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定语从句定语从句宜宾县一中 李 杰教学目标教学目标 1.记住定语从句的定义;2.掌握先行词、关系词的概念;3.准确区别关系代词和关系副词;4.掌握定语从句解题技巧。翻译下面的句子 1.我们学校正在修建一个体育馆。这体育馆能容纳5000人。(1)_(2)_ Our school is building a stadium.The stadium can hold 5,000 people.2.Tom交了一个网友。他的那个网友擅长英语。(1)_(2)_Tom made an e-pal.His e-pal is good at English 刚才的句子是否可改写成一个句子?刚才的句子是否可改写成一个句子?1.Our school is building a stadium.The stadium can hold 5,000 people.Our school is building a stadium whichthat can hold 5,000 people.2.Tom made an e-pal.His e-pal is good at English.Tom made an e-pal whothat is good at English.1.Our school is building a stadium whichthat can hold 5,000 people.2.Tom made an e-pal whothat is good at English.结论:这两个句子都分别是由两个简单句组合成的 _句,含有_从句。复合定语定语从句的定义:对一个名词、代词或整个主句起修饰限定的句子,叫定语从句。被定语从句修饰的词叫_引导定语从句的词叫_定语从句分为_定语从句和_定语从句。先行词关系词限制性非限制性例.Our school is building a stadium whichthat can hold 5,000 people.先行词_ 关系词_ 定语从句_ 主句_stadiumwhichthatwhichthat can hold 5,000 peopleOur school is building a stadium=介词+which when,where,why,that,关系词分关系词分类类关系代词关系副词指人指物who,whom,that,whose,which,that,as,whose,关系词三大作用关系词三大作用连接替代成分连接主、从句替代先行词在从句中充当主、宾、表、定或状语例:Our school is building a stadium whichthat can hold 5,000 people.关系代词与关系副词异同关系代词与关系副词异同 共同点:根本区别:连接和替代作用在定语从句中充当的成分不同关系代词:在定从中充当主、宾、表或定语关系副词:在定从中充当时间、地点、原因或方式状语关系词选择三步曲关系词选择三步曲第一步第二步第三步判断从句是否缺主、宾、表语,缺选关系代词which、that、who、whom、as或判断是否缺定语,缺用关系代词whose或of whomwhich the不缺主、宾、表、定语,则一定缺状语,用关系副词或介词+whichwhomwhose例:Tom made an e-pal _is good at English.定从是_is good at English.定从缺_,且指人故用_主语关系代词who/that关系词选择方法二关系词选择方法二还原法还原法 什么是还原法?把定从改成两个单句,即把先行词还原到定从中去,看是否需要添加介词。定从由来:Tom made an e-pal.His e-pal is good at English.Tom made an e-pal whothat is good at English.还原法不添加介词添加添加s或或of添加at、in、on等介词用关系代词用whose用关系副词 例:Our school is building a stadium _ can hold 5,000 people.解析:把先行词_还原到定从中去_,stadiumThe stadium can hold 5,000 people.which/that没有添加介词且指物、作主语,故用_实战演练实战演练(2014安徽卷)22 The exact year _ Angela and her family spent together in China was 2008.A.When B.where C.why D.which D解析:定从改为Angela and her family spent _ together in China.the year 先行词在从句中作宾语(没有添加介词)用关系代词which(2014江苏卷)22.The book has helped me greatly in my daily communication,especially at work_ a good impression is a must.A.which B.when C.as D.where D解析:先行词还原到定从:A good impression is a must _.at work先行词是地点名词、前添加了介词,用关系副词where(14福建卷)31.Students should involve themselves in community activities _ they can gain experience for growth.A.who B.when C.which D.where D解析:先行词还原到定从:They can gain experience for growth_.in activities先行词是地点名词、前添加了介词,用关系副词where(2014山东卷)10.A company _ profits from home markets are declining may seek opportunities abroad.A.which B.whose C.who D.why B先行词后加了s,故用whose作定语解析:先行词还原到定从:_profits from home markets are declining.The companys(2014陕西卷)13.Please send us all the information _ you have about the candidate for the position.A.that B.which C.as D.what解析:还原:you have _about the candidate for the positionAinformation 定从缺宾语且先行词被all修饰,故用that(2014四川卷)4.By now,we have raised 50.000 pounds for the poor children,_ is quite unexpected.A.that B.which C.who D.it B解析:which引导非限制性定从且充当主语,先行词为整个主句关系代词=whose=关系副词=关系词用法总结关系词用法总结先行词先行词s介词+先行词HomeworkTest papers


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