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五年级上册英语集体备课备 课 人备学时间课 型新 授教学内容Unit5 What do they do?教 学目 标1. 理解、掌握对话内容,能用对的的语音语调朗读对话,并初步表演对话。2.能对的运用平常交际用语:What does he/she do? He/She is a teacher/ worker/factory/writer . . .3.能听懂、会说、会读单词:writer,at home,sick,people,factory,cook,driver,farmer,policeman. 教学重、难点1. 能对的理解对话内容,朗读对话,初步表演对话。2.能听懂、会说、会读单词:writer,at home,sick,people,factory,cook,driver,farmer,policeman.教学准备课件、展台教 学 过 程师 生 活 动二 次 备 课Step1.Warm up & Lead in1. Free talkT: (请一名学生站起来) What do you like?S: I like . . .T: What does your father like?S: He likes . . .2. Work in pairs.3. T:(接着最后一名学生的回答) Your father likes . . . What does your father do?(PPT出示此句并出示汉语意思)T: A worker? A farmer? . ( PPT: A. a worker(一名工人) B. a farmer(一名农民) . . . )生选择T: Oh your father is .?What do you do?(PPT出示此句并出示汉语意思)S: Im a student.Step2. Presentation1. PPT出示Su Hai and Mike 的图1 )T: What does Su Hai do?S: Shes a student.T: What does Mike do?S: Hes a student.T: What do their parents do? Now lets watch a cartoon and fill the form.PPT:teacherwriterdoctorfactoryMikes fatherMikes motherSu Hais fatherSu Hais mother2 ) 生看动画片3)生跟多媒体读:teacher writer doctor factoryT: What does Mikes father do?S: He is a teacher.Ss: What does Mikes mother do?T: She is a writer.Ss: What does Su Hais father do?S: She is a doctor.Ss: What does Su Hais mother do?S: She is a factory worker.2. Read the story after the tape规定学生模仿录音中的语音、语调、语调。3. Read the story by yourselfPPT:If you cant read, you can ask your partner and teacher.Step3. Practice1. Think and writeT: Boys and girls, can you introduce Mikes parents and Su Hais parents?PPT出示“Think and write”的内容PPT: Read the story and underline the sentences.生大声读课文,用铅笔画出相应的句子。指名报告2. T: Mikes father is an English teacher, Mikes mother is a writer. Su Hais father is a doctor, her mother is a factory worker. What do your parents do?S: . . .2. Do you want to know :What your partners parents do?T: Make a dialogue with your partner. What questions do you ask?S: . . .生同桌编对话指名报告Step4. Homework1. Listen and read Story time.2. Ask and answer( P50 ).板书设计: Unit5 What do you do? What do you/they do? IWeThey . . . What does he/she do? He/She is a . . .教 学反 思五年级上册英语集体备课备 课 人备学时间课 型新 授教学内容Unit5 What do they do?教 学目 标1. 复习上节课所学的词汇和故事。2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型与平常用语:What does he/she do? He/She is a teacher/ worker/factory/writer . . .教学重、难点1.句型:句型:What do you do?和What does he/she do?及其回答 He/She is a . . .的语调和用法。2.能用对的的语音语调对的的朗读对话,复述故事。教学准备课件、展台教 学 过 程师 生 活 动二 次 备 课Step1 Revision1. T: Hello, boys and girls. Last lesson we learned“What do they do?” What do they do?PPT:Ask and answer1) What does Mikes father do?2) What does Mikes mother do?3)What does Su Hais father do?4) What does Su Hais mother do?Work in pairs.2. T: (指一名学生)What does your mother do?S: Shes . . .T: (指另一名学生)What does your father do?S: Hes . . .Work in pairs.Step2. Presentation and practice1. Learn new words1)PPT出示Fun time的八幅图片T: Look at them, what do they do?PPT: nurse worker doctor teacher cook driver farmer policeman T: What can you read?S: . . .跟录音读单词2)T:(指着Miss Green)What does Miss Green do?Ss: Shes a nurse. She helps sick people.T: Oh, the nurse helps sick people.The doctor . . .( 引导学生说出每种职业的功能)PPT出示多种职业的作用,并指引学生读,为背面的练习做准备。3) Work in pairs.4) 让生写下对话。2. Do a survey1)T: Now we know their jobs, now I want to your parents jobs.Lets do a survey.PPT:a.Work in group. (四人一组进行调查,每个人都要问)b.Ues “ What does . do? She/He is . . . ”学生组内调查2)T: Now, lets introduce your partners parent. You can say “ . . . father/ mother is . . . He/She . . .”PPT出示:. . . father/ mother is . . . He/She . . .指名简介学生写下自己简介的内容Step3 Homework1. 跟录音读课文两遍。2. 用一段话简介自己的家人。板书设计: Unit5 What do you do? What do you/they do? IWeThey . . . What does he/she do? He/She is a . . . teacher work doctor worker nurse driver farmer policeman教 学反 思五年级上册英语集体备课备 课 人备学时间课 型新 授教学内容Unit5 What do they do?教 学目 标1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型与平常用语:What does he/she do? He/She is a teacher/ worker/factory/writer . . .2.词汇:sick,factory,writer,people等词的读音;teaches,has,writes,works,helps,makes,does等动词第三人称单数形式的读音及对的用法。教学重、难点词汇:sick,factory,writer,people等词的读音;teaches,has,writes,works,helps,makes,does等动词第三人称单数形式的读音及对的用法。教学准备课件、展台教 学 过 程师 生 活 动二 次 备 课Step1 Revision1.T: What do you do?S: Im a student.T: What does your sister do?S: Shes .Work in pairs2.T: Now boys and girls, lets play a game: guessing.T: (PPT出示一男的) This man has a book. Hes in a school. Miss Li and Mr Green are his friends. He can help students. He can teach. Hes a teacher. What does he do?S: . . .T: Can you say a riddle like this? the others answer.S: . . .3. PPT出示职业类单词:worker doctor teacher driver farmerT:Boys and girls, look at these words, what can you find?S: . . .T: Now, I say Chinese, you say English.OK?T: 歌手,舞蹈演员,作家。S: . . .Step2 Presentation1. Grammar timePPT: 用所给单词的对的形式填空What ( do ) you (do)?What ( do ) your father (do)?What ( do) his mother (do)?What (do) her mother (do)?指名报告T: Boys and girls, we can say : What do you do? What do . . . do?PPT: What do . . .do?师引导学生填空,并引导学生总结:do+第一、二人称T: We can say : What does your father do?What does your father do?What does . . .?PPT: What does . . . do?师引导学生填空,并引导学生总结:does+第三人称2. PPT: 用所给单词的对的形式填空I (teach) English. He (help) sick people.She (make) sweets.指名报告, 并引导学生总结:第一、二人称+动词的原形,第三人称+动词的第三人称单数形式。3. PPT: 用所给单词的对的形式填空1. What (do)she (do)? She (be)a teacher. She (teach)Chinese.2. Yang Ling (like) reading. She (have) a lot of books.3. They (be)cooks. They (make)nice food.4. Do you (work)in a school?指名报告, 并引导学生总结:动词第三人称单数的变化形式。Step3 Practice1. 做练习与测试P53第三题2. 做练习与测试P56第四题Step3 Homework1. 预习Cartoon time.2. 做补充习题反 思五年级上册英语集体备课备 课 人备学时间课 型新 授教学内容Unit5 What do they do?教 学目 标1. 欣赏Cartoon time复习巩固所学句型。2. 能用对的的语言语调朗读对话,在熟读的基本上分角色朗读。理解字母y在单词中的读音。教学重、难点能用对的的语言语调朗读对话。教学准备课件、展台教 学 过 程师 生 活 动二 次 备 课Step1 Free talk1.Greeting2.T:(指名学生) What does your father do?S: . . .T: Oh, he is . . . He . . . What does your father do?Can you introduce your father?S: . . .Step2 Cartoon time1. PPT出示第一幅图T: Look at the car, What do you want to say?S: . . .T: Yes, its very nice. Whose car is it?S: . . .T: Yes, its Bobbys fathers car? What does Bobbys father do?Now, lets watch cartoon and answer these questions:1) What does Bobbys father do?2) What does Bobbys friends father do?3) Is Bobby happy in picture4?2. 学生看卡通片回答问题3. 引导学生理解Bobby的情感变化PPT呈现图片2, 3,4,引导学生体会Bobby和朋友说话时的语调和情感变化,即从骄傲到惊讶,再到最后的沮丧。4. 跟读故事教师播放录音,规定学生跟读对话,模仿语音语调。5. 角色表演组织学生分角色朗读对话,并鼓励她们尝试表演故事,体现故事的风趣。Step3 Sound time1. 教师示范朗读单词fly, my, sky, try 和why, 然后引导学生总结字母y 在这几种单词中读/ai/ .2. 生跟录音读单词和歌谣。3. 分组进行歌谣朗读竞赛,比一比那一组读得又流利又对的。4. PPT出示具有字母y且读音为/ai/的新单词,鼓励她们读一读。如by, July, style, spy等。Step4. Culture time1. PPT出示此部分,生跟PPT读。2.PPT: 美国人为什么叫警察为cop?cop一词来源于copper(铜)。说,由于美国警察都穿有铜扣的大衣,戴铜制的徽章,因此人们就戏称警察为copper。久而久之,copper就变成了cop。3. PPT出示美国英语和英国英语体现同一事物和意思时用词不同的单词: 英国 美国秋天 autumn fall电影 film movie商店 shop store糖果 sweet candyStep5. Homework1. 借助电脑,理解一下美国英语和英国英语体现同一事物和意思时用词不同的单词尚有哪些?2. 跟录音读Cartoon time.反 思五年级上册英语集体备课备 课 人备学时间课 型新 授教学内容Unit5 What do they do?教 学目 标1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型与平常用语:What do you do at weekends? I alwaysusuallyoftensometimes . . .2.能运用所学句型及单词简介自己家人及亲戚朋友的职业。3.理解同一职业在不同国家的体现不同。教学重、难点能运用所学句型及单词简介自己家人及亲戚朋友的职业。教学准备课件、展台教 学 过 程师 生 活 动二 次 备 课Step1. Free talk1. Greeting. 2. T: How many people are there in your family? S: . . .T: What do they do?S: . . .Work in pairs.Step2. Do a survey1.T: Now, lets do a survey. Please open your books to page56.PPT: 1. Work in groups. 2. Ask your partner and write.2. 学生小组内调查。3. 指名报告。4.T: Can you introduce your partners parents and relatives?S: . . .Step3. Think and writeT: What do your parents and relatives do? Look at page57, think and write.生思考写下来。指名报告。同桌互批,订正。Step4. Consolidation1.听写单词:teacher,teach,write,work,doctor,help,worker,nurse.2.听写句型:What does he/she do? He/She is a teacher/ worker/factory/writer . . .3.Ticking time.4.Do some exercise book.Step5. Homework1. 完毕此单元的补充习题。2. 熟背本单元课文。 反 思


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