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人教版八年级下册英语期末试卷及答案卷 听力部分(第一节)I:情景反应。(只听一遍, 每小题1分,共5分)( )1. B. C.( )2. A. B. C. ( )3 A. . ( )4. A. B C ( )5. A B. C. II:对话理解。(共个小题, 每小题1分,共5分)( )6.Wht est wl e by have? A.Es. . Math. C inese.( ).What team sAlie on? Bkeball. B. Volleb. C. Fooall.( )8.What il h irl do on Snday? A. Se will v a in lesn. B. She wil visithrgandprets. C.She will havea pao lesson.( )9 Dd egirlwtch TV lat igt? A. Y,hed. B.No, et. .Wedot know.( )10. Wat es thegildo on Sundaftern? A hpacte pkn lish. B Sheays cputr games. C. She reasbooksIII:听下面一段长对话,完成11-15小题,念两遍。(共5个小题, 共分)( )11. What does th y wan to d? . Hae par athihus. B. ave a rttschool. C Have a exhibin t scho.( )12. W des the boy ha tdo? A. o hishomewr. B. Do h sopping. . D se chores( )13.hihoom oes thoy ned to ce? A. bedroom. B. he l oom. C. T ahom.( )14. What is bo fatherdoing? A.He iswiti rert. . His wriing leter. C. es writig bk.( )1 What wil he bos mother buy for te party? Frut ad dinks. B Drins an vgetbls. C.Dinks an snaksVI选择填空 (0分)( )16. Whats aer? I hae stoachahe.Ah; a .; aC.th; D.a; the( ) 17. T oy the hats m bs frnd Bo. A. o B. atC. i .from ( )1.We ve nocoffee. Wuld yolike ta ?. ane B. anyway C.neither D. insta ( )9.Sorry,I_m hoeork at o. .ogo B.let C.misse D.ost( )20.Didyou wimig wihyo brthe lt uday?Yes.e ejoedA. myself B. ourselves C thmelvs .imslf ( ) I m new studet e. lmyclasmats re fndly toe, t eel .A. deaf B wrog C. lonl D. srng( )2. don hinht you shuld with ourprens.Teylove you.A. rest B. work C.are D. agre ( ) 23 Jim dint alow me i he oom.A. smke B. moke C.smo D. tosoke ( ) 24I can hardlyer wht it is syig o TV. Wold yu peae A. un it up B. trn it dw C.tnn D.tr t ff( )5. Bbs dreamis to e rofesiol basktal pler, an he nevr it .A. looks; upB. gives; p . waks; up D leans; p( )2aryused to_inteestdin musi, b now shes usd to _tnnis. . be, pl B. being, play C. bein, layin D.be, paing( )27 Tis mther , and then se todhm h didn hav a feve. . mae her ed . tok a sher . foldhe cloes D tk his temerature ( )8. i alarmclck dint thsmoring,so h was latefoscolA. go ff . pu of C. giveo hang out( )29. h nnr we ees aloud kockat th door.A. has B havng. had D. is having ( )30 e are all at th news. A.ursing; suriing B.surprisn; surped C.srprisd; surprising .urprised; urrie( )3ry is ill Whe sall wotose h,oihto torrow gh?_ ither ght is OK. A. m sure. Im afraidot C. Idont knw D. nt mind( )32This b is very ceve. -_. A is he . So hes . Ho D. He so is( ) 33. Illed as uch time as n _ ter t flower in he garden. .look . toloo C. loing D. loed ( )34.rty mnut _ or e clrn t fnish all t wok. A.s qite along tme . arequielng C. wasa qte ong tie . wer uitlongi ( )35.Jacks good a dng. hnk noodraw _. bete B est C. wos .WstII. 完形填空(10分)“h id tis?” asked teteachr. Thity cidren ade o nwer.“Wo did this?” sheraiseher oic a skedgai. She becme ang, ut she was thstm.Carley 7 the indow, be did it b adt Hethrew a basebal to thewndo“ 38 aid idit, would getinto trou,” Carey tght. “Ho wub ale opay 39 a ig ndow le tat?” Bt methiguchstrne i his mndpule mup. “I idit.” Charey 0 .It ws 4 enoug san ht.h tcheaked o Charley with a 4 in e hand. “Iknow didit, nI know 43 nteretdou are in bids,” sh si.“Heres a bookaou birds.Its 4 no.I won punish(惩罚) you. But remember, it only r our onesty (诚实).”Charley coulnt 45 ! he teahdidnt push hi, butgve him abook whch cst muhmone!( )36. A. neerB.sometimes C. always D oft ( )37. . openedB. broe C. clsd D. ceane ( )8A Becse B.As C. If . When ( )3A. off B r C. i D t ( )40. A leftaway B. ca in C tokt stou( )4. A angryB. happy hrd D. frendy( )42. .bok B. ruler C. nf D. pen ( )43A. how . whn . why . wha ( )44.A.me B yurs C ors D ers ( )4. A. thn B agree . hope D. eleveIII 阅读理解 (0分)AIn thePhilippnes (菲律宾),thehristms sason begins on Dcembe 16.Peple to urc(教堂)erly in te morningevryday during the season o celbae their hoidays. People i h Piipnes are very busy on ChrstmasEveMany filso to hurc tmig,and theyhv a lte dinne. ThenSanta aus elver iftso cidren hrts ay, eple in hPhilipns oten viittheifmilymemers the mornng. The lder membrs tefmily ofte gve ift toyounger onesO Ne YsEve, eopei thePiipismake lodnisesto dv awa adluk.TheCristmaseason often ens onTree Kn ay whih isalways on heirstunda Juar Clen often leave thei shoes out, and they pe thatt kngswillavecands r ony.根据以上内容,选择正确答案。( )46I the hilippines, theChritms easo bginsn .A. December Banuary 1 C. ecember16 D. Jnuary 16( )47. e undrlind wd “dlivrs”mans “”iChin.A 审查 . 注视 C 递送 D. 隐藏( )48. On Chstms Day,pel in thePhlpines oten ist hei ily mebrs . in the evenin B ithemornigC. in the aftrnoonD tnon( )49 O Nw ers Eve, people inthehiliesmake loudoiseto. showrespec(尊敬) San Clau Bdrie away bd luck C. iv thir neigbr a surprse D. sow theirhappies()50 ThreeKngs ausally fl on .A. te fst Sunayin Janary . the our Sunday in Jauary the cn Thursday in ovmber D. hefrtMday n Noebr The ate aslike any ote day in his life Ate schoolDav walked pa the sho onhestre orne. Hestopped to loot the fnt f se, and he elt sorry or hmself.He ealy wandt haea new ai fo hi btdy. He sad wed aay an tout ofhow o tel his other. He kn e would givehm anyhngi secod. Bu healso kew y well se d little ony.H decded nott g eat nce, as hlke wried and e ddntant toae his oher wory about it.So e wntt the prkd terehesat thegrs. hen hesaw a gir in awhel chr(轮椅). He fou that te girl ove theel wih her handsDadook at her carefull a was urprise o see thatthil h no fee Heloe dw at isown feet. “Itsuc betto be ithou sho thn whoutfeet.”It was not riht r hi to feel sor ad sad. He wet awa n smiled, hnkn he a lckie ine. ( )51.David sssory tht _ A Heal wated ohavea ne ar forh birdaB forgoto ng ny money ith him.C. hi otr cldnt by hima pir of soeD. he ald ast the shoeshop. ( ) 2.Fom story knw hat _. ADavis moter hs ch money. B Davids othrwoldnt buy manyhin. C. Dvids mohr as ot a poroan. D. David moher would g hm anyhi i eol. ( ) 53. avidntgo omeat once _ . becue his mthe was atwok.ecaue he wand to sitothe gass in the par C.becusehi oherwuldt g hi n oney. becase edinwant to gve is mother aytroub.( ) 54.tepar, ad saw girl_ A. without feet. . thot hands C wailowly. D. okin don at his shos.( )55.Atlat avid _. . eft tearksadl. B.dcided tobuy a new par of ses C thuges mre ck than the girl n te wheel chir.D dntkn whatto d with his do. C People a sobusy tese ystha any pople hvo timeo coo.Tis becmes aprol, becaus most familes le oe cookig. The fod tas godan warm, ad aaiy ealbrings eveyoetogeher. Insomefmis, mea areftnthon mseveronesesn antherat thesame tim. Aother reasnpeope ejoyhomecoking is tt oten a ayof shwing lv. A paret wo mkes ome okisis not jut stifyg a hils seet tooth. Sher h sending a mesage. Th messae ay, “I car aot youeogh to spnd an hour maing cookes tht you wll eatupn 5nu i I you.”Tere ilo somethn abt hsmll ofome cg. The sell fhom cokin please peple f al ages.It maks mot f us fe goodnd loved-ve if we are th ns dg ecoin. “exime you smell cke aking, p fr a moment ndpay ateion to yur od(心情)。”( )56. hy do fewer peope cok no? _. AThey lk o eat in rstaurats B. Many peo ae too usy C Manyopl dntlike cokin D. hey do lkfaiy mels( ) .A prnt seds an houaing ookies_ A. t atisfy h or hs cd seet tooh B. ony tsd amessae C. to le hid eat p i 15 minues D oftnto owher ohislov ( )58 The riterthinks he smll of home cookg_. A.mke usbe tereste in kig B mesu happy . maks us pa attetion to u mod .makes us ve othes ( ) 59 os teunderlined wor “isfying” mean here? A. 令人生气 B. 使人满意 C. 填满 D修补 ( ) 60. Watth mainide he psage? A. Family melsae imortat B. How to make cookiesI:短文理解。听两遍。根据你所听到的短文内容,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。(共个小题,共10分)( ) Mry fees terible,so she doestgtschool.( )2.Thedoct thnks Maryshouldexise mor.( )63In th afternonMary fee better an oetoschol1( )64. Marys techer an lssmtes c o se her inthemorning.( ).Mis Sm tinks Mar shoulntrea aok now. C. Hoemadeokisaste btr D.People re to buyto wrk 任务型阅读(0分)Playn iserius busiess o children. In fat , its wha th do bst! A thm h they dit! n id il probably y, Because i un. Bt is ch ore than that.Itasod orem tu show hat from birth babiesbeinlaringthough layTh use hei fve es to ge toknow heir ne word. Touing llows tem todisver ho ferent hings thyfeel. Brighly cooured tsan the lthig help deveop ababy snse(感觉) sig Whensmachldrencos hih toy to pla wth ,the begi deveopi ther ilites min deciion. Childrnlve tysatallo them to use the imagination(想象).Sotimes a mp bois more fun than ih-tec(高技术)toy. Thats because abx can becomanytn child imagines t to be Carton,p d py-dh(彩色塑泥)ar lso ood becausetheyalow childre o create.Traitiona building blocksteachimpoant peathklslikeoblmsolvng 4Paying desnt becom ny eimportant occhiren ta school. Many albe(有价值的) lesonsaout ifeare erd on te schol laground. Kidsean hto shre , takurnsand play by theruls. 阅读表达 根据短文内容,回答下列问题66.What canchldn do b in eir cildood?_ 7.What kin f tysochildren lov?_ 将划线的两个句子翻译成汉语 8._69._70请给短文拟一个恰当的题目_ I.词汇运用(本题共小题,每小题分,共计5分。)用方框中所给单词的正确形式填空。每个单词限用一次。 Surprise since angry sweep heavy fat71.e re frends,we shu help eachother ofte a posible72The mre jnkfood ou a, theyou will e .73o our, e wn e itre.4.My mother shou m, “Go tobedand dont wtch V.”75I am so busynw tt I avetoputoff th flor.按要求完成句子 (共10分)6. Mother said tothette boy,“Dont paywthenife” (改为宾语从句) Mothe _thelittley _whthe nife.77.Teearefew people ivin nthe mallmountin vllge,_ _? (反义疑问句)78.Te American boy am to Cia three o. (改为同义句)He has _ _China for thrr79. aen ceaed t wndo. e hateiher.(改为同义句) I havent leanehewinw_ _ e80. Tefarmer wa ver ir fl aslep vry son(合并为一句)hearer ws _ tied_ he ell asle vrsoo.写作 10分IX.书面表达 (15分)假设你是ia,你的笔友Tm给你发了一封电子邮件,信中他诉说了他的烦恼:他最好的朋友要过生日,他的朋友们准备的礼物都很贵,可是他却没有足够的钱给最好的朋友买很昂贵的礼物。请根据提示给他写一封回信,给他一些合理的建议。提示:1.买礼物并不一定必须买贵的。 2.没有必要因为不买贵的就感到难过。3.同学应该会理解。4.花钱太多还得向父母要。 可以买花或者自制贺卡等。DearTo: YrsTia八年级英语试卷听力材料:情景反应。听一遍。根据你所听到的句子,选择与所听内容相符的图片,并将其字母代号填入机读卡相应空格内。. You could voluntee a aure in the ospal 2. Weed to claupe city prk veda.3. Tms bie doesn wrk.Cold you ix ip?4. love anials andat o be an aimalr ike M. Brown. Why dont yocll up lend as erto coe?II:对话理解。听一遍,根据你所听到的对话和问题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并将其字母代号填入机读卡相应空格内。6.M: an Iwatch T, Mom? W: I afraidyu an. Yo haveto sudy fote mt tes Q:hat estill he boyave?. M: Hlo, Alice. Youlok so hapy.Aythingitn? : Yes. Im mmer o ou schol ootbal teamnow Q: team lic on?. :Shallwe hav a icic on Sunday? : Sounds goo Bt I cant wihyou. M: y?Are you havgor pian lessons? W: N hi tm Il have a vili sso Q: at l te girldo on Suday?9 M: Yulook tire.Dd o watc V las nig? W:o. Beae had touh homworktodo. Q:Did th girl watch TV las night?10. M: ha doyou sually o i your fee time? W: ed book.Then ae to practie speakin nglshn Sunay aftnoon. : Wht dsthe girl on Sudy afternoo?II:听下面一段长对话,完成1-小题,念两遍。: Hey,Mo. Cod Ihave a arty aturhouse onSunday ening?W: Sure, yo can.: anttinite may frinds othe art W: t undsood. ut yo have tod some hors firs.M: at do aeto do?W:Wll,frst you ou eee kiche flr.M: OK. Ten hat?:n you soud take out th rubbishM: Yeah. d ta.:And ned to cean ou livng room.M: Wow! Im gonto be to tird o enoy m own ptyW: h o ouak yu father to hep you?M: My fae i ri a po for the headsrW: Yuca sk ou iter Trto hep uM: hts igh. But wha aou yu, MomW:Il go othe sore to by some rik and snack.A:haks, MomI:短文理解。听两遍。根据你所听到的短文内容,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F),并将其字母代号填入机读卡相应空格内。 oda i Mnay. Mar doesntg o ho.Aftergetting u, she fels trible She to o oseea doctr. Th doctr t er, “ou ar tooie Y hul go oed earlyt it. Plea stay a homnd have rest for to ds.” o Mary tays e.In thetenon, her theris th ad her casmate coto see hr. When ty c i, ry is redin book. Yu shodnt read a book nwleae have goo rst,” says Mis mith.八年级英语试卷参考答案1-5 BABC6-0BA11-15ACBAC21-5ACDB2-3 CCDB 31-3 DDABC 36-40 DBCAA41-45 ABCBD 46-50 CAAB5155 DCAB 56-60CBB61-65 TFF6Playin 7.Clnloe ys tht allow thm to use teir iaginato 68.研究表明刚出生的婴儿就开始通过玩学习。69.孩子们学会怎样分享,遵守规则轮流玩。7.Childre can ler soething fm playin.7.Sne 72. ftter 73surpri 4. anrly 7.seeping76、askd not tolay .arent hre 78bn i79.Neihhs 80.so that写作参考范文:13


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