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Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date必修二M1讲解必修二M1讲解必修二 M1 第一课时新知识预习探索.词汇预习1_(adj.)稀少的;罕有的_(adv.)稀少地;极少地2_(adj.)不健康的;有碍健康的_(adj.)健康的_(n.)健康3_(adj.)富裕的;有钱的_(n.)财富4_(adj.)焦虑的;不安的;渴望的_(n.)焦虑;渴望;挂念5_(vt.)伤害_(n.)伤害;损伤;受伤处6_ least 至少7be connected _与有关,与有联系8head _朝(方向/地方)去9make _确保,保证10have a sweet _爱吃甜食11take _锻炼12be _ about 对痴迷,为发狂.句型感悟1When Zhou Kais mother _ towards the front door _ a jacket _ , she eyed him anxiously.周凯的妈妈看到他没有穿夹克衫就往前门走去时,她担心地看着周凯。2Zhou Kai went and did _ he was told.周凯走了,并按照被告诉的做了。3But_ I was stupid enough to play football in the rain.但是,那是因为我愚蠢到在雨中踢足球。4I broke my arm_ .我踢足球时胳膊骨折了。.句型感悟1When Zhou Kais mother _ towards the front door _ a jacket _ , she eyed him anxiously.周凯的妈妈看到他没有穿夹克衫就往前门走去时,她担心地看着周凯。2Zhou Kai went and did _ he was told.周凯走了,并按照被告诉的做了。3But_ I was stupid enough to play football in the rain.但是,那是因为我愚蠢到在雨中踢足球。4I broke my arm_ .我踢足球时胳膊骨折了。6语法填空Zhou Kai is a _ (health) boy. He is captain of the class team _ he is also a member of the Senior High team. He _ (rare)gets colds. He has a good diet because his mother always _ (make) sure they eat very _ (health). They have fish four times a week. Fresh fruit and _(vegetable) are an important part of their diet. Because he would rather _ (eat) a nice piece of fruit, he doesnt have _ sweet tooth. He takes a lot of exercise and is very fit.But last week, Zhou Kai _ (catch) a cold. Thats because he was stupid enough _ (play) football in the rain. 新课堂互动探究知识点详解重点词汇、短语、句型1be connected with与联系Which of them are connected with illness?(教材P1)它们中的哪一个和疾病有关?Can you think of any Chinese proverbs connected with health?你能想出和健康有关的汉语谚语吗?The discussion will be connected closely with our work.这项讨论将与我们的工作密切相关。归纳拓展(1)connect.with/to.把与连接起来(2)connection n联系 in connection with与相关(3) have(a) connection with 与有联系即学即用完成句子(1)据说他与这起交通事故有关系。It is said that he _ this traffic accident.(2)这两个城市由铁路相连。The two cities _ a railway.(3)汤姆和此案没有关系。Tom _ the case.答案:(1)is connected with(2)are connected by(3)has no connection with/is not connected with即学即用完成句子(1)据说他与这起交通事故有关系。It is said that he _ this traffic accident.(2)这两个城市由铁路相连。The two cities _ a railway.(3)汤姆和此案没有关系。Tom _ the case.答案:(1)is connected with(2)are connected by(3)has no connection with/is not connected with2at least 至少;最少I eat at least three portions of fruit and vegetables a day. (教材P1)我每天至少吃三份水果和蔬菜。It will take you at least 20 minutes to get there. 到那里你至少要花20分钟。归纳拓展not in the least 一点也不;根本不at (the)most 最多;至多 “Would you mind if I turn the television on?” “No,not in the least.”“我开电视机影响你吗?”“一点都不影响。”I might earn $250 a night at (the) most.一晚上我至多可挣250美元。即学即用完成句子(1)小孩一天必须至少睡八个小时。A child must sleep _ eight hours a day.(2)我猜现在最多是下午五点。I guess its 5 pm. _ now.(3)无论你说什么做什么,父母根本就不介意。No matter what you say and do,parent will _ mind it _.答案:(1)at least(2)at most(3)notin the least3rarely adv.稀少地;极少地I rarely get toothache. (教材P1)我很少牙疼。Tom rarely goes to other places except for the office.汤姆除了办公室很少去其他的地方。归纳拓展rare adj. 稀少的;罕有的;珍贵的 a rare plant/sight 罕有的植物/景象 a rare book/coin/stamp 珍奇的书/硬币/邮票温馨提示:rarely位于句首时,句子要部分倒装,有类似用法的否定副词还有never,little,seldom,hardly等。即学即用完成句子(1)玛丽有一张珍贵的邮票。Mary has _.(2)我很少听到这样离奇的故事。 _ heard such a strange story.(3)难得发现这样一群有趣的人。 _ such an interesting group of people.答案:(1)a rare stamp(2)Rarely have I(3)It is rare to find4fit adj. 健康的;胜任的Im quite fit.(教材P1)我相当健康。He often takes exercise,so he is fit.他经常锻炼身体,所以他很健康。归纳拓展be fit for 适合;胜任be fit to do 适合做keep/stay fit 保持健康It is fit for sb. to do sth./thatclause (某人)做是合适的fit vt.& vi.合身,合适,安装The jacket fitted me pretty well but the trousers were too small.我穿这件上衣很合身,但裤子太小了。What kind of job is he fit for? 他适合什么样的工作?She is not fit to look after children.她不适合照看小孩。易混辨析fit/suit/matchfit常用作及物动词,意为“适合;适宜”,主要指颜色、衣着、发型、时间、气候、式样、口味、条件、地位等适合某人。用于比喻意义时多用suit。match多指大小、颜色、式样、性质等相一致;匹配。suitHis new coat fits him well.他的新大衣穿着很合身。Does the time suit you? 这个时间对你来说合适吗?The doors were painted blue to match the walls. 门被漆成了蓝色,为的是与墙的颜色相配。即学即用选词填空(fit/suit/match)(1)Will next Sunday _ you if we go camping?(2)The color of the shirt does not_ that of the tie.(3)Try this key and see whether it _.答案:(1)suit(2)match(3)fits5diet n. 饮食,日常食物 vi.节食;按医生的规定饮食 Now write two more sentences about your diet or healthy habits. (教材P1)现在再写出两个关于你的饮食或健康习惯的句子。 Proper diet and exercise are both important for health.适当的饮食和锻炼对健康很重要。归纳拓展a balanced diet营养均衡的饮食 go/be on a diet节食It is important to have a balanced diet. 均衡的饮食很重要。I am too fat,so I have to go on a diet.我太胖了,所以我不得不节食。To keep fit,you should diet and take more exercise.为了保持身体健康,你应该节制饮食多做运动。即学即用完成句子(1)The doctor advised him to _(节食)(2)_ (健康的饮食) is good for your health.(3)Tom is _ (正在节食)to reduce his weight.答案:(1)go on a diet/diet(2)A healthy diet(3)on a diet6anxious adj. 焦虑的;不安的;渴望的Why is Zhou Kais mother anxious?(教材P2)周凯的妈妈为什么焦虑不安? Parents are naturally anxious about their children.父母自然为儿女们担心。归纳拓展be anxious about sth.为担心(忧虑)be anxious for sth.急于/渴望be anxious (for sb.)to do sth.渴望(某人)做be anxious thatclause 担心anxiously adv.焦急地;忧虑地;渴望地We are anxious for the news of your safe arrival.我们渴望得到你安全到达的消息。Tom is anxious to know what has happened. 汤姆急于想知道出了什么事。易混辨析anxious/eager(1)anxious指热切地希望实现愿望,并因顾虑愿望落空而心情不安,感到焦虑,强调“担心”和“焦虑”,对结果感到不安。(2) eager指以巨大的热情渴望实现或达到目的,含有积极向上的意义,有时也指由于其他感情而表现得急不可耐。Im anxious to know the final result.我急切地想知道最后的结果。(心中焦急) He is eager to do that interesting job.他急于做那份有趣的工作。(有积极的干劲和热情)即学即用选词填空(anxious/eager)(1)Your mother will get _ about you if you get home late.(2)We are all _ for knowledge.(3)He is _ to join the PLA.(4)She is _ to go to college,but _ about not passing the entrance examination.答案:(1)anxious(2)eager(3)eager(4)eageranxious7. injure vt. 使受伤;伤害Luckily, he was only slightly injured in this accident. 幸运的是,他在这次事故中只受了一点轻伤。I hope I didnt injure your feeling. 我希望我没有伤害你的感情。归纳拓展be badly/ seriously injured严重受伤injury n损伤,损害injured adj. 受伤的the injured受伤的人易混辨析:hurt / injure / harm / wound (1) hurt 普通用语,既可指肉体上的伤害,也可精神上、感情上的伤害。(2) injure比hurt 正式,hurt 多指伤痛,而 injure 则指损害健康、成就、容貌等,强调功能的损失。(3) harm 用于肉体或精神上的伤害均可,有时可指引起不安或不便,还可用于抽象事物,尤其是指不道德的事情。(4) wound 指枪伤、刀伤、刺伤等皮肉之伤,是出血的、严重的伤,特指战场上受伤,它可以指肉体上的伤害,也可指人们精神上的创伤。The driver hurt himself badly in the accident.那位司机在那次事故中伤得很重。A bullet injured his left eye. 一颗子弹伤了他的左眼。Dont harm your eyes by reading in dim light. 不要在昏暗的灯光下看书,以免损害眼睛。The bullet wounded his arm. 子弹打伤了他的一只胳膊。即学即用用hurt,harm,wound或injure的适当形式填空(1)Does your leg still _?(2)Smoking heavily and seriously _ his health.(3)He got _ in the battle.(4)He was slightly _ in the accident.答案:(1)hurt(2)harmed(3)wounded (4)injured8. pain n疼痛;痛苦vt.使疼痛;使痛苦The boy was crying with pain.这男孩正因为疼痛而哭着。The young man broke his arm and cried with pain. 那个年轻人摔断手臂,痛得大叫。It pains me to have to leave, but I must. 不得不离开,我很痛苦,但是我必须这样。My foot is still paining me.我的脚还在痛。归纳拓展be in pain 处于疼痛中pains n辛苦;努力take pains to do sth. 不辞劳苦做某事No pains, no gains 不劳则无获。spare no pains to do.不遗余力,不辞劳苦,全力以赴即学即用语法填空If you want to pass the exam, you must take great _(pain) to prepare your lessons.9normal adj. 正常的;正规的She braced herself to lead a normal life.她振作起来去过正常生活。He received four years of normal education at college.他在大学受了四年正规教育。归纳拓展above / below normal标准以上/下return to normal恢复正常It is normal for sb. to do sth. 某人做某事是正常的abnormal adj.不正常的;反常的易混辨析normal/usual/ common/ ordinarynormal“正常的,合乎标准的”,指符合预设标准或规定。common“普通的,常见的”,指许多人或事物所共同具有而且常见的特征。usual“通常的,惯常的”,强调按照常规惯例。ordinary“普通的,一般的,平凡的”,强调平淡无奇,没什么特别之处。Whats the normal temperature of human body? 人体的正常温度是多少?This plant is common throughout Hainan.这种植物在海南到处可见。She is an ordinary worker.她是一名普通工人。We will meet at the usual place.我们将在老地方见面。即学即用选词填空 (common/normal/ordinary/usual)(1)Although she was rich,she was always in _ dress.(2)Its _ to feel tired after such a long trip.(3)Colds are _ in winter.(4)She made the _ mistakes which all beginners make.完成句子(5)他们费了好大劲才恢复正常。They took great pains before everything _ .(6)她的体温高于正常标准。Her temperature is _ .12. would rather 宁愿I d rather eat a nice piece of fruit. (教材P3)我倒宁愿吃一块水果。Mr. Li would rather not listen to rock music. 李先生不愿意听摇滚音乐。 I would rather go to work by bike than by bus. 我宁愿骑自行车去上班也不愿乘坐公共汽车。归纳拓展would rather do sth.宁愿做某事would rather not do sth 宁愿不做某事would rather do.than do.would do.rather than宁可而不愿 即学即用完成句子(1)Would you_ walk or take the bus?你愿意走还是坐公交车?(2)He said he_ rather not do it right now.他说他不愿意现在就做。13be crazy about sb./sth.对着迷,热衷于But theres one thing I really love Im crazy about football.(教材P3)我有一件真正喜欢的事对足球非常着迷。Frank is crazy about the singer.弗兰克对这个歌手很着迷。归纳拓展like crazy 发疯似的go crazy 发疯drive sb. crazy 使人发疯;逼得某人疯狂The boy almost drove his parents crazy by going out without any words.那男孩没有留下任何口信就出去了,几乎要把父母逼疯了。I had to work like crazy to get the work finished on time.为按时完成工作我拼命地干。即学即用完成句子(1)儿子的死讯使老妇人发疯了。The death of her son _ .(2)那些男孩总是对运动着迷,比如足球、篮球。The boys _ sports,such as football and basketball. (3)为了打败敌人,战士们拼命反击。The soldiers fought back _ to defeat the enemies.14When Zhou Kais mother saw him heading towards the front door without a jacket on,she eyed him anxiously. (教材P2)当周凯的妈妈看见他没穿夹克衫就朝门外走去时,她担心地盯着他。【句式分析】句中saw him heading towards the front door 为“see宾语宾语补足语”结构。其中heading towards the front door为现在分词短语作宾补。表示“看见某人正在做某事”。I saw him talking with a foreigner.我看见他在和一个外国人交谈。I saw them arguing in the middle of the road.我看到他们正在马路中间争辩。感官动词see,hear,watch,feel,notice,observe 等后接“宾语宾补”时常见形式:感官动词宾语do(不带to的动词不定式),表示看到宾语做某事的全过程,宾语与不定式之间是主谓关系。感官动词宾语doing,表示看到宾语正在做某事,宾语与分词之间为主谓关系。感官动词宾语done,表示看到某事被做,宾语和分词之间为动宾关系。There was a person who saw the man killed.有一个人目击了那个男子被杀。I saw the train come into the station.我看见火车进站了。I heard her sing an English song just now.刚才我听见她唱了一首英文歌曲。温馨提示:若宾补是不带to的不定式,在变成被动语态时要加上不定式符号to。若宾补是现在分词时,在变成被动语态时仍然保留现在分词形式,但此时现在分词作主语补足语。He was seen to go into the restaurant.有人看见他走进餐馆。I saw a plane flying to the north. A plane was seen flying to the north.我看到一架飞机正朝北飞去。即学即用完成句子(1)我看见他胳膊下面夹着一本词典正走进办公室。I _ the office with a dictionary under his arm. (2)我多次听到有人唱这首英文歌。I _ many times.答案:(1)saw him walking into(2)heard the English song sung15“OK,OK.” Zhou Kai went and did as he was told.(P2)“好的,好的,”周凯走了,按照妈妈说得做了。【句式分析】as在本句中引导方式状语从句,意为:按照。 When in Rome,do as Romans do.入乡随俗。Youd better do as the teacher asks.你最好照老师说的做。归纳拓展(1)as用作连词的其他情况:引导原因状语从句,意为“由于,因为”引导时间状语从句,意为“随着”引导比较状语从句,意为“和一样”引导让步状语从句,意为“虽然”(2)as用作介词,意为“作为”You will grow wiser as you grow older. 你会随着年龄的增长而变得越来越聪明。As rain has fallen,the air is cooler.因为下过雨,空气比较清爽。Your bag is twice as expensive as mine.你的包比我的贵一倍。He came to China as a tourist five years ago. 他五年前以游客的身份来过中国。即学即用翻译或完成句子(1)As she sang,tears ran down her cheeks.(2)I havent known him as long as you. (3)As you were out,I left a message.(4)化学老师告诉我们照他的样子做实验。The chemistry teacher told us to do the experiment _ .答案:(1)她一边唱歌,一边流泪(2)我没有你认识他的时间长(3)因为你不在,所以我留了字条 (4)as he did16But thats because I was stupid enough to play football in the rain. (教材P3)但那是因为我太傻了,竟然在雨中踢足球。【句式分析】Its/Thats because从句“那是因为”(表原因),because 引导表语从句。相似句式:Thats why.“那是做的原因”(表结果)。That was because World War broke out.那是因为二战爆发了。归纳拓展(1)“因为所以”,不能使用 because.so.这样的结构。要么去掉其中的because,使之成为并列句;要么去掉so,使之成为主从复合句。 (2)“之所以是因为”,用The reason (why).is that. 其中的that最好不用because代替。The reason (why) Im late is that because I missed the bus. 我迟到的原因是因为我没有赶上公共汽车。(3)用于复合介词because of,其后可接名词、代词、动名词、what 从句等。如: He left the company because of what the boss said at the meeting. 他离开了这家公司,是因为老板在会上讲的话。即学即用完成句子不管戴维说什么在海伦听来都是正确的。这就是不论发生什么事她都决心和他生活在一起的原因。Whatever David says sounds right to Helen.Thats_she has made up her mind to live with him whatever happens.新思维随堂自测句型转换1. I got up so late that I missed the early bus.I didnt get up _ _ _ _ the early bus.2. At the moment the classroom is closed with nobody in.At the moment the classroom is closed _ _ _.3I prefer staying at home to going shopping on such a cold day.I _ _ _ at home than go shopping on such a cold day.4I have rarely seen a student who is so interested in reading.Rarely _ _ _ a student who is so interested in reading5I came across this book while I was looking through books in the bookstore._ _ books in the bookstore, I came across this book.6Did you see that he was running after a bus just now?Did you _ _ _ after a bus just now?7. Many famous people have been found to have connection with traffic accidents.Many famous people have been found to _ _ _ traffic accidents.8. My grandfather keeps healthy by taking a walk every day. My grandfather _ _ by taking a walk every day.9. It is raining heavily. That is why we decided to cancel the meeting. We decided to cancel the meeting. _ _ _it is raining heavily.10. The students were doing the experiment according to what the teacher had told them.The students were doing the experiment _ they _ _ _ by the teacher. 新视点名师讲座as引导让步状语从句as引导让步状语从句,意为“尽管”,从句中的表语、状语或动词需置于as之前,构成倒装语序;即adj./adv./n./v.as主语谓语主句。其中作表语的名词提到as之前时,名词前不能加冠词。Young as he is,he knows a lot about football.虽然他很小,他对足球所知甚多。Hard as he worked, he failed in the exam.他学习很努力,但是考试却没有及格Try as he will, he never seems able to control himself.虽然他决心努力工作,但是他似乎控制不住自己。Boy as he is, he likes to be treated like an adult.尽管他是个孩子,他喜欢别人把他看作大人。 课时作业:.单词拼写1The house is not really _ (合适的) for a large family.2Early to bed and early to rise is a _ (健康的) way of living.3Burners Li could have been extremely _ (富有) because of his invention of Web, but he isnt.4We waited with _ (焦急) for the news of her safe arrival.5Her behaviour is _ (正常的) for a girl of three years old.6He is going to take the _ (队长) of Shandong football team.7These flowers are very _ (稀有的) in this country.8Her good health is mainly due to proper _ (饮食) and regular exercise.9There is an old _ (谚语), “Love me, love my dog.”10He put his _ (受伤的) finger into his pocket.短语翻译1进行锻炼_2与有联系_3想出_4适合做某事_5相当,有点儿_6对着迷_7太多的_8朝前门走去_9为而担心_10太多的_.易混点对比练习A用anxious或eager填空。1He is _ to meet you.2Everyone is _ for success.3It was late but he didnt come back. We were all _ about his safety.4We were _ for help to be sent.B用injure, hurt或wound的正确形式填空。5My shoes are so tight that my feet _.6How many people were _ in the accident?7I didnt mean to _ your feelings.8He was badly _ in the battle.9Bob _ his leg when he fell off his bike.C用normal, usual, common或ordinary填空。10We met at the _ place.11This kind of flower is _ in spring.12It is _ for us not to want to work on Sundays.13There is nothing special about her. She is just an _ person.句型转换1Id like to stay at home instead of going to watch the football match.I _ _ stay at home _ go to watch the football match.2I was so foolish that I believed him.I was _ _ to believe him.3There arent many seats left for this concert; youd better make sure that you get one today.There arent many seats left for this concert; youd better _ _ _ one today.4He has something to do with the crime.He _ _ _ the crime.5He was hurt while he was crossing the street.He was hurt _ _ the street.单句改错1A large part of human history is connected to the exploration of the world in which we live._2He rarely leaves the work unfinished, doesnt he?_3As far as I can see, there is only one possible way to keep away the danger._4The skirt looks nice in you._5When I arrived there, I saw many people work in the fields._6With all the work finishing, they went home happily._7Such things dont happen everyday._8Add a bit salt to the dish._9You can hardly avoid to meet her if you both work in the same office._10When comparing with the size of the whole earth, the bigger ocean doesnt seem big at all._. 选词填空Take exercise, at least,be crazy about, bu anxious to, head towards1We saw the boy_ the classroom in a hurry.2She_ finish school and get a job.3We _ to keep fit.4It will take you_ 20 minutes to go there.5She _ painting these days.阅读理解Healthy Habits, Healthy BodyFeel tired lately? Has a doctor said he cant find anything wrong with you? Perhaps he has sent you to a hospital, but all the advanced equipment there shows that there is nothing wrong with you.Then, consider this: you might be in a state of subhealth (亚健康)Subhealth, also called the third state or gray state, is explained as a borderline (边界线) state between health and disease.According to the investigation by the National Health Organization, over 45 percent of subhealthy people are middleaged or elderly. The percentage is even higher among people who work in management positions as well as students around examweeks.Symptoms (征兆) include a lack of energy, depression (压抑), slow reactions, insomnia (失眠), agitation, and a poor memory. Other symptoms include shortness of breath, sweating and aching in the waist and legs.The key to preventing and recovering from subhealth, according to some medical experts, is to form good living habits, alternate work and rest,


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