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七年级英语十月份月考试题满分:100分 出题人:尹红玲听力部分(20分)一听句子,选择恰当的应答语。( )1.A.Good morning! B.Good afternoon !C. Good evening!( )2.A.Fine,thanks. B.Hello. C.Im Dale.( )3.A.Im OK. B.C-U-P, cup. C.Thanks.( )4.A.Its green. B.Its a pen. C.OK.( )5.A.Red. B.Its good. C. Its a map. 二听对话,选出正确的答案。( )6.The jacket is _. A.black B.blue C.red( )7.Whats this? A.A pen B. A key C.A map( )8.What color is the ruler? A. White B. Yellow C. Green( )9.The _ is yellow. A.map B. cup C. ruler( )10.How does the girl spell it? A. P-E-N B.K-E-Y C.R-U-L-E-R三听长对话,选出正确的答案。( )11.Cindy says hello to Dale _. A.in the morning B.in the afternoon C.in the evening( )12._ is fine. A. Alice B. Bob C. Dale( )13.Whats that? A.A pen B.A book C. A key ( )14.What color is the pen? A.Red B.Yellow C. Blue( )15.The letter Z is _. A. black B. brown c.green 四听短文,选择正确的答案。( )16.Grace is a _. A. girl B. boy C. teacher( )17.Grace is _ years old. A. 12 B. 13 C. 14( )18.The quilt is _ . A. yellow B. red C. yellow and red( )19.The jacket is _. A. yellow B. red C.orange ( )20.The ruler is _. A. blue B. red C.orange 笔试部分 (80分)一、写出下列单词中划线部分的读音。(5分)1、can 2、yes 3、she 4、nine 5、this 6、Jane 7、those 8、not 9、uncle 10、excuse 二、找出划线部分字母与其它单词发音不同的选项。(5分)1、A.thank B.name C.dad D.map2、A.he B.these C.she D.pen3、A.this B.that C.these D.math4、A.son B.brother C.mother D.photo 5、A.good B.too C.look D.book三、单项选择。(15分) 1、书写时占上、中、下三格的字母是 A.g B. l C.f D.q2、可以表示英国广播公司的是 A.HB B.NBA C.UFO D.BBC 3、- that? - ruler.A.What ,Its a B.Whats , thats a C. Whats ,Its a D What, thats a4、There is “u”in the word use.A. a B.an C.the D 5、-Are you Jack? - A.Yes,Im B.No,I am C.Yes, Im not. D.No, Im not.6、This is Bill Black.Bill is his A.family name B.last name C.full name D.first name7、Thats orange.Its orange.A.a , B. , a C.an , D. an ,a 8、-Whats five and four? -Its A.one B.seven C.eight D.nine 9、I have a friend. name is Alan. A.He B.She C.His D.Her 10、-Is that a pen? Yes, A.that is B.it is C.thats D.its11、- ? Its a red cup.A.What colour is it? B.How is it?C.Whats this in English D.Whats his name?12、 are my books.A.Its B.That C.It D.These 13、-Whos she? - is my sister.A.Its B.Shes C.Thats D Thiss14、Bob is my aunts son,he is my A.brother B.cousin C.uncle D.father 15、Lucy is A.my friend B.my a friend C.a my friend D.the my friend 四、完形填空。(10分) Hello,my name is 1 .I am 2 English girl.This is a photo of my family.They 3 my parents.This is my uncle.His 4 name is Zhang. 5 has a daughter, 6 name is Mary. She is my 7 .Her phone 8 is 3425678.And we have a good friend in my family.Thats a cat. 9 name is KK.I love 10 family.( ) 1、A.Mary B.David C.Tom D.Mike( ) 2、A. a B. C.an D. the ( ) 3、A.is B.it C.aer D.are ( ) 4、A.first B.second C.full D. last( ) 5、A.He B.She C.His D.Her( ) 6、A. He B.She C.His D.Her( ) 7、A.brother B.cousin C.sisters D.aunt ( ) 8、A.name B.card C.number D. ( ) 9、A.She B.Hers C.Its D.Its( ) 10、A.her B.his C.my D.I五、阅读理解。(10分) AMy name is Gina.Im fourteen.My mothers name is Patty Smith.She is a teacher.My father is Harry Smith.He is a doctor(医生)。Im Tonys sister.Tony is my brother.He is seven.We are in the same(同样的)school.Im in Grade Two(二年级)and Tony is in Grade One.We are English.We love our family.( )1.Patty Smith is A.Harrys sister B.Tonys teacher C.Ginas teacher D.Ginas mother( )2.Tony is A.Pattys son B.a student C.Harrys son D.All of the above(以上都是)( )3.Tonys last name is A.Smith B.Harry C.Patty D.Gina( )4.Harry is A.a teacher B.English C.a student D.Ginas mother( )5.Which of the following is wrong?(下面哪个是错误的)A.There are four people in Ginas family. B.Harry is Ginas father.C.Patty is Harrys wife.(妻子) D.Tony is 12 and he is in Grade 3. B Im a middle school student.My name is Jack.Look at this picture of my room.Whats this in English?Its a map.Its my map.What color is it?Its blue.Whats that in English?Its a jacket.What color is it?Its red and black. I have a brother.His name is Tom. I also(也) have a sister. Whats her name? She is Mary. My father is a teacher. My mother is a reporter.(记者) 根据短文内容判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”( )6.My name is Tom. ( )7.The map is blue.( )8.The jacket is black and white. ( )9.My sister is Mary.( )10.My mother is a teacher.六、补全对话。(5分) A.Is this your sister? B.Her name is Lisa C.Its a photo of my family. D.Is this your brother? E.And these are my parents. A: Hi,Cindy! B: Hello,Alice! Whats this? A: 1 B: Are these your grandpa and grandma? A: Yes. 2 This is my father.His name is Jack.And this is my mother. 3 B: 4 A: Yes,it is.His name is Mike.And these are my cousins. B: 5 A:No.I have no sisters.That is my aunt.She is young.Her name is Grace.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 七、句型转换。(10分) 1、Those are books.(变单数句) book. 2、This is a key.(变复数句) are . 3、My cup is black.(变一般疑问句) cup black? 4、Is she your cousin?(作否定回答) ,she 5、They are my friends.(否定句) my friends. 6、Its an eraser in English.(对划线部分提问) in English? 7、His name is Bob.(变同义句) Bob. 8、My ID card number is 1543. (对划线部分提问) ID card number? 9、One and two is three. (对划线部分提问) one and two?10、is, Ginas, what, friend, number , your , telephone.(连词成句) 八、句子翻译,必须使用所给的提示词(10分)1、他叫什么名字?他叫麦克吗?不,他是Jim.(his) 2、她叫张明明,她的朋友在中国。(she) 3、你的这些钢笔是什么颜色?他们是黄色和黑色的。(these) 4、 我的夹克衫是黑白相间的,但她的是红色的。(hers) 5、用英语讲那是一只绿色的茶杯吗?( in ) 九、书面表达。(10分) 你有一个英国朋友,请以My friend and I 为题写一段话,描述一下你和你的朋友的姓名、电话号码、所喜欢的颜色等。要求书写规范,句子流畅,不少于40词。 My friend and I 请同学们沉着冷静,仔细思考,不要大意,很多陷阱啊!


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