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英语报刊选读参考答案英语报刊 选读 Journalistic Reading教师用书 Teachers Book总主编 王嘉褆主编 林玫 刘雁2BOOK ONE3UNIT 1 Campus3UNIT 2 Entertainment5UNIT 3 Entertainment6UNIT 4 Food8UNIT 5 Crime9UNIT 6 Disaster11UNIT 7 Sports13UNIT 8 Art14UNIT 9 Economy16UNIT 10 Ecology18UNIT 11 Health20UNIT12 Automobile & Driving22UNIT 13 Quality problems24UNIT 14 Shopping26UNIT 15 Gun control28UNIT 16 Psychology2962Book 3 BOOK ONEUNIT 1 CampusI Vocabulary Builder1. Definition1) chaotic: extremely disorganized; badly organized; be in mess2) primary: main; most important; key; major; chief; prime; principal 3) seduce: attract; tempt4) highlight: the most important, interesting, or enjoyable part of something such as a holiday, performance, or sports competition5) reluctant: unwilling6) compelling: very interesting or exciting, so that you have to pay attention7) reveal: show; indicate8) mainstream: accepted by or involving most people in a society; normal; ordinary9) critical: important; crucial 10) evolution: a long, gradual process during which something develops and changes, usually becoming more advanced; a gradual change and development2. Terms translation1) a bipartisan consensus2) high school diploma3) drop-out rate4) college wage premium5) the K-12 system6) more academically rigorous7) well-rounded citizens8) certification tests9) career and technical education3. Blank filling1) persevered 2) persisted 3) insisted 4) insisted5) persevere6) agony7) adversity8) torment9) plight10) assure/reassure11) insure/ensure12) insure13) insure/ensure14) assured/reassuredII Translation1. 选择圣路易斯的华盛顿大学是个不错的决定,但真正让我享受到理想大学生活的,(不是大学本身)是我到了大学后作的一些决定。2. 人类进化这门课本来是我迫于学校规定选的,但它却成了我所有课程中最大的亮点,这都要归功于上课精彩绝伦的授课教授。3. 我花了好几周时间在一堆堆的非主流音乐垃圾中寻找,试图找到鲜为人知却适合的音乐。然后我就决定离开这个不欣赏摇滚乐的电台。4. 据估计,在2007年大多数二十岁左右的大学毕业生所作的工作都不需要大学学历,这再一次证明了我们把孩子送进大学,他们毕业时除了满身的债务却一无所得5. 但至少一个大学文凭部分的、也可能是大部分的表面价值反应了一个事实,就是雇主可以用大学文凭来粗略判断求职者有努力工作的智力和意愿。III Comprehension of the Texts1. Q & A1) Para. 1: The author suffered a lot in high school, and she hoped all her hardship could be paid back by having a good time in college.2) Because she could not find a group she belonged to.3) That requires being open to people with whom you might never have expected to get along. 4) These two lecture titles are opposite examples to illustrate that the students should focus on the lecturer rather than the title of a course when they make a choice. 5) Because they were representatives of the two political parties in America and their attitudes toward the college education were the same, which illustrates the argument of Paragraph one: there is a bipartisan consensus on the high value of college education. 6) There are two indications. One sign is the high college drop-out rate 40% of kids who enroll in college dont get a degree within six years. The other sign is that in 2007, most people in their 20s who had college degrees were not in jobs that required them.7) Employers can use it as a rough measure of job applicants intelligence and willingness to work hard.8) There are four alternatives. 1. online learning; 2. certification tests; 3. career and technical education; 4. occupational licensure rules could be relaxed to create opportunities for people without formal education.UNIT 2 EntertainmentI Vocabulary Builder1. Definition1) lingering: continuing to exist for longer than usual or desirable2) preteen: relating to or made for children who are 11 or 12 years old3) build out: to enlarge the scale of the original building4) feud: long and bitter quarrel between two people, families or groups5) property: thing(s) that someone owns6) feature: to show a film, play etc.7) franchise: formal permission to sell a companys goods or services in a particular area8) premium: an additional amount of money, above a standard rate or amount9) speculation: guess10) credit: attribute sth to sb/sth11) pump up: informal to increase the value, amount, or level of something12) rampant: (of disease, crime, etc) flourishing excessively; unrestrained2. Blank filling1) inherit 2) cut a deal 3) transaction 4) unparalleled5) portfolios6) territory7) platform8) prescription9) reckoned10) incessant II Sentence Translation1. 同样重要的是,这次交易为迪斯尼引入了以13-19岁青少年男孩们为目标的品牌。以前迪斯尼为11-12岁的女孩子们提供大量的Hannah Montana娃娃衣服,向更小的孩子们推销米奇和米妮玩具,可青少年男孩一直是他们客户群中的缺口。2. 这次交易结合了惊奇公司强大的全球品牌和许多世界闻名的人物形象,包括钢铁侠、蜘蛛侠、X战警、美国上尉、神奇四侠和雷神,以及迪斯尼创新的技术,在全球范围内无以伦比的娱乐资产投资组合,以及一个可以通过多种平台和领域最大化创新资产价值的商业结构。3. 杰克逊演艺经历的长度使他得以体验、推广甚至创新了许多技巧,可以帮助艺人们凭借音乐才能获利。 4. 在他事业的高峰,杰克逊先生和他的经理人团队精明地计算出,流行乐的价值不仅仅和唱片销量捆绑在一起,也和唱片版权息息相关。5. 随着唱片收入随着销量下滑,盗版猖獗,数字分销而大幅下滑,现场演唱会重新成为流行乐的赚钱方式。III Comprehension of the Texts1. DIS can get a strong brand to sell to teen boys, which has remained a market blank for the company. 2. To acquire other companies/brands. 3. 1) Just months after taking the job, Iger engineered the $6 billion acquisition of Pixar2) Early in 2009, Iger cut a distribution deal with Steven Spielbergs newly recreated DreamWorks film studio. 4. Because Marvel has made movies of some of its most profitable franchises for other studios, and has licensed its properties widely throughout the entertainment world.5. No. The deal, which valued Marvel at $50 a share, represents a 28% premium to Marvels stock price, which closed on Aug. 28 at $38.65.6. B7. No. The “shift” in Para. 2 is a verb, meaning “to sell”, while the “shift” in Para. 3 is a noun, meaning “a change”. 8. D9. C 10. To pay for his huge shopping sprees and the upkeep of “Neverland”, his ranch in California.11. A12. B13. Elvis Presley is mentioned in Para. 8 to make a sharp contrast with Michael Jackson, suggesting that Jackson cannot reach the same level in art as Presley.14. BUNIT 3 EntertainmentI Vocabulary Builder1. Terms translation1) egg-laying chickens2) extend ones limbs3) be not subject to the new law4) fulfill ones promise5) breed6) signed a petition7) cast votes8) deliver a live report9) national security takes precedence over wildlife protection10) lighten restrictions11) standing on ones head12) be sexually transmitted13) media blitz14) the Associated Press15) wait tables16) be divvied out to new owners17) furrowed brow18) national news agency19) ringing proclamation20) be prepared for the backlash2. Blank filling1) obsession 2) allergy 3) discreet 4) latent5) confined6) captivating7) dwindled8) under the guise of 9) prompt10) weighed in11) eliminates12) breedII Sentence Translation1. 而海军方面指出其志愿救生员在附近发现鲸鱼或海豚时,会减少声纳的使用以保护海洋哺乳动物。虽然海军得以继续在南加利福尼亚海岸训练,但环境学家们还是赢得了部分胜利,因为这条规定并未给予海军方面全部自由,他们必须准备一份未来训练对环境影响的报告。2. 然而,人们广泛担忧市民可能会成为猛犬的下一个攻击对象,这种担忧将人类昔日的好友推到了政府工作计划名单上的第一位。3. 那些对肌肉强劲,下颌粗壮的猛犬着迷的人会通过猛犬杂交的方式规避法律,比如马士提夫獒犬和斗牛犬的“狗杂种”就是完全合法的。实际上,英国已经有人这么做了。4. 他指出:“其他(杂种)狗要么是两条狗在郊区草丛繁茂处欢乐一场后的结晶,要么是那些(爱凶猛大)狗的混蛋们故意让狗杂交配种后的产物。5. 丹麦每年约有四万只杂种狗出生,这样大规模地“打狗”是令人担忧的。III Comprehension of the Texts1. This Proposition has both advocates and opponents. The opponents argued that this proposition will increase the cost of egg producers of California state so that their eggs will be less competitive in price than those of other states. The advocates disagree because a study indicates that the little price increase in California eggs will be acceptable by the majority of California customers. 2. It means the farmers out of the state of California. 3. No. Because his daughter Malia is allergic to sort of dogs. 4. President Obama.5. Because the report petted the dog when it was not in a good mood. 6. The sonar pulses damage the hearing organs of whales and dolphins and can also hinder their ability to mate, find food and navigate. Some sonar pulses appear to have caused whales to strand themselves on shore, with necropsies finding signs of internal bleeding near their ears.7. No. Because the virus is latent in elephants in the wild as well as in captivity.8. F 9. Their main defense is basically hanging around, looking like a twig10. Grooming service, i.e. nit-picking. 11. Macaque; simians12. They set up a live satellite feed. 13. Once in two weeks. 14. Mr Moller claims this is the only way to eliminate aggressive traits from the doggy gene pool.15. Indignant comments about Nazis and racial cleansing have swamped online forums.UNIT 4 FoodI Vocabulary Builder1. Definition1) wreak havoc: do serious harm to; cause damage or problem2) presume: assume; suppose; to be sure of sth. but without proof3) originate: come from; develop from4) indication: sign; suggestion; hint; proof5) waded through: read sth that is long or difficult to read, without interest or enjoyment6) output: quantity of production; yields7) embrace: eagerly accept8) excess: a larger amount of something than is allowed or needed9) dissect: to cut up the body of a dead animal or person in order to study it10) grapple with: to try hard to deal with or understand something difficult2. Blank filling1) exposure 2) retain 3) presumed 4) erupted5) gross6) yield7) unfold8) adaptation9) definitive10) advocateII Sentence Translation1. 一些人宣称对很多食物过敏,而他们列出的过敏食物清单之长让人不禁怀疑,这是那些对吃过分挑剔的人在为自己对食物的爱憎找个合理依据。2. 然而,当我旁观这场有机食品防御战慢慢展开,我体会到了一种令人不快的似曾相识之感。如果过去发生的事情预示着现在,那么我们这些一直追踪有机食品论战的人现在就已注定了要在将来苦读成堆的研究资料,研究有机食品和传统食品哪种对健康更有利。3. 当有机农业的捍卫者们开始拿出研究成果试图证明,如一个有机番茄的黄酮类化合物比传统番茄高出97%,那么他们已经陷入了致命的误区。4. 科学背后的数据可能是可靠的,但是这种科学沦落到以数据比较判断质量,这完全是有机运动的创始人们所鄙视的。5. 真正重要的是,有机食品能做到其他食品生产工业所无法做到的:有机工业运作的前提是大自然有一套自己的经济体系,该体系超越了事实和数字,将大自然的地位放在短期利益之上,其运作机制所基于的逻辑原理是无法量化的。III Comprehension of the Texts1. People who are lactose intolerant cant digest the main sugar lactose found in milk. In normal humans, the enzyme that does so lactase stops being produced when the person is between two and five years old.2. Sweden has one of the worlds higest percentages of lactase tolerant people. 3. We shouldnt really call lactose intolerance a disease, because that presumes its abnormal. Instead, they call it “lactase persistence”, indicating whats really weird is the ability to continue to drink milk.4. The mutation showed up first in Northern Europe, where people got less vitamin D from the sun and therefore did better if they could also get the crucial hormone (its not really a vitamin at all) from milk.5. The theory shows that the mutation actually appeared about 7,500 years ago in dairy farmers who lived in a region between the central Balkans and central Europe. 6. The European mutation is different from several lactase persistence genes associated with small populations of African peoples. And they found three other mutations. 7. Because the advocates think the PSA didnt take many important factors into account. For example, the impact of synthetic fertilizer and insecticides; and the connection between the latter and Parkinsons Disease. 8. The first debate is about the yields/output of the organic food, with advocates arguing that organic can feed the world while detractors insist it would cause mass starvation. The second debate is about the quality of organic food - whether organic food is healthier than conventionally produced food.9. To grow organically was, for these pioneers, to directly oppose the excesses of industrialization. A farm, these men and women argued, shouldnt be a factory. Nature, unlike an assembly line, could not be dissected into a scattering of individual pieces and rearranged to maximize productivity. Its inputs and outputs were beyond the logic of measurement.UNIT 5 CrimeI. Vocabulary Builder1. Terms translation1) surveillance camera2) sliding down ropes from store skylights3) be granted permanent residency4) criminal records for theft and fraud5) a gambling arcade6) forensic expert7) detain someone indefinitely8) lack of conclusive evidence9) Paternity test10) crime scene11) serving a sentence12) drug smuggling13) issue an arrest warrant 14) statute of limitation15) tap ones phone lines16) administration of justice17) forensic science 18) categorical proof19) hold unrealistic expectations20) television drama series21) the defendant22) true culprit 23) defence lawyers24) prosecutors25) ending in acquittals26) the taping shut of envelopes27) a cigarette butt28) morally unimpeachable individuals2. Blank filling1) subtext 2) convicted 3) deadlock 4) deduce 5) upshot 6) disciplines 7) demonstrating 8) relevant 9) prospective 10) imitate 3. Synonym finder1) murder2) manslaughter3) homicide 4) convict5) verdict6) sentenced7) convicted8) verdictII. Sentence Translation1. 这是一个编剧们钟爱的题材:完美犯罪。但在好莱坞犯罪电影中有这样一条法则,即使最高明的阴谋也常常因意外事故而脱轨。而在现实中的德国,一起盗窃案却公然藐视了该法则及该法则背后所负载的道德理念:犯罪没有好结果。2. 比起那些清白之人也会遭遇牢狱之灾的地方,我宁肯住在一个有罪之人因证据不足而可以脱罪之处。3. 尽管他曾因强奸罪而服刑,但陪审团还是无法达成一致的判决,因此法官宣布了无效审判。4. 从积极的一方面来说,陪审员认为科学能够解决犯罪,这种错误理念可以让辩护律师从中获益,因为只要缺乏能够解决犯罪的证据就意味着存在合理怀疑,从而有理由宣判(被告)无罪。5. 从另一方面说,辩护律师会发现自己需要痛苦地向陪审团解释,在犯罪现场发现的指纹、DNA或是其他类型物证和数据库中储存的样本完全对应这种情况实际上只是电视剧虚构出的种种手段之一。III. Comprehension of the Texts1. Three masked, gloved thieves grabbed 5,000,000 ($6,800,000) worth of jewelry from the cases of KaDeWe. 2. The DNA of one of the suspects was found in a drop of sweat on a discarded latex glove next to a rope ladder used to reach the ground floor.3. The authorities had no choice as the court ruling made clear: From the evidence we have, we can deduce that at least one of the brothers took part in the crime, but it has not been possible to determine which one. 4. Identical twins share 99.99% of their genetic information, and the tiny differences are impossible to isolate due to their nature they tend to be spontaneous mutations limited to certain organs or tissues. Identifying those differences would amount to dissecting the suspects5. Yes. There are 1) A jury in a rape trial in Houston in 2005; 2) In 2004 in Boston, another rape trial; 3) Earlier in 2008, a drug smuggling case. 6. No. If fresh evidence emerges, a new arrest warrant can be issued against Hassan and Abbas O. any time within the next 10 years. 7. “CSI effect” means “the phenomenon in which jurors hold unrealistic expectations of forensic evidence and investigation techniques, and have an increased interest in the discipline of forensic science.” 8. Three. They are Bernard Knight, Monica Robbers and Evan Durnal . 9. The most obvious symptom of the CSI effect is that jurors think they have a thorough understanding of science they have seen presented on television, when they do not.10. Because they had to be sure that prospective jurors were not judging scientific evidence by television standards . 11. 1) using bleach to destroy DNA tracks; 2) wearing of gloves to avoid leaving finger prints; 3) using taping shut of envelopes.12. The CSI effect is born of a longing to believe that desirable, clever and morally unimpeachable individuals are fighting to clear the names of the innocent and put the bad guys behind bars.UNIT 6 DisasterI Vocabulary Builder1. Terms translation1) Swiss resort of Davos2) stride through a grain field 3) squatted down to talk to local farmers4) global downturn5) high-profile promises6) battered dirt roads7) drought-relief campaign8) socialist solidarity9) selfless devotion10) water diversion projects11) lower water-tables12) inflate the death toll13) karaoke music14) vending machine15) fire drills16) the basic tenets of civilization17) lights flicker off and on18) administer cpr19) dress wounds20) get access to the data base2. Blank filling1) plagued 2) precipitation 3) reckon 4) virtues5) woes6) toll7) concede8) vulnerable9) odds10) refining11) mandatory12) hierarchy13) intensify14) stumbled15) overwhelmedII Sentence Translation1. 中国该地区缺水的现象由来已久,(中国)政府也一直在致力于解决该问题。2. 精心打造的红旗渠纪念馆位于林州附近,据纪念馆的官方介绍,红旗渠在20世纪60年代开始建造,历时十年,几乎全由工人们手工开凿,全长1500公里,并附有462个水库和池塘。3. 但他指出,从长远看工作重心必须转移到节约用水,高效用水,以及合理制定城市水价,使城市用水者也付出该出的那份钱。4. 我们将城市建造在飓风的必经之路,将住宅区设立于地震断层带上,好像大自然会被我们大胆莽撞所威胁,就这样让我们为所欲为了。我们的必需品(如取暖和食物)供给网络距离我们的住所极远。如果断电,大多数人都不知道高层建筑物的楼梯所在;没有沃尔玛超市,我们能否活过一周都是个问题。5. 火警训练,尤其是法律规定的和人们意料之外的那种,能戏剧般帮助人们在最糟糕的情况出现时减轻恐惧。III Comprehension of the Texts1. He appeared to inspect the drought-relief work there and to comfort and encourage the local people. 2. The government has declared a “Level 1” emergency for the worst drought in 50 years, authorising an extra 300m yuan ($44m) in special drought-relief spending. It will finance everything from cloud-seeding rockets to the digging of new wells and tankers to deliver water.3. This years winter-wheat harvest is at risk.4. Because the global downturn has hit Chinas exporters hard, and millions of rural migrants have lost their jobs in coastal factories and returned to their villages.5. Like many of her neighbours, Fang Yue-ling, a farmer, was confident such high-profile promises would presage more assistance.6. A Pingdong villager Guo Yongxin says he knows nothing of the governments drought-relief campaign. He also says “We rely on the heavens for our water and we know it wont come to us from any place else.”7. To demonstrate that the water inadequacy issue is an old consisting problem to the central part of China, and the Chinese government has always tried to solve this problem. 8. A hidden ironic attitude. 9. Because when supplies tighten, urban and industrial users usually have priority, not the farmers. 10. Since the 1950s China has been digging ever deeper wells, and building ever more dams, canals, and water diversion projects, which ending up with the lower water-tables and depleted aquifers, so that many rivers can no longer replenish themselves in the dry season.11. In the long term the focus must shift to conservation, efficiency, and more rational pricing so that city users pay their fair share.12. Its a matter of preparation and mental conditioning. 13. People generally become quiet rather than panic, shut themselves down and freeze.14. But the more encouraging point is that the brain is plastic.15. Because they are mentally prepared, which gives them a psychological advantage to face the fire. 16. In the middle of a crisis, the basic tenets of civilization actually hold.17. Both of them felt responsible for their guests and tried to help them out of the fire scene. 18. They found that people at the fire scene were remarkably loyal to their identities.UNIT 7 SportsI Vocabulary Builder1. Terms translation1) the national championships2) offensive prowess 3) agent4) state-run media5) Shanghai native6) national league7) antiquated playbooks8) domestic airport operator9) issue oblique criticisms10) sporting spectacle11) contrasting hues ; clashing colors12) womens quadruple sculls rowing13) movable type14) approval of outsiders15) qualifying race16) karmic force17) the host nation18) results-obsessed19) enduring legacy2. Synonym finder1) merit 2) unfolded 3)notwithstanding4) languish 5)drafted6) perils7) turmoil8) dictates9) spurred10) Lest11) pursuit12) stunted13) degenerate II Sentence Translation1. 把时间快进到现在,这位七英尺六英寸高的中锋面临着板凳时间,这是他的脚伤造成的。有人猜测脚伤可能会终结他的职业篮球生涯。2. 目前姚明的对鲨鱼队的报价还未公布,他会为他自小效力的母队花费多少还是个未知数。3. 姚明自己就是国营体育机器的产物,而这一机器目前还能在很大程度上左右鲨鱼队运动员的发展方向。尽管如此,姚明还是在过去对中国篮球的阻碍创新,削弱积极性的作风进行过间接批评。4. 在过度训练和全国人民所给予的令人窒息的压力下,一直演出着“独角戏”的中国跨栏跑明星刘翔来到鸟巢开始他的第一场资格赛,然后因脚伤情况过于严重决定退出比赛。这位本该给中国奥运挣脸面的运动员,最后不得不背向人群,跛着脚离开跑道。5. 这个情形和奥运会场上应有的平等、欢庆的气氛格格不入,但却和中国一贯只重结果的原则相符。中国要完成的任务就是首先让人留下深刻印象,从而掌握控制权。III Comprehension of the Texts1. Because Yaos foot injury may end his professional life


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