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会计学1Ving实用实用(shyng)第一页,共45页。第1页/共44页第二页,共45页。第2页/共44页第三页,共45页。第3页/共44页第四页,共45页。第4页/共44页第五页,共45页。第5页/共44页第六页,共45页。第6页/共44页第七页,共45页。第7页/共44页第八页,共45页。第8页/共44页第九页,共45页。2.verbs or verb phrases+-ing 作宾语(bny):suggest,advise,deny,imagine,mind,stop,give up,avoid,risk第9页/共44页第十页,共45页。3.It is no use+doing (no good/useless/fun/a waste of time/enjoyable/foolish)4.hear sb.doing see,watch,notice,listen to第10页/共44页第十一页,共45页。第11页/共44页第十二页,共45页。I heard the girl singing in the classroom.I noticed a long queue outside the bank waiting for it to open.The-ing form used as Object Complement(-ing形式(xngsh)作宾语补足语)We have the fire burning all day.第12页/共44页第十三页,共45页。动词-ing形式作宾语补足语常放在宾语后面,表示一个正在(zhngzi)进行的主动性的动作,强调一个过程或一种状态。小 结第13页/共44页第十四页,共45页。能跟-ing形式作宾语(bny)补足语的常见动词:“五让、三看、两听、一注意、一发现(fxin)、一感觉”。简单又好记!make,let,have,keep,leave,look at,see,watch,hear,listen to,notice,find,feel 等。怎么(zn me)记?第14页/共44页第十五页,共45页。boiling waterflying kitesWhen used as attribute第15页/共44页第十六页,共45页。a dancing girlthe rising sun第16页/共44页第十七页,共45页。a running manThe man running inthe picture is Liu Xiang.attributeThe man who is running in the picture is Liu Xiang.相当于:第17页/共44页第十八页,共45页。现在分词短语作定语用于它所修饰的名词后,相当于一个定语从句;作定语的现在分词表示(biosh)主动行为.第18页/共44页第十九页,共45页。used as adverbial 现在分词作状语时,可作时间、条件、结果、原因和伴随状语,表示正在进行的或主动的动作。此时分词的逻辑主语就是主句的主语,因此要注意人称、时态和语态(y ti)的一致性。例如:第19页/共44页第二十页,共45页。European football is played in more than 80 countries,_ it the most popular sport in the world.(NMET 1998)A.making B.makes C.made make 分析(fnx):句意:欧式足球在 80 多个国家开展,其结果是它使欧式足球成为世界上最受欢迎的体育运动。making 是现在分词作结果状语。第20页/共44页第二十一页,共45页。1.现在分词(fn c)与动名词作定语的区别?2.现在分词(fn c)与动名词作表语的区别?3.现在分词(fn c)作状语应注意的问题?第21页/共44页第二十二页,共45页。(2)a walking stick(1)a walking man=a man who is walking=a stick for walking第22页/共44页第二十三页,共45页。(1)a swimming man(2)a swimming pool第23页/共44页第二十四页,共45页。分析:现在分词与动名词作定语的区别动名词作定语,表示它所修饰的名词的用途,而不表示动作,和它所修饰的名词在逻辑上没有主谓关系。此时可转换成used for 结构(jigu)。如:There is a pool used for swimming.现在分词作定语表示它所修饰的名词正在进行的动作,可转换成定语从句:There is a man who is swimming.a swimming man a swimming pool第24页/共44页第二十五页,共45页。现在(xinzi)分词与动名词作表语的区别1.My wish is teaching in your school.2.The story is interesting.动名词作表语时表示它和主语在意义上是一致的,主语和表语的位置可互换。如上例1可以改为:Teaching in your school is my wish.而现在分词作表语表示主语的性质(xngzh)和特征,主语和表语的位置不可互换.如上例2.第25页/共44页第二十六页,共45页。现在(xinzi)分词作状语 1)Arriving home,he found nobody in.=When he arrived home,2)Being badly ill,he couldnt go to work.=As he was badly ill,he couldnt.3)Working hard,you will succeed.=If you work hard,you will succeed.小结:现在分词的一般式作 状语(zhungy)常表示与句中谓语动词同时发生的动作或状态,可用作时间、原因、条件状语(zhungy),用于句首,作用相当于相应的状语(zhungy)从句。第26页/共44页第二十七页,共45页。4)His parents died,leaving him much money.=His parents died,and left him much money.小结:现在分词(fn c)作目的、结果、伴随、方式状语时,用于句末,可改为并列谓语。第27页/共44页第二十八页,共45页。5)Having been there many times,he knew the place very well.=Because he had been there many times,he6)Having finished his work,he went to bed.=When he had finished his work,he 小结:现在分词的完成式作状语(zhungy)常表示在句中谓语动词之前发生的动作或状态,可用作时间、原因状语(zhungy).第28页/共44页第二十九页,共45页。Rewrite the following sentences,using v-ing form.第29页/共44页第三十页,共45页。1.As I know a lot of people need my help,I became an educator.Knowing a lot of people needed my help,I became an educator.2.The volcano erupted and killed all the dinosaurs.The volcano erupted,killing all the dinosaurs.第30页/共44页第三十一页,共45页。3.When the detective climbed out of the window,he waved to his partner who was waiting for him in his car.Climbing out of the window,the detective waved to his partner who was waiting for him in his car.第31页/共44页第三十二页,共45页。4.He walked down the street.He found the house he wanted.Walking down the street,he found the house he wanted.第32页/共44页第三十三页,共45页。Complete the sentences by using the words in brackets in the correct form.第33页/共44页第三十四页,共45页。1.Im an early bird,and Ive got used to _(get up)at 5:00 a.m.2.There is only one program worth _(watch)today the science program on volcanoes.getting upwatching第34页/共44页第三十五页,共45页。3.Its no use _(worry)about it.You cant do anything to change it.4.I regretted _(not apologize)to the old man for my bad behavior.worryingnot apologizing第35页/共44页第三十六页,共45页。5.My little niece and nephew are always excited to set out on a _(camp)trip.6.For fifty years,she did her job without _(complain).campingcomplaining第36页/共44页第三十七页,共45页。7._(ask)about other peoples personal business is not polite.8.I feel like _(not do)anything at all this evening.Asking not doing 第37页/共44页第三十八页,共45页。第38页/共44页第三十九页,共45页。第39页/共44页第四十页,共45页。第40页/共44页第四十一页,共45页。第41页/共44页第四十二页,共45页。第42页/共44页第四十三页,共45页。第43页/共44页第四十四页,共45页。感谢您的观看(gunkn)。第44页/共44页第四十五页,共45页。


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