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英语句子成分定义 :构成句子的各个部分叫做句子成分。句子成分有重要成分和次要成分;重要成分:主语和谓语次要成分:表语、宾语、定语、状语、补足语、同位语 I met my best friend Tom at the station yesterday.主语:句子的主体Studentsstudy English. Smoking is bad for health.What he has said is true. 从句做主语(主语从句)It is very clear that the elephant is round and tall like a tree.(It是形式主语,从句that.tree才是真正主语)(主语从句)练习:划出句中主语The sun rises in the east. Twenty years is a short time in history. The poor are now living in the shelter. Seeing is believing. To see is to believe. What he needs is a book.谓语:动词或者动词词组1、 简朴谓语:由一种动词或动词短语构成。如:Studentsstudy English2、复合谓语:(1)由情态动词或其她助动词加动词原形构成。 如:He can speak English. He has caught a bad cold.(2)由系动词加表语构成。 如:We are students.练习:选出下列句子中的谓语Idontlikethepictureonthewall. Iusuallygotoschoolbybus. Didthetwinshaveporridgefortheirbreakfast? Tomdidntdohishomeworkyesterday. WhatIwanttotellyouisthis. Wehadbettersendforadoctor. Heisinterestedinmusic.He can speak English well. 表语:系动词背面的成分名词作表语 I am a student. My father is a teacher.形容词作表语 Thistableislong. You look young. Itgetscold. Itsoundsinteresting.副词作表语 Everyone is here.介词短语作表语 They are in the park.不定式作表语 My job is to teach them English.动名词作表语 Her job is training the nurses.从句作表语(表语从句) That is why he didnt come to school yesterday.系动词:(1) 状态: be 动词 (2) 持续:表达主语继续或保持一种状况或态度,重要有keep,remain,stay,rest,lie,stand. (3) 表像:表达“看起来仿佛”,重要有seem,appear,look (4) 感官:表达“起来”,有feel(摸起来,感觉),smell(闻起来),sound(听起来),taste(尝起来,吃起来) 等(5) 变化:表达主语变成什么样,重要有become, grow, turn, fall, get, go, come, run(6) 终结:重要有prove, turn out(成果是,证明是)等.如:His story proved false.她讲的状况本来是假的.My intuition turned out to be correct.我的直觉证明是对的.练习:划出句中表语The speech is exciting. They seem to know the truth.Time is precious.Im tired today.That remains a puzzle.I dont feel sad. Thats why he came here.宾语:动作承受者名/代词作宾语 He never forgives others. He often helps me. 不定式作宾语 He likes to sleep in the open air.动名词作宾语 The Americans enjoyed living in China.从句做宾语(宾语从句) I believe that they can finish the work in time.We found it necessary to study English.(it形式宾语,to do是真正宾语)宾语分为直接宾语和间接宾语. 直接宾语指物,间接宾语指人.Please pass me the book. (me是间接宾语,the book是直接宾语)练习:划出句中宾语Show your passport, please. She didnt say anything. How many do you want? - I want two. They sent the injured to hospital. They asked to see my passport. I enjoy working with you. Did you write down what he said? I succeeded in passing the exam.宾语补足语:有些及物动词除了有一种直接宾语以外,还要有一种宾语补足语,才干使句子的意义完整,否则就不完整。宾补重要用来阐明宾语的身份和状态以补充其意义局限性。I found the book interesting.I make my students intertested in my class.She asked me to lend her a hand.We made him monitor in our class.We found him in trouble now. We found it necessary to study English.(it形式宾语,to do是真正宾语 necessary是宾补)练习:划出句中宾补Shelikesthechildrentoreadnewspapersandbooksinthereading-room.Heaskshertotaketheboyoutofschool.Shefinditdifficulttodothework.TheycallmeLilysometimes.IsawMr.Wanggetonthebus.注:直接宾语和宾补的辨别:前面宾语和宾补有主谓逻辑关系,而间接宾语和直接宾语没有主谓逻辑关系,例如1. We made him monitor in our class. 我们选她做我们班的班长。(宾语him与monitor是主谓关系He is monitor她是班长,因此这里monitor是宾补)2. He bought his girlfriend some flowers. 她买给她女朋友某些花。(宾语his girlfriend与some flowers没有逻辑关系,不能说“她女朋友是花”因此some flowers是直接宾语)定语:用来修饰名词或代词的成分 形容词作定语The black bike is mine.代词作定语 Whats your name?名词作定语 They made some paper flowers.介词短语作定语 The boys in the room are in Class Three, Grade One.不定式作短语 I have lots of homework to do 从句作定语 (定语从句) The tall boy who is standing there is Peter.练习:划出句中定语He is a clever boy.There are 54 students in our class.Do you know Bettys sister?.There is a sleeping baby in bed.His spoken language is good.The girl in red is his sister.We have a lot of work to do.The girl standing under the tree is his daughter.Do you know the man who spoke just now?同位语:当两个指同一事物的句子成分放在同等位置时,一种成分用来阐明或解释另一种成分。下面例句中黑体和横线部分互为同位语。其中前项与后项所指内容相似, 句法功能(即在句中作主谓宾等成分)也相似,并常常紧挨在一起。We have two children, a boy and a girl. 我们有两个孩子, 一男一女。(都在句中作宾语)We young people should respect the old. 我们年轻人应当尊敬老人。(都在句中作主语)They all wanted to see him. 她们都想见她.(都在句中作主语)Lets you and me go to work, Oliver. 我们俩去工作吧.(都在句中作主语)Are you two ready?你们俩准备好了吗?(都在句中作主语)The news that we are having a holiday tomorrow is not true. 明天放假的消息不确.(都在句中作主语)(同位语从句)练习:找出句中互为同位语的成分,并指出它们在句中的句法功能Mrs.Brown, Johns mother is a kind lady.Word came that her husband was killed in an accident.I am sorry to hear the news that his grandfather is dead.状语: 按用途可分为时间、地点、方式、因素、成果、目的、条件、让步、限度、方式、随着 等(1). 时间状语Shall we do the shopping today ?(2). 地点状语There are plenty of fish in the sea.(3). 因素状语I eat potatoes because I like them.(4). 成果状语She spoke so softly that I couldnt hear what she said.(5). 目的状语In order to get into a good school, I must study even harder.(6). 条件状语If he were to come, what should we say to him?(7). 让步状语He helped me although he didnt know me.(8). 限度状语The lecture is very interesting.(9). 随着状语My train starts at six, arriving at Chicago at 10.练习:划出句中状语 There was a big smile on her face. Every night he heard the noise upstairs. He began to learn English when he was eleven. The man on the motorbike was travelling too fast. With the medicine box under her arm, Miss Li hurried off句子成分划分课后巩固练习题1.Thestudentsgotontheschoolbus.2.Hehandedmethenewspaper.3.Ishallansweryourquestionafterclass.4.Hisjobistotrainswimmers.5.HetookmanyphotosinBeijing.6.Hiswishistobecomeascientist.7.He told me that his brother is a world-famous doctor.8.HefounditimportanttomasterEnglish.9.Hesatthere,readinganewspaper.10.Theapplestastedsweet.11.Mygrandfatherboughtmeapairofsportsshoes.12. Iloveyou13.Treesturngreenwhenspringcomes.14.Grandmatoldmeaninterestingstorylastnight.15.Lilyiscleaningthedesknow.16.Hergardenisthebestinourtown17.Weheardhersingingasong.18.Ilikethisbookverymuch.19.ThegirlonthebluebikeisJanessister.20.Shedidntcometomypartybecauseshewasill.21.WangPingdoeshishomeworkcarefully.22.WewillgototheChildrensPalaceonceaweek.23.Theyareintheclassroom.24.Weenjoylisteningtothemusic.25.Iseeherdance.26.Wealwaysgotoschoolearly.27. Ialwaysfindherhappy28. Thechildrenboughttheirparentsacar29. Helikestoplaybasketball.30. Yesterday I talked to my English teacher, Mr.James.随堂练习参照答案:主语:The sun rises in the east. Twenty years is a short time in history. The poor are now living in the shelter. Seeing is believing. To see is to believe. What he needs is a book.谓语:Idontlikethepictureonthewall. Iusuallygotoschoolbybus. Tomdidntdohishomeworkyesterday. WhatIwanttotellyouisthis. Wehadbettersendforadoctor. Heisinterestedinmusic.He can speak English well. 表语:The speech is exciting. They seem to know the truth.Time is precious.Im tired today.That remains a puzzle.I dont feel sad. Thats why he came here.宾语:Show your passport, please. She didnt say anything. How many do you want? - I want two. They sent the injured to hospital. They asked to see my passport. I enjoy working with you. Did you write down what he said? I succeeded in passing the exam.宾补:Shelikesthechildrentoreadnewspapersandbooksinthereading-room.Heaskshertotaketheboyoutofschool.Shefinditdifficulttodothework.TheycallmeLilysometimes.IsawMr.Wanggetonthebus.定语:He is a clever boy.There are 54 students in our class.Do you know Bettys sister?There is a sleeping baby in bed.His spoken language is good.The girl in red is his sister.We have a lot of work to do.The girl standing under the tree is his daughter.Do you know the man who spoke just now?同位语:Mrs.Brown, Johns mother is a kind lady. (主语)Word came that her husband was killed in an accident.(主语) I am sorry to hear the news that his grandfather is dead. (宾语)状语:There was a big smile on her face.Every night he heard the noise upstairs.He began to learn English when he was eleven.The man on the motorbike was travelling too fast.With the medicine box under her arm, Miss Li hurried off.课后练习参照答案:1. 主 谓 定 宾2. 主 谓 间宾 直宾3. 主 谓 定 宾 时状4. 定 主 系 表 (系动词+表语=谓语)5. 主 谓 宾 地状6. 定 主 系 表7. 主 谓 间宾 直宾(宾语从句)8. 主 谓 形式宾语 宾补 真正的宾语 (To master English is important“掌握英语很重要”有逻辑关系,因此是宾补)9. 主 谓 地状 随着状语10. 主 系 表11. 定 主 谓 间宾 直宾12. 主 谓 宾13. 主 系 表 时间状语(从句)14. 主 谓 间宾 定 直宾 时状15. 主 谓 宾 时状16. 定 主 系 表 地状17. 主 谓 宾 宾补 (She was singing a song.“她在唱歌”有逻辑关系)18. 主 谓 宾 状19. 主 定 系 定 表20. 主 谓 宾 因素状语(从句)21. 主 谓 宾 状22. 主 谓 定 宾 时状23. 主 系 表24. 主 谓 宾25. 主 谓 宾 宾补 (She is dancing.“她在跳舞”有逻辑关系)26. 主 状 谓 宾 时状27. 主 状 谓 宾 宾补 (She is happy.“她不久乐”有逻辑关系)28. 主 谓 定 间宾 直宾29. 主 谓 宾30. 时状 主 谓 定 定 宾 同


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