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2020此卷只装订不密封班级 姓名 准考证号 考场号 座位号 届宁夏银川一中高三下学期第一次月考 英 语注意事项:1答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。2选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。3非选择题的作答:用签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。4考试结束后,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。第I卷(选择题)一、阅读理解Learning Java by OnlineGathaPrice: $1.5 Words: 93,560 Language: English Published: May 21, 2020This book has been designed for students as well as teachers to help them out in learning the fundamental concepts of the Java Programming Language. It uses a bottom-up approach in explaining various topics - that is, it explains basic syntax(句法) and gradually moves towards the complex problems.Ice Age by John Gribbin & Mary GribbinPrice: $3.99 Words: 26,790 Language: English Published: December 15, 2020John and Mary Gribbin tell the remarkable story of how we came to understand the phenomenon of Ice Ages. How frequently do Ice Ages occur? How do astronomical rhythms(节律) affect the Earths climate? Have there always been two polar ice caps? What does the future hold?The Pool Bible by Ken WalkerPrice: $14.95 Words: 77,400 Language: English Published: March 21, 2020Maintain your own pool - and save pots of money! A plain-language guide to care and maintenance of swimming pools by an expert in the field. The secrets of water balance and pH are laid bare for the backyard pool-owner! The Pool Bible is full of tips, tricks & advice. Save 10% of the cover price in the first 12 months or YOUR MONEY BACK. (PS - No-one has asked for a refund yet.)The Oblivion Stone by Alexandra MoodyPrice: $3.99 Words: 85,430 Language: English Published: February 12, 2020A battle between the humans and the Unfaih appears on the horizon, and Sloane and Rhyn must take measures to stop the violence that threatens to destroy everyone they love. Can they find the solution in time? Get your copy of the third book in The Liftsal Guardians series now!1Whats the theme of the book by OnlineGatha?AComputer science BSchool lifeCClimate change DA TV program2What does the book The pool Bible promise its readers?AQuick delivery BA free presentCThe chance of a refund DBetter after-sales service3Which book is published as part of a series?AIce Age BThe Pool BibleCLearning Java DThe Oblivion StoneMy husband and I were taking care of Lizzy, our daughter Melanies pet dog, on April 17 while Melanie was in the early stage of labour at the hospital. We received a text from our son-in-law, Joe Levanti, that Melanie was about to give birth. Tom and I sprang from our chairs suddenly. Its a tradition in our immediate family to wait at the hospital for a birth. This would be Melanie and Joes first child.“You take Lizzy out before we leave, and Ill be waiting for you in the car!” I told Tom. I started the car and waited impatiently. I saw my husband walk out of the front door- but then out shot Lizzy and she was running down the street at great speed.My husband ran after the dog, and I followed in my car. “Lizzy! Lizzy!” we shouted as fear filled our heart. We chased her up and down our Bellwood Avenue. “Shes running onto Wireless Road!” we both screamed with fear. Lizzy dashed back and forth in the busy street. My husband kept up his chase on foot. I shouted to my husband, “Tom! Be careful when you cross the street!”Within minutes, traffic was actually stopped on Wireless Road. A half-dozen good people got out of their cars to help. Soon, she ran into a safer area and then back to our street. With the help of six strangers, we caught her within a few anxious minutes. Everyone cheered, and we thanked the helpers again and again.With Lizzy safely back inside, we drove straight to the hospital and were able to see our daughter in the delivery room. My husband and I are forever grateful to the strangers who might have saved Lizzys life and who enabled us to be there at the beginning of a precious new one.4Why was the author going to the hospital?ABecause she didnt feel herself that day.BBecause her pet dog was hit by a car.CBecause her daughter was ill in hospital.DBecause her daughter was giving birth at the hospital.5How did the author feel while Tom was running after the dog?AConcerned BImpatientCThankful DRegretful6Where was the dog finally caught?AOn Wireless Road BIn a safer areaCOn Bellwood Avenue DIn the authors car7What is the purpose of writing this text?ATo show us how they got back their pet dog.BTo tell us how they managed to see their daughter.CTo express their sincere thanks to the kind strangers.DTo tell us what trouble their pet dog has caused them.As more Europeans arrived in America 500 years ago, they were in such great need of the land that they and the Native American Indians battled constantly. By the end of the 19th century, most Indian tribes (部落) were moved to reservations. A lot of their children were taken away to boarding schools to learn to speak English. By the end of the 20th century, more than half of the Native Americans in the US were living in the cities. They gave up speaking their old tribal language and only used English. As a result, many Native American languages disappeared and with that their culture.Today some American Indian languages are usually spoken by the older members of the tribes who still live on the reservations. In North America there are 150-170 languages that have at least one speaker. One ancient language spoken by the Northern Paiute tribe has over 100 speakers.But the good news is that some of these people are keeping their culture and language alive. They are also receiving help from the National Geographic Societys Enduring Voices project, whose aim is to help languages around the world which are dying out. The team meets these “last speakers”. The experts interview them and they are recorded with video, pictures and so on. They also tell old stories which are written down in English so people can learn more about the cultures.Recording the language and culture is only part of the project. The next stage is to pass on the language to the next generation. The Salish tribe is an excellent example of how schools can help. The tribe lives on the Flathead Indian Reservation in Montana. Their language is spoken by about 50 people aged over 75. So now, the local people have set up a school. It has 30 students aged two to twelve during the day and there are also courses for adults in the evening.8Why did Europeans fight with the American Indians?ATo live in American cities BTo occupy more living spaceCTo have Indians speak English DTo make Indian cultures disappear9What does the underlined word “They” refer to in Paragraph 3?AThe experts BThe recordingsCThe Indian cultures DThe last speakers10What can we know about the Salish tribe?AIt has its own language school. BIt has given up speaking English.CIts next generation speaks English. DIts language is only learnt by adults.11What can be a suitable title for the text?ALearning American Indian LanguagesBResearching on American Indian LanguagesCSaving American Indian LanguagesDFinding Lost American Indian LanguagesIt is becoming increasingly important for researchers to closely monitor our ocean life. However, observing sea creatures up close is almost impossible since human presence scares them. Now, thanks to the The Soft Robotic Fish, also known as SoFi, researchers may be able to keep a close eye on the sea creatures.Built by MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), the white remote-controlled robot resembles the real fish, complete with a tail that waves from side to side. Though not the first autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) created to monitor the ocean, SoFi settles many of the problems that have blocked the usefulness of previous robot fish.Previous AUVs have had to be linked to boats because of radio frequency communications dont work well underwater. To overcome the problem, Director of the CSAIL Daniela Rus and her team used sound waves. The technology can travel greater distances allowing divers to pilot SoFi from up to 50 feet away.Also limiting the usefulness of traditional AUVs is the risk of collision. With the outside made of soft silicone (硅树脂) rubber and flexible plastic that keeps its inbuilt electronics dry, SoFi poses no such danger. “Collision avoidance often leads to unnecessary movement, since the robot has to settle for a collision-free path,” says Rus. “ In contrast, a soft robot is not only more likely to survive a collision but also could use it as information to form a more workable movement plan next time around.”During test dives, SoFi moved alongside the ocean life at depths of 50 feet for up to 40 minutes at a time, taking photos and making videos. The researchers say sometimes the fish would swim alongside the strange-looking robot-fish out of curiosity, while at other times they took no notice of its existence.While SoFi presently only records video, future versions will include sensors. The researchers also hope to make it more autonomous. “We imagine someday it might help us uncovers more secrets from the amazing underwater world that we know so little about,” says Rus.12What can we learn about SoFi?AIts tail is flexible. BIt is the first AUV.CIt is closely controlled. DIts presence scares sea animals.13What can be learned from paragraph 3?ASound waves travel faster than radio.BRadio does not work well underwater.CPrevious AUVs use radio to communicate.DA boat travels along with SoFi on the water.14How does SoFi differ from traditional AUVs?AIt is controlled above.BIt can avoid a collision.CIt can smartly adjust its movement plan.DIt is set for a collision-free path.15Where is the passage possibly taken from?AA news report. BA science fiction.CA social website. DA short biography.二、七选五Behind every great product is a great team. Teamwork in the workplace offers the staff the opportunity to become more familiar with each other and learn how to work together. 16. There are several ways in which teamwork is important to the success of the company and to the development of each employee.Efficiency (效率)Work teams develop systems that allow them to complete tasks efficiently. 17, the teams work pace makes sure that the task is completed quickly and accurately. This allows the company to take on more work and also lets the company increase more income without having to add more staff. This becomes helpful when efficient teams from different departments work together.Support18 And a strong team environment can act as a support system for staff member. Work group members can help each other improve performance and work together toward improving professional development. Team members come to rely on each other and trust each other. 19, these bonds can be important.IdeasTeams in the workplace often met to discuss how to deal with company problems. When a team works well together, it allows staff members to feel more comfortable in offering suggestions. Team members become accustomed to processing brainstorming information.20.AThere are challenges each day in any workplaceBWhen the team faces a particularly hard challengeCWe all know teamwork helps companies earn more moneyDWhen a task is handed to a well-trained and efficient teamE. It is also the fuel that allows employees and companies to have successF. The company surely benefits from various suggestions given by efficient teamsG. One of the main benefits of a strong team environment is to share ideas with each other三、完形填空I was biking on a trail after work. About 2 miles of biking down the trail I passed another group of 21 , and almost directly after them, I saw a key in the middle of the trail. I picked it up, and 22 it was a new style Jeep key. I turned around and 23 to catch up with the group, but they were too fast and I was a bit out of 24 .I made it all the way back to my car, asking people along the way if they had 25 dropped a key. I was pretty tired at that 26 , but started down the trail again on my bike, thinking they went in the other 27 . After going about 4 miles down the trail asking everyone I saw but without 28 , I finally made it back to my car, and drove up the mountain road, looking for Jeeps. I held the key out of the window and 29 the panic button, but no luck. I 30 the previous thought and decided I would somehow 31 online that I found a missing key.Heading back down the mountain, I passed where I had 32 earlier and passed all the 33 I had seen while on my bike. At the last 34 , I saw a girl sitting on a brand new Jeep. I made a u-turn, and 35 right behind the Jeep while holding the key out of the 36 . I could tell she had been crying, and her face 37 the second she saw me. She was so 38 , and she gave me a hug through the window.The 39 of the lost key helped my mental state so much tonight, and Im so happy I didnt 40 it in the trail.21Asurvivors Bdiscoverers Ccampers Dcyclists22Arecognized Backnowledged Cadmitted Dinsisted23Ainstructed Battempted Cwandered Ddisturbed24Ashape Bduty Cbreath Daction25Anormally Bsadly Celegantly Daccidentally26Aevent Bpoint Cexpense Dprediction27Acase Bsituation Cdirection Dabsence28Aluck Bconclusion Coperations Defforts29Adesigned Breserved Cmatched Dpressed30Aapplauded Bundertook Cabandoned Dpolished31Astrike Bedit Csponsor Dpost32Aparked BTracked Cclaimed Dpromoted33Adestinations Bvehicles Cequipment Dadvice34Aadmit Bobservation Cstop Dapproach35Alooked over Bgave over Cbrought up Dpulled up36Awindow Bwheel Cseat Dsky37Aclouded Bshone Cinformed Dpreviewed38Acautious Btricky Cgrateful Dinnocent39Ainspiration Badventure CPerformance Dchallenge40Aleave Bremain Ckeep Dspare第II卷(非选择题)四、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Ahh Fish, chips and soft peas! There is nothing 41(much) British than fish and chips. Freshly cooked fish and chips, covered in salt, wrapped in newspaper and 42(eat) out of doors on a cold day, 43(simple) cannot be beaten! So how, when and where did this typically British dish come about?The potato44(think) to have been brought to England from the New World in the 17th century 45 Sir Walter Raleigh although it is believed that the French invented the fried potato chip.Both Lancashire and London claim to be the first 46(invent) this famous meal. In 1838, Charles Dickens47(refer) to “fried fish warehouses (仓库)” in 48 novel Oliver Twist.Ordinary people soon decided that putting fried fish and chips together was a very tasty 49(combine) and so was born the dish of fish and chips!The first fish and chip shop in the North of England was founded in Mossley around 1863. Mr. Lees sold fish and chips from a wooden house in the market and later he moved the business to a shop across the road 50 had the following words on the window, “This is the first fish and chip shop in the world.”五、短文改错51假段定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。My mother was driving me to school while we saw a cyclist fall over his bike onto the side of the road ahead. Without the second thought we pulled over and got out. He said he was OK but I could see his face bleed, so I returned to our car, taking out a case of first-aid supply like bandages. Cars were going by but we were safely on the side of the road and manage to tend to the injuries. Thankfully his head wasnt hurt seriously. I was glad we happened have all those supplies in our car. Though we have never used them before, but we must prepare them in case anything like that happens again.六、提纲类作文52假如你是李华,中国的传统节日-春节即将到来,你英国的笔友Martin看到伦敦唐人街的华人每年在春节期间有贴春联的习俗,对此非常感兴趣。他想请你介绍一下中国春联的传统和寓意,请你用英文给他回复邮件并邀请他来中国过春节。注意:1.词数100左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计人总词数;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;参考词汇:对联(couplet)Dear Martin,How is everything going?_Best wishes!Yours,Li Hua2020届宁夏银川一中高三下学期第一次月考英 语 答 案1 A2 C3 D【解析】【分析】这是一篇广告布告类阅读。文章主要介绍了几本书的价格以及售价。1推理判断题。答案定位在Learning Java by OnlineGatha部分This book has been designed for students as well as teachers to help them out in learning the fundamental concepts of the Java Programming Language.(本书是为学生和教师设计的,旨在帮助他们学习Java编程语言的基本概念。)由此可知OnlineGatha写的书的主题是计算机科学,故选A。2细节理解题。答案定位在The Pool Bible by Ken Walker部分Save 10% of the cover price in the first 12 months or YOUR MONEY BACK. (PS - No-one has asked for a refund yet.)可知The pool Bible承诺他的读者退款的机会,故选C。3推理判断题。答案定位在The Oblivion Stone by Alexandra Moody部分Get your copy of the third book in The Liftsal Guardians series now!(现在就拿起你的生活守护者系列第三本书吧!)由此推断出The Oblivion Stone是作为一个系列的一部分出版的,故选D。【点睛】推理判断题要求考生在理解原文表面文字信息的基础上,做出一定的判断和推理,从而得出文章的隐含意义和深层意义。推理判断题属于主观性较强的高层次阅读理解题,做这类题目时,同学们应严格依据作者所陈述的细节、事实以及作者的措词、态度和语气等,找出能够表露作者思想倾向和感情色彩的词语,然后利用自己已获得的相关知识进行推理判断,从而得出符合逻辑的结论。小题3,答案定位在The Oblivion Stone by Alexandra Moody部分Get your copy of the third book in The Liftsal Guardians series now!(现在就拿起你的生活守护者系列第三本书吧!)由此推断出The Oblivion Stone是作为一个系列的一部分出版的,故选D。4 D5 A6 C7 C【解析】【分析】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲了作者和丈夫去医院看望正在生孩子的女儿,女儿的宠物狗在街上乱跑。后来,在众人的帮助下,他们抓住了狗。作者向善良的陌生人表示真诚的感谢4细节理解题。答案定位在第一段Its a tradition in our immediate family to wait at the hospital for a birth. This would be Melanie and Joes first child.(在我们的直系亲属中,在医院等待分娩是一种传统。这将是Melanie 和 Joe的第一个孩子)由此可知作者要去医院是因为她女儿在医院生孩子,故选D。5推理判断题。答案定位在第三段I shouted to my husband, “Tom! Be careful when you cross the street!”( 我对丈夫喊道:“汤姆!过马路时要小心!”)可知当汤姆追赶那只狗时,作者很关心。A. Concerned关心的;B. Impatient不耐心的;C. Thankful感谢的;D. Regretful后悔的,故选A。6细节理解题。答案定位在第三段We chased her up and down our Bellwood Avenue.可知那只狗最后是在Bellwood Avenue被抓住的,故选C。7写作意图题。答案定位在最后一段My husband and I are forever grateful to the strangers who might have saved Lizzys life and who enabled us to be there at the beginning of a precious new one.(我丈夫和我永远感激这些陌生人)由此可知作者写这篇文章的目的是向善良的陌生人表示真诚的感谢,故选C。【点睛】英语阅读理解的步骤:第一遍:阅读的第一遍是非常重要的这一遍讲究的是速度与技巧先用最快的时间将题迅速扫一遍,了解你需要回答什么,做到一会儿阅读时心中有数这个时候你就可以胸有成竹地进行第一遍阅读在第一遍阅读时不要求精,只要求速度同时在这一遍中,关于文章的主旨等宏观方面的问题就可以解决了第二遍:这一遍是文章的精读过程,一般采用随看随做的方法,也就是说,每当你阅读完一段内容,就可以到下面去看看有没有与之相关的问题,同时趁着对该段文章的熟悉去做题如此下去,在你精读完之后,题也就做完了第三遍:这一遍一般放在最后的检查时阅读,一般以你的时间是否充足来决定检查一般要注意文章的细节,不要因为疏忽出错8 B9 D10 A11 C【解析】【分析】这是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。这篇文章主要讲了社会各界积极拯救正在消逝的美洲印第安人的语言。8细节理解题。答案定位在第一段As more Europeans arrived in America 500 years ago, they were in such great need of the land that they and the Native American Indians battled constantly.(500年前,随着越来越多的欧洲人来到美洲,他们对这片土地的需求越来越大,以至于他们和美洲印第安人不断地进行着战争。)故选B。9推理判断题。上文The team meets these “last speakers”. The experts interview them and they are recorded with video, pictures and so on.说团队会见了这些“最后的演讲者”。专家们对他们进行采访,并用视频、图片等进行记录。由此可知下文意思是“最后的演讲者”还讲用英语写下来的旧故事,这样人们可以了解更多的文化。“They”指的是“The last speakers”,故选D。10细节理解题。答案定位在最后一段The Salish t


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