他高等教育机构所接受的学位或学历论文资料,也不包含有其他任何人已经正式出版的资料内容。 签字: 日期:DeclarationI, YangYang, the undersigned, hereby declare that this dissertation does not contain any material which has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma in any institutions of higher learning and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, this dissertation does not contain any material previously published or written by another person, except when due reference is made in the text of the dissertation. Signed: Date: 已经在导师的指导下进行多次修改,导师已同意提交定稿。 导师签名:日 期:1 摘 要本文从小说人物关系、人物情感、故事情节等方面阐述了小说中爱的主题,指出在哈利波特中,浓厚的亲情、深厚的友谊以及深刻的师生情是主人公哈利波特成长之路上最强大的精神力量。透过作者构造的一系列人物情感,阐明爱的不同表现和方式,使我们从爱这一独特视角更好的发掘这部划时代作品的艺术价值与人文价值。本论文第一部分是导论。主要简单介绍哈利波特系列小说、作者罗琳女士,总结该系列小说的国内外研究现状,指出小说中爱的主题。第二部分是正文,由三小节组成,分别从亲情、友情、师生情,来诠释小说中爱的主题。第一节介绍小说中所体现出来的亲情可贵,从父母的爱、教父小天狼星的爱、韦斯莱一家的爱中提炼出小说主人公对亲情的渴望和理解。第二节分析友情在哈利波特系列小说中的重要地位,以及友情在主人公成长道路上的帮助和支持。第三节分析小说中的师生情。是亦师亦友的邓布利多的指引,让哈利明白了人生的真谛。最后一部分是结论,指出作者罗琳在哈利波特这样一部魔幻现实主义小说里不仅讲述了充满想象力的关于善恶斗争的故事,更重要的是,这部作品深刻地揭示了爱是战胜一切邪恶和困难的魔法关键词:哈利波特;爱;亲情;友情;师长的爱II AbstractThis thesis analyzes and illustrates love, the theme of these novels from the relationships of characters, the characters emotion and the plot of the story. The author structures a series of figures emotions to explain the different expressions and ways of love, which enables the readers to explore the artistic and humanistic value of this epochal work better from the unique perspective of love. The first part is introduction and briefly introduces the series novels of Harry Porter, the author J.K.Rowling and summarizes the domestic and overseas research findings on these novels and indicates love, one of the themes of them. The following part is the main body and it is made up of three sections which explain the theme respectively from familial affection, friendship and love of teachers. The first section mainly introduces the cherished familial affection in the novels and shows that the protagonist of the novels longs for family ties and understanding from the love from his parents, Godfather Sirius Black and the Weasleys. The second one is to illustrate the invaluable friendship in the novel and that the friendship helps and supports Harry Porter on his way to grow up. The third section discusses the love of teachers. Dumbledore, both the teacher and friend of Harry, guides him to know the true essence of life. All this love makes Harry become stronger and eventually help the good win against the evil. The last part is conclusion. This part primarily overviews and concludes the thesis by pointing out that J.K.Rowling not only tells an imaginative story about battles between the good and the evil in such magic realism novels, but more importantly, reveals that love is the real magic that can combat against all evil and difficulty.Key words: Harry Potter; Love; Familial Affection; Friendship; Love of TeachersIIIContentsIntroduction.1I Precious Familial Affection.31.1 The Love of Parents.31.2 The Love of Godfather Sirius Black.41.3 The Love of the Weasleys.5II Invaluable Friendship.52.1 Ron Weasley.62.2 Hermione Granger.62.3 Ginny Weasley.7III Love of Teachers.73.1 The Love of Prof. Dumbledore.83.2 The Love of Prof. Severus Snape.8IV Conclusion.9References.11Acknowledgments.12IntroductionHarry Potter series have been translated into seventy-four languages, published in more than two hundred countries and regions, selling more than five hundred millions copies, it can be said without exaggeration that Harry Potter has already caused sensation with its worldwide appraise, its literary achievements, its success in business along with its impart in the modern industrial society. Now people are accustomed to the fast and cyber reading speed, while that Harry Potter even can get so many readers is out of surprise.G. L. Anatol (2003) said that potter mania grows stronger and stronger with every new book and film, leaving many asking what makes the Harry Potter series so magical. Millions and billions of reader and audiences have been bewitched by the young wizard named Harry Potter along with his friends to conquer the evil in each book.Harry Potter are serial books of seven fantasy novels written by the British author J. K. Rowling. The books are mainly about the orphan boy, Harry Potter, growing up from a plain boy to a brave wizard. The protagonist Harry Potter, lives with his best friend Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger, all of whom are students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. M. H. Abrams & G. Harpham (2004) believe that the story concerns Harrys quest to overcome the Dark Lord Voldemort whose name is not to be told because of scare, whose aims are to be immortal, dominate the whole wizarding world, subjugate non-magical people named as muggles, while some death eaters call them as mudbloods, and destroy all those who stand in his way. The opposite group of justice led by Dumbledore gradually inject the younger ones, especially Harry Potter, the chosen savior.J. K. Rowling is our most influential woman. The wealthy Harry Potter author topped a list of 100 British women in a poll by magazine editors. Good Housekeeping editor Lindsay Nicholson (2008) said: “As a single parent who managed to cope and pull herself out of poverty and create a massive entertainment empire on the way, she is very inspiring.” “Rowling is also very careful about the way she uses her fame and is very true to herself.” The self-proclaimed “shy” author said: “I never in my wildest dreams expected this popularity.Fame will go away. and when it does I believe I will be happy.” J. K. Rowlings real name is Joanne Kathleen Rowling. J. K. Rowling is her pen name. She was born on July 31, 1965. She graduated from Exeter University, learning French and classical literature, got Bachelors degree in arts. J. K. Rowling has formed the habit of writing since the age of six. She kept writing even after she moved to Portugal to teach English. She got married to a journalist. The couple had a daughter but later divorced. She struggled to support herself and her daughter Jessica while working on her novel. The idea for Harry Potter came to Rowling in 1990 during a ride train from Manchester to London, a small wizard with glasses and black hair has been in the window and smile to her. The same year, her mother died, leaving Rowling and the rest of her family heartbroken. It is this loss that shaped the way she wrote about Harry Potter and his dead parents.Harry Potter series include seven books, Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire, Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix, Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.The Harry Potter novels harvest many honors and huge economic benefits at the same time foreign many well-known writers and scholars have questioned the harry potter phenomenon, (Boes T, 2006)criticize its success is the result of commercial, not only a literary classic. The reason is that as childrens popular literature, many scholars shrugged off it; because of its special background of literary fantasy novel style in popular literature, the value of childrens literature is being questioned. As a very popular and predominant book series, it is not produced into films, but also attracts the attentions and interest of the worldwide scholars. In western countries, many scholars conduct their researches on Harry Potter series from a variety of perspective. For example, in the book Harry Potters World: Multidisciplines Critical Perspectives, Elizabeth Heilman aggregates scholars from various discipline (literature, education, and other domains) to examine the Harry Potter books culturally, sociologically and psychologically, regarding is as both a social text and a cultural product. There is also study from the perspective of childrens literature, such as Reading Harry Potter: Critical Essays written by Anatoly, providing the growing analysis of the book series by offering articles about the first four fictions from child development and social and moral values as well as literary and historical treatments. Julia Eccleshares A Guide to the Harry Potter Novels studying J K Rowlings book and considering some reasons for the phenomenal success of the series. This will be served as a background of how Harry Potter series connects to other contemporary childrens books in order that teacher and students can place them in the context for which the books were written. Diana Patterson edited the book Harry Potters World Wide Influence, in which many scholars put forward with their point of view about Harry Potter series, such as Linda Jardines The Unexpected Task: The Journey of Maturation in Harry Potter and its Significance in Fan Speculation.But then all of the harry potter novels thesis sprang up, the Harry Potter novel research gradually down the path of scientific rigour. At present, many scholars from home and abroad make a collection of the analysis on these serial book. Like to from the Angle of lexicology research appears in the novels name, the origin of things. Of American library expert Steve wonder, compiled in the harry potters dictionary is the study of harry potter novels the most abundant comprehensive reference book, including plot memorabilia, British and American English words list and related information for CRT and other variants. And researchers have focused on the harry potter brand of background pagan and Christian. Like Edmund M. Kern (2008), Michael Oshaughnessy (2012), Joseph Campbell (2008), Julia Eccleshare (2003), Bill Moyers (2011), Claude Levi-Strauss, all of these authors have put in a considerable amount of time and research into studying the Harry Potter phenomenon and criticism surrounding the text and films, their work will be a valuable citation in this paper.Domestic scholars mainly discuss the work from two aspects. First, Li Xinghua, Yan Xianbin(黎新华,阎献彬,2006)from the writing method of the novel and Rui Yuping (芮渝萍,2004) from feaures of novel narrative. Jiang Shuqin (姜淑芹,2007) put forward that “the popular in the world of harry potter suggests that rebellion, the undercurrent of modernity has won extensive social identity”. In addition, other scholars also did research on the literariness of works, the works of cultural essence and symbolism involved in childrens literature and fantasy literature, as well as narration, symbolism, postmodernism and so on. They all tend to reveal its literary value that is not allowed to ignore, and all did the beneficial attempt to excavate the internal connotation from the viewpoint of literature. I. Precious Familial Affection In life, we can always hear that many people emphasize on education of love and affection of ones family. Indeed, everyone can grow in the living environment filled with love.1.1 The Love of Parents The love of parents originates from the blood relationship, which is the most natural and original human emotion. In this emotion, we need no reasons or guidance. Relying on the natural connection, parents love their children selflessly, children also endlessly respect and love their parents with graceful hearts. Among family members, the most core and natural thing is just the love among parents and children. In the novel series of Harry Potter, such love has run through the entire novel, moreover, it is so touching and impressive. Right from the beginning of the novel, the protagonist Harry Potter is an orphan. However, his parents love never strays from him. In his childhood, his parents are murdered and he is lucky enough to survive because of his mothers love for him. The tragedy of Harry in his childhood originates from an ancient prophecy. In the wizarding world of that time, the most evil villain Voldemort hears of a prophecy talked about by his servant that a baby boy born in July will be his rivalry in the future and only one can survive. In order to impede a future disaster, Voldemort maintains his consistently and even intends to take the life of any baby who is only one year old. When Voldemort appears, unguarded parents of Harry sacrifice their life to protect their own child. In the end, Harrys mother stands in front of him and begs Voldemort not to kill her child, but every begging is just in vain. However, Voldemort, who boasts himself to be the greatest dark wizard in the history, forgets a most ancient spell- the one about love: when a mother is willing to sacrifice her own life for her child, then the blood flowing inside this child can protect him not to be hurt. Finally, Harry survives. All these are forged by his parents love and life, which guard their own child at the cost of their own lives and one hope as well. The love of parents, specifically the maternal love, runs through the entire series of Harry Potter. In the six books of this novel, we just know why Harry can escape from the ferocious Voldemort when he is only one year old. This is not just because of Harrys courage, but more of the protection brought by his mother by sacrificing her life. So, although Harry never sees his parents and his impressions and recognition of parents come from photos and his parents friends, he can actually feel the love, and his parents significance and existence to him. Such love surpasses the time and space, which plays a crucial role in his life journey. This love of parents not only saves Harry from crisis again and again, but helps him to overcome difficulties time over and over again, to meet challenges of Voldemort, to finally triumphs over Voldemort and to regain peace for the wizarding world. 1.2 The Love of Godfather Sirius BlackIn the novel, although Harry see his biological father, he still can feel the paternal love from his Godfather who takes care of him just as his own father. As the best friend of Harrys father, Sirius Black takes care of Harry as his own child when he knows that both Harrys parents are dead for protecting him. His appearance makes up for the drawback that Harry has neither home nor fathers love since the childhood. Even though Sirius Black was framed afterwards, thus he cannot offer a home for Harry frankly and righteously, he is still the strongest dependent and spiritual harbor of Harry. For a growing teenager, paternal guidance is especially important. Sirius Black is just the best option-Harry can seek advice from him without being afraid of being mocked, and also communicate with him frankly as a big friend. To Harry, he can trust and rely on him forever. However, in the fifth book of the novel, this figure, who is incredibly important to the protagonist, sacrifices in a battle. Undoubtedly, it casts a heavy shadow over the growth of Harry. When he still does not know how to face the death of his dear Godfather, he gradually starts to understand that there will be more people falling down, this is just a beginning. As time goes by, nobody will stand between himself and Voldemort. Eventually, he has to face and solve everything, which is his own mission and choice. Meanwhile, Harry learns another lesson from the sacrifice of Sirius Black: treat everyone kindly. Only by treating other well, can you be treated kindly by others. The bad attitude of Sirius Black to the Houseelf Kreacher indirectly leads to his death. The friendly attitude of Harry later wins the trust and loyalty of Kreacher. Later, Harry also becomes the Godfather of Teddy Lupin, the son of his fathers good friend Lupin. He deeply understands Teddy as an orphan who has less care, thus he treats Teddy as his own son and offers a home for him. When he instructs his own children and Teddy, he applies all valuable experiences throughout his life. As a father and Godfather, Harry is undoubtedly more competent. By comparison, the world of Voldemort is completely short of family affection. He has neither a happy family of Harrys parents, nor Godfather or Godmother who cares about himself instead of his parents. Voldemort has no family affection or luck possessed by Harry, which brings destructive influences on him. Therewith, there will be more detailed interpretation in later parts. 1.3 The Love of the WeasleysTo Harry, the love of the Weasleys is just like familial affection. Molly Weasley treats Harry as her own child, sends sweaters of different colors to him every year, makes dishes Harry likes and worries about anything about Harry. For the Weasleys, they already consider Harry as one family member, without discrimination or repulsion. More is out of inner care. As an orphan, Harry is warmly welcomed and looked after by the Weasleys, who has understood the real wizarding family. For Harry, meals cooked by Molly Weasley is the best delicious food in the world. The Weasleys are the closest to him, who make great sacrifices while fighting with Voldemort. Harry has their full support and trust. No matter how hard the life is or how terrible the situation is, they never give up hope for Harry or the pursuit of beauty and justice.It can be said that the home of Weasleys is the actual home for Harry in the wizarding world, which lets him feel the atmosphere and warmness of home. . Invaluable FriendshipWhile getting along with each other, friendship enables people to possess sense of responsibility. Except for the influence of familial love on Harry, which lets him possess strong sense of justice, the selfless friendship offered by his friends a


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