教学案例 (8)

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NSEFC Book 7 Unit 3 Under the seaReadingOld Tom the killer whale高二英语 谭小芬Analysis For StudentsStudents are at the age of 15 or 16, they are full of curiosity and they are eager to know the world, especially something they seldom or hardly knew before, such as the undersea world. Students have some knowledge about the undersea world through some movies or TV programs. Seeing so many wonderful and fantastic plants and animals, they will show a strong interest in exploring the world.Analysis On the Teaching ContentsThis text tells stories about a killer whale. A whaler, whose name was Clancy, tells two moving stories about Old Tom, who helped to hunt whales and rescue people. This is the first period of Unit 3, a new lesson. Its helpful to enhance the students love towards animals and their awareness of protecting animals. Teaching Aims:Ability goals1. Enable the students search for specific information and get the general idea of the text.2. Improve the students reading abilities and develop students ability of expressing their own opinions in EnglishLearning ability goals1. Get a brief knowledge of the plants and animals under the sea, especially the killer whale, Old Tom.2. Learn important words and expressions in this part.Emotional goalsRealize the importance of protecting animals, and properly deal with the relationship between human beings and animals.Teaching important & difficult pointsKnow what happened in each story and the detailed information of the reading material.Teaching methods1. Fast-reading and careful-reading methods 2. Speaking and listening3. Cooperative approachTeaching aidsA computer, a projector, slides, pictures and a video about the killer whale Teaching proceduresStep 1 Warming up1. Show some beautiful undersea pictures to lead in the topic.2. Ask Ss where and how we can see these.3. Introduce some undersea plants and animals.Step 2 Pre-reading1. Look at the picture on Page 19: What do you think is happening?2. Read the passage and fill in the blank:WriterClancyJobA whalerWriting styleAnecdotestimeAt the beginning of the 20th century PlaceAustraliaMain characters Whalers, killer whales, a baleen whaleMain ideaThe killer whales helped people to kill a baleen whaleStep 3 Fast readingRead the text quickly and find out: 1. Who is Old Tom?Old Tom is a killer whale.2. Get the main idea of each story: The first story is mainly about _B_.A. a hunting experience of Old Tom B. how Old Tom helped with whale huntingC. how the whalers killed a whaleD. how killer whales killed a whaleThe second story is mainly about _A_.A. Fierce killers, like Old Tom, could protect people.B. James was washed off the boat.C. It was hard to handle the boat in rough sea.D. Old Tom rescued James from other killer whales.Step 4 Careful reading1. Read Para 1 carefully and answer the following questions: When did Clancy believe that killer whales could help them?After he witnessed it with his own eyes.2. Read Para 2 to the end of the first story carefully and fill in the blanks on the 31st English Weekly:3. Read the second story carefully and answer the following question: Which was Not the danger facing James? ( D ) A. being washed off the boat.B. being carried away by rough waves.C. a shark out there.D. being attacked by another killer whaleHow did Old Tom help him out? Why do you think he did this?Old Tom prevented James from drowning. Old Tom wanted to help his human friends.Step 5 Post reading1. We can infer from the text that _A_. A. The killer whales may be trained by the whalers.B. The killer whales want to help man catch the whales themselvesC. The killer whales need no training for helping the whalersD. The killer whales want to eat the whales after killing them2. Put the events in the reading passage into the timeline on Page 21. DiscussionAfter reading, we can see those kinds of natural forces are really awful. Does that mean we are completely powerless while facing them? Is that to say we can not get along well with nature? How can we live in harmony with nature? Homework1. Find out words, expressions and sentences which you think are useful, important or difficult to understand.2. Finish exercises in Learning about language. (Ex 1, 2)教学反思:本单元主要介绍海底世界里的动植物,海底的世界奥妙无穷,有绚丽多姿、美轮美奂的植物,也有色彩斑斓、凶狠残暴的动物,鲨鱼就是学生最感兴趣的一种海底动物,特别是看过一些关于鲨鱼的电影录像等,学生总对其保持着一颗好奇心。如此凶残的动物却也能与人类合作。第一篇阅读就是介绍了“海上霸王”虎鲸如何帮助人类捕杀其他鲸鱼、以及保护人类的两个故事。在导入部分,先向学生展示一些海底动植物照片,让学生对海底世界有个基本了解。再联系课文,给学生播放关于虎鲸袭击大白鲨以及人类的视频,通过视频的观看,让学生对虎鲸有更直接的了解,因此也能激发学生对动物的爱护以及人类应该如何与动物相处的思考。课文讲解采用读前、快速阅读、仔细阅读、读后四步阅读技巧,让学生对课文内容把握到位。而在讨论部分,结合捕鲸话题,让学生自由探讨,深思人们对“鱼翅”消费的问题,激发学生保护鲨鱼这种濒临灭绝的动物。通过这单元的学习,既能让学生了解关于海洋世界的一些基本知识,特别是关于鲸鱼、鲨鱼这些海底动物,还能让学生对人类与动物的关系进行反思,学完本课,学生对动物的保护意识能得到加强。不足的一点是,对于文科班女生居多的情况,捕杀鲸鱼的画面太过血腥,让学生觉得有些捕鲸人太过残忍,不过却也觉得发人深省。


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