酒店礼仪培训教材(PPT 37页)

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Content 目 录The basic connotation of etiquette礼仪基本内涵礼仪基本内涵 Hotel etiquette training酒店礼仪酒店礼仪The origin of etiquette 礼仪的来源礼仪的来源n 法庭上的通行证法庭上的通行证Court passn 人际交往通行证人际交往通行证Human communicated passn“握手礼握手礼”的起源的起源The origin of the behavior of handshakeThe connotation of etiquette礼仪的内涵礼仪的内涵礼礼 仪仪Etiquette谦恭有礼谦恭有礼的言谈举止的言谈举止Courteous Behavior 教养、规矩、礼节教养、规矩、礼节Education andPropriety isceremony仪式、典礼、仪式、典礼、习俗等习俗等The custom ofCeremony andrite西方西方 Occidental The connotation of etiquette礼仪的内涵礼仪的内涵礼礼政治制度政治制度Political system礼貌礼节礼貌礼节Manners 礼礼 物物Present东方东方 Oriental仪仪准则、法度准则、法度Rules and statute仪式、礼节仪式、礼节Ceremony仪容、仪表仪容、仪表AppearanceCComing into the formal word of successful person走进成功者的礼仪世界走进成功者的礼仪世界人生的起点人生的起点 人生的终点人生的终点 Vigorous Common LugubriousA代表轰轰烈烈代表轰轰烈烈 B代表平平凡凡代表平平凡凡 C代表凄凄惨惨代表凄凄惨惨AThe starting point of life The end point of lifeComing into the formal word of successful person走进成功者的礼仪世界走进成功者的礼仪世界Coming into the formal word of successful person走进成功者的礼仪世界走进成功者的礼仪世界The connotation of etiquette 礼仪的内涵礼仪的内涵The connotation of protocol is the rules and statutes which are formed in the social community,the rules and orders which are bound by people together,and it is used to bind people,s desire,so as to achieve the goal of harmony of human communication.约定俗成约定俗成,共同遵守的行为准则道德规范秩序;共同遵守的行为准则道德规范秩序;约束人类欲望,实现人际关系的和谐约束人类欲望,实现人际关系的和谐 Manners EtiquetteAppearanceCeremony具体表现:礼貌、礼节、仪表、仪式具体表现:礼貌、礼节、仪表、仪式 律己敬人律己敬人 Etiquette is comprehensive reflection of personal quality礼仪是个人素养的综合体现礼仪是个人素养的综合体现Appropriate clothingAppropriate clothing 得体的衣着得体的衣着 Refinement of mannersRefinement of manners 文雅的举止文雅的举止 Appropriate greetingAppropriate greeting 恰当的问候恰当的问候 Refined and courteous behaviorRefined and courteous behavior 彬彬有礼的行为彬彬有礼的行为Etiquette is a mirror that can reflect yourselfEtiquette is a mirror that can reflect yourself -Goethe -Goethe “礼仪是反映自己的镜子礼仪是反映自己的镜子”歌德歌德 Etiquette is comprehensive reflection of personal quality礼仪是个人素养的综合体现礼仪是个人素养的综合体现Etiquette is comprehensive reflection of personal quality礼仪是个人素养的综合体现礼仪是个人素养的综合体现The far from etiquette,the far from success 离礼仪有多远,离成功就有多远离礼仪有多远,离成功就有多远 Kennedy肯尼迪肯尼迪 49.9:49.6 49.9:49.6 尼克松尼克松 NixonThe slight differences of vote in the history of USA The slight differences of vote in the history of USA president electionpresident electionThe principle of etiquette礼仪的原则礼仪的原则The principle of equality 平等平等The principle of good faith 诚实诚实The principle of tolerance 宽容宽容The principle of self-discipline 自律自律The principle of etiquette礼仪的原则礼仪的原则The principle of etiquette礼仪的原则礼仪的原则The principle of etiquette礼仪的原则礼仪的原则The principle of etiquette礼仪的原则礼仪的原则The principle of etiquette礼仪的原则礼仪的原则The effect of etiquette礼仪的作用礼仪的作用 The country which pay more attention The country which pay more attention on etiquette will be prosperous and on etiquette will be prosperous and strongstrong 国国尚礼则国尚礼则国昌昌 The family which pay more attention The family which pay more attention on etiquette will be larger on etiquette will be larger 家家尚礼则家尚礼则家大大 The body which pay more attention on The body which pay more attention on etiquette will be correctitudeetiquette will be correctitude 身身尚礼则身尚礼则身正正 The heartThe heart which pay more attention on which pay more attention on etiquette will be calmetiquette will be calm 心心尚礼则心尚礼则心泰泰 The country of etiquette 礼仪之邦礼仪之邦No watching without proper etiquetteNo watching without proper etiquette 非礼勿非礼勿视视No listening without proper etiquetteNo listening without proper etiquette 非礼勿非礼勿听听 No speaking No speaking without proper etiquette without proper etiquette 非礼勿非礼勿言言No touchingNo touching without proper etiquettewithout proper etiquette 非礼勿非礼勿动动看Looking听Listening笑Smiling说Speaking形BehavingEtiquette of watching“看看”的礼仪的礼仪 Three areas Four distances 三个区域三个区域 :四个距离四个距离:Close distances 亲密距离亲密距离 Social communicated distances 社交距离社交距离 Business distances 公务距离公务距离 Public distances 公众距离公众距离 Business areas 公务区域公务区域Social communicated areas 社交区域社交区域Close areas 亲密区域亲密区域Etiquette of listening“听听”的礼仪的礼仪Etiquette of smiling“笑笑”的礼仪的礼仪Smile trainingDon,t pronounce and grin but move your corners of mouth upwards 1、不发音、嘴角向上微提不发音、嘴角向上微提Pronouncing “Yi”2、念念“一一”Mouth eyes expression should be coordinated3、口、眼、神协调口、眼、神协调Smile、Language4、微笑微笑+语言语言Smile、Behaving Appearance with posture5、微笑微笑+仪表、体态仪表、体态Etiquette of smiling“笑笑”的礼仪的礼仪Whose smile is the most beautiful 看看谁的微笑最美?看看谁的微笑最美?Interactive smile互动互动微笑微笑 Etiquette of speaking “说说”的礼仪的礼仪Good words make people feel warm even in the coldest day“良言一句三冬暧良言一句三冬暧”Abuse words make people feel cold even in the hottest day“恶语伤人六月寒恶语伤人六月寒”Etiquette of speaking“说说”的礼仪的礼仪Etiquette of speaking“说说”的礼仪的礼仪Etiquette of hotel behaving 酒店酒店“形形”的礼仪的礼仪The principle of TPO着装原则着装原则Appearance仪表仪表Looks仪容仪容Manner仪态仪态(无声无声有声有声)No TouchingNo Touching W Without ithout EtiquetteEtiquette非礼勿行非礼勿行(无声无声 有声有声)内化于心的12种品德n忠诚忠诚衷心者不遭解雇衷心者不遭解雇 n敬业敬业每天比上司多做一些每天比上司多做一些n自动自发自动自发不要事事等人交代不要事事等人交代n负责负责绝对没有借口,保证完成任务绝对没有借口,保证完成任务n注重效率注重效率算算你的使用成本算算你的使用成本n结果导向结果导向咬定功劳,不看苦劳咬定功劳,不看苦劳内化于心的12种品德n善于沟通善于沟通当面开口,当场解决当面开口,当场解决n合作合作团队提前,自我退后团队提前,自我退后n积极进取积极进取永远跟上酒店的步伐永远跟上酒店的步伐n低调低调才高不必自傲才高不必自傲n节约节约别把酒店的钱不当钱别把酒店的钱不当钱n感恩感恩想想是谁成就了今天的你想想是谁成就了今天的你Service consciousness The example of service consciousness The story of Wangyongqin 谢谢各位绅士、淑女!谢谢各位绅士、淑女!Ladies and Gentlemen thank you for your attendance!


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