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Summary writingLearning objectives:1.To have a better understanding of the elements of a summary;2.To learn and be able to write a satisfactory summary.Summary writing(约约30个词概括个词概括)概要概要:约约30词,少于词,少于25或多于或多于40词均扣词均扣2分分 抄袭原文材料抄袭原文材料为无效要点为无效要点;改变句式表达方式,;改变句式表达方式,并有适当发挥,不认定为抄袭。并有适当发挥,不认定为抄袭。读写作文写好读写作文写好summary summary 的意义的意义 第一段是第一段是定调子定调子,阅卷老师往往读,阅卷老师往往读完第一段就已经打出基本分了。完第一段就已经打出基本分了。-高考阅卷老师高考阅卷老师 相对于写作的其他要求来说,这一相对于写作的其他要求来说,这一部分较难写,这一部分先读后概括,部分较难写,这一部分先读后概括,而其他部分都是有中文提纲的。而其他部分都是有中文提纲的。-往届实验班考生往届实验班考生 What is a Summary?A summary is a short account giving the main points of something longer or detailed.以约以约30个词概括主要内容个词概括主要内容 A peacock was very unhappy with his ugly voice,and he spent most of his days complaining about it.“It is true that you cannot sing,”said the fox,“but look how beautiful you are!”“Oh,but what good is all this beauty,”cried the bird,“with such an unpleasant voice!”“Listen,”said the fox,“each one owns something good.You have such beauty.The nightingale has his song;and the owl has his eyes.Even if you had a sweet voice,you would still complain about another thing.Why cant you just be happy about what you have already got?”人称时态人称时态 The story is about a peacock with beautiful feathers.The peacock always feels unhappy because of his unpleasant voice.The fox comforts him,adding that you should treasure what you have already got.feelscomfortsyouyou过多细节过多细节 In the article above,a peacock was always complaining about not having a sweet voice until the fox pointed out that he possessed a beautiful appearance.And the bird agreed with it.Finally,the fox argued that he should value what he had instead of complaining about what he didnt possess.53 words直接引语直接引语 A peacock was unhappy with his ugly voice.However,the fox reminded him,“No one is perfect,each one should be happy about what you have got.”-过早表达观点过早表达观点 Each of us has strengths and weaknesses,such as a peacock.A peacock was upset about his voice,but ignored his own beauty.A fox told him that he should be content with what he had already got.-A peacock complained a lot about his ugly voice while actually he looked very beautiful.A fox advised him to be content with what he was blessed with.dos and donts 1、注意人称时态、注意人称时态正确正确;2、不写过多、不写过多细节细节:实行精实行精“兵兵”裁裁“员员”3、不用、不用直接引语直接引语;4、不能、不能过早过早表达表达观点观点;5、不可完全、不可完全照抄照抄原文;原文;6、不可加入、不可加入自己自己的观点;的观点;7.思路清晰,思路清晰,巧用关联词巧用关联词增强文章的增强文章的 连贯性。连贯性。Styles of passageNarration(记叙文记叙文)1 Argumentation(说明文说明文)2Exposition(议论文议论文)3图文并茂的材料图文并茂的材料4图文并茂的材料图文并茂的材料42015高考作文图文并茂的材料图文并茂的材料41.1.记叙文记叙文 写作方法:串联要素法写作方法:串联要素法 六个要素:六个要素:who;when;where;what;how;why 某人做了某事某人做了某事,结果如何?结果如何?The passage mainly talks about.This story is about a peacock who complained a lot about his ugly voice while actually he looked very beautiful.A fox advised him to be content with what he was blessed with.l(1)对象、性质功用、利好)对象、性质功用、利好l(2)问题、解决方法)问题、解决方法l(3)现象、原因、结果)现象、原因、结果The topic-whatKoalas are unhappy and complainingThe reasons-whyTourists taking photosThe effects-how Being repeatedly awakenThe solutionsGovernment ban the practiceThe conclusionBe more kind to animals koalas in wildlife parks that are repeatedly awaken from their deep sleep are unhappy and complaining for tourists taking photos.The author appeals to us to be more kind to animals.Koalas in wildlife parks cant fall asleep because tourists keep disturbing them.The government is considering making the tourists behavior illegal to protect the animals.PracticePassage A(2014年江苏高考作文年江苏高考作文)板块板块(次)重点(次)重点1.1.概要概要(第一段(第一段-约约30词,少于词,少于25或多于或多于40词均扣词均扣2分)分)1 1)英语词汇被收录于汉)英语词汇被收录于汉语词典语词典2 2)不同的人观点不一)不同的人观点不一2.2.发表自己的观点发表自己的观点(第二段(第二段-观点鲜明,观点鲜明,不能骑墙)不能骑墙)1)自己的观点(赞成或反对)自己的观点(赞成或反对均可)均可)2)理由)理由2-3点(注:若写点(注:若写4点点则从总分中扣则从总分中扣2分)分)3.结论(第三段)结论(第三段)结尾句(无此项扣结尾句(无此项扣1分)分)Today,more and more English words find their way into the Chinese language.Even the Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese has included 239 English words.Some people support it while others do not.WithEnglishwordsgettingpopularinbothmediaanddailylife,aChinesedictionaryhasincluded239ofthem,leavingthepublicdividedintotwoopposinggroups:“For”and“Against”三要素:三要素:论点、论据、论证。论点、论据、论证。文章结构:文章结构:总分结构、分总结构、总分结构、分总结构、平行结构。平行结构。Getting up early has been regard as a good habit since ancient times.Many years ago,people thought that if we went to bed early and get up early,we would be energetic the whole day.So,getting up early is of great importance to us all.In fact,morning is the best time of a day.In the morning,the air is the freshest and people are usually in the best conditions.Many of us may have the experiences that we memorize some things more quickly and accurately in the morning than any other time of the day.If we do some morning exercise or only take a short walk in the morning,we can build our bodies and become much healthier.Also we will have enough time to make a plan and get ready for our work or study of the day if we get up early.However,if we get up late,we will probably have to do everything in a great hurry.Let us remember getting up early is a good habit and try our best to keep it.If we stick to getting up early every day,we will certainly benefit a lot from it.1.A strong statement of opinion.(the key idea):Getting up early/a good habit/of great importance 2.Support for the opinion(supporting sentences)a better memorya better memory a healthier body a healthier body a better preparation for the day a better preparation for the day3.Conclusion/suggestions.a good habit/benefit a lot/benefit a lot Getting up early in the morning is a good habit that will benefit us a lot.It enables us to have a better memory,healthier body and better preparation for the day.l Teamwork is about people working together as a team.The idea has spread from the world of sports to business.In the 21st century,as people and their work are becoming more technically advanced,working as a team makes it easier to get things done.l Some things cannot be done by people working individually.More complex goals usually require that people work together.Anyone who has ever been to a job interview will almost certainly have been asked what teamwork means to them.This is because companies want people who are team players,who can get along with their colleagues and work together in a group.Because teamwork is required by many organizations today,they will often organize team building events in an attempt to get people to work as a team than as individuals.Teamworkrequired byThere are seven important skills that one must learn in order to be a successful team player.They are as follows:Listening-listen and allow people to freely express their ideas.Questioning-ask questions and discuss the objectives of the team.Persuading-encourage people to exchange,defend,and rethink their ideas.Respecting-treat others with respect and to support their ideas.Helping-help ones partners,this is the general theme of teamwork.Sharing-share ideas and resources with the team to create an environment of teamwork.Participating-all members of the team are encouraged to participate in the team.skills The passage states the importance of teamwork in business and that,in a more competitive world,people must co-operate in order to achieve their goals.Besides,seven teamwork skills are also described.Q1:图文并茂的读写归纳要涉及图吗?:图文并茂的读写归纳要涉及图吗?l审题审题l看图画或图表的作用看图画或图表的作用l漫画通常可忽略漫画通常可忽略l图表看作用,有时不可忽略图表看作用,有时不可忽略2015高考作文Think:2015高考的这幅图在文字中高考的这幅图在文字中体现了吗?体现了吗?Tip1l多个并列语段只要找出其共性多个并列语段只要找出其共性 主题,主题,为为某一段落某一段落服务的插图服务的插图 可不涉及可不涉及。Model 1:Topic+support The traffic issue is a hard nut to crack.It not only affects our everyday life,but may alsothreaten peoples lives.The three selections presented above are typical examples.(2015高高考范文)考范文)观察一下图文的关系观察一下图文的关系苏州20162015高考作文的翻版高考作文的翻版 Cultural differences do exist in every corner of the world,where the same behavior often carries totally different meanings when we socialize with people.The three experiences of the author are typical examples.苏州2016l The panda is the most widely recognized symbol among foreigners to represent Chinese culture,followed by green tea and yin/yang,according to a survey conducted by the Beijing Institute of Culture Innovation and Communication.Researchers selected 18 symbols of Chinese culture,including Confucius(孔子)(孔子),Beijing opera and Kung fu.l“It is interesting to find that foreigners have a very different understanding of Chinese culture from us,”said Yu Dan,a professor of Chinese culture at Beijing Normal University.l The survey collected 2,047 questionaires from the United States,United Kingdom,France,Australia,Japan and South Korea.Respondents were asked to rate their understanding of Chinese culture on a five-point scale from excellent to poor.The results were indicated in the following chart.读写读写先读后写读写读写先读后写lThe panda is the most widely recognized symbol among foreigners to represent Chinese culture,followed by green tea and yin/yang,according to a survey conducted by the Beijing Institute of Culture Innovation and Communication.Researchers selected 18 symbols of Chinese culture,including Confucius(孔子)(孔子),Beijing opera and Kung fu.l“It is interesting to find that foreigners have a very different understanding of Chinese culture from us,”said Yu Dan,a professor of Chinese culture at Beijing Normal University.lThe survey collected 2,047 questionaires from the United States,United Kingdom,France,Australia,Japan and South Korea.Respondents were asked to rate their understanding of Chinese culture on a five-point scale from excellent to poor.The results were indicated in the following chart.Think:以上的三段文字和图之间是什么关系?l图表中的内容在文章中体现了吗?图表中的内容在文章中体现了吗?要写吗?要写吗?Model 2 point 1+however+point 2 The box-office income of Chinese movies witnessed a constant increase from about 17 billion yuan in 2012 to over 40 billion in 2015.However,that increase slowed down in 2016.Q2 summary如何踩点如何踩点l 抓住主题句中心词抓住主题句中心词l理清逻辑关系理清逻辑关系l不遗漏信息不遗漏信息,但决不罗嗦但决不罗嗦l有概括性思考,但决不画蛇添足有概括性思考,但决不画蛇添足简约而不简单简约而不简单simplicity but not simpleThe examiner will assess the ability of the candidate to use a variety of tenses correctly,a range of vocabulary and spell words accurately and use vocabulary and grammar to express points.He/she will also check to see whether you have a suitable layout and logic ordering of points.Using correct connectives to link points will aid coherence and cohesion(连贯与衔连贯与衔接接).So spare no effort to polish up your English.


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