a概念英语外教学习资料Conversation Starter2

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A Notion English Topic: Conversation Starter ()Cold-Read Conversation Starters to Use on Anyone17. “You look like a teacher/fashion designer/entrepreneur/some noble profession.” The person will feel appreciated and always ask why you guessed that particular profession.18. “You seem like a kind/hard working/problem solving/positive personality trait person. I like that.” Use this opener when the person displays an admirable trait. The compliment makes the person feel great and can lead the conversation to many directions.19. “You look like a outgoing/talkative/friendly/people-magnetic trait person.”20. “Im curious. Would your friends say youre an outgoing/understanding/open/positive personality trait person?”21. “I like your necklace/shirt/hair/personal trait or item. I bet that says a lot about your personality.” No one hates a compliment or someone interested in ones personality.22. “You guys know each from work?” “You guys look like youve been friends since school.” “You guys spending the night out together?” This one is good for groups. Predict their relationship with one another.23. “Im practicing a new skill called cold-reading on people I dont yet know. Let me quickly try it on you. Itll be fun.” Confidently assert you will cold-read; dont ask for permission.Conversation Starters for Guys with Girls24. “I need a girls opinion about something I was just discussing with a friend who broke up with his girlfriend. He made out with another woman straight after his relationship break up. Is he a jerk?” Get a female opinion.25. “I play the field, and it looks like I just hit a home run with you.” “Youre like a dictionary, you add meaning to my life!” “Do you have a sunburn, or are you always this hot?” Tease cheesy pick-up lines. Make sure you say the pick-up line in a joking manner.26. “Who lies more: men or women?” “Is it wrong to break up with a text message?” Ask a controversial question to a group of women then watch their eyes open wide and hear the chatter break out.27. “I want a womans perspective on this. I was just talking to a friend who broke up. His girlfriend keeps calling. Why does she do it?” Ask a question about someones relationship. Women love to share their opinion on relationships.28. “You caught my attention because youre cute so I had to come talk to you.”29. “Nice boots. Do you have your horse parked outside?” “Nice shoes. They look comfortable.” “Nice top. My grandma has one.” Say it playfully. Lightly tease the woman about something shell giggle over. Be prepared for banter otherwise you could be eaten alive by a witty woman.30. “Can I help you?” Ask this in a shop. Playfully pretend to be an employee.31. “Hmm, are you friendly?” Say it with a suspicious and playful look. Most women will not say no. “Good, Ill talk to you.” If she does say no, you can overlook it, use it as banter material, or take it as a warning sign to leave the grump alone. This opener is more suited to entertainment venues.Conversation Starters for Girls with Guys32. “I need a guys opinion on something that just happened with a friend. Would you read your girlfriends email if you thought she was cheating on you?” Get a male opinion.33. “Where can I find a good coffee shop around here?” “I need help rubbing sunscreen on my back. Im unfortunately not double-jointed. Can you help put it on?” “Whats a great country to visit?” Ask for his help. Guys love to give advice (as if you didnt know that.)34. “Ill do a trade with you. You give me that burger and Ill give you this awful coffee.” Make a playful trade. You can make up anything based on something each of you have at the time.35. “Can you take a photo for me to send a friend?” Get him to join in the photo.36. “Can you reserve my seat for me?” “Can you look after these books until I get back?” Ask him to watch something for you just dont leave your bag behind for him. You are opening a conversation for when you return, not putting the country at threat or testing if he would be an honest husband.37. “Nice shoes/shirt/bag/material item. Ive been thinking of getting one for a friend. Where can I get one?” Question something you complimented.38. “Oh! Sorry for bumping into you.” “Oh no! Im sorry for spilling my drink on you.” The accident opener isnt the best because its subtly may mean you have to spill a drink on the guy three times for him to pick up your interest in starting a conversation. Ive heard of some women using this conversation starter by burning men with cigarettes! Dont be talking to me b*! Create an accident if you are absolutely lost for words. Just be careful you do no damage.39. “You should come talk to me.” Smile over your shoulder as you walk away without giving him a chance to respond. Mystery is sexy.40. Shoo away your friends for a moment to be alone. Many guys talk to women in bars and clubs when the womans friends get a drink or go to toilet its the guys chance to attack the lonely gazelle.Conversation Starters for Families or Friends41. “Wheres Uncle Terry/New York crew/missing family or friend today?”42. “Are you going to Jims wedding?” “What celebrations are coming up in your family?” Weddings, births, and birthdays are all memorable events family members and friends can talk about. Divorces are memorable, but depressing.43. “How have you been this past year?” “Great to see you. Whats changed in your life since the last time we met?” (Recall the last time you met to get bonus points). Catch up on the persons life my favourite opener to use with family and friends.44. Bring up a memorable moment or anecdote your family or friends remember, such as a funny story, an embarrassing mishap, or a trip everyone enjoyed. This starter initiates multiple conversations about similar moments.45. “What do you have planned for the weekend?” “Whats happening for you Friday?” “Whats on your calendar this week?”46. “Whats one thing youre really thankful for?”47. “Whats something I dont know about you that you think I should know? Like are you a stalker?” “Whats one thing thats new in your life?” “Whats recently changed in your life?”Conversation Starters for CouplesMost of these are useful when the couple are already in rapport and chatting:48. “What do you most admire about our family/home/relationship/something with positive qualities?”49. “Whats one thing youve wanted to tell me, but havent?”50. “I like how you smile when I come home from work.” Compliments replenish the energy in relationships often drained from criticism. A compliment often leads to a great conversation.51. “In your dream house, what one room must you have?”52. “Whats a memory between us that stands out for you?”53. “What does this flower/meal/atmosphere/something in the environment remind you of?” Make sure the object youre commenting on has history in your relationship.54. “What three values do you most want our children to carry on throughout life?” “What principles do you want our children to live by?” “How do you want our children to best live life?”55. “If you happen to leave Earth before I do, how would you like me to remember you?” Youll discover the ideal image of your partner, which you can use to increase understanding and intimacy.


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