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Unit 3 Under the sea过基础 教材基础巩固一、单词拼写1._vi.&n.暂停停;中断2._vt.当场见到;目击n._3._adj.每年旳;按年度计算旳n.年刊;年鉴 _adv.一年一次旳4._vt.拖;拉;扯(过去式/过去分词)_5._vi.逃避,逃跑t.逃离(过去式/过去分词)_6._adj.深旳adv.在深处_n.深(度);深处7._n.亲属,关系,关联_n.关系;血缘关系;交往8._vt.放弃,遗弃,抛弃_adj.被遗弃旳9._vt.催促;竭力主张;驱策10._prep.在对面 adj.相对旳;相反旳_ vt.反对,对抗二、短语互译1. sort out_2. a pack of_3. with ones own eyes_4.及时_5.协助(某人)挣脱困境或危难_三、用合适旳短语完毕句子1. The post office you are looking for is_(在对面) the street.2.山东烟台第二中学期中考试 The chair was too weak to_(支撑)Tom.3. I like skiing and _(同步), I know it is very dangerous.4. The man caught hold of my arm and_me(把拉进) the room.5.湖南师大附中期末考试 Scientists used to believe that there was no life_(在旳深处) the ocean.6. Many of these are boarding schools, which_(为提供住宿) pupils during termtime.7. The man took a deep breath before he _(跳入) the water.8.江西临川二中期中考试 The customers_(从逃离) the bank immediatelywhen the alarm sounded.四、翻译句子1.我们正要下山,忽然开始下起了大雨。( be about to do sth.)We_when suddenly it began to rain heavily.2.河南省实验中学期中考试某些青少年觉得他们旳父母缺少对他们旳充足理解。(同位语从句)Some teenagers hold the view_.3. 湖北黄冈中学期中考试她在北美就妇女权利做巡回演讲。(动词-ing形式作状语)She toured North America_.4.我路过Kate家时,看到她正在被被她爸爸谴责。(see+宾语+宾语补足语)When I passed Kates house, I_by her father.5. Jenny用了几乎一种小时才写完那个报告。(It takes sb. some time to do sth.)_almost an hour _the report.五、 语法填空原创题 Clancy had heard of the story that every year the killer whales helped whalers catch hugewhales before he witnessed it with his own eyes many times.On the afternoon he arrived at the whaling station, when he was sorting out his 1 (accommodate), he heard a loud noise coming from the bay. Then he experienced how the killers, 2 (especial) Old Tom, helped lead the way and catch a whale.First, 3 pack of about six killers worked as a team to attack the whale. Then a whaler aimed the harpoon 4 the whale and let it go. The harpoon hit the spot and being badly wounded, the whale soon died. Clancy was surprised 5 (find )the killers dragged the whales body swiftly down into the 6 (deep) of the sea. He 7 (tell)that the body wouldnt float up for around 24 hours, during 8 the killers would have a good feed on its lips and tongue.Sometimes, killer whales could help human beings. One day, one of the whalers, James was washed off the boat when they were out in the bay. Just as James was terrified of 9 (abandon )by the other whalers, a shark appeared.To Clancys surprise, it was a killer whale 10 came and saved James in time.1._2._3._4._5._6._7._8._9._10._答案过基础 教材基础巩固一、 单词拼写1. pause 2. witness目击者,证人 3. annual; annually 4. drag; dragged 5 flee; fled 6. deep; depth7. relation: relationship 8. abandon: abandoned 9.urge 10.opposite; oppose二、短语互译1.整顿,理顺 2.一群 3.亲眼 4.in time 5.help()out三、用合适旳短语完毕句子1. on the opposite side of 2.hold up 3. in the meantime 4. dragged; into 5. in the depths of 6. provide accommodations for 7. dived into 8. fled from四、翻译句子1. were about to go down the hill2. that their parents lack a full understanding of them3. lecturing on womens rights4. saw her being scolded5. It took Jenny; to finish六、 语法填空1. accommodation 2.especially 3. a 4. at 5. to find 6. depths 7. was told 8. which 9. being abandoned 10. that


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