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6-10单元寒假基础知识单元训练卷 Unit 61. Mr Green wants to know your name. Please _on the paper.A.write it down B.write down it C.write them down D.write down them 2. Im going to write an article _a magazine about women and children.A.for B. to C.on D.at3.-What is he going to_when he _up? -A doctor.A.do, grow B.be, grows C.do, grows D.be, grow4.-Whats your _for next year? -Im going to work hard and get good grades.A. subject B.job C.work D. resolution5. _weather it was!A.What nice B.How a nice C.How nice D.What a nice6. They _(fly) to Japan tomorrow.7. -How are you going to do that? -I _(take) acting lessons.8. I like playing the violin, I want to be a _.He likes science, he wants to be a _.9. Those are my _(person) things.10. At the _(begin) of this term, they made some study plans.11. The _(foreign) want to _(提高) their Chinese by _(them).12. He kept on _(speak) English with his friends.13. I _ _(从事) farming ten years ago. 14. We should take up some _(爱好), do you _ _(同意) me ?15. This is my _(自己的) book, I am the _(主人) of the book.16. This book is written _(被)Luxun.17. I _(制定) a resolution to get good _(成绩) yesterday.18. _you able to keep your resolutions? 19. He is so young that he cant go to school. = He is _young _go to school. =He is not _ _ to go to school.20. Let them _(做) this thing, I think they can _(做) well.21. Youd better _(做) it quickly. We hear them_(唱歌) in the next room.22. Your father made the workers _(工作) ten hours every day.23. _(来) in, please. 24. I think _(吃) healthier food is good for your _(健康).25. What about _(吃) some noodles, we can keep _(健康).Unit 71. I feel _the bike, and unluckily, he feel _from the bike,too. A.off, down B.in, into C.down, behind D. off, asleep2. He will have a trip to Qingdao if _. A.possible B.impossible C.probably D.I can3. Will people _robots in their homes? A.has B.have C.there be D.be4. Will there be much pollution in the future? A.Yes,there be B.Yes, there will. C.Yes, it will D.Yes, there is.5.Books will only be _computers, not _paper. A.on, in B.in, on C.on, on D.in, in6. People will _200 years _space stations. A.lives to be, in B.live be,on C.living be,in D.live to be, on7. My mother will come back home _two days. A.after B.before C.for D.in8._more trees in the cities. A. There is going to be B.There will have C.There will has D.There will be9.We will have _free time and _cars. A. fewer, fewer B.more, less C.less, fewer D.fewer, more10.There are much pollution _the earth, we should paly a part in _the earth. A.in, saving B.on, save C.on, saving D.at, to save11.Can you fight in the classroom? A.I hope so B.I think so C.I dont think so D.I dont hope 12. American astronauts _rockets to the moon before some years. A.by B.fly C.ride D.flew13.There may be someone _my umbrella by mistake. A.taking B.bring C.takes D.to bring14.This _job makes me feel _. A.bored, boring B.boring, boring C.bored, bored D.boring, bored15.These robots are fun _. A.watching B.to watch C.watches D.watched16. Some robotes will look like humans, _might look like snakes. A.others B.another C.the other D.else17. The roborts can_the people who are under the buildings,and can also_the sick people. A.look after, look at B.look for, take care of C.look out, look into D.look at, look after18. I need some _(纸) to wrte.19. Air _(污染)is serious.20. we should stop _(污染) the _(天空).21. _(地球) travels around the sun.22. In order to pretect the _(环境), we should _(种植)many trees.23. I will buy _(一套公寓) in the _(将来).24. _(人类) will live _(在太空).25. Some _(危险) animals are in _(危险).26. They have _(已经) built lots of _(工厂).27. He _(信任) in me, so I passed the exam.28. There are three _people on the playground, _of them are students(百).29.He _(掉落) in love with Beijing since he went there.30.He says he _(可能) go to Wuhan.31. I think it is _(不可能).32. _(在期间) the _(假期), I visited my uncle twice.Unit 81. When the teacher met the parents, they _ _(握手).2. When you leave the classroom, you should _ _(关上)the lights.3. Dont _(倒)the dirty into the river.4. You should add _(两勺蜂蜜)to the tea.5. He _(挖)deep_ (洞) to catch animals yesterday. 6. _(三明治) with _(黄油) taste great.7. Thanksgiving is a _(传统的) festival in _(秋季). 8. There were many _(游客) visiting our school.9. We _(招待) good food to them the day before yeterday.10. He _(填) the turkey with bread mix. Next the turkey is _(覆盖) with gravy.11. Put the turkey on the _(碟子) to _(庆祝)Thanksgiving.12. How does he _(制作) a banana milk shake?13. How _(许多) yougurt do we need? h14. _(最后), cook them for _(又一个) ten _(分钟).15. He says its time _(感恩) for food and life.16. They show thanks by _(吃) a big meal.17. Here is one way _(做) turkey for a Thanksgiving dinner.18. We get ready _(写) down a recipe for the food.19. Here is the reason _this special day. 20. Now he is _(挖) some holes.21. He is mending these _(机器).Unit 91.I_an exam, then he _go to college.A. prepare to, prepare for B.prepare for, prepare to C.prepare, prepare to2. I _him, and I replied to him. A.hear from B.hear of C.hear about D.heard from3. My mother _, so she has to go to the doctor. A.meets a friend B.has the flu C.prepares for the dinner D.goes to the concert4.Would you like _(来) to my birthday party? A. Id love B.Yes, I like C. Sorry, Im afraid I cant. D.I cant.5.-Can you come to my housewarming party?-Im sorry, _I might look after my sister. A.and B.so C.but D.for6. I went bike _with him last fall. A.ride B.rode C.riding D.to ride7. I didnt go to bed _I finished my homework. A.if B.after C.until D.when8. -_you tomorrow. -See you tomorrow! A.Accept B.Refuse C.Catch D.Reach9. -_? -Its Monday, January 28th. A.What day is it today ? B.Whats today? C.Whats the date today?10. We will _a trip to Shanghai _this month. A. have, by the end B.take, at the end of C.take, in the end11. I must go home _10:00, or my parents will be worried. A.on for C.by D.until12.Please reply in _to the invitation to my e-mail: yhschool.A.speaking B.write C.say D.writing13.I _(赶上)the final bus to the city three days ago.14.I _(收到) some flowers, but I didnt _(接受) them.15.Thanks for _(邀请) me. Thank him for his _(邀请) too.16.He is looking forward to _(say) goodbye to you.17. They _(闲逛) with their friends last weekend.18. I _(拒绝) this invitation, but he _(回复) it yesterday.19. My sister was _(吃惊) at the news.20. _(让我吃惊的是), he passed the exam.21. A lot of _(客人) went to the _(音乐会).22. There is an _(事件) happening.23. Lions are very lazy, they sleep in the _(白天).24. He left without _(说) goodbye.Unit 101.Our school will have a sports _(会议) in this autumn.2.Lets go to cheer him up because he is _(沮丧).3. Some _(建议) may be useful for you.4.They take _(出租车)to go to school.5.If you bring your classmates to our school, the teacher _(让) them out.6. You_(不应该) bring some food to the library.7.You cant get good grades _(除非) you work hard.8.The _(粗心) boy made lots of _(错误) in the test.9. He can finish the work by _(他). 10.Be _(细心) of what you say.11. He has lots of _(经验) in teaching.12. I took his umbrella by _(错误地).13. The teacher _(建议) students about common problems14. What _(其他的) thingsdo you want to buy?15. What _(其他的) do you want to buy? Anything _(其他的)?16. He has some problems _(解决) this math problem.17. I am afraid _(告诉) parents about it.18. _(最后), she told her parents about her worries.19. I solve my problems by _(谈论) to someone about them.20. You are halfway to _(解决) a problem.21. _ (not bring) friends from other class.22. Do you have a difficult time _(work) out these math problems?.23. Im sorry I have no time _ (watch) TV now.24. Her mother asks her not to play computer games too much. If she _ (do), her mother will be mad at her.25. I am _ (leave) for Washington next Sunday.26. I am learning how_(swim).27. Dont forget _ (take ) away what you bring there.28. Could you help me o the school party this evening ?- 2 -


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