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Unit5一翻译下列短语1.稍微,有点儿_2.迷路_3.处在极大危险之中_4.砍倒_5.由-制成的_6.南非_7.先看熊猫_8.my favorite animals_9.用两条腿走路_10.kind of boring _11. 成天睡觉_12.黑白相间_13.拯救大象_14.好运的象征_二根据首字母或提示完毕句子1. There are many a_, such as(例如)lions, tigers in the z_.2. P_only live in China. We all love t_.3. People usually w_ in the day, and s_ in the night.4. Most animals are in great d_, we must s_ them.5. That old man is 72, he is o_ 70, he is k_of fat.6. That boy comes from _(澳大利亚),not _(非洲).7. R_(记住) to do your homework, dont_(忘掉) that.8. Suzhou is a _(美丽的)_(地方).9. Monkeys are _(可爱) and _(聪颖).10. Dont be _(害羞), they are _(和谐)to you.三用所给词的合适形式填空1.Why do you like _(panda)? Because they_(be)very cute.2.Why do you want _(see) them ? Because they are very _(interest).3.He can _(walk) on two legs. He can _(dance) ,too.4.Lets _(see) the koalas first.5.Elephants can _(walk) for a long time and never _(get) lost.6.Remembering places with food and water _(help) them _(live).7.People cut down many trees so elephants _(lose) their homes.8.We must _(save) the trees and _(not buy ) things _(make) of ivory.9.Where _(be) they from ? They _(be) Africa.10.He usually sleeps and _ (relax) 20 hours every day. 11. There are many _(kind) of the animals in the zoo.12. There are lots of _(koala) in Australia. 13. She likes _(play) with her friends.14. He thinks the giraffes are _(interest) . 15. Lilei comes from _(China).16. What other _(animal) do you like? 17. Why do you want _(see) the lions?18. One of the giraffes _(be) a baby one. 19. Which animal _(live) only in China.20. Let the girl _(go) to school early. 21. The dolphins come from _(Japanese).22. Why do you want _ (take ) a bus to school? 23. This is _(Helen) book.24. She likes to play with _(she) doll. 25. These dolphins are from _(African).26. Our teacher is very _(friend) to us. We like her very much.27. He usually sleeps and _ (relax) 20 hours every day. 四单选( )1. This is _ elephant,_ elephant is from Africa. A. an; An B. an; The C. the; The D. the; An ( )2. I like pandas because they are _ friendly. A. kind B. a kind of C. kinds of D. kind of ( )3. Why do you think lions are _? Because they usually sleep all day. A. lazy B. scary C. cute D. beautiful ( )4. Grace is a _ girl. She doesnt like meeting new friends. A. tidy B. shy C. strict D. friendly ( )5. What _ does Tina like? She likes dogs and tigers. A. subjects B. colors C. sports D. animals ( )6. Why _ you go to the zoo with us?A. dont B. arent C. not D. no ( )7. Animals are our friends and lets _ them. A. save B. Forget C. kill D. learn ( )8. This is Linda. She _ America.A. come from B. is from C. comes D. is ( )9. _?Because they are very interesting. A. How do you like giraffesB. When do you see giraffes C. Where do you find giraffesD. Why do you like giraffes ( )10. I like penguins best, _ theyre my _ animals. A. because, best B. why, best C. because, favorite D. why, favorite( )11. They are good_, they are very _. A. friends, friends B. friends, friendly C. friendly, friends D. friendly, friendly( )12. He likes his work, but its _ dangerous. A. a kind of B. kinds of C. a kind D. kind of ( )13. She often _ the piano, she likes _ it very much. A. plays, plays B. plays, playing C. playing, playing D. playing, plays( )14. I want _ the lions, lets _ them. A. to see, to see B. see, to see C. to see, see D. see, see( )15. - _ lions from? - They come from South Africa. A. Where do B. Where are C. Where is D. Where ( )16. Elephants can remember places _ food and water, this helps them _. A. with, live B. with, to live C. in, to live D. A and B( )17. _ trees! A. Not to cut down so many B. Dont cut down so many C. Not cut down so many D. Dont cut down so much( )18. People kill elephants _ their ivory. A. with B. in C. for D to ( )19. - Why do you like penguins ? - Because they are very _. A. cute B.dirty C. lazy D. tall ( )20. Does your mother like sleeping during the day _? A. No, he doesnt B. No, he isnt C. No, she doesnt D. No, she isnt( )21. Chinese people are very _. A. friend B. friends C. friendly D. friendy ( )22. - Do you like _? - Yes , theyre very smart. A. elephant B.tigers C. panada D. animal ( )23. One of the students _ from France. He speaks _. A. are, Japanese B. is, English C. is, French D. come, French( )24. - _ do you like dogs ? - Because theyre very friendly. A. What B. How C. Why D. Where ( )25. There is _ elephant and _ tiger in the picture. A. a, an B. an, a C. a, a D. a, an ( )26. The girl is _ shy. A. very much B. a little C. much D. little ( )27. Where _ lions _ ? A. does, from B. do, come from C. is, from D. are, come from( )28. He likes _ my friend. A. to play with B. to play C. play with D. play ( )29. - Cant you see a lion in the cage? - _. A. Yes, I cant B. No, I cant C. No, I can D. Yes, you cant see it( )30. What _ animals do you like ? A. else B. other C. others D. others ( )31. He works only _. A. at the night B. in night C. at the evening D. at night( )32. I am afraid _ tigers because they are scary. A. with B. of C. for D. in ( )33. Mr Li is kind _ us. But sometimes he is kind _ serious(严肃). A. to, of B. with , to C. of, to D. of, of ( )34. Lets _ the dolphins now. They are very smart. A. read B. watch C. look D. see ( )35.This term the teacher wants to have some change(变化), he hopes his students will have fun _English. A. learn B. learning C. learns D. to learn( )36.Pandas are _ favorite animals. A. me B. my C. I D. mine( )37.She sleeps _.A. all the day B. all day C. all the days D. a day ( )38.I like pandas _.A. a B. a lot C. also D. either( )39.This is a symbol _ good luck. A.for B. in C. of D. at( )40.They can also remember places _ food and water. A. in B. for C. at D. with( )41.Today there _ only about 3,000 elephants. A. is B. has C. are D. have( )42.Walking after dinner can help us _ heathy A. keep B. keeps C. to keep D.keeping ( )43What _ subjects does Tom like? Aother BothersCthe other Dthe others( )44_ these tigers _ from? AWhere,are BWhat,are CWhere,come DWhere are,( )45I like koalas because they are _ friendly Aa kind ofBkind ofCkinds of Da kind( )46Why do you want to _ the dolphins first? Alook Bhave a lookCsee Dlook at( )47She likes to play _ her friend Afor Bto C/ Dwith( )48Why _ come and join us? Ado Bnot Cdoes Ddoesnt( )49_ a koala _ during the day? Yes,it does ADoes,sleep BIs,sleeping CDo,sleep DIs,sleep( )50Linda with her parents often _ to the zoo to see the animals Ago Bgos Cgoes Dgoing( )51Do you know about David? Yes,I know _ very well Ahe Bhimself Chim Dhis( )52A koala usually gets up and eats _ at night Aleaf Bleaves Cleafs Dleavs( )53People often eat _ the day and sleep _ night Ain,in Bat,inCat,at Dduring,at( )54My brother likes tigers,_ my sister doesnt Aand Bbut Cfor Dso( )55Thats _ interesting elephant Aa Ban Cthe D/( )56We are in the libraryPlease _ quiet Ais Bbe Cdo Dare( )57, -Lets go hiking. Look, what a beautiful day! -_. A. Good job. B. Good idea C. Thats right D. It doesnt matter( )58, I wont be able to understand what you say, _you speak too quickly.A. if B. though C. because( )59, -_do you speak English so well? -Because I practice it with my partner every day. A. Why B. When C. Who( )60, Tony wants _ a job as a language teacher in China. A. to find B. finding C. find( )61, The students from Xinjiang enjoy staying in our school because everyone is _ to them. A. friendly B. gently C. happily D. politely( )62, -Dont forget _ your homework, John. -Ok. Ill do it right now. A. doing B. do C. to do( )63, Little Lucy usually loses her way in the city. A. flies B. walks C. gets lost D. says( )64, I like flowers, I hope to study at a school _many flowers and trees in it. A. in B. with C. on D. by( )65, He has a house _ a garden. A. has B. there is C. with D. have( )66, I cant eat any more food, I am _.A. busy B. hungry C. full D. serious( )67, Dont forget _ the letter for me. A. post B. posting C. posted D. to post( )68, Does Tom want _ the lions?A. to see B. see C. seeing D. sees( )69, The elephants are _ great danger in Africa.A. of B. to C. with D. in( )70, This is an _girl.A. eight years old B. eight-year-old C. eight-years-old D. eigth-years-olds( )71, -Where _lions come from? -I think they come from Africa. A. are B. is C. does D. do( )72, _ Im late again, _the boss(老板) is very angry. A. Because; / B. So; / C. Because; so D. /; but( )73, Let him _home to watch TV. A. goes B. going C. to go D. go( )74, -Doest she like playing basketball? -_.A. Yes, she doesnt B. No, she does C. No, she doesnt D. Yes, she is( )75, I like _, but this afternoon I dont like _.A. swimming; swimming B. to swim; to swim C. swimming; to swimD. to swim; swimming( )76, The trees are green. Dont _.A. cut down them B. cut them up C. cut them down D. cup up them五.根据汉语意思完毕下列英语句子,每空一词。61. 我们语文教师对我们很和谐。Our Chinese teacher is very _ _ us.62. 虽然她爷爷老了,但是历来不迷路。His grandpa is old but he never _ _.63. 大象面临巨大的危险。Elephants are _ great _.64. 我们必须拒买象牙制品。We must not buy things _ _ ivory.65. 人们不应当砍大量的树。People shouldnt _ _ many trees.六、句型转换1.They are shy and quiet. (改否认句)2.He likes pandas very much. (改一般疑问句)3.I want to see lions because they are very cute. (划线提问)4.They are from China. (划线提问)5.My mother often works 8 hours every day. (划线提问)6.He sleeps during the day.(改否认句)7. They can also draw very well. ( 否认句)They _ draw very well, _.8. Our class has 56 students. ( 同义句) _ 56 students _ our class.9. The boy is a little fat. ( 同义句)The boy is _ _ fat.10. She isnt from Beijing. ( 同义句)She_ _ from Beijing.11. I dont like tigers because they are very scary. ( 划线提问) _ _ you like tigers?七、完型填空 A Animals are our friends. We can find different 1 of animals. Some animals are living 2 big woods(森林). And some animals are living with 3 . Animals are very 4 to man. People can teach the elephant to do some heavy 5 . And they can also teach the dog to 6 the house. A watch dog is very 7 . It can help people in danger(危险). Children 8 dogs very much. 9 of children like to go to the zoo. 10 there are many animals in zoos. Zoo is a good place for children to get to know animals. ( )1. A. kind B.a kinds C. a kind D.kinds ( )2. A. at B. on C.in D.with( )3. A.man B.men C.mans D.a man ( )4. A.useful B. lazy C.smart D.useless ( )5. A.works B.work C.a work D. working ( )6. A. look at B.look like C.look after D. look for ( )7. A. clever B.shy C. friendly D.ugly ( )8. A. would B.likes C.would like D.like ( )9. A.Some B. Many C.Any D.Most(大多数) ( )10. A.Because B.And C. But D. So BDo you want to see animals? Well, the Long Lake Zoo is really a good 26 . There are many kinds of animals at the zoo. Lets see the koalas 27 . Koalas are from Australia. They are quiet and smart. People 28 them very much. The pandas from China are cute. Many people like these 29 and white animals. Theyre shy. So 30 be noisy when you see them. 绿色圃中学资源网s a tiger 31 her two daughters at the zoo. They are from America. They are quiet and interesting, 32 they are not friendly. The giraffes come from Africa. They have a 33 neck (脖子). They are beautiful. The lions are also from Africa. They are really scary. Many people dont like 34 . They always sleep in the day. They are very lazy.You can also 35 many other (其她的) kinds of animals at the zoo. Have a good time here! ( )26. A. name B. place C. symbol D. rule( )27. A. too B. really C. early D. first( )28. A. like B. want C. help D. remember( )29. A. yellow B. blue C. black D. green( )30. A. always B. never C. usually D. then( )31. A. like B. for C. with D. of( )32. A. and B. but C. so D. because( )33. A. long B. new C. dirty D. right( )34. A. us B. it C. them D. him( )35. A. buy B. keep C. save D. see CDave I love animals very much. My favorite animal is cats because they are very smart. But I have no pets now, because Im so busy. When Im free, Ill have a cat or two. ClarkI like animals too! My grandparents have a big farm (农场). When Im free, I always help them there. Its so cool to be with the animals on the farm. But I dont have any pets now. You know you usually cant have pets when you rent (租) a house. But when I have my house, Ill have a pet dog. I think its great fun playing with him!BeckyI also love animals! My parents often take me to the zoo to watch the animals. There are scary lions, cute kangaroos (袋鼠) and smart elephants. They come from different places. I really love kangaroos, because they are so cute. I also love pandas. They are just so beautiful! I have a pet fish at home now. Its very quiet. 根据材料内容回答问题。41. Why does Dave like cats?_42. Does Clark have his own (自己的) house?_43. Where does Becky often go to see animals?_44. What animals does Becky like?_45. Who doesnt have any pets now?八、阅读理解On holidays my parents often take me to the zoo in our city because I like animals. I have a lot of toy animals in my room. In the zoo I can see tighers, elephants, monkeys, pandas, bears, giraffes and many other animals. Some animals are very friendly, but some are not. Tigers, bears and lions are very dangerous. That is why they have to stay in cages. But I dont think its good for animals to stay in cages. They should be free. The animals in cages cant be happy. Tigers usually live in forests and mountains. They can run very fast. They catch and eat small animals like rabbits and deer, but now they live in small rooms. They have nothing to do every day. So they walk in the cages, and they want to get out. When they are tired, they sleep. I feel sorry for them. 26, _are very dangerous animals. A. Tigers and monkeys B. Bears and elephants C. Bears and lions D. Giraffes and rabbits27, The writer thinks that animals should _.A. stay in cages B. be healthy C. live in mountains D. be free28, Tigers eat _ in the forests and mountains.A. bears B. deer C. monkeys D. birds29, What does the writer want to tell us? A. Dont get close to the dangerous animals. B. Animals are mans best friends.C. Animals should live in nature freely. D. We should love animals.


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