五年级下册英语课件-Module 2 Unit 1 A|外研社(三起) (共9张PPT)

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五年级下册英语课件-Module 2 Unit 1 A|外研社(三起) (共9张PPT)_第1页
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五年级下册英语课件-Module 2 Unit 1 A|外研社(三起) (共9张PPT)_第3页
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Module 212021/4/20Unit 1She learnt English.22021/4/2032021/4/20五、按要求写单词。1.dance(名词 )dancer2.drive(名词 )driver 3.learn(过去式 )learnt4.外国的(英语 )foreign 5.语言(英语 )language 6.write(过去式 )wrote 7.city(复数 )cities8.teach(过去式 )taught 42021/4/20六、单项选择,将答案序号填入题前括号里。(C )1.are they?They are my parents.A.WhatB.WhereC.Who(B )2.Did they English?Yes,they English.A.learnt;learnB.learn;learntC.learnt;learnt(B )3.She a student ten years ago,but she a teacher now.A.is;was B.was;isC.was;was(C )4.He is English teacher.A.aB.theC.an52021/4/20(A )5.She learnt to.A.cook B.cooksC.cooking(B )6.is that old lady?She is my grandmother.A.What B.WhoC.Whose(B )7.Mr Wang Chinese now.A.teach B.is teachingC.taught(C )8.Amy learn Chinese?Yes,she did.A.DoB.DoesC.Did(C )9.He English last year.A.learns B.is learning C.learnt(B )10.My grandmother a dancer ten years ago.A.isB.was C.are62021/4/20七、选词填空。A.WhoB.WhereC.DoD.HowE.What1.D did he go to school?He went to school by bus.2.A is that lady?She is my English teacher.3.E did she do yesterday?She learnt English.4.C they watch TV every day?No,they dont.5.B were you last night?I was at school.72021/4/20八、阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确的答案。Mrs Brown was an old woman.She lived on a small farm.One day she went to the post office.She wanted to write a letter to one of her friends.But she couldnt read or write,so she asked a young man to help her.“Yes,of course!”the young man said.He took up his pen and began to write as Mrs Brown was talking.In about fifteen minutes,he finished the letter.“Are there any other things you want to say,Madam?”asked the young man.“Oh,yes,please write down(写下 )one more sentence on the paper,saying sorry for the poor(糟糕的 )handwriting(笔迹 ).”82021/4/20(C )1.Mrs Brown lived.A.in a cityB.in a town C.on a farm(A )2.She went into the post office.A.to write a letter to her friendB.to buy a stamp C.to talk with a young man(C )3.It took the young man to write the letter.A.one minuteB.ten minutesC.fifteen minutes(B )4.Mrs Brown thought the mans handwriting was.A.good B.bad C.true(A )5.Did the young man help her?A.Yes,he did.B.I dont know.C.No,he didnt.92021/4/209、人的价值,在招收诱惑的一瞬间被决定。22.7.2522.7.25Monday,July 25,202210、低头要有勇气,抬头要有低气。9:24:559:24:559:247/25/2022 9:24:55 AM11、人总是珍惜为得到。22.7.259:24:559:24Jul-2225-Jul-2212、人乱于心,不宽余请。9:24:559:24:559:24Monday,July 25,202213、生气是拿别人做错的事来惩罚自己。22.7.2522.7.259:24:559:24:55July 25,202214、抱最大的希望,作最大的努力。2022年7月25日星期一上午9时24分55秒9:24:5522.7.2515、一个人炫耀什么,说明他内心缺少什么。2022年7月上午9时24分22.7.259:24July 25,202216、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。2022年7月25日星期一9时24分55秒9:24:5525 July 202217、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自强不息。上午9时24分55秒上午9时24分9:24:5522.7.25谢谢大家谢谢大家102021/4/20


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