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Unit 1根据句意或首字母提示写出单词1. She is ( 有耐心的)enough to wait for me for a long time.2. He has all the (品质)to be a good friend.3. He wants to know more (详情)about star signs.4. At last they reached the top of the mountain (成功地).5. The twins look alike,but they have different (性格特征)6. We should take an _(积极)part in Oxfam Trailwalker7. A wise housewife must be good at_(储蓄)money.8. Its_( 傻)of you to do such a thing.9. My uncle enjoys working and he is full of _(精力)10. His father is_(外向)and has a good sense of humor.11. Do you_(做梦)at night?12. Please remember these useful (表达)13. You should be (谦虚)though you are very clever.14. You are generous, kind , gentle and (随和的)15. My brother loves peace and does not like to _(争论)with others.16. Its c_ of him to make such a mistake.17. Jims trousers are s_ to mine. I think there are no differences between them.18. Our English teacher is a f_(treat everyone or everything equally)person.19. The news was p_(most likely)true.20. He e_(show the meaning of)the reason to his teacher for being late.21. He left here a_(about)two years ago.22. Can I have e_(more than usual)to finish my work?二、 用所给词的适当形式填空 1.When you speak to your friends,its good to use_(formal)language.2. This dress is not_(suit)for the party.3. Helen is a _(live)girl,she likes to make friends.4. The boy has many good_(person)qualities.5. I believe the 2008 Olympic Games will be held_(Success)6. Dont be_(patient)with your students.7. Its_(fair)of you to pay me so little money.8. As a teacher,you should treat every student_(equal).9. Its_(thought)of you to take a rainoat with you.10. They live a _(peace)life in a small village.Unit21. White is the colour of_(纯洁) .2. You should have a rest if you feel _(有压力的).3. I cant tell what you want.You never seem_(满足的)4. The_(气候)of Egypt is too dry.5. Mother often_(提醒) me to wear warm clothes.6. Yellow is the colour of_(智慧)7. She was the_(羡慕)of the young girls in the school.8. Many young trees have died because of the _(影响)of the climate.9. I cant get the cork(瓶塞)out of the bottle-its too_(紧)10. We must keep a _(平衡)of the environment.11. People in the north of China like eating_(面条)12. Its a good habit for people to keep a _(日记)13. After raining, we can see a_(彩虹)when the sun shines.14. The mother looked_(担心的)because her son hadnt been back.15. Thank you for r_(cause sb to remember to do sth)me of the meeting.16. Lets share your s_(the sad feelings),please cheer up.17. Mr Green is a man with great s_(power,quality of being strong).18. The teacher r_(need,want)us to finish our homework on time.19. He d_(find out)a box hidden under the floor.20. I like to listen to soft music because it always makes me r_(not feeling worried).21. I_(like better)jogging to swimming.Unit31. Our teacher is_(严厉),we have to do what he says.2. He _(受苦)from stomachache.3. Jim often_(提供)me good advice.4. Can you_(证明)that you are right?5. I find the_(文章)on star signs very interesting.6. Which is more_(美味的),the cakes with nuts or the ones with meat?7. You must learn how to_(处理)with problems by yourselves.8. Eating a healthy_(日常饮食)is very important.9. Mr Hu is_(认为)the beat teacher by the students.10. My penfriend didnt_(回信)to my e-mail.11. I hate anybody who_(打扰)me when Im sleeping.12. To our surprise,he has made great_(进步)in his study.13. Stop _(吵架),children.14. _(虽然)it was raining,I went there.15. There is _(充足)of rain here every year.16. Jim usually watches TV in his s_(free)time.17. Marys t_(job,piece of work)is to water flowers.18. Have you r_(go over)your old lessons?19. Youll find this book v_(very useful and helpful).20. Some s_(advice)were given to the girls.21. I have c_(finish)my homework.22. I offered him a cake and he a_(take sth.which is offered,get).Unit41. they are doing the_(一周一次的)cleaning.2. He is_(报道)the traffic accident now.3. The football match is covered_(现场直播的)on TV.4. The _of prize(颁奖仪式)will begin at two oclock in the afternoon.5. In the past,many people had no right to_(选举)6. The news was_(宣布)by Radio Beijing.7. There was a _(谋杀案)in London yesterday.8. The _(导演)of the film is Zhang Yimou.9. It is a _(谜)to us all.10. He is good at all the subjects,e_(尤其是)English.11. The palace is now open to the_(公众)12. Soon the man_(消失)into the mist.13. The one-hour_(纪录片)takes a close look at the Asian tiger.14. The _(习惯)of resting after lunch is a good one.15. Im going to visit Shanghai this_(即将到来的)weekend.16. I have a meeting to a _.17. The weather today is r_(very,quite)cold.18. Im s_(afraid) of ghosts.19. He seemed to d_(not agree)with my decision.20.The news can be found in the offical w_(network)21.He won the 100-metre r_(competition in speed)yeasterday.Unit51. You should stop_(做白日梦)and be more realistic.2. If she leaves,it will be a big_(损失)to the school.3. People deeply _(痛悼)over his death.4. He lifted the big rock without_(努力)5. The students all stood up when the teacher_(进入)the classroom.6. Paris has great_(魅力)for tourists.7. The concert_(吸引)a great number of people last night.8. He _(坚持认为)that his answer was right.9. I tried to find him in the crowed,but had no_(成功)10. His sudden_(露面)surprised me.11. She was a famous model before she entered the film_(产业)12. Edison had more than I,000 inventions furing his_(一生)13. Everyone should learn to protect the _(环境)14. He is an_(经验丰富的)teacher.15. The famous actress earned an Oscar_(提名)16. People remember her as a _(人道主义者)17. The great woman_(奉献)much of her money to charity.18. Liu Huan is a w_(famous)singer.19. Ill finish my homework i_(at once)20. His works have e_(receive sth for doing sth good)him many friends.21. This was her f_(last)hope.22. The medicine has no e_(influence),Im still ill.Unit 61. many people like reading _(侦探)stories because they are exciting.2. He is one of the _(嫌疑犯)caught by the police.3. The report that the _(谋杀)took place last night.4. Please tell me how to _(联系)you .5. He was_(攻击)by someone from the behind.6. An important piece of_(证据)has been found7. The old granny was killed without a _(搏斗)8. Its quite_(明显)that you are lying.9. He was _(指控)with stealing the money.10. He ran so fast that he was out of_(呼吸)11. How did you _(证明)that he was the robber?12. The poor girl was_(绑架)on her way home.13. Have the police found the _(证人)of that accident?14. She looks beautiful with a n_around her neck.15. His uncle is a man of m_(middle)height.16. That victim is b_(to lose blood),the doctor is trying to stop it.17. She has s_(two or three but not many)friends in the town.18. They are p_(make plans for)a visit to the USA.19. She bought a pair of s_(short trousers)yesterday.20. I dont know w_(if)my father has gone to Hong Kong.21. A b_(clever)boy learns quickly.参考答案1. patient2.qualities 3.datails4.successfully5.characteristics 6.active7saving8.silly 9.energy10.outgoing 11.dream12.expressions 13.modest 14.easy-going 15.argue 16.careless 17.similar 18.fair 19.probably 20.explained 21.around 22.extraUnit21. purity 2.stressed 3.satisfied 4.climate 5.reminds 6.Wisdom7. envy 8.influence 9.tight 10.balance 11.noodles 12.diary 13.realize 14.rainbow 15.worried 16.reminding 17sadness 18.strength 19requires 20.discovered 21.relaxed 22preferUnit 31. strict 2.suffers 3.offers 4.prove 5.article 6.delicious 7.deal 8.diet 9.considered 10.reply 11.disturbs 12.progress 13.quarrelling 14.though 15.plenty 16.spare 17.task 18.revised 19.valuable 20.suggestions 21 completed 22.acceptedUnit 41. weekly 2.covering 3.live 4.presentation 5.vote 6,announced 7.murder8.director 9.mystery 10.especially 11.public 12.disappeared 13.documentary 14.habit ing 16.attend 17.rather 18.up-to-date 19.scared 20.website 21.disagree 22.raceUnit51. daydreaming 2.loss 3.mourned 4.effort 5.entered 6.charm 7.attracted 8.insisted 9.success 10.ppearance 11.industry 12.lifetime13. environment 14.experienced 15.nomination 16.humanitarian 17.devoted 18,.well-known 19.immediately 20.earned 21.final 22.effort Unit 61. detective 2.suspects 3.confirmed 4.murder 5.contact 6.attacked 7.evidence 8.struggle 9.obvious10.charged 11.breath 12.prove 13.kidnapped 14.witness 15.necklace 16.medium 17.bleeding 18.several 19.projecting 20.shorts 21.whether 22.bright


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