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班级: 考生姓名: 座位号:装 订 线 厦门医学高等专科学校2014级护理学专业模拟考试卷()Part 1I. Vocabulary and Structure 3%There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.1. I can guess you were in a hurry. You _ your sweater inside out.A. had worn B. wore C. were wearing D. are wearing2.They _ on the program for almost one week before I joined them, and now we _ on it as no good results have come out so far.A. had been working; are still working B. had worked; were still workingC. have been working; have worked D. have worked; are still working 3. He will stop showing off, if no notice _ of him. A. is taken B. will be taken C. takes D. has taken4. - It is said that another new car factory _ now. - Yeah. It _ one and a half years. A. is building; takes B. is being built; will take C. is built; will take D. is being built; takes5. No one can possibly recall any detail about the meetingIt is at least five years since it_. Ahad taken place Bwas taken place Ctook place Dwas taking place6. Helen had to shout _ above the sound of the music. A. making herself hear B. to make herself hear C. making herself hear D. to make herself heard 7. They wont buy new clothes because they _ money to buy a color TV set. A. save B. are saving C. has saved D. were saving8. Good heavens! There you are! We _ anxious about you, and we _ you back throughout the night. A. are; expect B. were; had expected C. have been; were expecting D. are; were expecting 9. Ive finally finished my paper and it _ me an entire month. A. takes B. took C. was taken D. had taken 10. The traffic in our city is already good and it _ even better. A. gets B. got C. has got D. is getting 11. It is easy for us to make friends with each other, but it is hard to _ our friendship for a long time.A. make B. maintain C. hold D. reserve12. _ makes perfect. If you go on practising, you will make much progress.A. Exercise B. Training C. Practice D. Drill13. She had a son _ when she came to China for the first time.A. aged six B. is at six age C. is six year old D. is old six14. In _ years there have been many changes in my hometown. Many joint-ventures are seen everywhere.A. lately B. late C. recently D. recent15. These research workers will _ the problem at once.A. search B. look into C. inquire D. exploit16. Dont _ the receiver. He is coming.A. put up B. line up C. hang up D. keep up17. The Summer Palace _ many foreign visitors every year.A. attacks B. affects C. affords D. attracts18. His mother told him to _ his little brother when she was away.A. look back B. look over C. look at D. look after19. As my beloved uncle, he gave me advice _ money.A. as well B. as long as C. as well as D. as good as20. I wonder whether wet weather is a _ of life in Scotland.A. creature B. feature C. picture D. nature21. We_ hearing from you as soon as possible.A. look forward to B. pay attention to C. gave way to D. hold on to22. When I went home, they had already _ for the North.A. cut off B. called off C. set off D. dropped off23. Fortunately, the experiment _ as we had expected.A. fell out B. fell behind C. fell back on D. fell in24. Jack told me that _ of the two women was his teacher of Chinese.A. the tallest B. the most tall C. the tall D. the taller25. This lesson is _ than the last one in this book.A. more easy B. very easy C. more easier D. much easier26. The man looked _at the news that he had failed again. A. disappointed B. being disappointed C. disappointing D. to be disappointing27. I had the car _ for me for an hour yesterday afternoon.A. waiting B. waited C. to waited D. be waiting28. When we saw Jimmy at the party last night, we found that he had greatly _.A. changed B. to change C. to have changed D. changing29. He made a note of the homework _ he forget it. A. that B. so C. lest D. in case30. I shall stay at home all day_ there is news of my husband. A. so that B. therefore C. however D. in casePart 2II. Reading ComprehensionThe following passages have been chosen from the textbook and followed by questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passage.1 Some people are lucky enough to be born with a good sense of direction and even if they have only visited a place once, they will be able to find it again years later. I am one of those unfortunate people who have a very poor sense of direction, and though I may have visited a place time after time, I still manage to get lost on my way there. So if anyone ever asks me the way somewhere, I always tell them that I am a stranger to the town in order to avoid confusing them, but even this can have embarrassing results. I was once on my way to work when I was stopped by a man who asked me if I would direct him to the Bank of China Building. Without thinking, I gave my usual reply, but I had only walked on a few steps when I realized that he had asked for directions to my office building. However, at this point, I found it was too late to turn back and search him out in the crowd behind me as I had an appointment to keep at the office with a new client and I did not want to keep him waiting. Imagine my embarrassment when my secretary showed in the very man who had asked for directions to my office and his surprise when he recognized me as the person he had asked!31. The author thinks that some people are fortunate because _.A. they are born with a poor sense of directionB. they are born with a good sense of directionC. they are born with no sense of directionD. they are born with less sense of direction than others32. When someone asks the author the way, he usually says _.A. that he knows the way B. that he is willing to tell the directionC. that he is a stranger to the town D. that he is an acquaintance to the town33. Later the author realized that the man had asked for directions _.A. to his office building B. to his friends office buildingC. to a bank he doesnt know D. to a place he has never heard of34. The man who had asked the author for directions was _.A. the authors friend B. the authors new clientC. the authors boss D. the authors secretary35. The author felt _ when his secretary showed in the very man who had asked for directions.A. satisfied B. lucky C. fortunate D. embarrassed2The London Stock Exchange has always been famous as a place for men only, and women used to be strictly forbidden to enter. But the world is changing day by day, and even the Stock Exchange, which seemed to be a mans castle, is gradually opening its doors to the other sex. On November 16, 1971, a great decision was made. The Stock Exchange Council ( the body of men that administers the Stock Exchange) decided that women should be allowed onto the new trading floor when it opened in 1973. But the “castle” had not been completely conquered. The first girls to work in “The House” were not brokers or jobbers. They were neither allowed to become partners in stock-broking firms, nor to be authorized dealers in stocks and shares. They were simply junior clerks and telephone operators.Women have been trying to get into the Stock Exchange for many years. Several votes have been taken in “ The House” to see whether the members would be willing to allow women to become members, but the answer has always been “ No”. There have been three refusals of this kind since 1967. Now women are admitted, although in a very junior capacity. Two firms of jobbers made an application to the Stock Exchange Council to be allowed to employ girl clerks. Permission was finally given: “the new floor is going to be different from the old one. All the jobbers will have their own stands, with space for a telephone and typewriters. Therefore there will have to be typists and telephone operators. So women must be allowed in.” This decision did not mean a very great victory in the war for equal rights for women. However, it was a step in the right direction. The Chairman of the Stock Exchange said, “I think that the opening of the new building will eventually lead to women being allowed to have full membership of the Stock Exchange. It is only a matter of time; it must happen.” 36. The Stock Exchange seemed to be a mans castle(城堡) because _ .A. men had completely conquered it by forceB. women were simply junior clerks and telephone operatorsC. men were rich and strong enough to build itD. women were strictly forbidden to enter37. The Stock Exchange Council made a decision that _ .A. they would gradually open its doors to the other sexB. women were allowed to work in the Stock Exchange from 1971C. women should be allowed to work in the new Stock Exchange set up in 1973D. women were not allowed to become partners in stock-broking firms38. The House took the vote to see _.A. whether the members would be willing to allow women to become membersB. how many women wanted to work in the Stock ExchangeC. whether they need typists and telephone operatorsD. whether the application made by two firms of jobbers was reasonable39. Women are admitted because _.A. women are badly needed in the new building B. they have been trying to be administrators of the Stock Exchange for many yearsC. two firms of jobbers made an application for girl clerks after women had tried hard for a long time D. women agree to take junior positions40. The opening of the new building is significant because _.A. it is a new trading floorB. it means a great victory in the war for equal rights for womenC. it will allow women to be typists and telephone operators foreverD. it will eventually lead to women being allowed to have full membership of the Stock Exchange3Footprints on The Moon. On the lonely, lifeless surface of the moon, a strange-looking vehicle squats(蹲伏)motionless under the suns glaring(刺眼的)rays. On one of its four legs is attached a small, stainless steel plaque(匾)which reads:HERE MEN FROM THE PLANET EARTHFIRST SET FOOT UPON THE MOONJULY,1969 A.D.WE CAME IN PEACE FOR ALL MANKINDThe vehicle, the cast-off(丢弃的)lower half of a lunar landing craft, is a monument(纪念)to the historic event on July 20, when two American astronauts planted the first human footsteps on the moon. The man who took the first step was Neil A. Armstrong, the 39-year-old civilian commander of the Apollo 11. As he reached the bottom of the landing crafts ladder and extended his booted left foot to touch the moons powdery surface, he said, “Thats one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.”He was followed down the ladder minutes later by Edwin B. Aldrin, Jr., a 39-year-old Air Force colonel. For 2 hours and 21 minutes, the two men, carefully at first and then boldly, wandered about on the barren, rock-strewn surface. They tested their ability to move about on this strange world. They took photographs of the landscape. They set up scientific experiments and collected rock and soil samples. They set up a television camera so the whole world could watch. All the while, the third member of the crew, Michael Collins, 38, an Air Force lieutenant colonel, piloted the Command Ship in lunar orbit 70 miles above the surface, waiting for the two explorers to rejoin him for the trip back to the earth. Altogether, the visit to the moon lasted 21 hours and 37 minutes.Though the mission(任务)was completed almost without flaw(瑕疵), it was filled with suspense and anxiety. The astronauts faced risks on the moon never before met by man. And, as with all space flights, chances of failure and disaster were ever presentthe blast-off(发射)of the giant Saturn(土星)rocket at Cape Kennedy, the entry of the spaceship into earth and lunar orbits, the never-before-attempted landing and lift-off from the moon, the link-up of Columbia and Eagle, the re-entry into the atmosphere(大气层), and the splash-down(溅落). An error or failure of any of the millions of individual parts anywhere along the way could have ended the mission short of the goal. An equipment failure or accident on the moon could have left the astronauts stranded(陷入困境).But they made it. After eight days in space, they splashed down in the Pacific to a presidential(总统的)greeting aboard the recovery carrier, the USA. Hornet. They were the heroes of the nation and the world. It was a journey that took man beyond the earth to walk on another world.41. What was left on the moon after mans first landing on it?A. Two astronauts footprints. B. A monument built by man.C. The cast-off lower half of a lunar landing craft. D. A flag.42. When did man first set foot on the moon?A. 1969. B.1961. C. 2001. D. 1984.43. What is the name of the astronaut who first landed on the moon?A. Neil A. Armstrong. B. Dennis Tito. C. Apollo. D. Gagarin.44. Armstrong said“Thats one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind”, because .A. that is a historic step for mankindB. one step on the moon equals one leap on the earth.C. that step is very importantD. that step is really great45. Judging from the facts that we can easily conclude that the landing was seen as a great success.A. the three astronauts won a large amount of prizeB. their return was greeted in a presidential level and their names soon became household names at that timeC. man feels proud of their performanceD. they were all promoted to a higher position4Time fleets away like a flash. After Christmas and New Year comes the Chinese lunar New Yearthe Spring Festival. It falls on the first day of the first lunar month.The lunar New Year is quite a great event in the Chinese community as a whole as well as in every individual family. Long before it arrives, children look forward to it with great eagerness.Today the living standard of the Chinese people has been raised. A display of flowers has become one of the main features of Chinese families New Year decoration, especially in southern China. On the eve of the lunar New Year, the whole family have a reunion dinner together.New Year calls are paid to relatives and friends, and New Year cards and presents are exchanged. When acquaintances meet, they say “Wish you a good bonanza” to each other.As a rule, children receive some money in red packets from their elders as lunar New Year gifts.46. The lunar New Year refers to _. A. Christmas B. New Years Day C. the Spring Festival D. the first day of every month47. The lunar New year is a very important event for_ . A. each individual B. The whole country and every familyC. All the children D. Every family48. According to the passage, we can safely infer that _.A. the life of the Chinese people has become much better B. flowers are on displayC. reunion dinner is a common thing D. family income is as much as it was before49. What do people do when the lunar New Year comes? A. People call their relatives and friends to pay the fee.B. People of the whole community have a reunion dinner together.C. New Year cards and presents are sold to each other.D. Say “ Wish you a good bonanza” to acquaintances.50. What do children receive from their elders as lunar New Year gifts? A. Red cards. B. Red presents. C. Red packets. D. Red gifts.Part 3 III. Cloze 10%Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D under the passage. You should choose the one that best fits into the passage.Most shops in Britain open at 9:00 a.m., and close at 5:00 or 5:30 in the evening. Small shops usually close 51 an hour at lunchtime. On one 52 two days a weekusually Thursday or Friday some large food shops 53 open until about 8:00 p.m., for 54 night shopping.Many shops are 55 in the afternoon on one day 56 week. The day is usually Wednesday or Thursday and 57 a different day in different towns. Nearly 58 shops are closed on Sundays. Newspaper shops are open in the morning, 59 sell sweets and cigarettes as 60 . But not all things can be 61 on Sundays. Usually it is not 62 for foreign visitors to find 63 to buy things. Most shops sell the things 64 you want to buy. 65 problem is stamps. In Britain you can only buy these at post offices. Many large food shops are self service(自选). 66 you go into one of these shops, you take a basket and you put the things you wish to buy into 67 . You pay for everything just 68 you leave. If anyone tries to take things from a shop without 69 they are almost certain to 70 , because most shops have detectives. 51. A.fromB. forC. until D. after52. A. thenB. orC. andD. of53. A.giveB. bringC. stayD. make54. A. laterB. formerC. lateD. early55. A. openB. openingC. closingD. closed56. A. a B. nextC. thisD. last57. A. it isB. it hasC. it willD. it was58. A. allB. thatC. such D. what59. A. orB. so toC. butD. and 60. A. alsoB. yetC. too D. well61. A. boughtB. heldC. takenD. sold62. A. convenientB. importantC. difficultD. different63. A. whyB. howC. whereD. what64. A. suchB. thatC. thoseD. what 65. A. That B. TheC. WhatD. One66. A. When B. WhileC. SinceD. As67. A. one B. this C. themD. that68. A. beforeB. aboutC. whenD. after69. A. takingB. payingC. sayingD. playing70. A. caughtB. be catchingC. be caughtD. CatchingPart 4IV .Translation: (E-C) 15%71.Your voice should be friendly and your manner courteous, regardless of who is calling.你的声音应该是友好的和你的态度有礼,不管是谁打来的。72.You have to find out about the company and gain some insight into what the requirements of the position are.你必须了解该公司,并获得一些洞察到什么位置的要求。73.On the other hand, if your language learning has been less than successful, you might do well to try some of the techniques outlined above.另一方面,如果你的语言学习一直不太成功,你可能会做得很好尝试一些上面列出的技术。74.I guess it is natura


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