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美国文学史及选读History And Anthology of History And Anthology of American LiteratureAmerican Literature主讲教师:吴静 副教授Table of ContentsTable of ContentsIntroduction Brief Outline of American LiteratureChapter I Colonial PeriodIntroductionIntroduction American Literature American literature is the literature produced in American English by American citizens.Canon of literatureconcurrence of ciritcs persistent influencefrequent reference to an author or workwildspread assignment ideology,political interest and value of elite classHistorical OverviewColonial Period(1607-1765)殖民时期Enlightenment&the War of Independence(1765-1800)启蒙时期Romantic Period(1800-1865)浪漫主义时期Realistic Period(1865-1918)现实主义时期Modernism(1918-1945)现代主义时期Contemporary Literature(1945-)当代文学Colonial Period(1607-1775)Chapter One主要内容:General background,major writers and their works重点难点:American Puritanism and its influence on American LiteratureI.Historical IntroductionI.Historical Introduction1 early history:1)America was first discovered by Columbus at the end of the 15th century.2)In 1607,Captain John Smith led some Englishmen across the ocean (Jamestown,Virginia)3)In 1620,102 passengers sailed on the ship Mayflower across the sea and settled on the new continent“New England”.(Plymouth,Massachusetts)2.people:Indians were native inhabitants.Now Americans are mainly immigrants mostly from Europe,esp.from England.The ColonizationThe ColonizationThe Great Discovery of the New Land in 1492 by ColumbusHenry VII,King of England,established in 1497 a claim to the continental domain.Queen Elizabeth came to the throne of England in 1558,began to take a serious interest in the real estate in the New World.Under her encouragement,many merchants and sailors had begun their exploring journeys into the New Land.Among them,there was a person named Captain John Smith.the founding of Jamestown in Virginia in 1607.3.What is the Puritan?(p7-9)Puritan is English protestant.They regarded the reformation of the Church under Elizabeth as incomplete,and called for its further“purification”from what they considered to be unscriptural and corruptforms and ceremonies retained from the unreformed church.3.What is the Puritanism?(p7-9)Puritanism is a religious and political movement that developed in England about the middle of the 16th century and later spread influence into the New England in America.The 17th century American Puritans included two parts:one part of them were the creators of the Plymouth(普利茅斯)colony,called“Separatists”.The other part was the Englishmen in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.Though they came later than those of Plymouth colony,they were richer and better-educated.Their BeliefsTheir BeliefsThey regarded themselves as chosen people of God.They embraced hardships,industry and frugality.They favored a disciplined,hard,somber,ascetic and harsh life.They opposed arts and pleasure.They suspect joy and laughter as symptoms of sin.Main Doctrines of American Puritanism1)the doctrine of predestination,original sin and atonement.2)Strong Sense of Mission:Puritans dreamed of living under a perfect order and worked with a hope to build a Garden of Eden in America.This shows that they are indeed idealists.3)Puritanism encouraged people to struggle in their career.If ones business was booming,it proved that he had gained gods providence.4)Puritans stressed hard work,thrift,piety and sobriety.In peoples daily life,religious activities were a matter of first importance.Their lives were disciplined and hard.4.Why did Puritans come to America?(1)to reform the Church of England(2)to have an entirely new church(3)to escape religious persecution*Gods chosen people*To seek a new Garden of Eden*To build“City of God on earth”II.Early American Writers and PoetsII.Early American Writers and Poets1.South,Jamestown,Virginia:Captain John Smith-first American writer;8 works Contributions:his description of America were filled with themes,myths,images,scenes,characters and events that were a foundation for the nations literature.He lured the Pilgrims into fleeing here and creating a New land.2.North,New England,Puritan WritersWilliam Bradford:first governor of Plymouth,The History of Plymouth Plantation,simplicity,earnestness,direct reporting,readable,moving.John Winthrop:first governor of Boston,The History of New England,3.Two Poets:Anne Bradstreet,Edward TaylorJohn Smith(1580-1631)John Smith(1580-1631)1.Introduction to the author(1)He was an English soldier,sailor,and author(2)He is remembered for his role in establishing the first permanent English settlement in North America at Jamestown,Virginia.He was a leader of the Virginia佛吉尼亚州 Colony(based at Jamestown)between September 1608 and August 1609,and led an exploration along the rivers of Virginia and the Chesapeake Bay.切萨皮克湾 Chesapeake Bay 美国东部大西洋沿岸的海湾。南段在弗吉尼亚,北段在马里兰,长311千米,宽540千米面积约8,365平方千米。有多条河流注入,其中包括萨斯奎汉纳河、帕塔克森特河、波托马克河和詹姆斯河。詹姆斯敦是海湾区的第一个欧洲人居住区,建于1607年。一年后,J.史密斯船长探测并绘制了海湾及其各河口的地图。切萨皮克湾的水域有丰富的海洋生物,但到20世纪70年代,周围地区的开发使得海湾的污染严重,捕鱼量急遽下降。为了弥补损失政府已采取了各种措施。2.His literary achievements(1)He is the first American Writer.His first literary work comes from part of a letter with the title“A True Relation of Such Occurrences and Accidents of Note as Hath Happened in Virginia Since the First Planting of That Colony”(1608).(2)A Map of Virginia:with a Description of the Country(1621)(3)General History of Virginia(1624)波卡洪塔斯 Pocahontas 波瓦坦族印第安妇女,在弗吉尼亚州的詹姆斯敦善待殖民者,从而维护了英国殖民者与美洲土著之间的和平。为有权势的波瓦坦人酋长之女。她插手营救了被俘的殖民地创建者J.史密斯。其后她改信了基督教,并与殖民地开拓者J.罗尔夫结婚,进一步确保了双方的和平。她后来到英国旅行,获国王接见,但在英国死于天花。William Bradford(1590-William Bradford(1590-1657)1657)Bradfords statue in Plymouth Rock State Park,Plymouth,Massachusetts William Bradford(1590-William Bradford(1590-1657)1657)1.Introduction to the author(1)William Bradford was a leader of the Separatist settlers of the Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts.(2)He was elected thirty times to be the Governor after John Carver died.(3)He was the second signer and primary architect(建筑师,设计师,缔造者)of the Mayflower Compact in Provincetown Harbor.,the first governor of Plymouth2.His representative work:The History of Plymouth Plantation(1856).John WinthropJohn Winthrop(1587-1649)(1587-1649)1.Introduction to the author(1)He was the first governor of Boston.(2)He had been a lawyer and lord of a manor in England.(3)He was elected governor of the Massachusetts Bay Group before sailing and the foremost(首要的,最佳的)leader throughout the remaining 19 years.2.His major works:(1)Parts of his journal were first published in 1790.(2)The complete work was called The History of New England which was published in 1826.(3)His work is notable for its simplicity and honesty,yet it is valuable historical materials about that periodAnne Bradstreet(1612-1672)Anne Bradstreet(1612-1672)1)Anne Bradstreets Works“Some verses on the Burning of Our House”“The Flesh and the Spirit”The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America2)Anne Bradstreets Life*She was born and educated in England.*At the age of 18,she came to America in 1630 with her father and husband.*She had 8 children.*She became known as the“Tenth Muse”who appeared in America.the first collection published by English colonists living in AmericaEdward TaylorEdward Taylor1.Introduction(1)He was born in England and attended Harvard University.(2)He was the best of the puritan poets in the colonial period.(3)His work followed the style and forms of the leading English poets of the mid-seventeenth century,and although Taylor was not the best of these,he showed an authentic(a.真的,真正的;可靠的,可信的)poetic ability.(4)Most of his works treated religious themes,with many poems based directly on the psalms.(5)His work:Preparatory MeditationFeatures of Colonial Features of Colonial PoetsPoets1.They were servants of God.2.They faithfully imitated and transplanted(vt.移栽;移植;使迁移 n.(器官)移植)English literary traditions.In English stylePuritan poets III.The Writing Style of Colonial America Literature The writing style of this period is fresh,simple and direct;the rhetoric retrik(n.雄辩言辞,虚夸的言辞;修辞学)is plain and honest,with a touch of nobility often traceable to the direct influence of the Bible.All this has left an obvious imprint(v.盖印,刻印)on American writing.Nine American Nine American WinnersWinners in Literature in Literature1930:Sinclair Lewis,刘易斯1936:Eugene ONeill,奥尼尔1938:Pearl S.Buck,赛珍珠1949:William Faulkner,福克纳1954:Ernest Hemingway,海明威1962:John Steinbeck,斯坦贝克1976:Saul Bellow,索尔贝娄1978:Isaac B.Singer,辛格1993:Toni Morrison,莫里森1980:Czeslaw Milosz 米沃什(Poland/USA)1987:Joseph Brodsky 布罗德斯基 (USSR/USA)1948:T.S.Eliot 艾略特艾略特(USA/UK)Summary;Preview:Benjamin Franklin,Thomas Paine,and Philip Freneau.


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