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13春大专计算机基本模拟试一、【单选题】(本大题共20小题,每题2分,共40分)1、操作系统的重要功能是( D )。A 实现软、硬件转换B 把源程序转换为目的程序C 进行数据解决D 管理系统所有软、硬件资源2、当窗口最大化后,单击窗口右上角的“复原”按钮,窗口将( A )。A 恢复到本来的大小B 缩小成图标C 占满整个屏幕D 由顾客自定义3、在Windows的“回收站”中,寄存的是( A )。A 只能是硬盘上被删除的文献或文献夹B 只能是软盘上被删除的文献或文献夹C 可以是硬盘或软盘上被删除的文献或文献夹D 可以是所有外存储器中被删除的文献或文献夹4、若菜单选项的名字前带有对勾“”记号,这种选项表达( D )。A 该选项有下级子菜单B 目前不能选用C 选中这种选项,会弹出一种对话框,规定顾客输入某种信息或某些设立D 这种选项正处在有效状态5、在WORD中制作表格时,按( B )组合键可以将光标移到前一种单元格。A TabB Shift+TabC Ctrl+TabD Alt+Tab6、CD-ROM是指( C )。A 只读光盘B可擦写光盘C一次性可写入光盘D有磁盘性质的可擦写光盘7、在Windows中,( C )可将选定的文档放入剪贴板中。A Ctrl+VBCtrl+ZCCtrl+XD Ctrl+A8、Windows中用“打印机”可同步打印( D )文献。 A2个B3个C多种D1个9、 Word文献菜单底部显示的文献名所相应的文献是( C )。 A 目前被操作的文献B目前已打开的所有文献C近来被操作过的文献D扩展名为DOC的所有文献10、 Word编辑状态目前编辑文档是C盘中的D1.DOC文档,若存入软盘应使用( A )。 A 文献菜单中的“另存为”命令B文献菜单中的“保存”命令C文献菜单中“新建”命令D插入菜单中的命令11、频响范畴是耳机性能指标之一,好耳机是全频的,即可还原人耳所能听见的所有音频,这一范畴是( C )。A 20HZ-100HZB 80HZ-3400HZC 20HZ-20KHZD 0HZ-20HZ12、DVD中使用的核心压缩原则是( C )。A 77JPEGBMPEG-1CMPEG-2D MPEG-413、不属于微波通信方式的是( D )。A 地面微波接力B卫星 C 对流层散射D 光纤14、WAN被称为( A )。A 广域网B中程网C近程网D 局域网15、在Dreamweaver中下列站点的表述错误的说法是( D )。A 一种站点(Site)是一种存储区,存储了一种网站所涉及的所有文献B 在站点管理窗口中可进行文献重命名、删除等操作C 在文献列表中可以删除文献和其有关的链接D 在文献列表中重命名了一种文献,只能手工修改与该文献有关的所有文献16、在Windows的多种窗口中,单击左上角的图标按钮可以( C )。A 打开资源管理器单B 打开控制面板C 打开控制菜单D 打开网络浏览器17、当已选定文献夹,下列操作中不能删除该文献夹的是( D )。A 在键盘上按Delete键B 用鼠标右键单击该文献夹,打开快捷菜单,然后选择“删除”命令C 在“文献”菜单中选择“删除”命令D 用鼠标左键双击该文献夹18、下列文献命名方式中不符合Windows命名规则的是( D )。A Readme.txtB adme.bmp.txtC 阐明.txtD re?dme.txt19、在Windows的“资源管理器”窗口的“文献夹树”窗口中,“+”表白该文献夹 是( B )的。A 展开B 折叠C 没有什么意思 D A和B都对20、在Windows中,删除文献夹时,( A )。A 它的所有子文献夹和文献也被删除B 只有它的子文献夹被删除,而它的文献不会被删除C 只有它的文献被删除,而它的子文献夹不会被删除D 以上都不对二、【判断题】(本大题共5小题,每题2分,共10分)对的的填T,错误的填F21、硬盘与软盘相比:硬盘容量大,存取速度慢。(F )22、点阵打印机的针数越多,能打印的中文字体就越多。(F)三、【填空题】(本大题共5小题,每题2分,共10分)请将答案填写在答题卷相应题号处。23、计算机硬件系统的五个基本构成部分是:运算器、控制器、存储器、_输入设备_和_输出设备_。24、键盘上不能单独使用的三个键是Ctrl、_Alt_、_shift_。25、正常退出Windows系统时,应先保存解决的多种信息并关闭_所有打开的应用程序窗口_,然后再执行关闭系统的操作。26、设立屏幕的外观,可以使用控制面板中的_显示_项。27、在Word中要想自动生成目录,一般在文档中应涉及标题样式。四、【问答题】(本大题共4小题,每题10,共40分)28、什么是快捷方式?答:快捷方式是Windows提供的一种迅速启动程序、打开文献或文献夹的措施。是一种用于迅速启动程序的命令行。快捷方式对常常使用的程序、文献和文献夹非常有用。快捷方式提供了一种快捷进入某个文献夹或者打开某个软件和文献的渠道,不管你的文献、文献夹或是程序在你电脑上的什么位置,只要把它生成快捷方式并且放在桌面,这样每次运营时直接在桌面点击运营就可以了,不用每次都打开这个文献或是程序的具体寄存位置运营。29、IP地址分几类,她们的范畴是多少?答:A类保存给政府机构,B类分派给中档规模的公司,C类分派给任何需要的人,D类用于组播,E类用于实验,各类可容纳的地址数目不同。A类地址范畴: B类地址范畴:。C类地址范畴:。 D类地址范畴:、从网络规模和计算机之间的距离,计算机网络如何分类?答:按按照计算机之间的距离和网络覆盖面来分可分为A.局域网LAN(Local Area Network) 局域网地理范畴一般几百米到10km之内,属于小范畴内的连网。如一种建筑物内、一种学校内、一种工厂的厂区内等。局域网的组建简朴、灵活,使用以便。 B.城域网MAN(Metropolitan Area Network) 城域网地理范畴可从几十公里到上百公里,可覆盖一种都市或地区,是一种中档形式的网络。 C.广域网WAN(Wide Area Network) 广域网地理范畴一般在几千公里左右,属于大范畴连网。如几种都市,一种或几种国家,是网络系统中的最大型的网络,能实现大范畴的资源共享,如国际性的Internet网络。31、在Excel的地址引用中,如果要引用其她工作薄表中的内容将如何操作?答:a. 两个文献 在同一文献夹 文献1.xls 文献2.xls如果 文献2.xls 中要调用 文献1.xls 中工作表 Sheet1 的 A1格数据这样写=文献1.xlsSheet1!A1b. 如果要用绝对地址如 文献1.xls 的地址为 C:/文献1.xls则这样写公式=c:文献1.xlsSheet1!A113春大专微积分(上)考试复习资料一、【单选题】1、( D )。A B 0.5C 1D e2、设函数的定义域是,则函数的定义域是( C )。A B C D 3、设 ,则( B )。A 2B -2C 0D 14、函数的单调增区间是( B )。A (,)B (,)C (,)D (0,)5、函数在上满足拉格朗日中值定理的条件,则拉格朗日中值定理结论中的=( B )。A 0B C 1D 46、函数有( D )A 极小值2,极大值2,B 极小值2,极大值3,C 极小值1,极大值1,D 极小值1,极大值37、设曲线在某点处切线方程为,则( C )。A B C D 8、求函数的值域为( A )A B C D 9、判断曲线的凹凸性( B )A 凸的B 当x0时,为凸,x0,为凹C 无法判断D 无凸凹性10、=( C )A 0B 1C 2D 不存在11函数f(x)=C (C为常数)的导数是( A )A、0 B、C C、1 D、-2二、【判断题】对的的填A,错误的填B,12、函数为减函数。( B )13、已知函数为周期函数,则函数也是周期函数。( A )14、第二类间断点分为无穷间断点和跳跃间断点。( B )15、当时,是的等价无穷小。( B )16、函数在上满足罗尔定理的条件,则罗尔定理结论中的。( B)17、。( A )18、函数的极小值是。( A )19、已知曲线过点的切线与轴交于点,则的值是-1。( B )20、若,则。( A )21、设,则( A ) 13春大专经济学基本模拟试卷一、 【单选题】1、在需求减少,供应增长的状况下,对均衡价格和均衡数量的影响是(C )C.均衡价格下降,均衡数量上升2、经济学中短期与长期划分取决于( D )D.可否调节所有生产要素的规模3、私人商品的特点是(D )D.有竞争性与排斥性4、乘数发生作用的条件是( D )D、均衡国民收入5、在国民收入核算中,计入GDP的政府支出是指( B )B、政府购买物品和劳务的支出二、 【多选题】6、下列弹性的体现中,对的的是(ACD )。(A) 需求价格弹性是需求量变动对价格变动的敏感限度 (B) 需求价格弹性等于需求的变动量除以价格的变动量 (C) 收入弹性描述的是收入与需求量的关系 (D) 交叉弹性就是一种商品的价格变化对另一种商品需求量的影响限度7、商品的边际替代率(BCD )。A 是正的B 是负的C 具有递减的趋势D 等于该两种商品的边际效用之比8、 形成市场失灵的重要因素有(ABCD )。A 垄断B 不完全信息C 外部性D 公共物品9、经济周期繁华阶段的特性是( ABCD )。A 生产迅速增长B 投资增长C 信用扩张D 价格水平上升10、 MPS核算体系与SNA核算体系的区别重要有(ABC )。A 核算范畴不同 B 核算内容不同C 核算措施不同D 核算指标不同三、【判断题】对的的填T,错误的填F,11、供应定理最典型的例外是劳动力和土地的供应。( F )12、一般来讲。恩格尔系数越低,富裕限度和生活水平就越高。( F )13、边际收益递减规律的前提条件是生产技术水平不断变化。( T )14、农产品市场、汽车市场一般被觉得接近完全竞争市场。( F ) 15、要素所有者出卖要素获得的收入成为厂商销售收入的来源。( F )四、【名词解释】16、利息答:利息又称利率:指一定期期内利息额与借贷资金的比率,一般分为年利率、月利率和日利率,分别用百分之几、千分之几、万分之几来表达。年利率、月利率、日利率三者可以互相换算,年利率除以12为月利率,月利率除以30为日利率。17、外部性答:是指一种经济主体(生产者或消费者)在自己的活动中对旁观者的福利产生了一种有利影响或不利影响,这种有利影响带来的利益(或者说收益)或不利影响带来的损失(或者说成本),都不是生产者或消费者本人所获得或承当的,是一种经济力量对另一种经济力量“非市场性”的附带影响。18、储蓄函数答:是指储蓄与决定储蓄的多种因素之间的依存关系,是现代西方经济学的基本分析工具之一。由于在研究国民收入决定期,假定储蓄只受收入的影响,故储蓄函数又可定义为储蓄与收入之间的依存关系。19、菲利普斯曲线答:是用来表达失业与通货膨胀之间交替关系的曲线.她表白失业与通货膨胀存在一种交替关系的曲线,通货膨胀率高时,失业率低;通货膨胀率低时,失业率高。五、【简答题】20、什么是边际收益递减规律?这一规律发生作用的条件是什么?答:指在短期生产过程中,在其她条件不变(如技术水平不变)的前提下,增长某种生产要素的投入,当该生产要素投入数量增长到一定限度后来,增长一单位该要素所带来的效益增长量是递减的,边际收益递减规律是以技术水平和其她生产要素的投入数量保持不变为条件的条件下进行讨论的一种规律。发生条件是:1. 生产要素投入量的比例是可变的,即技术系数是可变的. 2. 技术水平保持不变. 3. 所增长的生产要素具有同样的效率.21、简述形成垄断竞争的条件答:垄断竞争是指介于完全竞争和完全垄断之间,既有垄断又有竞争的市场构造。在垄断竞争市场中,存在较多的厂商生产销售有差别的同种商品。形成垄断竞争的条件a.产品差别:这是形成垄断竞争的一种重要条件。由于产品有一定的差别,因此,每个公司可以吸引特定的消费者,从而对自己的产品有一定的垄断力量。但是,产品之间又具有不同限度的替代性,因此,这种垄断力量是有限的,厂商之间还存在竞争的关系。b.有较多的厂商:有差别的产品是由诸多不同的厂商生产的,这些厂商的产品具有一定限度的替代性,厂商之间为争夺更大的利润展开互相的竞争。垄断竞争是一种普遍现象,我们使用的大部分产品是垄断竞争市场生产的。c.厂商进出市场比较自由:垄断竞争市场不像完全垄断或寡头市场,没有什么进入的障碍,比较容易进入。22、简述三部门经济体系中的国民收入流量循环及恒等关系。 答:在政府参与其中的三部门经济中,国民收入从总支出角度看,涉及消费、投资、和政府购买,而从总收入角度看,则涉及消费、储蓄和税收,这里的税收是指总税收减去政府转移支付后来所得的净纳税额。总支出=总收入则 c+i+g=c+s+t i+g=s+t 该式即为三部门经济中宏观均衡的条件1、当税收为定量税时y=(a+i+g-T)/(1-)2、当税收为比例税时y=(a+i+g-t0)/1-(1-t)3.当存在政府转移支付时y=(a+i+g-t0+tr)/1-(1-t)23、政府宏观经济政策的目的是什么?答:宏观经济政策目的重要有四个:充足就业、价格稳定、经济增长和国际收支平衡。 (1)充足就业:是指涉及劳动在内的一切生产要素都能以乐意接受的价格,参与生产活动的状态,即消除了周期性失业的状况。 (2)价格稳定:是指价格指数相对稳定,不浮现严重的通货膨胀。 (3)经济增长:是指一定期期内经济的持续均衡增长。 (4)国际收支平衡:是指一国净出口与净资本流出相等而形成的平衡。 六、【论述题】24、论述通货膨胀的重要成因及其对经济社会的影响 答:通货膨胀一般指物价水平在一定期期内持续的普遍的上升过程,或者是说货币价值在一定期期内持续的下降过程。在经济学上,通货膨胀意指整体物价水平持续性上升。1、需求拉动需求拉动的通货膨胀是指总需求过度增长所引起的通货膨胀,即太多的货币追逐太少的货品,按照凯恩斯的解释,如果总需求上升到不小于总供应的地步,过度的需求是能引起物价水平的普遍上升。 因此,任何总需求增长的任何因素都可以是导致需求拉动的通货膨胀的具体因素。 2、成本推动成本或供应方面的因素形成的通货膨胀,即成本推动的通货膨胀又称为供应型通货膨胀,是由厂商生产成本增长而引起的一般价格总水平的上涨,导致成本向上移动的因素大体有:工资过度上涨;利润过度增长;进口商品价格上涨。 工资推动的通货膨胀 。工资的上升往往从个别部分开始,最后引起其她部分攀比。 利润推动的通货膨胀 。一般觉得,利润推动的通货膨胀比工资推动的通货膨胀要弱。因素在于,厂商由于面临着市场需求的制约,提高价格会受到自身规定最大利润的限制,而工会推动货币工资上涨则是越多越好。 进口成本推动的通货膨胀 导致成本推动的通货膨胀的另一种重要因素是进口商品的价格上升,如果一种国家生产所需要的原材料重要依赖于进口,那么,进口商品的价格上升就会导致成本推动的通货膨胀,其形成的过程与工资推动的通货膨胀是同样的,如20世纪70年代的石油危机期间,石油价格急剧上涨,而以进口石油为原料的西方国家的生产成本也大幅度上升,从而引起通货膨胀。 3、需求和成本混合推动在实际中,导致通货膨胀的因素并不是单一的,因多种因素同步推动的价格水平上涨,就是供求混合推动的通货膨胀。 假设通货膨胀是由需求拉动开始的,即过度的需求增长导致价格总水平上涨,价格总水平的上涨又成为工资上涨的理由,工资上涨又形成成本推动的通货膨胀。 4、预期和通货膨胀惯性在实际中,一旦形成通货膨胀,便会持续一段时期,这种现象被称之为通货膨胀惯性,对通货膨胀惯性的一种解释是人们会对通货膨胀作出的相应预期。 预期是人们对将来经济变量作出一种估计,预期往往会根据过去的通货膨胀的经验和对将来经济形势的判断,作出对将来通货膨胀走势的判断和估计,从而形成对通胀的预期。 影响:通货膨胀是资产阶级或统治阶级加强对基层劳动人民剥削和掠夺的重要手段。通货膨胀一方面给工人和农民带来深重的劫难。它使得物价不断上涨,货币购买力不断下降,由此引起工人实际工资急剧下降,生活日益贫困。而农民等小生产者则由于物价上涨过程中,工农业产品“剪刀差”的扩大,不得不以高价购买资本主义工业生产的生活资料和生产资料,低价出卖自己的农产品和手工产品,因而更加贫困。通货膨胀也严重影响一般公职人员和知识分子的生活,由于她们的薪金也不能按物价上涨的限度而相应增长。但是,通货膨胀却给垄断资产阶级带来极大利益。她们不仅会通过政府订货和价格补贴等,把资产阶级国家用滥发纸币从劳动人民那里掠夺来的大部分收入转入自己的腰包,并且可以运用实际工作下降,或者用贬了值的货币归还债务,以及运用物价飞涨乘机进行囤积居奇等等,获得巨额的利润。13春大专大学英语(一)考试复习资料I. Multiple Choices. (2 points for each, altogether 40 points)Directions: There are 20 sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word that you think best complete the sentence. Write your answers on the answer sheet.1. The house isnt big enough for a family of four, and_B_, the price is not reasonable.A. even thoughB. furthermoreC. thereforeDin that2. Now there is no need to worry about the deadline since we are ahead of_C_.A. table B. chartC. schedule Dgraph3. Doing all the housework_C_ my mother at least three hours a day.A. spendsB. affordsC. occupiesDspares4. _B_ the form with your name and your address.A. WriteB. Fill in C. Take down Dcover5. The_C_ runner can run 2 miles in fifteen minutes.A. commonB. usual C. averageDgeneral6. Since it is late to change my mind now, I am_B_ to carrying out the plan.A. obligedB. committedC. engagedDresolved7. By the time you get to New York, I_D_ for London.A. would be leaving B. am leavingC. have already leftDshall have left8. Researchers discovered that plants infected with a virus give off a gas that_B_ disease resistance in neighboring plants.A. contractsB. activatesC. maintainsDprescribe9. By law, when one makes a large purchase, he should have_D_ opportunity to change his mind.A. accurateB. urgentC. excessiveDadequate10. Water _C_on the mountains, we built many wells.A. was scarceB. scarceC. being scarceDbeing short11. We moved to the front row_B_ we could hear and see better.A. so as B. so thatC. becauseDsuch that12. She could not help weeping after she had found her favorite watch_C_.A. missB. missedC. missingDto be missed13. It is quite necessary for a qualified teacher to have good manners and_A_ knowledge.A. extensiveB. expansiveC. intensiveDexpensive14. Not only_C_,but she is a dancer.A. she is a singerB. being a singerC. is she a singerDis a singer15. No sooner had she entered the house _B_ the telephone rang.A. when B. thanC. asDwhile16. If you were older, I _C_ you to go there yesterday.A will allowB should allowC would have allowedD had allowed17. I would have come earlier, but I _A_ that you were waiting for me.A didnt knowB hadnt knowC would have knownD havent known18. This is the hotel _D_ last month.A which they stayedB at that they stayedC where they stayed atD where they stayed19. The engineer _D_ my father works is about 50 years old.A. to whomB. on whomC. with whichDwith whom20. It is very important for the strong man to know that _D_ strong he is, he cannot be the strongest.A. whateverB. wheneverC. whicheverDhowever21. Either the dean or the principal _A_ the meeting.A. attendsB. attendC. are attendingDhave attended22. On the wall _C_ two large portraits.A. are hanging B. hangedC. hangDhangs23. The missing boys were last seen _D_ near the river.A. to playB. playC. to be playingDplaying24. _B_ in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.A. To loseB. LostC. Having lostDLosingII. Cloze (2 points for each, altogether 20 points)Directions: Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Write your answers on the answer sheet.The basic meaning of“pet”is an animal we keep for emotional (情感的) rather than economic reasons. A pet animal is kept as a companion, and we all need companions to keep as feeling happy._25_ pets offer more than mere(only) companionship: they invite us to love and be loved. Many _26_ feel their pets understand them, for animals are quick to sense anger and sorrow. Often a cat or dog can comfort us _27_ when human words dont help. We feel loved, too, by the way pets _28_ us for a home, for food and drink. Dogs _29_, look up to their owners, _30_ makes them feel important and needed.A pet can be something _31_ to each member of the family, another baby to the mother, a sister or brother to a(n) _32_ child, a grandchild to the elderly, but for all of us pets provide _33_ and companionship. It has even been suggested that tiny pets _34_ be sent as companions to astronauts on space ships, to help reduce the stress (紧张) and loneliness of space flights.25. A. But B. However C. So D. Otherwise A26. A. masters B. owners C. bosses D. hosts B27. A. in time B. on time C. at times D. at no time C28. A. depend on B. live on C. wait on D. look on A29. A. especially B. hardly C. hopefully D. entirely A30. A. it B. who C. which D. what C31. A. dangerous B. necessary C. the same D. different D32. A. single B. only C. separate D. alone B33. A. loss B. love C. trouble D. pleasure D34. A. would B. could C. should D. must CIII. Reading Comprehension. (2 points for each, altogether 30 points)Directions: There are three passages followed by questions. Beneath each question there are four choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the right answer for each question. Write your answers on the answer sheet.Passage 1At most institutions in America students may purchase meals in cafeterias,dining rooms,or snack bars that are either owned and operated by the institution or concessions (出让) that are permitted to operate on the premises under a contractual(契约的)arrangement. Meals served in cafeterias or dining rooms that are associated with college dormitories are prepared for the dormitory residents and must meet certain government nutritional(营养的)standards as well as satisfy local (state or municipal)sanitary(卫生)requirements. The menus are more or less varied,depending on the imagination and resourcefulness of the management,the taste or demands of the student residents,and many other factors. These dining facilities are usually open only during specified meal hours each day.In contrast to this,other campus eating establishments that chargeby the meal may be open all day and may cater to the taste of a particular clientele (students,faculty and staff,guests of the institution,etc.). Both the cost of a meal and the choice of served food will vary according to the clientele. Snack bars and food vending machines(自动售货机)provide light meals or snacks throughout the day and often remain open until late at night. 35. The places where students may have their meals are_D_.A dining roomsBcafeteriasCsnack barsD A,B and C.36. Meals served in cafeterias or dining rooms are prepared for_A_.A dormitory residentsB faculty membersC all the students D not mentioned37. Meals must come to_D_. A certain government nutritional standards B local sanitary requirementsC under a contractual arrangementD A and B38. Other campus eating establishments may be open_B_. Aduring specified meal hours Ball dayCall day and night D A and B.39. This passage mainly tells us about_C_. A America collegesB American students C college food service in America D How to run a cafeteriaPassage 2Penguins (企鹅)live together in large and busy colonies. Every pair has a little piece of ground. When a penguin wants to walk through his neighbors ground he must ask permission. If he does not,he will have to fight.Penguins come and go all day. They fight,fish and look after their children. All penguins are good parents-the Emperor penguins are perhaps the best parents in the world. They walk in from the sea in the middle of the dark Antarctic winter. They choose their wives in the dark. They can only hear themnot see them. Then the females lay their eggs and go away for two months. The males look after the eggs. They hold them on their feet inside a fold of skin. If the eggs get cold there will be no chicks. There is no food. The snow falls. The wind blows-sometimes at 150 kilometres an hour. The penguins do not move. When the females return from the sea they will not remember their husbands. It does not matter. Only one thing matters-the eggs. Emperor penguins never fight-unless a penguin leaves a chick for a minute. Then they fight because they all want it. They are strange and wonderful birds.40. Each pair of penguins lives together with_C_. A their parents B some good neighborsC many other penguinsD their chicks41. According to the passage,Emperor penguins fight against each other for_D_.A a piece of ground B a femaleC an egg D a chick left alone by its parents42. What is very important is_C_.A female penguins B male penguinsC eggsD a piece of ground43、Penguins are strange and wonderful birds because_D_.A they only care about their children B the females do not look after their eggs C the males eat nothing while holding their eggs inside their warm fold of skin D all of the above.44、This passage mainly tells readers something_C_.A strange about the best parents in the world B wonderful about Emperor penguinsC interesting about penguins life. D funny about the fight between the male penguinsPassage 3Some students at the Open University left school 20 years ago. Others are younger but all must be at least 21 years old. This is one example of how the Open University is different from all other universities. Its students must either work full-time or be at home all day. For instance,mothers of families do not have to pass any examinations before they are accepted as students. This is why the university is called“open”. The university was started in order to help a known group-people who missed having a university education when they were young.The first name for the Open University was“The University of the air”. The idea was to teach“on the air”,in other words on radio and television. Most of the teaching is done like this. Radio and television have brought the classroom into peoples homes. But this,on its own,is not enough for a university education. The Open University student also receives advice at one of 283 study centres in the country. 36 weeks of the year he or she has to send written work to a tutor,the person who guides his or her studies. The student must also spend 3 weeks every summer as a full-time student. Tutors and students meet and study together,as in other universities. At the end of the Open Universitys first year,the results were good,3 out of every 4 students passed their examinations. If they do this every year,they will finish their studies in 4 or 5 years. 45. The purpose of the Open University is to_B_.A help the young to go to school B help those who had missed the chance to study when they were young C help those who want to study in the university D help those who do housework46. On the air means_A_.Aon radio and TV Bon the flightCon the showDon the board.47. The students of the Open University have their education_A_.A both at home and at some study centersB with their written work only C through many kinds of examinationsD with the help of their family friends48. Tutor in the second paragraph means_D_.A the person who checks the stud


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