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人教新目的七年级英语上册期末测试卷 英 语 试 题(分数:120分 时间:100分钟)听力部分(20分)第一节:听录音,从A、B、C中选出与所听录音相符的图画,读一遍(5分)。. 1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C. 4. A. B. C. 5. A BC第二节:听录音,从A、B、C选择对的的答案,读两遍(5分)。( )6.Where is the baseball?A. Its on the bed. B Its under the chair.www.21-cn-B. Its in the schoolbag.( )7.Whats the girls family name?A. Jane Hall B.Jane C.Hall ( )8.Does Linda like soccer?A. Yes, she does. B.No, she doesnt C. We dont know.( )9. Who likes playing basketball? A. Tom B. Toms mother C. Toms father( )10. Does Gina have a volleyball? A. Yes, she does. B. No,she doesnt. C.We dont know. 第三节:听对话,回答问题。读两遍(5分)听第一段对话,回答11-12小题( )11.These pencils are _A.Annas B.Bobs C.Jennys ( )12.Jennys pen is _A.yellow B.blue C.green听第二段对话,回答13-15小题( )13.Anna is _A.Alices friend B.Franks friend C.Alices cousin( )14._ last name is Brown.A.Alices B.Annas C.Franks( )15._ pen is green.A.Alices B.Annas C.Franks第四节:听短文,选择对的的答案。读两遍(5分)( )16. _ has a great sports A. My father B. My grandfather C. My uncle( )17. He loves _ very much.A. Sports B. balls C. A and B( )18. He likes playing _ and _.【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】A. volleyball, baseball B. basketball; volleyballC. basketball, baseball( )19. He has _ tennis rackets.A. 5 B. 12 C. 10( )20. He has _ soccer ballsA. 5 B. 12 C. We dont know 笔试部分(100分)一,单选。每题一分共15分21.Sally is _ middle school student.How about her brother?He is_ English teacher.Aa;an Ban;a Ca;a Dan;an22.Is the sweater Jacks? Yes, and the Tshirt is _, too. Ayours Bhers Chis D. mine 23. do you like science?Because its interesting.A.When B.What C.How D.Why24.I dont have any lessons this afternoon,so Im very A.fun B.healthy C.busy D.free25.Do you like salad_dinner? No.I like_. Aat;egg Bfor;strawberry Cat;rice Dfor;hamburgers 26.Can your friend play soccer very _?Yes,she can.Awell BGood CFine Dnice27._ is my baseball? I cant find it anywhere.【来源:21世纪教育网】Oh, its under the chair.AWho BWhat CWhere DWhy 28._?I am thirteen.AHow much is it BHow old are youCHow are you DWhen is your birthday29.Look! Some apples _ on the table. Some milk _ in the cup.Aare;are Bis;are Cis;is Dare;is 30.Whats your brothers favorite ?Its science.A.book B.day C.color D.subject31.In the afternoon we are not _.Lets play soccer.That sounds good.Abusy BFree Ctidy D.useful 32.Here are_ pictures.And in the_ picture, you can see two dogs.www-2-1-cnjy-comAfive;five Bfive;fifth Cfifth;five D.fifth;fifth 33. Is the man on the left your English teacher? No, he teaches Biology. His classes are fun. 【出处:21教育名师】 A. we B. our C. us D. ours34.A lot of students are busy their homework Sunday.A.in;on B.with;on C.with;in D.in;in35._? Yes, please. I want some apples.AWhat do you want BHow are you CCan I help you DCan you help me 二完形填空(每题1分, 共10分)Dear Annie, Thank you for your letterIm glad you like your schoolI go to school from Monday to FridayWe have four 36 in the morning and two in the afternoonWe have 37 to do after class 38 Monday and Thursday afternoon we 39 sportsOn Tuesday afternoon 40 of us have 41 singing classAnd on Thursday afternoon some have a 42 classOn Friday afternoon we practice(练习) 43 EnglishMy Chinese friends would like 44 with me in EnglishThey think I am like an English teacherIsnt it great?On Saturdays and Sundays I dont go to school Very often .I go to the parks and have a good time 45 my family there( )36Aclasses Blesson Cclass ( )37Aanything Bany things C many things( )38ATo BIn COn ( )39Ahas Bhave Chaving ( )40Aany Bone Csome ( )41Aa Ban Cthe ( )42Adraw Bdraws C drawing( )43Aspeak Bspeaks Cspeaking ( )44Atalk Btalks Cto talk ( )45Afor Bwith Cat 三,阅读理解 每题2分共40分AMy name is Dick.Im a student in Class 4.I have breakfast at 6:30 in the morning.At 7:00,I go to school with my friend Li Dan.We are in the same school,but she is in Class 3.We have four classes in the morning.At 12:00,we have lunch at school.The two afternoon classes are from 2:00 to 4:00.We have many subjects at school.My favorite subject is science,because I can learn many useful things in science classes.I also like English.Mr.Jin is our English teacher.He is strict with us,and he asks us to speak English in and after class.But we all like him because hes nice and he likes to help us.Li Dan likes music.She can play the piano well.We like our school life46.What class is Li Dan in?A.Class One. B.Class Two. C.Class Three. D.Class Four.47.Dick has classes in the afternoon.A.2 B.4 C.5 D.648.Dick likes science because .A.the science class is interestingB.he can learn many useful things in the science classC.the science teacher is nice49.The Chinese meaning (意思) of the word “strict” is “ ”.A.恶劣的 B.温顺的 C.严格的 D.耐心的50.Whats the best title (题目) for the passage?A.My Favorite Subject. B.My Good Teacher.C.Our Big Family. D.Our School Life.BIn many English homes, people eat four meals (餐) a day. They have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning. They eat porridge (粥), eggs or bread and drink tea or coffee at breakfast. Lunch comes at one oclock. Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon and most Englishmen have dinner at half past seven. First they have soup (汤), then they have meat or fish with vegetables. After that they eat some other things, like bananas, apples or oranges. But not all English people eat like that. Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast, dinner, tea and supper and all these meals are very simple (简朴). 21世纪教育网版权所有根据短文内容,选择对的的答案。51.Many English people have _ meals a day. Atwo Bthree Cfour Dfive 52.People may have _ for their breakfast according to the passage (根据短文)Atea and eggs Bhamburgers and tea Ccoffee and salad Deggs and fish 53.People have lunch at _.Aany time B.nine Cfive Done 54.People dont have_for their dinner.Abananas or apples Bsoup or meat Cmeat or fish Dporridge 55.Most (大多数) Englishmen have dinner _.Aat one Bat any time Cat noon (中午) Din the evening CLost: My new(新的)bike. Its red. My name is Jimmy. Please call 678-42190.Found: Is this your ring? Please call Betty. Call # 892-02311.Lost: My baseball. My name is Bruce. Please call 70852097.Found: Is this your backpack?Please call David.Phone # 291-20845.56. Who lost a bike? A. Betty. B. Jimmy. C. Bruce.57. Is the ring Bettys? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. C. No. Its Davids.21世纪*教育网58. What color is Jimmys new bike? A. Green. B. White. C. Red.59. Who can you call for the backpack? A. David. B. Betty. C. Jimmy.60. What is Bruces phone number? A. 678-42190. B. 70852097. C. 291-20845.DApril 20th is Marys fourteenth birthday. It is Saturday. She invites Kate, Helen, Jane, and Tom to her home. Each of them brings a birthday present for her and says,” Happy birthday, Mary!” Marys mother makes a big cake. It has fourteen candles on it. All of them say “How wonderful!” They have a lot of ice-cream, too.21cnjycomAfter finishing the ice-cream and cake, Kate plays the piano. How well she plays! Then they sing and play games. Mary is very happy. Everybody looks happy.2-1-c-n-j-y61.When is Marys birthday? A. April 20th B. April 1st C. May 20th D. May 1st62. How many friends does Mary invite to her party?21*cnjy*com A. Thre B. Four C. Five D. Six63.Who plays the piano? A. Mary B. Helen C.Jane D.Kate64.What is on the cake? A. Fourteen candles B.Ice-cream C. Roses D. Birthday card65. What does Marys mother make? A.Ice cream B. A big cake C. A small cake D.A big card.四. 短文填空。(每题1分,共10分)从下面的方框中选择对的的单词并用其合适形式填空,使短文意思完整、通顺。they,dinner,she,too,twelve,look,same,purple,have,forJane has a daughter._66_ name is Linda. Tomorrow (明天) is Lindas birthday. Jane wants to _67_ a party for her, so she goes to the store. She wants to buy some food. And she wants to buy some clothes _68_ Linda. Lindas favorite color is purple, so she buys a _69_ skirt and two purple sweaters. They _70_ very nice. She thinks Linda will love _71_ very much.Jane meets her friend Alice in the store. Alice has a daughter, _72_. Her birthday is on the _73_ of December, too. Their birthdays are on the _74_ day. So Jane asks Alice to take her daughter to her home tomorrow so they can have _75_ together (一起). They will have a good time! 21教育网66_67._68._69._70._71_72._73._74._75._五完毕对话 通读对话,根据上下文补全对话。(共5小题,计10分)W: 76 ? M:Yes,she is my friend. W: 77 ?21教育名师原创作品M: Her name is Gina. W: 78 ?21*cnjy*comM: She is 13 yeas old. W: 79 ?M: Yes,she likes English very muchW: Is this her red book? M: 80 ,her book is blue. 六.书面体现。(15分)如果你的偶像是明星宋茜,下表为她的个人信息,请你根据表格内容写一篇短文,向人们简介她。规定:1.文章必须涉及所有提示内容,可合适发挥;2必须补充至少一种理由。3词数70左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。姓名宋茜(Victoria Song)爱慕的食物水果、胡萝卜和西红柿职业歌手,演员爱慕的颜色白色出生日期1987年2月2日学生时爱慕的学科英语和艺术爱慕的运动网球和乒乓球不爱慕的学科科学不爱慕的运动篮球爱慕的理由Hello, everyone. This beautiful girl is Victoria Song. She is my favorite singer(歌手)21cnjyand actress(演员). Her birthday is on February 2nd. Her favorite color is white.【版权所有:21教育】_She likes singing very much. She is really beautiful and hard-working.


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