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求职英语:面试时忌讳提及的问题When they finish quizzing you,interviewers always ask, So, do you have any questions?; Thats your cue to show off your research with queries about the panys petitors, plans for growth, specific products,etc. But some questions can make you seem ill-prepared, overeager or disagr.When they finish quizzing you,interviewers always ask, So, do you have any questions?; Thats your cue to show off your research with queries about the panys petitors, plans for growth, specific products,etc. But some questions can make you seem ill-prepared, overeager or disagreeable. Here are eight monly asked bloopers.面试官问完你面试问题之后,通常会说:你有什么问题要问吗?;那个时候就该是表现你对这个公司做的功课的时候了,这个公司的竞争对手、增长方案,还有产品等等都可以是你提及的话题。不过,有一些问题会让你表现得准备不佳、过于急迫或者不合时宜。以下八个问题是比拟常见的比拟忌讳的面试问题。1. What, exactly, does your pany do?你们公司到底是做什么的?Never pose questions that a library search could have answered.通过图书馆检索就能解答的问题就不要提出来了。2. What does the job pay?这份工作的报酬是多少?Avoid money discussions until the interviewer makes you an offer.在面试官决定录用你之前防止谈及薪水问题。3. How many vacation and personal days do you allow?你们公司规定的假期有多少?Makes you sound lazy-again, wait for the offer.这个面试问题让人感觉你有点懒,也还是等到录用的时候再问。4. How long will it take me to get promoted?我要过多久才能升职?Try a less pushy version: Can you describe what my career advancement track might be like?;换个不那么直接的问法:您能描绘一下我的职业进程会是怎样的吗?;5. Is that your husband in the picture on your desk?你桌上照片里的人是你丈夫吗?Dont initiate a personal discussion.Stick to questions about her career path.不要议论个人话题。主要议论她职业生涯方面的问题。6. What are you going to do about the poor performance of Product X?对于某产品市面表现欠佳的问题,你们打算怎么应对?Reframe the question positively. What plans do you have to build sales for Product X?;用比拟积极的方式来问:你们有什么促进某产品销量的方案吗?;7. Whats your panys track record on promoting women and minorities?你们公司在为女性和少数民族员工提供升职时机方面做得怎么样?A legitimate question, but interviewers may worry that youll sue if you dont advance quickly. Instead, check out the pany s reputation through the industry grapevine.这是一个法律方面的问题,但面试官可能会担忧假如你升职不够快的话就会起诉他们。与其这样做,不如通过行业内线来理解该公司的声誉。8. So, when do I start?那么,我什么时候开场上班呢?A slightly obnoxious quip. Dont invite yourself into the job.这是个有点让人讨厌的问题。不要反客为主了更多相关信息:面试技巧101招(12388)来自人事经理的忠告:面试把握三要点(10129)外企面试考官最爱提十个问题(8351)面试该怎么说话(7563)面试失败的十个坏习惯(7221)面试常见问题应答大全(7139)推荐大学毕业生网上求职十二种方法(5076)面试时咋谈你的优点和缺点(5049)应届毕业生如何让企业认可(4623)应届毕业生参加招聘会考前须知(4115)


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