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阶段测验31、It will _ a futile attempt.A.turn upB.turn onC.turn outD.turn in 【对的答案】:C 【您的答案】:A 【答案解析】:题目意思:这会是徒劳无益的。答案选C。 2、You should help them _ when your friends quarrel with each other.A. come into sightB. come to termsC. come into playD. come to power 【对的答案】:B 【您的答案】:B 【答案对的】【答案解析】:当你的朋友吵架时,你应当协助她们协调一下。考察短语的习常用法。come into 或 come to 都表达进入(某种状态)A 映入眼帘    B. 达到合同,妥协 C 开始运作    D. 上台,开始掌权 3、To write up his novel, John is looking for an environment free _ outside distraction.A. on B. with C. from D. in 【对的答案】:C 【您的答案】:C 【答案对的】【答案解析】:【译文】 约翰为了写完她的故事,正在寻找一种挣脱外界干扰的环境。【试题分析】介词选择题。【具体解答】 free from 使人挣脱,不受的,没有的 4、It took a few seconds for her eyes to _ to the darkness.A. allocate B. adoptC. apply D. adjust 【对的答案】:D 【您的答案】:D 【答案对的】【答案解析】:【译文】 她花了几秒钟时间使眼睛适应黑暗。【试题分析】动词词义选择题。【具体解答】 A 分派,拨出         B 收养,过继C 应用,申请         D 调节,使适合 5、Opposition leaders will be watching carefully to see how the Prime Minister _ the crisis.A. handles B. conductsC. observes D. directs 【对的答案】:A 【您的答案】:C 【答案解析】:【译文】 对立面领导人将会仔细地看着首相如何控制危机。【试题分析】动词词义选择题。【具体解答】  A 应付,对付,控制         B 引导,进行,实行   C 观测,监测,遵守         D 指引,监督 6、David has made great progress recently _,and _. A. So he has;so you have B. So he has;so have you C. So he has;so do you D. So has he;so you have 【对的答案】:B 【您的答案】:B 【答案对的】【答案解析】:以so开头的句子如果是表达前面所体现的内容也适合于另一种人或物时,句子要用倒装语序,这时前后的主语不一致;但当so开头的句子只是反复前一句的意思,表达“的确”,“如此”,前后主语是同一人或物时,句子不用倒装语序。根据题目的意思,本题的答案是B。 7、Happiness doesnt always _ money.A. go throughB. go in forC. go withD. go over 【对的答案】:C 【您的答案】:A 【答案解析】:句意:幸福未必总是随着金钱而来。go with:随着,与.相配 8、That is the house _ you can enjoy the scenery.A. in that B. that C. which D. from which 【对的答案】:D 【您的答案】:B 【答案解析】:句意:你从中能欣赏外面风景的就是这座房子。在定语从句中判断用关系代词还是用关系副词,需要弄明白在从句中需要什么语法成分,也就是说,要看关系词在定语从句中担任什么成分,本题的定语从句中少地点状语,先行词又是表地点的名词,故可选用where。观测四个选项后,我们发现并无where一词,我们可以用“介词+ which”来替代。注意,本句话所体现的应当是:You can enjoy the scenery from the house,故可排除A选项,选D。 9、There is a growing body of evidence to support the fact that most people suffer from a lack of daydreaming _ an excess of it. A. other than B. rather than C. in place of D. instead 【对的答案】:B 【您的答案】:C 【答案解析】:rather than 而不是。other than 不同于,除了;in place of 替代;instead 替代。 10、He talked a lot about things and persons _they remembered in the school. A. which B. that C. whom D. what 【对的答案】:B 【您的答案】:D 【答案解析】:things和persons是先行词.当定语从句要修饰的先行词是既表达人, 又表达物的名词时, 其关系代词要用that. 11、We are interested in the weather because it _ us so directlywhat we wear, what we do and even how we feel.A. benefitsB. affects C. guidesD. effects 【对的答案】:B 【您的答案】:C 【答案解析】:affect多作为动词来用,表达影响。effect多作为名词来用,表达“作用、效果”。benefit:有助于。guide:引导。根据句意,本题应当用affect(影响)。 12、What he had done is _Avalue Bof valuable Cof no value Dof no valuable 【对的答案】:C 【您的答案】:B 【答案解析】:of+n=adj,可以作表语。of no value:没有一点价值。value是名词,不能作表语,也不能形容主语的性质。B和D都是of+adj的构造,是错误的。 13、A good worker in a key spot could, so _ as he kept up production, take all the coffee breaks he wantedAlong Bshort Cmuch Dlittle 【对的答案】:A 【您的答案】:A 【答案对的】【答案解析】:so long as:只要。是固定搭配。 14、Each of us should _ aside a few minutes to have a rest every day.Apush Bprovide Cturn Dset 【对的答案】:D 【您的答案】:B 【答案解析】:set aside:留出,拨出。是固定搭配。 15、In the original test,all the animals in a test group are given a substance _ half of them dieAunless Buntil Clest Dprovided 【对的答案】:B 【您的答案】:C 【答案解析】:本题考察词义辨析。until:直到。符合句意,表达given a substance 持续到half of them die。 16、He _ his poor judgment _ Jet LagAblamed . for Bblamed . to Cblamed . on Dblamed . at 【对的答案】:C 【您的答案】:D 【答案解析】:此题考察固定词组blame sth. on sb.把.怪到.头上。 17、_ fine day it is today! Yes, the sunshine is _ beautiful that Id like to go swimming in the sea.A. How, such B. What a, very C. How, so D. What a, so 【对的答案】:D 【您的答案】:C 【答案解析】:考察感慨句和“sothat”的用法。 18、It has been years _ I returned home.A. after B. that C. sinceD. when 【对的答案】:C 【您的答案】:B 【答案解析】:译文:我回家已有好几年了。此题考察连词since的用法。since表达“从(过去某事)以来,后来或到目前”时,主句多用完毕时态。又如:Where have you been since I last saw you?自从我上次见到你后来,你到哪去了? 19、I asked him to _ me a few minutes so that we could go over all the problemsA. spend B. save C. spare D. share 【对的答案】:C 【您的答案】:A 【答案解析】:译文:我让她腾出几分钟时间以便我们能一起仔细察看所有的问题。本题考察词汇辨别。A耗费;B节省;C抽出(时间);D分享。 20、Younger children are curious _ how things work,and many of them want to take apart everything within their reachAof Babout Cat D. with 【对的答案】:B 【您的答案】:B 【答案对的】【答案解析】:译文:小孩子对事物是如何构成的较好奇,某些孩子总是想把她们够得到的东西都拆开。此题考察短语搭配,be curious about对好奇。 There is an old proverb,“Love me,love my dog. ” But there is _ wisdom in this: “Love me,love my book.”A. some B. much C. more D. most【对的答案】:C 【您的答案】:D 【答案解析】:本题既没有显示比较级的核心词,也没有暗示用比较级的than。而是将“Love me,love my dog”与“Love  me,love my book”两句进行比较,从而根据这两句话的内容拟定哪句话更有wisdom。答案选C。 2、Of the two coats, Id choose the _ one to spare some money for a book.A. cheapest B. cheaper C. more expensive D. most expensive 【对的答案】:B 【您的答案】:D 【答案解析】:核心词是句中的two,因是两者比较,可将答案锁定在B和C之间;再根据句意,排除C。答案选B。 3、He insured his car _ he had an accident.A. unlessB. ifC. sinceD. in case 【对的答案】:D 【您的答案】:D 【答案对的】【答案解析】:她给自己的汽车投了保,以防万一遇到交通事故。考察连词词义辨别题。 A否则,要否则     B 如果  C 自从,由于        D 以防万一,以免 4、The volunteers would rather go by train than _.A. to drive B. driveC. driven D. to be driven 【对的答案】:B 【您的答案】:D 【答案解析】:【译文】志愿者宁愿坐火车去而不肯开汽车去。【试题分析】语法题。【具体解答】would rather 或 would sooner 的意思都是“宁愿”,其后规定直接用动词原形。 如果后边是that引导的从句,那么规定用过去时动词表达尚未发生的动作,用过去完毕时动词表达对已经发生的动作的某种愿望。应用举例:We would rather talk about football or the weather.我们宁愿谈谈有关足球或者天气的话题。I would rather you came tomorrow.我宁愿你明天去。 I would sooner you had gone there too. 我宁愿你也去那里了。 5、To write up his novel, John is looking for an environment free _ outside distraction.A. on B. with C. from D. in 【对的答案】:C 【您的答案】:D 【答案解析】:【译文】 约翰为了写完她的故事,正在寻找一种挣脱外界干扰的环境。【试题分析】介词选择题。【具体解答】 free from 使人挣脱,不受的,没有的 6、It took a few seconds for her eyes to _ to the darkness.A. allocate B. adoptC. apply D. adjust 【对的答案】:D 【您的答案】:D 【答案对的】【答案解析】:【译文】 她花了几秒钟时间使眼睛适应黑暗。【试题分析】动词词义选择题。【具体解答】 A 分派,拨出         B 收养,过继C 应用,申请         D 调节,使适合 7、Country life is better than city life _ it offers fresh air and noiseless environment.A. in that B. as that C. as for D. in which 【对的答案】:A 【您的答案】:D 【答案解析】:【译文】乡村生活比都市生活较好,由于它的空气新鲜且环境无噪音。【试题分析】 in that 是复合连接词,只在一定的句式中使用。也可以用作一种固定词组。(请同窗们参照Unit 6 Text A 注释4 中的解释及有关例句) 【具体解答】  A 在于,因素是,在方面     C. 有关,至于  应用举例:   I like the country better in that it is closer to nature. 我更喜欢乡村,由于它更接近自然。 8、The engineer _ my father works is about 50 years old. A. to whom B. on whom C. with which D. with whom 【对的答案】:D 【您的答案】:D 【答案对的】【答案解析】:with whom引导定语从句.with whom放在从句中即为:my father works with the engineer. 9、We were told that the stone figure _ back to the 16th century was of great value.A. dated B. dating C. coming D. kept 【对的答案】:B 【您的答案】:D 【答案解析】:本句中具有be+of+n.这个构造。dating back to the 16th century的逻辑主语是stone figure。 10、The old couple have been married for 40 years and never once _ with each other. A. they had quarreled B. they have quarreled C. have they quarreled D. had they quarreled 【对的答案】:C 【您的答案】:D 【答案解析】:本题考察的是倒装构造的用法。第二分句中因有否认副词never提前,故应用倒装构造;第一分句中的have been married已限定了时态,据此可排除D项。 11、She disagrees _ him _ everything. A. with, onB. /, onC. with, atD. on, with 【对的答案】:A 【您的答案】:D 【答案解析】:本题运用了disagree with sb on sth这个构造。  12、We are interested in the weather because it _ us so directlywhat we wear, what we do and even how we feel.A. benefitsB. affects C. guidesD. effects 【对的答案】:B 【您的答案】:D 【答案解析】:affect多作为动词来用,表达影响。effect多作为名词来用,表达“作用、效果”。benefit:有助于。guide:引导。根据句意,本题应当用affect(影响)。 13、What he had done is _Avalue Bof valuable Cof no value Dof no valuable 【对的答案】:C 【您的答案】:D 【答案解析】:of+n=adj,可以作表语。of no value:没有一点价值。value是名词,不能作表语,也不能形容主语的性质。B和D都是of+adj的构造,是错误的。 14、A good worker in a key spot could, so _ as he kept up production, take all the coffee breaks he wantedAlong Bshort Cmuch Dlittle 【对的答案】:A 【您的答案】:D 【答案解析】:so long as:只要。是固定搭配。 15、Each of us should _ aside a few minutes to have a rest every day.Apush Bprovide Cturn Dset 【对的答案】:D 【您的答案】:D 【答案对的】【答案解析】:set aside:留出,拨出。是固定搭配。 16、In the original test,all the animals in a test group are given a substance _ half of them dieAunless Buntil Clest Dprovided 【对的答案】:B 【您的答案】:D 【答案解析】:本题考察词义辨析。until:直到。符合句意,表达given a substance 持续到half of them die。 17、It has been years _ I returned home.A. after B. that C. sinceD. when 【对的答案】:C 【您的答案】:D 【答案解析】:译文:我回家已有好几年了。此题考察连词since的用法。since表达“从(过去某事)以来,后来或到目前”时,主句多用完毕时态。又如:Where have you been since I last saw you?自从我上次见到你后来,你到哪去了? 18、Some persons gain goal and direction from their tensions;others _ under pressure.Afall out Bfall apart Cfall back on Dfall in with 【对的答案】:B 【您的答案】:D 【答案解析】:译文:某些人由于压力达到了目的,而另某些人在压力下则精神崩溃。本题考察短语辨别。A脱落,争执;B崩溃,垮了;C指望,依托,退到;D赞成,批准。 19、We cannot leave this tough job to a person _Awho nobody has confidenceBin whom nobody has confidenceCfor whom nobody has confidenceDwho everyone has confidence of 【对的答案】:B 【您的答案】:D 【答案解析】:译文:我们不能把这样一份艰巨的工作交给一种没有自信的人。本题考察定语从句,have confidence in sb是固定用法,关系代词whom用作介词in的宾语。 20、Younger children are curious _ how things work,and many of them want to take apart everything within their reachAof Babout Cat D. with 【对的答案】:B 【您的答案】:D 【答案解析】:译文:小孩子对事物是如何构成的较好奇,某些孩子总是想把她们够得到的东西都拆开。此题考察短语搭配,be curious about对好奇。 1、Steve Jobs and a friend _ a company in a garage. A.startedB.foundC.builtD.put up 【对的答案】:A 【您的答案】:C 【答案解析】:start和open表达建立一种商店、公司,答案选A。 2、The person I spoke to _ to be our new teacher.A.turned ofB.turn ofC.turned outD.turn out 【对的答案】:C 【您的答案】:C 【答案对的】【答案解析】:题目意思:我找(她)说话的那个人本来是我们的新教师。“I spoke to”修饰前面的主语person,本题是一般过去时态,答案选C。 3、There is an old proverb,“Love me,love my dog. ” But there is _ wisdom in this: “Love me,love my book.”A. some B. much C. more D. most【对的答案】:C 【您的答案】:C 【答案对的】【答案解析】:本题既没有显示比较级的核心词,也没有暗示用比较级的than。而是将“Love me,love my dog”与“Love  me,love my book”两句进行比较,从而根据这两句话的内容拟定哪句话更有wisdom。答案选C。 4、Of the two coats, Id choose the _ one to spare some money for a book.A. cheapest B. cheaper C. more expensive D. most expensive 【对的答案】:B 【您的答案】:C 【答案解析】:核心词是句中的two,因是两者比较,可将答案锁定在B和C之间;再根据句意,排除C。答案选B。 5、Children have a natural _ about the world around them.A. certaintyB. capabilityC. clevernessD. curiosity 【对的答案】:D 【您的答案】:C 【答案解析】:孩子们对她们周边的事物有着天然的好奇心。考察名词词义选择题。A 拟定性,肯定的事      B 能力,才干    C 精明,聪颖   D 好奇心,求知欲 6、He insured his car _ he had an accident.A. unlessB. ifC. sinceD. in case 【对的答案】:D 【您的答案】:C 【答案解析】:她给自己的汽车投了保,以防万一遇到交通事故。考察连词词义辨别题。 A否则,要否则     B 如果  C 自从,由于        D 以防万一,以免 7、What he told us was more of a(n) _ than a reality.A. illusionB. demonstrationC. illustrationD. reputation 【对的答案】:A 【您的答案】:C 【答案解析】:她告诉我们的更也许是幻想而不是现实。考察名词词义选择题。A 幻想,错误观念   B 演示,证明 C 图解,实例      D 名声,名誉 8、Modern economics _ the countrys agricultural policies.A. undergoesB. understandsC. underliesD. undertakes 【对的答案】:C 【您的答案】:C 【答案对的】【答案解析】:现代经济学是国家农业政策的基本。考察形近动词词义选择题。  A 经历,经受   B 理解   C 成为的基本         D 承当,保证 9、Police are _ the disappearance of two children.A. looking up B. looking throughC. looking into D. looking on 【对的答案】:C 【您的答案】:C 【答案对的】【答案解析】:【译文】警察正在寻找两个失踪的孩子。【试题分析】短语意义辨别题。【具体解答】 A (在书中)查找 B 仔细查阅,审查,(对某人)视而不见C 调查,研究,查问 D.观看,旁观,看待 10、The volunteers would rather go by train than _.A. to drive B. driveC. driven D. to be driven 【对的答案】:B 【您的答案】:C 【答案解析】:【译文】志愿者宁愿坐火车去而不肯开汽车去。【试题分析】语法题。【具体解答】would rather 或 would sooner 的意思都是“宁愿”,其后规定直接用动词原形。 如果后边是that引导的从句,那么规定用过去时动词表达尚未发生的动作,用过去完毕时动词表达对已经发生的动作的某种愿望。应用举例:We would rather talk about football or the weather.我们宁愿谈谈有关足球或者天气的话题。I would rather you came tomorrow.我宁愿你明天去。 I would sooner you had gone there too. 我宁愿你也去那里了。 11、Opposition leaders will be watching carefully to see how the Prime Minister _ the crisis.A. handles B. conductsC. observes D. directs 【对的答案】:A 【您的答案】:C 【答案解析】:【译文】 对立面领导人将会仔细地看着首相如何控制危机。【试题分析】动词词义选择题。【具体解答】  A 应付,对付,控制         B 引导,进行,实行   C 观测,监测,遵守         D 指引,监督 12、Country life is better than city life _ it offers fresh air and noiseless environment.A. in that B. as that C. as for D. in which 【对的答案】:A 【您的答案】:C 【答案解析】:【译文】乡村生活比都市生活较好,由于它的空气新鲜且环境无噪音。【试题分析】 in that 是复合连接词,只在一定的句式中使用。也可以用作一种固定词组。(请同窗们参照Unit 6 Text A 注释4 中的解释及有关例句) 【具体解答】  A 在于,因素是,在方面     C. 有关,至于  应用举例:   I like the country better in that it is closer to nature. 我更喜欢乡村,由于它更接近自然。 13、_ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language. A. There B. This C. That D. It 【对的答案】:D 【您的答案】:C 【答案解析】:为了保持句子的平衡,往往用先行词it作形式主语或形式宾语,而把真正的主语或宾语放到背面,特别是that引导的主语从句往往用先行词it作形式主语。此句也可以改写为:That English is being accepted as an international language is a fact. 14、That is the house _ you can enjoy the scenery.A. in that B. that C. which D. from which 【对的答案】:D 【您的答案】:C 【答案解析】:句意:你从中能欣赏外面风景的就是这座房子。在定语从句中判断用关系代词还是用关系副词,需要弄明白在从句中需要什么语法成分,也就是说,要看关系词在定语从句中担任什么成分,本题的定语从句中少地点状语,先行词又是表地点的名词,故可选用where。观测四个选项后,我们发现并无where一词,我们可以用“介词+ which”来替代。注意,本句话所体现的应当是:You can enjoy the scenery from the house,故可排除A选项,选D。 15、There is a growing body of evidence to support the fact that most people suffer from a lack of daydreaming _ an excess of it. A. other than B. rather than C. in place of D. instead 【对的答案】:B 【您的答案】:C 【答案解析】:rather than 而不是。other than 不同于,除了;in place of 替代;instead 替代。 16、The teacher told us the fact _.A. which the earth moves around the sunB. that the earth moved around the sunC. that the sun moves around the earthD. that the earth moves around the sun 【对的答案】:D 【您的答案】:C 【答案解析】:名词性从句中主句和从句中时态要保持一致。但是在此句中,背面讲述的是一种客观存在的事实规律,因此要选答案D。 17、What he had done is _Avalue Bof valuable Cof no value Dof no valuable 【对的答案】:C 【您的答案】:C 【答案对的】【答案解析】:of+n=adj,可以作表语。of no value:没有一点价值。value是名词,不能作表语,也不能形容主语的性质。B和D都是of+adj的构造,是错误的。 18、In the original test,all the animals in a test group are given a substance _ half of them dieAunless Buntil Clest Dprovided 【对的答案】:B 【您的答案】:C 【答案解析】:本题考察词义辨析。until:直到。符合句意,表达given a substance 持续到half of them die。 19、It has been years _ I returned home.A. after B. that C. sinceD. when 【对的答案】:C 【您的答案】:C 【答案对的】【答案解析】:译文:我回家已有好几年了。此题考察连词since的用法。since表达“从(过去某事)以来,后来或到目前”时,主句多用完毕时态。又如:Where have you been since I last saw you?自从我上次见到你后来,你到哪去了? 20、This type of desk and chair can be adjusted _ the height of students at different agesAwith Bfor Cto Din 【对的答案】:C 【您的答案】:C 【答案对的】【答案解析】:译文:这款桌椅可以根据学生的不同年龄调节高度。本题考察短语搭配。be adjusted to调节为。 1、Steve Jobs and a friend _ a company in a garage. A.startedB.foundC.builtD.put up 【对的答案】:A 【您的答案】:C 【答案解析】:start和open表达建立一种商店、公司,答案选A。 2、The person I spoke to _ to be our new teacher.A.turned ofB.turn ofC.turned outD.turn out 【对的答案】:C 【您的答案】:C 【答案对的】【答案解析】:题目意思:我找(她)说话的那个人本来是我们的新教师。“I spoke to”修饰前面的主语person,本题是一般过去时态,答案选C。 3、There is an old proverb,“Love me,love my dog. ” But there is _ wisdom in this: “Love me,love my book.”A. some B. much C. more D. most【对的答案】:C 【您的答案】:C 【答案对的】【答案解析】:本题既没有显示比较级的核心词,也没有暗示用比较级的than。而是将“Love me,love my dog”与“Love  me,love my book”两句进行比较,从而根据这两句话的内容拟定哪句话更有wisdom。答案选C。 4、Of the two coats, Id choose the _ one to spare some money for a book.A. cheapest B. cheaper C. more expensive D. most expensive 【对的答案】:B 【您的答案】:C 【答案解析】:核心词是句中的two,因是两者比较,可将答案锁定在B和C之间;再根据句意,排除C。答案选B。 5、Children have a natural _ about the world around them.A. certaintyB. capabilityC. clevernessD. curiosity 【对的答案】:D 【您的答案】:C 【答案解析】:孩子们对她们周边的事物有着天然的好奇心。考察名词词义选择题。A 拟定性,肯定的事      B 能力,才干    C 精明,聪颖   D 好奇心,求知欲 6、He insured his car _ he had an accident.A. unlessB. ifC. sinceD. in case 【对的答案】:D 【您的答案】:C 【答案解析】:她给自己的汽车投了保,以防万一遇到交通事故。考察连词词义辨别题。 A否则,要否则     B 如果  C 自从,由于        D 以防万一,以免 7、What he told us was more of a(n) _ than a reality.A. illusionB. demonstrationC. illustrationD. reputation 【对的答案】:A 【您的答案】:C 【答案解析】:她告诉我们的更也许是幻想而不是现实。考察名词词义选择题。A 幻想,错误观念   B 演示,证明 C 图解,实例      D 名声,名誉 8、Modern economics _ the countrys agricultural policies.A. undergoesB. understandsC. underliesD. undertakes 【对的答案】:C 【您的答案】:C 【答案对的】【答案解析】:现代经济学是国家农业政策的基本。考察形近动词词义选择题。  A 经历,经受   B 理解   C 成为的基本         D 承当,保证 9、Police are _ the disappearance of two children.A. looking up B. looking throughC. looking into D. looking on 【对的答案】:C 【您的答案】:C 【答案对的】【答案解析】:【译文】警察正在寻找两个失踪的孩子。【试题分析】短语意义辨别题。【具体解答】 A (在书中)查找 B 仔细查阅,审查,(对某人)视而不见C 调查,研究,查问 D.观看,旁观,看待 10、The volunteers would rather go by train than _.A. to drive B. driveC. driven D. to be driven 【对的答案】:B 【您的答案】:C 【答案解析】:【译文】志愿者宁愿坐火车去而不肯开汽车去。【试题分析】语法题。【具体解答】would rather 或 would sooner 的意思都是“宁愿”,其后规定直接用动词原形。 如果后边是that引导的从句,那么规定用过去时动词表达尚未发生的动作,用过去完毕时动词表达对已经发生的动作的某种愿望。应用举例:We would rather talk about football or the weather.我们宁愿谈谈有关足球或者天气的话题。I would rather you came tomorrow.我宁愿你明天去。 I would sooner you had gone there too. 我宁愿你也去那里了。 11、Opposition leaders will be watching carefully to see how the Prime Minister _ the crisis.A. handles B. conductsC. observes D. directs 【对的答案】:A 【您的答案】:C 【答案解析】:【译文】 对立面领导人将会仔细地看着首相如何控制危机。【试题分析】动词词义选择题。【具体解答】  A 应付,对付,控制         B 引导,进行,实行   C 观测,监测,遵守         D 指引,监督 12、Country life is better than city life _ it offers fresh air and noiseless environment.A. in that B. as that C. as for D. in which 【对的答案】:A 【您的答案】:C 【答案解析】:【译文】乡村生活比都市生活较好,由于它的空气新鲜且环境无噪音。【试题分析】 in that 是复合连接词,只在一定的句式中使用。也可以用作一种固定词组。(请同窗们参照Unit 6 Text A 注释4 中的解释及有关例句)


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