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自主复习提案三(中考复习7BUnit 1)设计 张仕梅 审核 冒小飞 姓名 _ 组长 _ 一、 认真复习7BP.115-116单词表,过关四会单词。二、 仔细研读课本,过关重点词组、句式。 重点内容:P8-9 reading, P17对话,P19 Speak up, P22 Main task三、了解并记忆下列词形转换。wood-wooden, quietquietly(反义词)noisily-noisy big-bigger-biggest, shelf-shelves, balcony-balconies, rain-rainy, sleep-sleepy-asleep, friend-friendly, real-really, lie(tie/die)lying(tying/dying), worry-worried, own- owner, above- below四、 读背下列词组,自默过关,准备检查。1. live next to a restaurant 住在餐厅隔壁2.opposite the door 在门对面3.over a river 在河上4.in the sitting room/kitchen 在起居室/在厨房 5.in the centre of Moscow 在莫斯科中心 6.on a busy street 在一个繁华的街道上7. look out at sth. 往外看 look out of the window 朝窗外看 8. get into my house 进入我的房子 run in 跑进来9. my own bedroom 我自己的卧室10. make dinner 做饭11. share sth with sb. 和某人分享某物12. the capital of 的首都13. on the phone 在电话上14. take sb to sp 带某人去某地15. get ninety points for English 英语得了90分16. the best place to grow flowers 种花的最好地方17. all the bedrooms 所有的卧室18. cant wait to do sth. 迫不及待做某事19. have a free day 有空闲的一天20. be different from/ be the same as 与不同/相同21. take a message for sb. 为某人捎个口信 pass on a message to him for me 帮我带个口信给他 leave a message 留个口信22. ask/tell sb.(not)to do sth. 要求某人(不)做某事23. call sb.(up)=ring sb.(up)=phone/telephone sb=give sb a call/ring =make a phone call to sb 打电话给某人24. at least/most 至少/至多25. on the ground/first floor 在一楼26. on the shelf/shelves 在架子上27. have a shower/bath 洗澡28. at the same time 同时29. have time/ be free 有空自主复习过关检测三(中考复习7B Unit 1)设计 张仕梅 审核 冒小飞 姓名 _ 组长 _ 得分 _一、单词默写(25分)1. 宫殿_ 2. 爬,攀登_ 3.梯子_ 4.花园 _5. 孩子_(复数)_ 6. 千 _ 7.咖啡 _8.米,公尺_ 9. 床头柜_ 10. 整洁的 _11.(15)序数词_ _ _ _ _ (9,12,14,19,20)序数词_ _ _ _ _ (40,90,58,100)序数词_ _ _ _二、词组、短句翻译(57分) 1. 河上有座桥。 _2. 躺在床上 _3. 进入我的房子 _4. 与不同 _5. 为某人捎个口信 _6. 法国的首都是巴黎。_7. 雨下得很多。_8. 和她的邻居共用厨房_9. 在他和我之间 _10. 九月十日是教师节。_11. 你们学校像什么样?_12. 迫不及待做某事 _13. 数学得了90分 _14. 到达博物馆 (3种)_15. 如果我有空(2种)_三、词形变化(18分)1.wood(形容词)_, 2.quiet(反义词)_, 3.quietly(反义词)_, 4.shelf(复数)_, 5. above(反义词)_, 6. sleep(形容词)_, _ 7.lie(现在分词)_, (过去式,过去分词)_, _8. rain(形容词)_, (现在分词) _ 9. stay(现在分词)_, (过去式)_10.worry(现在分词)_, (形容词)_ 11. grow(过去式)_, (过去分词)_中考复习学案三(7B Unit 1)设计 张仕梅 审核 冒小飞 姓名 _一、重要语法 1. 表示方位的介词:P13 2. 基数词/序数词 P14, 16 记忆序数词:fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth, fortieth, fourteenth, nineteenth, ninetieth 【辨析】two hundred students 两百个学生 two hundred of the students 学生们中两百个人 hundreds of students 数百个学生 1,234,567(读法:one million two hundred and thirty-four thousand, five hundred and sixty-seven) 序数词常见用法: on the fifth floor, on his twentieth birthday, win the first prize/place, come first/second日期的写法(4种):April 1 April 1st 1 April 1st April 读法(2种):April the first the first of April二、交际用语1. -Would you like to live in a palace? (would like to do sth.)- Yes, Id love/like to. /No. Id love to live next to a restaurant2. -Would you like a cup of tea?(would like sth.) -Yes, please. /No, thank you.3. Whats your dream home like?4. 电话用语:1)-Hello, may /can I speak to Neil?/Is Neil there, please? -Hello, this/it is Neil (speaking/here)./Speaking./Sorry, hes out./Wrong number./Hold on, please.2) Whos that/calling/speaking, please? This is/Its (here).3) Can I take a message?/ Can I leave a message? 4) Whats your phone number?三、考点解析1. in front of【解析】 in front of 在.前面(表示在外部)其反义词是behind in the front of 在前部(表示在内部)反义词组:at the back ofeg: There is a big desk _ our classroom. Thats the teachers desk. Is there a river _ his house?2. between 【解析】between是介词,后接宾语,代词做宾语时要用宾格形式。eg: between him and me between表示:在两者之间 后接名词复数做宾语 eg: between two cities 在两个城市之间【必记搭配】tell the difference(s) between these words 说出这些单词的不同点3. live two floors above/below Sandy 住在Sandy楼上/下两层【解析】above 是方位介词“在上面”表示高于水平面。反义词为 below over 是正上方,反义词是under. eg: There is a bridge _ a river. on 表示在表面上,有接触。【辨析】 他住在我楼下三层。 He lives three floors _. = His flat is three floors _.4. lie /stay in bed 躺在/呆在床上【解析】in bed 短语只表示“人在床上”不加冠词。如表示物在床上可用on the bed. 类似用法必记:go to school, be in hospital, put in prison, 5. It rains(v.) a lot 【解析】rain (vi) 下雨 通常主语用It. Eg: 这儿从不下雨。_. rain (n.)(不可数) eg: 我家乡雨水很多。There _ a lot of rain in my hometown. 6. on the teachers desk 在讲台上【辨析】the teachers office 教师办公室 Teachers Day教师节(注意三个短语中的所有格形式)7. arrive at/in=get to sp=reach sp. 到达某地【解析】reach (vt); arrive (vi) (句中无地点时必须用arrive) ( ) I wonder when he will _tomorrow. A. get B. get to C. arrive D. reach【同义表达】到达北京 _(城市、国家名前_) 到达电影院_ (常见地点名词前_) 到家/这儿/那儿_(地点副词前_) 到她家_(某人的家是_词)8. That sounds great! 听起来不错!【解析】sound 为表示感观的系动词,还有:look, smell, taste, feel(感觉,摸起来)后接形容词。eg: look beautiful, look like his mother, feel soft(摸起来软), feel much better 注意:这五个系动词中,feel表示“感觉”可用进行时,其余很少用进行时。 Listen, the music _(sound) beautiful. ( ) The meat tastes _, youd better throw it away. A. good B. terribly C. bad D. well【当堂检测】一、选用方框中单词的适当形式填空。rain, wood, teacher, one, little, shelf 1. We lived in a _ house in the past.2. Where are the books? They are on those _.3. They have at _ eight lessons every day.4. -Where is he? -He has gone to the _ office.5. Who came _ in the boys 100-metre race?6. Tomorrow may be a _ day.二、单项选择( )1. - Hello, could I speak to Miss Fang, please?- _ I l1 get her for you. A. Hold on, please. B. Im Miss Li. C. Who are you? D. She is at work.( )2.The documentary tells us _in the past. A. how Beijing liked B. how Beijing was like C. what was Beijing like D. what Beijing was like( )3. Who is the first _ school every day? A. to reach B. to get C. to arrive D. getting to( )4. _ students are playing basketball in the playground.A. hundred of B. two hundreds C. two hundred of the D. two hundreds of【每日一练】中考作业本:P56 一 P60 四 P61 六


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