保姆市场规范化问题的研究 法律专业外文文献翻译

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保姆市场规范化问题的研究 法律专业外文文献翻译_第1页
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保姆市场规范化问题的研究 法律专业外文文献翻译_第3页
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温州医学院外文文献翻译题 目: 法律视野下的保姆市场规范化问题的研究 姓 名: 江柳萍 学院(部): 仁济学院 专 业: 法 学 班 级: 06法学 学 号: 0606061007 指导教师: 阮旭聪 职称: 2009年11 月13日外文文献翻译浅析中国家庭佣工的现状 国际劳工组织区域办事处 亚洲及太平洋A1 Situational Analysis of Domestic Work in Chin(一)中国家庭佣工的概述国内家庭佣工受雇于由一个人或一个机构的私营企业来开展如清洁,做饭,洗衣,托儿,产妇护理工作,护理或照顾老人。有些家政工作是兼职,因此,往往会有好几个雇主共存。也有许多全职的工作比如住家保姆。根据中国定义,家庭佣工是一个“管理家庭事务,并为他们的需求而服务,包括照顾孩子, 老人和生病的人。“ 以上分析的重点是中国的国内形势。中国家政的人员可以去海外工作,但有规模,趋势和工作条件的限制。由于中国法律规定 , 不准雇用外国人作为家庭保姆,因而, 外国家庭保姆在中国工作不能受到中国法律的保护。中国国内家政服务业的规模相当大。根据最近的统计,中国大概有20万的家庭佣工 和60万的家政服务机构。 随着平均收入增加和人口老龄化,人们对家政的需求将继续增加。即使在这个经济不景气的时期,国内对家政的需求也没有减少,肯定这些人对家庭的作用是非常重要的。(二)Legislative and Regulatory issues立法和监管问题 6.1 National Laws 1、国家法律In China, there are no legal provisions governing the working conditions of domestic workers. 在中国,没有调整家政佣工工作条件的法律规定。Domestic work is regarded as informal employment, and private individuals/families do no家庭佣工的劳动被视为非正规工作,以及个人/家庭不fulfil the definition of an “employing unit” in the Labour Law (Art. 2) and the Labour Contract符合一个“用人单位”的定义 , 依据劳动法(第2条)和劳动合同法律(第2条)。In this case, civil contracts and relevant provisions of civil law app在这种情况下,只能运用民事合同和民事法律的有关规定。Without在没有法律规范的情况,家庭佣工的工资,福利,工作时间和劳动保护不能得到保证。 6.2 Key Legal References2、关键的法律参考 Private individuals/families do not fulfil the definition of an “employing unit” in Labour Law 劳动法 (Art. 2) and Labour Contract Law (Art. 2第2条和劳动合同法第2条关于“私人个人/家庭不符合一个“用人单位”的定义”。 Article 4 of the “Proposals on the Implementation of the Labour Law” explicitly states that第4条关于劳动法“明确规定的执行情况的建议”的the Labour Law does not apply to domestic workers.劳动法不适用于家庭工人。 Article 7(4) of the “Interpretation of the Supreme Peoples Court on Several Issues about 第7(4)对最高人民法院“关于对若干问题的解释the Application of Laws for the Trial of Labour Dispute Cases (II)” by the Supreme Peoples为劳动争议案件(二)由最高人民法院审判法律应用”,Court confirmed that disputes between domestic workers and the private users do not fall法院确认国内工人和私人用户的纠纷不属于under the category of labour dispute.劳资纠纷类别。 “Interpretation of the Supreme Peoples Court of Some Issues concerning the Application “解读最高人民法院关于适用若干问题的解释, of Law for the Trial of Cases on Compensation for Personal Injury” by the Suprem关于人身损害赔偿案件的审理”由最高法院Peoples Court states that the employer should be liable for compensation in the case of人民法院指出,雇主应对在受雇活动中引起的雇员的人身伤害案件,承担赔偿责任personal injury to employee in the course of employment activities.。这是迄今为止唯一合法document that can be applied to domestic worker personal injury cases.文件,它可以适用于家庭佣工人身伤害案件。 Regulations on the Management of Employment of Foreigners in China (1996) Article 34中国条例(1996)第34条,“外国人就业管理Privately-owned economic organizations and individuals are forbidden to employ民营经济组织和个人不得雇用外国人”。 Child labour: The Labour law (Jan. 1995) by NPC. 童工:全国人大常委会劳动法(1995年1月)。 Article 15 “The employer shall be 第15条“雇主应banned from recruiting juveniles under the age of 16.”Provisions on the Prohibition of禁止招募16岁以下的青少年。“关于禁止规定Using Child Labour (Dec. 2002) by the State Council.使用童工(2002年12月),由国务院规定。 Illegal recruitment: The Employment Promotion Law (Jan 2008) by NPC regulates legal 非法招聘:就业促进法(2008年1月),全国人大法律规定operations of employment agencies经营职业介绍所为法定招聘机构。 Womens rights: Law of the Peoples Republic of China on the Protection of Womens 妇女的权利: 中华人民共和国法律保护妇女的权益(2005年修订),保护妇女的权利远离身体暴力,trafficking, sexual harassment, etc.贩卖,性骚扰等。 8.三Key Challenges(三)主要挑战 Discrimination in domestic service . 1、服务方面的歧视 。Domestic work is undervalued. 家务劳动被低估了,People associate domestic service with the concept 人们对家政服务的基本观念“second-class” servants in ancient China.停滞在,古代中国的“二等”女仆。As a result, domestic workers are often treat因此,家政佣人往往without respect.不被尊重。此外,家政佣人的工作通常被认为是一个不需要技术含量,而且只要是妇女都可胜任的工作。This female-domina这个以女性为主的occupation reflects the traditional gender view toward wom职业反映了对妇女的传统性别观点。Migrant workers make u流动流动 large proportion of domestic workers, and frequently cite that they are looked down u家庭佣工大部分都是流动佣工,因此也经常遭到雇主的另眼相看。歧视和不尊重导致的结果,是每year.年家庭佣工流失率高达40。 Exclusion from the labour code . 2、除于劳动法 。 While migrant workers in other forms of employment其他就业形式的流动工人are entitled to participate in social insurance, health insurance and work injury insurance, the有权参加社会保险,医疗保险和工伤保险,但家政佣工却被排除在外, domestic sector is exempt, unless the workers are contracted by a labour dispatch domestic但弹弹但 除非他们是由国内服务机构进行劳动派遣service agency.。 In cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, local commercial insurance schemes 在北京和上海城市,当地的商业保险计划are being piloted to cover certain conditions of domestic service, but this practice is neither正在试用,包括一定的家政服务条件,但这种做法既没有mandatory nor regulated.强制性也未受到管制。 Since the labour code does not apply to domestic work, provis由于劳动法的规定不适用于家务劳动 for protection of children, aged 16-18 years also do not apply. 对年龄在16-18岁的儿童的保护也不可适用。保护佣工防止长hours, non-payment or deferral of wages, and not respecting days off are also not applicable.小时工作,不支付工资或推迟,占用休息日的也不可适用。 Labour relations vs. employment relations 3、关系与劳动关系 In China, “labour relations” applies to registered entities and is governed by labour laws, while 在中国,“劳资关系”适用于注册机构,是由劳动法管辖,而 “employment relations” applies in the informal sector, and draws from civil law.“雇佣关系”适用于非正规部门,来源于民法。Domestic wo家务劳动归属于resides in the informal sector, yet issues of workers rights and protection apply.归归 属于属于 非正规经济部门,但矛盾的是工人的权利和保护问题。 This 如何解决这一问题,一直是研究人员,律师和各个利益相关者之间的认真探讨的问题。stakeholders Low awareness of rights protection among domestic workers. 4、佣工对自我保护的权利意识较低。 Many domestic workers have low awareness and understanding of their legal rights, due to许多佣人不认识和了解自己的合法权利,由于their limited life skills education.他们有限的生活技能教育。只有少数家政佣工认识到签署合同的重要性a contract.。 A survey showed that when disputes arose, 40% of domestic workers interviewed 一项调查表明 , 当纠纷出现时,40受访家庭佣工chose to remain silent.选择保持沉默。1414Bejing Migrant Womens Club Survey on Domestic Workers, 2007 北京移民妇女会调查国内工人,2007 Lack of sufficient data on domestic workers 5、乏对国内工人有足够的数据 Most current available research is focused on domestic workers who use formal recruitment 当前大多数现有的研究重点立足于谁是通过正式招聘家政工人channels.渠道来工作的。 There is a lack of data on those who work through informal channels, particularly但是通过非正式渠道的人员,特别是工作缺乏数据related to their demographic profiles, working conditions, and vulnerabilities to forced labour与他们的人口概况,工作条件,并强迫劳动的漏洞and other abuses.和其他虐待的关注和研究十分缺乏。现There have been several severe cases reported in the media on the abuse已经有一些严重的情况被媒体报道出来,比如滥用家庭工人,强迫其劳动。Most of these victims were fro这些受害者中大多数是从rural areas and migrated through informal channels.农村地区和通过非正规渠道迁移。这类人员被of abuse and should receive more attention from the government, research institutions and滥用的几率特别高,因此他们应该得到更多的政府,究机构和the public.市民的重视(四)中国主要建议 通过Continue discussion toward improving the legal framework with the ultimate goal to对法律框架完善的继续探讨来达到保护家政人员的权利的最终目标 protect domestic workers rights.。In China, specialists are discussing whether the Labou在中国,专家们讨论保姆是否应该适用劳动Law should be applied, or a specialised regulatory framework should be developed to co法,或者由一个专门的监管制度来规制domestic work家庭佣工。There are two important considerations: (a) how appropriate are the现有两个重要的考虑因素:(一)应如何制定一个劳动法的标准来保护家庭佣工是适当的。standards of the Labour Law in protecting domestic workers(例如,他们不应该任用雇主安排,而没有自己的权利意识,实际上对佣工的工作机会只会产生消极影响);以及(二)怎样才能解决雇主和雇佣正确地认识和运用现有法律的困难问题。Strengthen law enforcement through a coordinated mechanism addressing aspects of: 通过一个协调处理机制来加强执法,主要有以下几个方面: regulating recruitment agencies, inspection, promoting contract signage, labour protection 招聘机构管理,检查,合同运用的推广,劳动保护and training systems和培训制度。 Eliminate employment discrimination消除就业歧视。Work toward ensuring domestic workers h确保家庭佣工对工作access to social security, health and maternity insurance Especially recognise th享有 社会保障,医疗和生育保险,特别关注那些elevated risks taken by migrants who enter into domestic work, and provide special具有高风险的移民佣工,并对移民妇女的需求提供特别的厚待。Measures should be taken to protect domestic workers from personal injury, sexual 应采取措施保护家庭佣工的远离人身伤害,性harassment, and to solve the problem of arrears of wages and overtime work.骚扰和解决工资拖欠和超时工作的问题。 外文文献翻译原文Overview of Domestic Work in China Scope.The ILO Regional Office for Asia and the PacificSituational Analysis of Domestic Work in China A1 1 Overview of Domestic Work in China Scope. Domestic workers are employed in private homes either by an individual or by an agency to carry out tasks such as cleaning, cooking, laundry, childcare, maternity care, nursing care or care for the elderly, Some work on a part-time basis, often for multiple employers. Many work full-time as live-in nannies. By Chinese definition, a domestic worker is a “person managing household affairs as required for the household they serve, including taking care of children,. the elderly, and sick persons.” This analysis focuses on Chinas internal situation. Chinese domestic workers are allowed to work overseas, but there is limited information available about the scale, trends, and working conditions. Since Chinese law stipulates that families are not allowed to hire foreigners, domestic workers from foreign countries cannot legally work in China. The scale of the domestic service sector in China is significant. According to recent statistics, there are about 20 million domestic workers and 600,000 domestic service agencies in China.。As average income increases and the population ages, the demand for domestic help will continue to increase. Even during this economic downturn, the demand for domestic help has not diminished, confirming the important role households believe these individuals play.2 issues National Laws no legal provisions governing the working conditions of domestic workers. Domestic work is regarded as informal employment, and private individuals/families do not fulfil the definition of an “employing unit” in the Labour Law (Art. 2) and the Labour Contract. In this case, civil contracts and relevant provisions of civil law apply. Without legal employment status, domestic workers cannot be guaranteed their wages, welfare, working hours and labour protection.。Key Legal References Private individuals/families do not fulfil the definition of an “employing unit” in Labour Law (Art. 2) and Labour Contract Law (Art. 2). Article 4 of the “Proposals on the Implementation of the Labour Law” explicitly states that the Labour Law does not apply to domestic workers. Article 7(4) of the “Interpretation of the Supreme Peoples Court on Several Issues about the Application of Laws for the Trial of Labour Dispute Cases (II)” by the Supreme Peoples Court confirmed that disputes between domestic workers and the private users do not fall under the category of labour dispute. “Interpretation of the Supreme Peoples Court of Some Issues concerning the Application of Law for the Trial of Cases on Compensation for Personal Injury” by the Supreme Peoples Court states that the employer should be liable for compensation in the case of personal injury to employee in the course of employment activities. It is so far the only legal document that can be applied to domestic worker personal injury cases. Regulations on the Management of Employment of Foreigners in China (1996) Article 34 Privately-owned economic organizations and individuals are forbidden to employ Child labour: The Labour law (Jan. 1995) by NPC. Article 15 “The employer shall be banned from recruiting juveniles under the age of 16.”Provisions on the Prohibition of Using Child Labour (Dec. 2002) by the State Council. Illegal recruitment: The Employment Promotion Law (Jan 2008) by NPC regulates legal operations of employment agencies. Womens rights: Law of the Peoples Republic of China on the Protection of Womens Rights and Interests (amended 2005) protects womens rights from physical violence, trafficking, sexual harassment, etc. 3 Key Challenges Discrimination in domestic service . Domestic work is undervalued. People associate domestic service with the concept of “second-class” servants in ancient China. As a result, domestic workers are often treated without respect. Furthermore, domestic work is often considered an unskilled job, and women have been traditionally considered capable of doing the work. This female-dominated occupation reflects the traditional gender view toward women.Migrant workers make up a large proportion of domestic workers, and frequently cite that they are looked down upon by employers. Discrimination and lack of respect result in a high turnover rate of about 40% each Exclusion from the labour code . While migrant workers in other forms of employment are entitled to participate in social insurance, health insurance and work injury insurance, the domestic sector is exempt, unless the workers are contracted by a labour dispatch domestic service agency. In cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, local commercial insurance schemes are being piloted to cover certain conditions of domestic service, but this practice is neither mandatory nor regulated. Since the labour code does not apply to domestic work, provisions for protection of children, aged 16-18 years also do not apply. Provisions preventing long hours, non-payment or deferral of wages, and not respecting days off are also not applicable. Labour relations vs. employment relations In China, “ abour elations” applies to registered entities and is governed by labour laws, while “employment relations” applies in the informal sector, and draws from civil law. Domestic work resides in the informal sector, yet issues of workers rights and protection apply. This exclusion has been a matter of serious discussion among researchers, lawyers and various stakeholders. Low awareness of rights protection among domestic workers. Many domestic workers have low awareness and understanding of their legal rights, due to their limited life skills education. Few domestic workers understand the importance of signing a contract.A survey showed that when disputes arose, 40% of domestic workers interviewed chose to remain silent. Bejing Migrant Womens Club Survey on Domestic Workers,2007 Lack of sufficient data on domestic workers Most current available research is focused on domestic workers who use formal recruitment channels.There is a lack of data on those who work through informal channels, particularly related to their demographic profiles, working conditions, and vulnerabilities to forced labour and other abuses. There have been several severe cases reported in the media on the abuse of domestic workers that fall into the forced labour category. Most of these victims were from rural areas and migrated through informal channels. This group faces a particularly high risk of abuse and should receive more attention from the government, research institutions and the public. 4 Key Recommendations for ChinaContinue discussion toward improving the legal framework with the ultimate goal to protect domestic workers rights. In China, specialists are discussing whether the Labour Law should be applied, or a specialised regulatory framework should be developed to cover domestic workers. There are two important considerations: (a) how appropriate are the standards of the Labour Law in protecting domestic workers? (For example, they should not discourage compliance by employers, and application should not negatively impact employment opportunities); and, (b) how difficult is it for employers and domestic workers to understand and apply the existing law correctly? Strengthen law enforcement through a coordinated mechanism addressing aspects of: regulating recruitment agencies, inspection, promoting contract signage, labour protection and training systems. Eliminate employment discrimination. Work toward ensuring domestic workers have access to social security, health and maternity insurance Especially recognise the elevated risks taken by migrants who enter into domestic work, and provide special attention to the needs of migrant women. Measures should be taken to protect domestic workers from personal injury, sexual harassment, and to solve the problem of arrears of wages and overtime work. 7


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