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典型例题例1 There are more than a thousand boats _ on the surface.A. after all B. in all C. at all D. above all解析:考查与连用的常用短语区别。本题选用B, in all 意为“总和、总共”,而after all意为“毕竟”,at all 是“全然,完全”,与否定词not等连用表示“根本不”,如:Do you know it at all? I dont understand what you said at all。above all 是“总之、综上所述”。答案:B例2 What have you _ our goods, put them away or thrown away? A. deal with B. do with C. dealt with D done with解析:do with 意为“处理、处置”,与疑问词what连用,如:He didnt know what to do with the property(财产) his father had left。do with还有“对待(某人)”的意思,:如:The teacher didnt know what to do with the class。 deal with 虽然也有“对待(某人、事)”的意思,但用的疑问副词应该是how,如:He knows very well how to deal with children. 答案:D例3 Bamboo can be _ paper and some paper is _ rags.A. made into , made into b. made from , made of C. made into , made from D. made from , made into解析:“由制成”可有两个基本短语,即:be made of (指物件发生的是形的变化,可称物理变化)和be made from (指物件发生的是质的变化,可称化学变化)。be made into 是“把制成”,主语应该是原材料into后面是制成物。另外,bemade up of 通常指“由多种成分(或对象)组成。”The Class is made up of sixty threestudents.答案:C例4We have _ things to do at present. Which of the answers isnt correct?A. many B. a great many c. a good many D. many a 解析:a good many (很多), a great many (极多), so many (这么多) 等短语后面接名词时,不能用of,后面均可以接名词的复数形。在a good (great) many of my(his, their等)books等短语中不可省略of, 接代词时要用of。many a(许多)后接单数名词,在句中作主语时,谓语动词用单数, 如:Many a man has tried it before。答案:D例 5. Its time we _ ready.A. get B. got C. will be D. should get 解析: ready 意为 “准备好的, 有准备的”, 常用结构: be (get) ready for sth./ to do sth. “为作好准备” 和be (get) ready to do sth. “愿意做某事”。本考题中Its time + 从句是一个常用句型, 要注意从句中用虚拟,即用过去时。如:Its time we had a rest.答案:B例6 She came _ home from his office.A. straightly B. straighten C. straight D. forward解析:straight 形容词,意思是“直的、正直的”, 如:The dancer ran in a straight line.作副词用,意思为“笔直地、直接地”,与directly是同义词。如:Nathan Hale looked straight at the general.答案:C例 7 - I am going to the office.- _ youre there, can you get me some stamps?A. As B While C. Because D. If解析:C引导原因状语从句, D引导条件状语从句,均与本题意不符。A强调主从句谓语动词的同时性,但B除表示同时概念外,还有一个动作在另一个动作正在进行时或持续过程中某一时刻发生。本句从句所强调的显然与主句情景不具备同时性。答案:B基础练习I. 单词拼写 根据首字母或汉语提示拼出单词:1. Thats a good idea. I agree with you e_ .2. The teacher told me to sit s_ in class and listen to her carefully.3. This method will do good to the rapid g_ of this plant.4. Have you seen the leaves of bamboo sway in the wind like slim fingers r_ to touch something.5. We call something that is worth noticing or unusual r_ thing.6. There are a lot of _ (观众) seated in the cinema, waiting for the film start.7. The apple trees are in _ (开花).8. Have you ever heard of plants that eat _ (昆虫).9. Products made in that company will be _(船运) to some European countries.10.Villagers have tried every _(能想象到的) means to help the driver, who was in trouble.II. 单句改错下面的每个句子中均有一处错误,请找出并改正在句子后空线上。1. They went straightly to the post office and post the parcel._.2. I dont know the man but I have heard him. He is an honest person._.3. They spent the weekend at Mr. Palmers._.4. He asked me what would the weather be like the next day._ .5. The police found that the house had broken into._.6. A great deal money has been spent in building the great temple._.7. The two balls fell down to the ground almost in the same time._.8The man lied down and went to sleep. _9 If you need help, try ask Tom. He is free most of the time._10. There was a letter in the newspaper which ended as “A reader in Paris.”III. 完成句子1 然而,从老杆的根周围又会长出新的幼芽。However, new _ of bamboo will _ _ _ around the roots of the old ones.1. 它们中的大部分与他的功课无关。Most of them _ _ _ _ with his lessons.2. 你必须尽可能多练习说英语。You must _ _ English as _ as _ .3. 在那些国家,许多人几乎都是用竹子建房的。In those countries, many people _ _ _ _ almost _ of bamboo.4. 除了外出的杰克,几乎所有的学生都去了展览会。_ Jack, who was out, _ all the students went to the exhibition.6和你一起生活对我来说是一件愉快的事情。 _ _ _ for me to live with you.7. 你找到什么解决这个问题的办法了吗?Have you found any _ _ _the problems?能力测试单项选择1. She asked his mother for some money, but _ a little.A. has given B. was given C. has been given D. gave2. The fruit and meat that I bought _ just _ in the fridge.A. has , been put B. have , putC. have , been put D. has , put3. I should very much like to have gone to the party, but _ .A. nobody had told me to B. I was not invitedc. I hadnt been invited D. all the above4. The policemen found that the house _ and many things _ .A. has broken into, has been stolenB. had broken into, had been stolenC. has been broken into, stolen D. had been broken into , stolen5. If your brother doesnt go there, _ .A. we dont go, too B. we also dont go C. neither shall we D. neither do we6. Come and sit down by the fire. Your hand _.A. is felt so cold B. is feeling so coldC. feels so cold D. feel so cold7. In some parts of the world, tea _ with milk and sugar.A. is serving B. is served C. served D. serves8. Bamboo grows best _ it is warm and _it rains often.A. at which , at which B. where , where C . at the place , at the place D. in which , in which9. _ my English _ rather poor.A. So far , remains B .So far , still C. So far, has remained D. By far, remains10. Families once grew much of their own food. Today, however, most people _ their food from the market.a. cook B. have C. keep D. get11. The ground is covered with _.A. falling leaves b. fallen leavesc. felt leaves D. fallen leaves12. Though he got the bad news, he still _ very happy.A. seemed b. looked C. appeared D. felt 13. We should do all _ help the old out of a lonely life.A. that we could B. that we could to C. what we could D. what we could to do 14. Planting trees in the desert is _ .A. working hard B. a hard work c. hard job D. hard work15. Do you remember there _ a small river there.A. used to be B. used to beingC. was used to be D, used to haveII. 交际英语从选项中找出能完成下列情景的最佳答案。1.- Do you mind my smoking here? - No, _ . a. not a bit B. not a little c. not a few D. please dont2. - What _ fine weather it is! Shall we go on an outing today? - No, not today. But you can make it _day you like next week. A. a, some B. / , another C. a , one D. / , any3. - I hear the film The Lord of the Ring is really wonderful. - _ . I have seen it twice.A.It is so B. So is it C. So it is D. So it was4. - Let me help you with that suitcase. - No , Tom. I can manage, but _ .A. not at all B. thank you all the sameC. it doesnt matter D. Thatll be right5.- Can I borrow the car? - Yes, so long as _ .A. you are driving carefully B. you drive carefullyC. you must drive carefully D. you have to drive carefullyIII. 完形填空One day, two friends were walking through the desert.(1) the journey they had a quarrel, and one friend hit (2) one in the face.The one who was hit was hurt,(3) he didnt say anything. Instead, he wrote in the sand, “Today my best friend hit me in the face.”They kept on (4) until they found an oasis(绿洲). They decided to get some water. The one who had been hit fell into the mire(泥潭) and was in danger, but the friend (5) him.When he felt all right, he wrote on (6), “Today my best friend saved my life.”The one who hit and saved his best friend asked him, “After I (7) you, you wrote in the sand and now you write it on a stone. (8)?”The other friend replied, “When someone hurts us, we should write it down in sand where winds of forgiveness (宽恕) can blow (9) away. But when someone does something (10) for us, we must write it in stone where no wind can ever blow it away.”1. A. During B. Before C. For D. After2. A. some B. anther C. the other D. each3. A. and B. but C. or D. so4. A. jumping B. running C. singing D. walking5. A. saved B. left C. hurt D. hit6. A. the sand B. a stone C. a tree D. the desert7. A. helped B. quarreled with C. hurt D. complained to8. A. How B. Why C. What D. When9. A. then B. it C. this D. these10. A. good B. harmful C. dangerous D. interestingIV.阅读理解Shanghai is different from New York in many ways, but there are many things that are similar. Shanghai is one of the most populated cities in Asia, and New York is one of the most populated cities in North America. The weather in summer is very hot in Shanghai, and it is the same in New York. Shanghai is a port and industrial city, and New York is too. Shanghai has a problem with pollution, and New York has a similar problem. They both have serious traffic problems.The traffic problem in Shanghai is caused by many bicycles. The traffic problem in New York is caused by many cars. Most of the people in Shanghai live in apartments in low buildings, while most of the people in New York live in apartments in high buildings. People eat with chopsticks in Shanghai, but they eat with knives and forks in New York. While there are some differences, the main problems of big cities are almost the same everywhere in the world.1. New York is in _ .A. Southwest America B. Southeast AmericaC. Northeast America D. Northwest America2. Shanghai has problems in _.A. pollution B. populationC. traffic D. A, B and C3. People in New York live in _.A. small houses in low buildings B. apartment in high buildings C. apartment in low buildings D. small houses in high buildings4. Which of the statements is right?A. The weather in Shanghai is hot, white the weather in New York isnt.B. The traffic problem in Shanghai is caused by cars.C. People in New York eat with knives and forks.D. Shanghai is an agricultural city.5. The main problems of big cities are _.A. differentB. similarC. complete sameD. polluted.单元测试卷 第一卷(共三大题,115分)第一部分 听力(共20小题,每题1.5分;满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。注意: 本单元听力见 附页第二部分 英语知识运用(共35小题,满分45分)第一节:单项选择21. Some foxes usually hide in the _ trees. A. tall B. thick C. empty D. hollow22. Jean s boy friend _ her _ to a show tonight. A. has taken , out B. is taking , out C. will take , away D. will bring , out23. David has made great progress recently. _, and _. A. So he has; so you haveB. So he has; so have you C. So has he; so have youD. So has he; so you have24. The twin sisters are _ the same. I can hardly tell their difference. A. more and lessB. less and moreC. more or lessD. less or more25. I dont like to speak English because I am afraid _ mistakes. A. taking B. doingC. of makingD. to make26. I had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella. _ I got wet through. A. Its the reasonB. Thats whyC. Theres whyD. Its how27. We are considering _ a letter to his parents about his studies at school. A. to writeB. writeC. as to writeD. writing28. Id like to know how these animals _ themselves _ the cold. A. fight; forB. keep; outC. protect; fromD. make; out29. When one is walking in a forest alone, often his life is _, as there are many _ animals living there.A. dangerous; in danger B. in danger; dangerousC. in danger; in danger D. dangerous; dangerous30. _? He is clever. A. What is he likeB. What does he look likeC. How is heD. What is he31. _ get such a pair of shoes for my son? A. Where do you think can I B. Do you think where I can C. Where do you think I canD. Do you think where can I 32. Do you know how the changes_?A. came in B. came out C. came across D. came about 33. The pen I bought last week _ well. This kind of pens _ in Shanghai. A. wrote , was made B. writes , is made C. wrote , is made D. write , were made34. The car ran over a boy and a dog _were just crossing the street.A. who B. whom C. that D. which35. SARS patients were sharply increasing in China, _in Beijing. A. naturally B. basically C. especially D. specially第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I live in a big city. Its noisy and dirty and I got very 36 . At the weekends I like to leave the city and get some 37 air and a good rest. A few weeks ago I decided to go to see my 38_ I was really looking forward to it. My parents live a long way 39 _ I went to see them with James, a friend, and we drove on Friday night. In the middle of the 40 it began to rain. The road became very 41_and it was difficult to drive. We arrived home just after midnight, 42 very tired. The next 43_ it was still raining. James took his 44_to a garage which was very good. In the afternoon the 45 improved, we wanted to go for a 46_. My parents lent us their car. That was no good. Their car didnt 47_. We rang up the garage. “Oh,” they said, “your car 48_ be ready till tomorrow. ”So it wasnt 49_to go for a drive. We decided to play a word game. When we didnt agree abouta word we looked 50 a dictionary. It wasnt there. 51 _my mother remembered, “I lent it to your sister. She took it with her when she left.” The word game wasnt any good 52_a dictionary. On Sunday my mother dropped a heavy box on her 53_and we had to hire a 54_to take her to hospital When James and I drove back we were caught in a car accident Next time I want a rest, Ill stay 55 _.36. Aangry Bsurprised Csad Dtired 37. Awarm Bcool Ccold Dfresh 38. Aclassmates Bfriends Cparents Dhometown 39. Aaway Bhere Cthere Dfar 40. Aday Bnight Cjourney Droad 41. Anarrow Bwet Cdirty Ddry 42. Afelt Bfeels Cfeeling Dto feel 43. Amorning Bday Cafternoon Devening 44. Aclothes Bcar Cbooks Dmachine 45. Acar Bclothes Cweather Dwork 46. Adrive Blook Ctrip Dwalk 47. Amove Brun Cchange Dwork 48. Awill Bcouldnt Cwouldnt Dwont 49. Ainteresting Bnecessary Cpossible Dwonderful 50. Afor Bup Cat Daround 51. ALuckily BSuddenly CFinally DQuickly 52. Afor Bin Cwith Dwithout 53. Afoot Bleg Chead Dfloor 54. Atruck Btaxi Cbike Dbus 55. Ain the country Bin the city Cin my home Din the garage第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)A Americans can travel almost anywhere they choose. But to protect its people, the government lists a few dangerous places where Americans cannot go. These places are unfriendly countries or countries at war. There, the traveller might not be safe. These countries are listed in a small book called a passport. This passport is a government request(要求) for the safety of its travelling people. It is also a government s pledge (保证) that the people will obey the rules of the host country. To receive a passport from the government, a traveller must prove(证明) that he is an American citizen. An American can not go abroad without a passport. Only some close countries such as Canada and Mexico do not ask for passports. Inside the passport is the travellers picture. Children travelling with their parents are included(包含) in one parents book. Thousands of people from the United States visit other countries every year. An American traveller might carry plane tickets, money, clothing and many other things, but the most important that he carries in another country is his passport.56. A passport is not needed when an American goes to . A. foreign countries B. dangerous areas C. Canada or Mexico D. foreign countries 57. From the passage we can see that A. children can t travel to foreign countries B. Americans like travelling C. a traveller is not safe in most countries D. Americans like to travel to close countries58. Which statement does the passage lead you to believe? A. People should take care of their passports. B. It is not important to have a passport to travel. C. Children are never included in a passport. D. When you are in another country, money is more important than a passport.59. Which of the following statements is true? A. When Americans are travelling in another country, they must obey the rules of the country. B. The American government sometimes allow its people to travel to dangerous places. C. A passport is needed wherever an American is travelling. D. A passport only helps the traveller to know where he will go. B Young people in most countries like to dance. Different peoples have different kinds of dances. Pretend (假装)that you are in Africa. You are visiting the Kikuyu tribe. Hear the drums beat! Listen to the flutes! Almost 2,000 Kikuyus are meeting for the most important dance of the year. First, the Kikuyus choose a large, flat place for their dance. For hundreds of years, they have danced on an autumn night when the moon is full. The moon and the flame from small fires light the dancers. Older people watch from the side while young men and women gather at the dancing place. The girls wear leather skirts and tops. The men wear fancy headdresses and carry spears. The dancers skin and clothes are colored by light red chalk. The chalk and the firelight make the dancers look like statues. The dancers act out stories of good and bad deeds. The dances tell stories of lion hunts and other adventures. In one dance, the girls stand on the boys feet. The girls are pretending to be afraid of snakes. All night the drums beat and the fires burn. But the dancers never seem to get tired. 60. The place where the Kikuyu tribe dances is _. A. flat B. small C. hilly D. square61. On the whole, this story is about _. A. the beat of drums B. an African dance C. African storytelling D. the Kikuyus 62. What do the Kikuyu dances tell? A. The dances tell the story of drum beat. B. The dances tell about adventures. C. The dances tell funny jokes. D. The dances tell stories in the past. 63. Which of these sentences do you think is right? A. The Kikuyus do not often get together. B. Dancing is important to the Kikuyus


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