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(北京版)三年级英语下册期末试卷 1 小学资源网听力部分一、选出你听到的单词。110( )1. A. paintingB. shopping( )2. A. AustraliaB. America( )3. A. FranceB. friends( )4. A. fromB. for( )5. A. liveB. love( )6. A. hereB. her( )7. A. hesB. shes( )8. A. GermanyB. Japan( )9. A. CanadaB. Britain( )10. A. workB. worker二、听句子,判断图片与否与听到内容相符?每段对话读两遍。相符用“”表达,不相符用“”表达。15( )( )( )( )( )三、根据所听内容选择对的的答语。15( )1. A. He is my uncle.B. She is my aunt.( )2. A. He is a waiter.B. She is a dentist.( )3. A. Yes, he can.B. No, he cant.( )4. A. Yes, she is.B. No, she isnt.( )5. A. He is a fireman.B. Peter wants to be a policeman in the future.四、根据听到的对话内容,将下图片依次排序,将序号填在括号里。25五、听,将每个人的姓名及其有关信息填入下面表格。所缺单词请参照旁边的词汇表。110Word bank four, five, seven,eight, nine, ten, eleven,twelve, quiet, shy,active, funny, smart,small, prettyNameageCharacter(性格)KenCarolAnnaTomCathy笔试部分一、先认一认,再找出每组中不属于同类的单词,并将其标号填在题前括号里。25( )1. A. turkeyB. swanC. coachD. crane( )2. A. sisterB. brotherC. motherD. tailor( )3. A. FranceB. T-shirtC. JapanD. Germany( )4. A. waiterB. firemanC. driverD. maths( )5. A. hot B. greenC. pinkD. blue二、选择填空。28( )1. I am _ Class 1, Grade 5.A. onB. inC. at( )2. My uncle _ Japan.A. is fromB. come fromC. comes in( )3. Let me introduce my parents _ you.A. forB. toC. of( )4. Whats your aunt? Shes a _.A. postmanB. actorC. doctor( )5. Here is a photo _ my family.A. ofB. forC. in( )6. Peter and Bob are _.A. twins brotherB. twins brothersC. twin brothers( )7. I want to_ an engineer in the future.A. haveB. beC. do( )8. Susans aunt _ Japan.A. isB. comes fromC. comes in三、读句子,左右栏的问句与答语相应搭配:25( )1. Where does she come from?A. No, he doesnt.( )2. Does Mary like playing the piano?B. Yes, she does.( )3. Does Peter like writing?C. She comes from France.( )4. Where does she live?D. He lives in Canada.( )5. Whats your sisters job?E. She is a dentist.四、读句子,找出与句子内容相符的单词,把标号填在题前括号里。14( )1. Its a large white water bird with a long thin neck.( )2. He works in a hospital. He helps ill people.( )3. He is very kind. He teaches us Chinese.( )4. It has two long ears. It likes to eat carrots.五、读一读,将图片与相符文字内容连线。24六、画一画你的爸爸和妈妈,让我们结识一下,她们是做什么呢?10Whats your dadWhats your mum?【试题答案】听力部分一、选出你听到的单词。110(A)1. A. paintingB. shopping(B)2. A. AustraliaB. America(A)3. A. FranceB. friends(A)4. A. fromB. for(A)5. A. liveB. love(B)6. A. hereB. her(A)7. A. hesB. shes(A)8. A. GermanyB. Japan(B)9. A. CanadaB. Britain(B)10. A. workB. worker二、听句子,判断图片与否与听到内容相符?每段对话读两遍。相符用“”表达,不相符用“”表达。15() ()() ()()三、根据所听内容选择对的的答语。15(A)1. A. He is my uncle.B. She is my aunt.(B)2. A. He is a waiter.B. She is a dentist.(A)3. A. Yes, he can.B. No, he cant.(B)4. A. Yes, she is.B. No, she isnt.(B)5. A. He is a fireman.B. Peter wants to be a policeman in the future.四、根据听到的对话内容,将下图片依次排序,将序与填在括号里。25五、听,将每个人的姓名及其有关信息填入下面表格。所缺单词请参照旁边的词汇表。110Word bankfour, five, seven,eight, nine, ten, eleven,twelve, quiet, shy,active, funny, smart,small, prettyNameageCharacter(性格)KenninefunnyCaroltwelveactiveAnnaelevenshyTomtensmartCathyeightquiet笔试部分一、先认一认,再找出每组中不属于同类的单词,并将其标号填在题前括号里。25(C)1. A. turkeyB. swanC. coachD. crane(D)2. A. sisterB. brotherC. motherD. tailor(B)3. A. FranceB. T-shirtC. JapanD. Germany(D)4. A. waiterB. firemanC. driverD. maths(A)5. A. hotB. greenC. pinkD. blue二、选择填空。28(B)1. I am _ Class 1, Grade 5.A. onB. inC. at(A)2. My uncle _ Japan.A. is fromB. come fromC. comes in(B)3. Let me introduce my parents _ you.A. forB. toC. of(C)4. Whats your aunt? Shes a _.A. postmanB. actorC. doctor(A)5. Here is a photo _ my family.A. ofB. forC. in(C)6. Peter and Bob are _.A. twins brotherB. twins brothersC. twin brothers(B)7. I want to_ an engineer in the future.A. haveB. beC. do(B)8. Susans aunt _ Japan.A. is B. comes from C. comes in三、读句子,左右栏的问句与答语相应搭配:25(C)1. Where does she come from?A. No, he doesnt.(B)2. Does Mary like playing the piano?B. Yes, she does.(A)3. Does Peter like writing?C. She comes from France.(D)4. Where does she live? D. He lives in Canada.(E)5. Whats your sisters job?E. She is a dentist.四、读句子,找出与句子内容相符的单词,把标号填在题前括号里。14(B)1. Its a large white water bird with a long thin neck.(D)2. He works in a hospital. He helps ill people.(C)3. He is very kind. He teaches us Chinese.(A)4. It has two long ears. It likes to eat carrots.五、读一读,将图片与相符文字内容连线。24六、画一画你的爸爸和妈妈,让我们结识一下,她们是做什么呢?10Whats your dadWhats your mum?画图略每画出一幅图给2分;每回答出一种对的问题给2分,若有拼写错误,但能看出已经理解了问题给1分;听力原文一、1. painting2. America3. France4. from5. live6. her7. hes8. Germany9. Britain10. worker二、1. My father is good at reading books.2. Its windy today.3. My favourite animal is a dog.4. The policeman has two big eyes, two small ears and a big mouth.5. Peters uncle is a driver.三、1. Who is the man?2. Whats your mothers job?3. Jay comes from Tai Wan. He is a good singer. Q: Can he sing songs?4. A: Hi, Nancy. What is your job? N: I am a teacher. Q: Is Nancy a taxi driver?5. A: Peter, I want to be a fireman in the future. How about you? B: I want to be a good policeman. Q: What does Peter want to be in the future?四、1. Hi, Im Bob. Im from Canada. Nice to meet you.2. Carl is a clever boy. He has short hair, small eyes and a small mouth.3. Jean is my good friend. She has big eyes and long hair. She likes reading.4. Whos that girl?Oh, she is my good friend Yang Xue. She likes music very much.5. Hi, Jack. What are you interested in? Im interested in football and running. And you? I like sports, too.五、1. Ken is nine. He looks funny.2. Carol is twelve. She looks active.3. Anna is eleven. She looks shy.4. Tom is ten. He looks smart.5. Cathy is eight. She looks quiet.附:本次考试试卷总分100分。其中试题总分为98分,卷面书写2分。 小学资源网


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