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Unit 1 Know yourself (Grammar A)Wu Wei doesnt like to talk much,but his work shouts.He wants to share the best art with people,so hes always searching for something better or different.Su Ning is active and and energetic,and she loves working with people.Liu Hao always works to high standards,but hes modest and easy to work with.We can use conjunctions like and,but,or and so to join ideas together.Lets join the two sentences together:1.Mr Wu is patient.He often repeats grammar rules for us.Mr Wu is patient,and he often repeats grammar rules for us.We use and to join ideas that are similar.2.The boy is not tall.He runs very fast.The boy is not tall,but he runs very fast.We use but to join ideas that are different.3.I can be a good teacher.I can be a good doctor.I can be a good teacher or a good doctor.We use or to introduce another possibility.4.He doesnt like singing.He doesnt like dancing.He doesnt like singing or dancing.In negative sentences,we use or to join two or more ideas.5.It began to rain.We went home.It began to rain,so we went home.We use so to express the result of something.We can never use so and because together.Millie is writing to her cousin Shirley.Help her join her ideas with and,but,or or so.Tianjin has many restaurants.Tianjin baozi is very famous there.I can go swimming with Kitty.I can go swimming with Ann.(只和一个人去只和一个人去)Tianjin has many restaurants and Tianjin baozi is very famous there.I can go swimming with Kitty or Ann.The Yellow Mountain is high.The Yellow Mountain is beautiful.The TV play is interesting.Id like to watch it.The Yellow Mountain is high and beautiful.The TV play is interesting,so Id like to watch it.Moon cakes are sweet.I cant eat too many at a time.We dont like air pollution.We dont like water pollution.Moon cakes are sweet,but I cant eat too many at at time.We dont like air pollution or water pollution.Millie wants to write about her classmates.Help her join her ideas with and,but,or or so.1.Kitty is kind.Sometimes she is impatient._ _2.Billy would not accept others advice.Billy would not think twice._ _Kitty is kind,but sometimes she is impatient.Billy would not accept others advice or think twice.3.Judy is gentle.Judy never gets angry with others._ _4.Suzy worries too much.She cannot sleep well sometimes._ _Judy is gentle,and Judy never gets angry with others.Suzy worries too much,so she cannot sleep well sometimes.“Or”has another meaning,it can also mean“otherwise(否则否则)”.e.g.Get up quickly,or youll be late.Study hard,or you wont pass the exam.1.Which is bigger,the sun _ the moon?2.It was hard work,_ they really enjoyed it.3.It was our first lesson,_ the teacher didnt know all our names.4.Yancheng is beautiful,_ its cold in winter.5.There is no air _water on the moon.6.That was a long _ boring speech.7.They made faces,_we all laughed.8.Hurry up,_ you will miss the bus.9.I dont like chicken,_ I like fish.10.Charlie took the job,_ he did it well.Fill in the blanks with and,but,or or so.orbutsobutorandsoorbutand


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