重点短语(必修 4 Unit 4 Body language)(讲义)

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重点短语(必修4 Unit 4 Body language )(讲义)高中央语|重点短语(必修4 Unit 4 Body language)1学习短语的基本含文和用法。2灵活运用所学的短语,学会用短语造句。 重点:短语 at ease, in general, lose face, in most cases 的用法。难点:与face有关的短语和case的相关用 法。【短语学习】1. at ease舒适;快活;自由自在(相当于 comfortably)with ease 轻易地,毫不费力地(相当于easily)feel/look at ease 感到/看上去轻松自在 put/set sb. at ease 使某人感到轻松自在 take ones ease 休息,放松一下 stand at ease (口令)稍息When you feel nervous, youd better listento some light music to put yourself at ease.当你感到紧张时,你最好听些轻音乐使自己放松一下。I never feel completely at ease with him. 我跟他在一起总感到不是很自在。Dont overwork yourself and take yourease.不要过度劳累,休息一会儿。The most universal facial expression is,of course, the smileits function is to showhappiness and put people at ease.微笑当然是最普遍使用的面部表情它 的作用是表示快乐和让人舒适。Now he can set his mind at ease because hehas passed the examination with ease.现在他可以放心了,因为他已经轻松地通过 了考试。ease vt使安心,使舒畅;减轻,缓和ease sb.s mind使某人安心完成句子。 他心情舒畅,对前途很有信心。His mind was and he feltconfident in the future. 预计他们在竞选中能够轻易获胜。They are expected to win the election生的地方我觉得很不自在。I dont in the strangeplace.答案: at ease with ease feel atease思路分析: at ease表示“舒适,快活,自由自在”。 with ease表示“轻松地,不费力地”,其反义词为 with difficultyo feel at ease表示“感觉舒适、自在”。2. in general 一般而言;大体上;多半;通常; 总的来说In general, though, studying international customs can certainly help avoid difficulties in todays world of cultural crossroads!总的来说,在当今文化交融的世界里,学习不同国家的习俗肯定能够帮助我们避免交往中 的困难!Her English pronunciation is not so bad in general.她的英语发音一般来说是不错的。亠generally (speaking)总体而言;一般而言 on the whole总的来说in a word 总之in short/brief 简言之as a whole就整体来看 to put it simply 简单地说 完成句子。 大致上说,这样解决很恰当。 , its quite a fair settlement. 总的来说,我对这个结果很满意。, I am quite satisfied with the result.答案: Generally speaking On thewhole思路分析:generally speaking总体而言;大致上说。 on the whole总的来说。3. lose face丢脸;失面子He felt he lost face when his teacher scolded him in front of the class.当老师当着全班同学的面批评他时,他感到 很丢面子。He doesnt want to back down and risklosing face.他不想认输,怕丢面子。There are unhappy smiles, such as when someone “loses face” and smiles to hide it.还有不愉快的微笑,比如说当某人“丢脸” 时,他们用微笑来掩饰。make a face/faces 做鬼脸save face保全面子face to face (with sb/sth.)(与某人/某物) 面对面地in the face of面对(问题、困难或危险等) to ones face当着某人的面on the face of it从表面上看;乍看起来be faced with面临、面对(难题)The little boy hid himself behind his mother and made faces to us.小男孩躲在他母亲身后朝我们做鬼脸。Ive never met her face to face. Weve only talked on the phone.我从来没有当面见过她。我们只在电话中交 谈过。The company was faced with ruin because of poor management.由于管理不善,这家公司面临破产。用适当的介、副词填空。 She showed great courage theface of danger. That was the first time Id ever come facefaceChairman Mao. You shouldnt have said thatherface. It looks, the face of it, like aminor change in the regulations.答案:into; withtoon 思路分析:in the face of面对(问题、难或危险等)。face to face面对面地,后加介词with, 表示“与面对面”to ones face 当着某人的面;be faced with面临、面对(难题)。on the face of it从表面上看;乍看起来。4in most cases在大多数情况下;在大多数场合下Hospital admission is not necessary in most cases.大多数情况下,病人无须住院。In most cases, he is willing to help others.在大多数情况下他是很乐意帮助别人的。in case以防;免得 in case of 万一,如果in any case无论如何,总之in that case假如那样的话in no case决不(置于句首,引起倒装)as is often the case这是常有的事as the case may be视情况而定,看状况She had had the foresight to prepare herself financially in case of an accident.她有先见之明,在经济上作了准备以防事故 发生。In case anyone was following me, I made an elaborate detour.为了防止有人跟踪我,我特地绕了弯路。It may rain, you better take an umbrella in case.可能会下雨,你最好带把伞,以防万一。In no case should you give up.你决不应该放弃。(1)in case可单独使用,也可后接句子, 接句子时,从句中可用虚拟语气(should+do) o(2)当case作先行词且定语从句中不缺少 主要成分时,要用where引导定语从句。完成句子。 (对 他来说这是常有的事),he was late for class. Keepthewindowsclosed(以防下雨).In no case(我注意到那件事).答案: As is often the case with him it case it rains/(should) rain have I noticed that思路分析: “As is often the case with him” 正如通常 (对他来说)的情况那样,as引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为逗号后的整个主句部分。 句中此处可以用虚拟语气,也可以用陈述 语气。 本句中in no case为否定词,放在句首, 句子构成部分倒装,类似用法的短语还有at no time, by no means, under no circumstances, on no account, in no way, on no condition 等。1. Wed better discuss everythingbefore we work out the plan.A. in detail B. in general C. on purpose D. on time2. Were all ready to put it into operation, , were going to take action as fast as possible.A. on the whole B. in general C. in conclusion D. in other words3. The girl was nervous in front of so manystrangers and we did all we could to make her feel more.A. at ease B. in silence C. for funD with joy4. Eric didnt feel atease in theparty, because he was afraid of losing face.A. the; a B. an; / C. an; the D. /; /5. The five rings on the Olympic flagthe union of the five continents andthe meeting of athletes from all over the world.A. present B. deliverC. representD. resemble答案:1. A 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. C思路分析:1. 句意:在我们制订计划之前,我们最好详细地讨论每件事。in detail详细地;in general 通常,大体上;on purpose故意地;on time准 时,按时。2. 句意:我们都准备好了实施这项计划,换句话说,我们将尽快采取措施。in other words “换句话说”符合句意。3. 句意:当着许多陌生人的面,这个姑娘有 些紧张,我们尽了最大努力让她感到自在些。4. at ease舒适;快活;自由自在”和lose face“丢脸”都是固定搭配,名词前均不加冠词。5.句意:奥林匹克五环旗上的五环代表五大 洲的团结和来自世界各地的运动员相会在奥林 匹克运动会上。represent “代表;表示”符合 句意。present “赠送;演示” deliver “递送; 传递” resemble “像;类似”


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