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课题名称 六年级上册 Unit 1 Again, Please!授课年级六年级课时设计35分钟授课人白银市平川区大水头学校曹生翠教 学 目 标一、知识与技能目标:1. 复习 home, clock, house, toilet, floor, table, breakfast, lunch, dinner, card, put, half, dirty, put, me, him, them,study,并能在真实语境下进行语言交流。2. 学生能运用 “What time is it? Its.” “What would you like to eat? Id like.” “There is/are.” “ This is.”以及现在进行时态。在真实语境下进行语言交流。3. 能够在老师的帮助下综合运用这一单元所学知识进行房间话题的文本描述。二、情感态度目标: 学生乐于用英语进行交流,积极与他人合作学习。遇到困难时能大胆求助。三、学习策略目标:让学生在参与课堂活动中总结归纳所学知识,积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流。初步体验写作乐趣。教学程序安排学生活动安排设计意图及说明Class-opening Greetings: 师生问候师生用学过的句型进行对话、问候,增进师生感情,集中学生注意力。Lead-inLets do a chant together.一个有节奏的包含了本单元所有重点的chant可以让学生在愉快的氛围下复习所学重点。Step1Think and answer: Whats in the house? What can you do in the house?Read the words and phrases the teacher shows.通过思考并回答这两个问题复习本单元的重点词和词组。Step2Do the listening in the book. Listen to the tape and tick or cross. Then listen, match and write. At last, listen and circle. Listen and know what the other people doing in the house. After finish the listening, change the paper with the partner, give stars to each other. 听力练习,训练检测学生听力。生生互相评价。Step3 Play a game. Choose one of the rooms in the house. And finish the task in the room. A lucky room is in it.用游戏的形式调动学生的学习兴趣,通过完成任务的形式完成对重点知识的复习。Study: say something in the study. Rend and fill in the blanks with him, her, them, me, you.进入书房,说说书房里看到的东西,阅读短文填空,使学生在语境下应用物主代词宾格形式。Kitchen: say something about the kitchen and do a match to practice the time.Then, do the exercise in the book about Danny. Give stars after its done by yourselves.通过发现钟表小组派同学竞赛来练习时间的表达。做书上检测练习,并自我评价。Living room: say something about it. What are they doing in the living room? Then write down on the paper. Share writings to each other. Then give stars about writing.通过描述房间为写作做铺垫。通过学生分享自己的写作去发现问题,指导学生进步。随后对写作进行自我评价。Class closingGive stars to all of the students, and finish the “How am I doing” in the book at home. Homework: 1. Do the exercise in your book. P15 No.4, P16 No.5, P17 No.7,8做书上15页4题。16页5题。 17页7,8题。2. Write about your house. You can imitate P17.仿写17页的文章,写一篇介绍自己家的作文。对学生进行总结性评价,留作业。 Unit 1 Again, Please!This is a living room.Tom is writing.Lily is playing on the computerThey are happy.


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