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SECTION 900 - CONCRETE WORKS901 SCOPE OF SECTION902 DEFINITIONS903 MATERIALS FOR CONCRETE材料A GeneralB Cement水泥C General requirements for aggregates一般规格的骨料D Fine aggregate细集料E Coarse aggregate粗骨料F Testing aggregates骨料试验1) Acceptance testing验收测试2) Compliance testing顺应性测试10G Water for concrete and mortar混凝土和砂浆用水10H Admixtures and cementitious extenders外加剂和胶凝混合剂10904 THE DESIGN OF CONCRETE MIXES混凝土配合比设计11A Classes of concrete混凝土等级11B Design of proposed mixes配合比设计11905 SITE TRIAL MIXES现场试验13906 QUALITY CONTROL OF CONCRETE PRODUCTION混凝土拌和质量控制13A Sampling取样13B Testing试验141) Consistence坍落度142) Water/cement ratio水灰比143) Air content孔隙率144) Flakiness Index剥落度145) Crushing concrete cubes抗压强度14C Valid cube results有效立方体试块结果15D Acceptance criteria for characteristic strength concrete高强度混凝土验收标准15E Non-compliant test results不符合规范的试验结果15907 MIXING CONCRETE混凝土16908 TRANSPORT OF CONCRETE混凝土运输18909 PLACING OF CONCRETE现浇混凝土18A Consent for placing允许浇注条件18B Preparation of surface to receive concrete表面准备以进行混凝土浇注18C Placing procedures浇注工序19D Placing concrete under water水下混凝土灌注20E Interruptions to placing灌注中断22F Dimensions of pours浇筑尺寸22G Placing sequence灌注工序22910 PROTECTION OF CONCRETE FROM THE ENVIRONMENT保护混凝土避受环境因素的破坏23A General概述23B Protection from rain保护混凝土免受雨水影响23C Hot weather precautions夏季防护措施23D Cold weather precautions冬季防护措施241) Mixing and placing拌和及浇注242) Initial curing初期养护253) Placing concrete under water水下混凝土25E Protection from soil or water with high sulphate content防护混凝土免受高硫酸盐土壤或水的影响25F Waterproofing Buried Concrete Surfaces地下混凝土表面防水25911 COMPACTION OF CONCRETE混凝土抗压强度26912 CURING OF CONCRETE混凝土养护27A General概述27B Materials材料28C Methods of curing concrete养护方法281) Formwork in-place method模板安装282) Water method浸水法283) Liquid membrane curing compound method液膜养护化合物法284) Waterproof cover method防水盖295) Heated housing method温室养护296) Accelerated curing by steam or radiant heat通过蒸汽或辐射热加速养护29D Limiting temperature differentials in newly placed concrete限制新摊铺混凝土的温差30913 CONSTRUCTION JOINTS施工缝30914 EXPANSION AND CONTRACTION JOINTS伸缩缝32915 WATERSTOPS止水32916 FINISHES ON UNFORMED SURFACES路面成型33A UF 1 finish一类33B UF 2 finish二类33C UF 3 finish三类33D Roadway surface finish路面修整34917 FINISHES ON FORMED SURFACES车道修整35A Ordinary surface finish普通表面修整35B Rubbed surface finish磨光面修整36918 FALSEWORK AND FORMWORK脚手架和模板37A Falsework脚手架37B Formwork模板38C Removal of Falsework and Forms移除脚手架和模板41919 MORTAR AND GROUT砂浆和灰浆43A General概述43B Mortar for general purposes一般用途使用的砂浆43C Grouting of pockets and holes凹穴和洞的灌浆43D Underpinning of baseplates基板的基础43920 RECORDS OF CONCRETE PLACING混凝土摊铺记录44921 REMEDIAL WORK TO DEFECTIVE CONCRETE缺陷混凝土的修补工作44922 REINFORCEMENT FOR CONCRETE用于混凝土的钢筋45A General概述45B Testing Requirements测试要求45C Delivery and Storage of Reinforcement钢筋的运送和储存45D Bar bending schedules弯钢筋表45E Fabrication制造46F Handling and surface condition of reinforcement钢筋处理及表面条件46G Placing and fastening摊铺和加固46923 SUBSTITUTION BY BARS OF DIFFERENT SIZES替换以不同尺寸的钢筋条48924 PRECAST CONCRETE预制混凝土48A General一般要求48B Formwork for precast units预制组件模板48C Reinforcement for precast units预制组件的钢筋48D Casting of precast units浇筑预制组件49E Curing precast units养护预制组件49F Surface finish of precast units预制组件表面抛光49G Handling and storage of precast units预制组件处理和储藏49H Testing precast units试验预制组件50I Installation of precast units预制组件安装50925 WEEPHOLES排水孔50926 PILING打桩51A General一般要求51B Precast Concrete Piles预制混凝土桩51C Pile Tests桩试验52D Pile Records桩记录53927 PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE STAIRS DOWN EMBANKMENT SIDE SLOPE AT END OF OVERPASS在立交桥末端沿路堤边坡预制钢筋混凝土阶梯53901 SCOPE OF SECTION章节范围This section covers the materials, design of mixes, mixing, transport, placing, compaction and curing of concrete and mortar required in the Works. It also covers formwork and reinforcement for concrete.本章节既包括工程中要求使用的材料,混合料设计,搅拌,运输,摊铺,压实和混凝土及砂浆的养护,还包括模板以及钢筋。902 DEFINITIONS定义Structural concrete is any class of concrete which is used in reinforced, prestressed or non-reinforced concrete construction, that is subject to stress. Non-structural concrete shall be Class B20.结构混凝土是加固,预应力,或非钢筋混凝土结构(该结构承受压力)中所用的任何等级混凝土。非结构混凝土为等级 B20。Non-structural concrete is composed of materials complying with this specification and is used only for filling voids, blinding foundations and similar purposes where it is not subjected to significant stress.非结构混凝土由符合规范的材料组成,并且只用于填补空隙、填塞基础以及类似的不承受主要压力的地方。A formed surface is a face that has been cast against formwork.成型表面是指在模板上已经浇筑完成的面。An unformed surface is a horizontal or nearly horizontal surface produced without using formwork.未成型的表面是不使用模板而制造出来的水平或接近水平的表面。A pour refers to the operation of placing concrete into any mould, bay or formwork, etc., and also to the volume that has to be filled. Pours in vertical succession are referred to as lifts.浇筑是指结构物砼浇筑时任何形式砼的填筑。垂直作业的浇筑分层进行。Falsework comprises the structural elements that initially support both the formwork and the placed concrete.脚手架由结构部件组成,结构部件最初是用于支撑模板和已摊铺的砼。Formwork is a structure, either temporary or permanent, provided to contain fresh concrete and support it in the required shape until it has hardened.模板是一个用于容纳新混凝土,支撑新混凝土凝固成形的结构,模板包括临时性或永久性模板。 Consistence refers to fresh concretes resistance to flow and is most commonly measured by the slump test. Other methods of measuring consistence include the stiffness measuring apparatus.稠度是指新混凝土的抗流动性,通常通过坍落试验测试。其它测量稠度的方法包括稳定性测量仪器。903 MATERIALS FOR CONCRETE混凝土材料A General概括The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer full details of all materials that he proposes to use for making concrete. Concrete shall not be placed in the Works until the Engineer has approved the materials of which it is composed. Approved materials shall not thereafter be altered or substituted by other materials without the consent of the Engineer.承包商应向工程师提交制作混凝土所用的所有材料的全部详细信息。得到工程师对构成材料的批准之前,不得在工程中铺筑混凝土。在未经工程师同意的情况下,通过审批的材料不得更改或由其它材料替换。B Cement水泥Cement shall be Ordinary Portland Cement complying with the requirements of Section 200 of these specifications. In areas subject to high sulphate content in soil and water, the cement shall be Sulphate Resisting Cement complying with requirements of this Specification. 按照规范第200章节的要求,水泥应为普通波特兰水泥。在土壤和水中含有高度硫酸盐的区域中,按照本规范要求,水泥则应使用抗硫酸盐水泥。Cement shall be free flowing and free of lumps. It shall be supplied in the manufacturers sealed unbroken bags or in bulk. Bagged cement shall be transported in vehicles provided with effective means of ensuring that it is protected from the weather. 水泥可自由流动,并且无结块。水泥由制造商使用密封不易破损的袋子袋装或散装供应。袋装水泥应通过车辆运输,运输的车辆应采用有效措施能,保证水泥免受天气的影响。Bulk cement shall be transported in suitably equipped purpose-built vehicles or containers. 散装水泥应使用带适宜装备的特定车辆或集装箱运输。Cement in bags shall be stored in a suitable weatherproof structure the interior of which shall be kept dry and well ventilated at all times. The floor shall be raised above the surrounding ground level and shall be constructed so that no moisture rises through it. 袋装水泥应贮存于合适的防风雨建筑物中,且该建筑物内部始终保持干燥,且通风良好。地板应高于周围地面高程,建造地板应可预防潮气入侵。Each delivery of cement in bags shall be stacked together in one place. The bags shall be closely stacked so as to reduce air circulation but shall not be stacked against an outside wall. If pallets are used, they shall be constructed so that bags are not damaged during handling and stacking. No stack of cement bags shall exceed 3 m in height. Different types of cement in bags shall be clearly distinguished by visible markings and shall be stored in separate stacks. 每批送达的袋装水泥应堆叠在同一个地方。紧凑堆叠水泥袋,以减少空气循环,但不可靠外墙堆叠。如果需使用平板架,则建造平板架,保证水泥袋在搬运和堆叠时不损坏。水泥袋的堆叠高度不得超过3米。不同类型的袋装水泥使用明显标志区别开,并分堆存放。Cement from broken bags shall not be used in the Works. 在工程中不得使用袋子破损的水泥。Cement in bags shall be used in the order that it is delivered. 袋装水泥按照送达的顺序使用。Bulk cement shall be stored in weatherproof silos which shall bear a clear indication of the type of cement contained in them. Different types of cement shall not be mixed in the same silo. 散装水泥储存于具防风雨作用的仓中,仓上必须贴有仓中所储存的水泥类型的标志。不同类型的水泥不可放在同一个仓中。The Contractor shall provide sufficient storage capacity on Site to ensure that his anticipated programme of work is not disrupted as a result of lack of cement, taking due cognisance of factors such as transport, climatic conditions, holidays and breakdowns. 承包商应保证现场充沛的储存能力,以保证不因水泥短缺而影响工程进度,此外,还应顾及交通,气候条件,节假日和故障等因素。Cement which has become hardened or lumpy or fails to comply with this Specification in any way shall be removed from the Site. 将硬化,结块或不符合规范的水泥从现场移除。All cement for any one structure shall be from the same source. 用于任何一个建筑物的所有水泥,应为同一来源。All cement used in the Works shall be tested by the manufacturer or the Contractor in a laboratory acceptable to the Engineer. The tests to be performed shall be those set out in Section 200 of these specifications. The Contractor shall supply two copies of each test certificate to the Engineer. The Contractor shall not deliver any cement to Site until such results and analyses have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Engineer.在工程师同意的实验室内,由制造商或承包商对所有用于工程的水泥进行试验。所进行的试验应为规范章节200中所陈述的试验。承包商应向工程师提供每个试验的证书,一式两份。承包商不得输送任何水泥至现场,直到向工程师提交试验结果和分析,并得到工程师的书面审批为止。Each set of tests carried out by the manufacturer or Contractor shall relate to not more than one days output of each cement plant, and shall be made on samples taken from cement which is subsequently delivered to the Site. Alternatively, subject to the discretion of the Engineer, the frequency of testing shall be one set of tests for every 200 tonnes of cement delivered to Site from each cement plant. 制造商或承包商进行的每组试验,应在各水泥厂生产出水泥的一天之内进行,并且样品来自即将运输至现场的水泥。或者,按照工程师的判断,对来自各水泥厂,并即将运输至现场的水泥每200吨进行一组试验。The Contractor shall keep full records of all data relevant to the manufacture, delivery, testing and use of all cement used in the Works and shall provide the Engineer with two copies thereof. 承包商应将工程中所有水泥的生产,运输,试验和使用记录,一并提供给工程师,一式两份。Cement which is stored on Site for longer than 42 days shall be re-tested in an approved laboratory as directed by the Engineer. 储存时间超过42天的水泥,应按工程师的指示,在批准的试验室内重新试验。Cement which does not comply with this specification shall not be used in the Works and it shall be disposed of by the Contractor. 不符合规范的水泥,不得在工程中使用,并由承包商处理。C General requirements for aggregates骨料的一般要求The sources of all aggregates shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer.所有骨料来源需得到工程师的批准。The Contractor shall immediately remove from the Site any aggregates that are, in the opinion of the Engineer, unsuitable for incorporation into the Works.承包商应将工程师认为不适于工程的骨料从现场移除。Aggregates shall be delivered to Site in clean and suitable vehicles. Different types or sizes of aggregate shall not be delivered in the same load.使用干净合适的车辆将骨料运输至现场。不同类型或尺寸的骨料不得放在相同的载体内运输。Washing of aggregates may only be carried out using fresh clean water from a source approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall make his own arrangements in respect of water procurement and storage facilities. Water used for washing aggregate shall not be directly discharged into water courses or surface water drains.只可使用干净的淡水冲洗骨料,干净的淡水来自工程师许用的水源。承包商应安排用水采购和储存设施。用于清洗骨料的水不得直接排入水道或表面排水沟。Silty water shall only be disposed of in one of the following ways and subject to the approval of the Engineer:浑水只可通过下列方法处理,并且还应得到工程师的审批:1) pump and spread over open land泵送并排放在开阔的土地上2) pump to excavated soakaway泵送至开挖的渗水坑内3) pump to sewer泵送至下水道4) pump to settling lagoon泵送至沉淀池5) pass through a filtration system with or without flocculating agents通过过滤系统过滤,使用或不用絮凝剂Each type or size of aggregate shall be stored in a separate bin or compartment with gently sloping concrete base. Dividing walls between compartments shall be substantial, continuous and of sufficient dimensions to ensure that no mixing of types or sizes of aggregates occurs. The Contractor shall take such measures necessary to prevent the segregation of aggregates in storage heaps. Stockpiles shall be built up in horizontal layers and shall not exceed 1.5 m in height.各种类型或尺寸的骨料应储存在单独的料仓或用隔板隔开(隔板在混凝土基础上带缓和斜坡)。隔间之间的隔墙应坚固连续,并且尺寸大小足以保证各种骨料之间不发生混合。承包商应采取必要措施预防骨料在储料堆中离析。储料堆应建造在水平层上,且高度不超过1.5米。Storage heaps shall be capable of draining freely in order to avoid sudden fluctuations in the moisture content of the aggregates during batching. The Contractor shall not use wet aggregates until, in the opinion of the Engineer, they have completely drained. The Contractor shall measure the moisture content of fine aggregates continually and adjust the amounts of aggregates and water in each batch of concrete mixed to make allowance for the water content of the aggregates. The Contractor shall protect the aggregate storage heaps from inclement weather as necessary.储料堆应具备自由排水的能力,以避免在配料期间,骨料含水量的变动。承包商不得使用湿骨料,直到骨料按工程师的意见将水完全排走为止。承包商应频繁测量细骨料的含水量,考虑骨料的含水量,调整每一批混合的混凝土所用骨料和水的总量。承包商必须保护骨料储料堆免受恶劣气候影响。 D Fine aggregate细骨料Fine aggregate shall be clean hard and durable and shall be natural sand, crushed gravel sand or crushed rock sand complying with the requirements of GOST 8736-93*. All the material shall pass through the 10 mm sieve and the grading shall be in accordance with and approximately parallel to the grading envelopes in Table 9 - 1. In order to achieve an acceptable grading, it may be necessary to blend materials from more than one source. 细骨料应干净,坚硬且坚固,细骨料应该是符合GOST 8736-93*要求的天然砂,碎砂砾砂或碎岩砂。所有材料应通过10mm筛,并且根据表9-1进行分级。为达到规定的等级,材料可能源自多个来源的。The fine aggregate shall not contain iron pyrites or iron oxides. It shall not contain mica, shale, coal or other laminar, soft or porous materials or organic matter unless the Contractor can show by comparative tests, on the strength of mortar in accordance with GOST 5802-86, that the presence of such materials does not reduce the relative strength at 7 days to lower than 98%.细骨料中不得包含黄铁矿或铁氧化物。细骨料不包括云母,页岩,煤或其它薄片状的、柔软或多孔的材料,或有机物,除非承包商可通过比较试验证明灰浆强度符合GOST 5802-86,即, 7天的相对强度不减少至原来强度的98%。Table 9 -1 Grading Requirements for Fine Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete表9-1 波特兰水泥混凝土细骨料的等级要求Percent passing by mass过筛率(按质量计算)Sieve Size筛号non-structural concrete非结构混凝土air-entrained or structural concrete加气或结构混凝土10 mm100 %100 %5 mm95 - 100 %95 - 100 %1,25 mm45 - 80 %45 - 80 %315 m10 - 30 %5 - 30 %160 m2 - 10 %0 - 10 % The amount of fine aggregate retained between any pair of successive sieves shall not exceed 45 %.留在相连的一副筛网上的骨料量不应超过45%。Other properties of fine aggregate shall be as set out below:细骨料的其它性质如下所述:1) the fineness modulus shall be between 2.3 and 3.1, 细度模数在2.3和3.1之间2) the content passing the 71 mm sieve shall not exceed 3 per cent for natural or crushed gravel sand or 15% for crushed rock sand ,天然或碎砂砾砂通过71 mm筛的量不超过百分之三,碎岩砂不超过15%3) content of hazardous pollutants and impurities shall not exceed the requirements of GOST 8736. 有害污染物和杂质含量不超过GOST8736的要求的量 E COARSE AGGREGATE粗骨料Coarse aggregate shall be clean hard and durable crushed rock, crushed gravel or natural gravel complying with the requirements of GOST 8267. The material shall not contain any iron pyrites, iron oxides, flaky or laminated material, hollow shells, coal or other soft or porous material, or organic matter in sufficient quantity to adversely affect the properties of the Concrete. The shape of the coarse aggregate shall be angular, rounded or irregular with a flakiness index of less than 30%.粗骨料应为符合GOST 8267要求的干净,坚硬且坚固的碎石,碎砂砾或天然砂砾。材料不包括对混凝土性质产生有害影响的足量的任何黄铁矿,铁氧化物,薄片的或分层的材料,空心壳,煤或其它柔软或多孔的材料,或有机物。粗骨料的外形为带角的,圆形的或不规则形状,剥落度小于30%。The maximum nominal size of coarse aggregate shall be 20 mm for reinforced and structural concrete and 40 mm for non-structural concrete. 用于钢筋混凝土的粗骨料的最大名义尺寸为20mm,用于非结构混凝土的粗骨料最大名义尺寸为40mm。Grading of nominal sized coarse aggregate shall be in accordance with and approximately parallel to the grading envelopes in Table 9 - 2.粗骨料名义尺寸的分级应符合表9-2。Table 9 -2 Grading Requirements for Coarse Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete表9-2 波特兰水泥混凝土粗骨料的等级要求Percent passing by mass过筛率(按质量计算)Sieve Size筛号Nominal Size Aggregate名义尺寸骨料10 mm20 mm40 mm40 mm-95 - 100 %20 mm-90-100%35-70%10 mm85-100%20-55%10-30%5 mm10 - 30 %0 10 %0 - 5 %2,5 mm0 -10 %0 - 5%1.25 mm0-5%The amount of coarse aggregate retained between any pair of successive sieves shall not exceed 45 %.留在相连的一副筛网上的粗骨料量不应超过45%。Other properties of course aggregate shall be as set out below: 粗骨料的其它性质如下所述:1) The proportion of clay, silt and other impurities passing a 71 mm sieve shall be not more than one per cent by weight. 通过71 mm筛网的粘土、淤泥和其他杂物的含量按重量不应超过1%。2) Content of hazardous pollutants and impurities shall not exceed the requirements of GOST 8267, especially not more than the following: 有害成分和杂物的含量不应超过GOST 8267的要求,特别是不超过: 0.15% by the weight of halide compound including water soluble chlorides in scaling for chlorine ion; 按重量15%的卤化物,包括换算为氯离子的水溶性卤化物 50 moles/l of amorphous sorts of silicon dioxides in soluble alkalis溶于碱中在各类无定形二氧化硅50摩尔/升3) after five cycles of the test according to GOST 2867 using sodium sulphate the weight loss shall be less than 10 per cent, 按照GOST 2867,5个试验周期后使用硫酸钠重量损失应不小于10%,4) the aggregate shall have a water absorption of less than 2.5 per cent when tested in accordance with GOST 8269.0, 根据GOST 8269.0,试验时骨料吸水率应小于2.5%,5) the aggregate shall have an Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV) in accordance with GOST 8296.0 of less than 30%,根据GOST 8296.0骨料可压碎率应小于30%,6) the aggregate shall have abradability in shelf drum in accordance with ST GOST 8296.0 of less than 40%.根据GOST 8296.0,骨料隔板式筒中磨耗值应小于40%。F Testing aggregates骨料试验1) Acceptance testing验收测试Before casting any concrete, the Contractor shall deliver to the Engineer sample loads of all aggregates that he proposes to use in the Works. Representative samples of each proposed source of aggregate shall be prepared by the Contractor in accordance with GOST 8269.0, of minimum mass 50 kg for fine aggregate and 100 kg for coarse aggregate, and forwarded to the Engineer together with such further samples as the Engineer may require. Each sample shall be clearly labelled to show its origin and shall be accompanied by all the information called for in GOST 8269.0.在任何混凝土浇筑之前,承包商应向工程师提交拟用于本工程的所有骨料的试样载荷。骨料的每个建议来源的代表性样品应由承包商根据GOST 8269.0而准备,细骨料最小质量为50公斤,粗骨料为100公斤,连同工程师可能要求的其它样品一起提交给工程师。为每个样品贴上显示其来源的标签,以及GOST 8269.0中所要求的所有信息。Tests to determine compliance of the aggregates with the requirements of Section 900 of this specification shall be carried out by the Contractor in a laboratory acceptable to the Engineer.确定骨料可塑性的测试应符合规范第900章节的要求,在工程师可接受的实验室内由承包商进行。If at any time tests reveal that previously accepted materials fail to comply with the Specification, their use in the Works shall forthwith be suspended pending further tests that shall be made in the presence of the Contractor and the Engineer. Thereafter acceptance or rejection of the material shall be based on such tests. 在任何时候,如果实验显示先前已验收的材料不符合规范,应立即暂停使用该材料,以待进一步的试验,试验时承包商和工程师同时在场。随后,根据这些试验,决定接收还是拒绝此材料。A material shall be accepted if not less than three consecutive sets of test results show compliance with the Specification. 如果多于三组的试验结果显示材料符合规范,那么,该材料可接收。2) Compliance testing顺应性测试The Contractor shall carry out routine testing of aggregates for compliance with the Specification and Project Quality Control Plan during the period that concrete is being produced for the Works. The tests set out below shall be performed on aggregates from each separate source on the basis of one set of tests for each day on which


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