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牛津八年级下学期Unit3试题Class: Name: Marks: (满分100分). 单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分)( ) 1. In our textbook, there are usually 14 pages in unit.A. a B. an C. the D. /( ) 2. I cant click on the icons. Whats wrong with my computer? Maybe your has stopped working. A. B.C. D.( ) 3. You are doing much better in listening now. How do you practice it? watching CCTV-NEWS. It is an English channel.A. From B. In C. For D. By( ) 4. The park is so large. Follow your , or you may lose the way.A. waiterB. guide C. engineer D. farmer( ) 5. Millie lost all her coins because there was a hole at the of her pocket.A. top B. bottomC. cover D. body( ) 6. Where shall we go for dinner this evening? The Sichuan Restaurant. I have a table there. A. had B. boughtC. sold D. booked( ) 7. $ stands for . $ 10,000 is a lot of money for me.A. poundB. RMB C. dollar D. yuan( ) 8. Is the Lakers playing well in the new NBA season? I have no idea. I any of their games for months.A. havent watched B. dont watch C. didnt watch D. am not watching( ) 9. Mr Lee is really good at repairing computers. Yes. You know he in Lenovo until he got a new job in our company.A. has worked B. worked C. is working D. will work( )10. Do you often shop online? Yes. I have spent over 10 thousand yuan on Taobao and Suning . A. in the past few months B. last month C. in the following month D. next few months( )11. will I receive the T-shirt, madam? In two or three days, dear boy.A. How long B. How soon C. How many D. How far( )12. None of us knows there is a Mr Green here. We have never such a man.A. heard of B. heard from C. heard for D. heard to( )13. The game is very popular. Shops say they have sold out copies since it came out.A. thousand of B. thousands ofC. thousands D. twenty thousands( )14. I have watched the great movie Gravity already. Really? When you it?A. have; watched B. will; watchC. would; watch D. did; watch( )15. Mum, do you mind if I play computer games for a while? . But please turn off the sound.A. Yes, please B. Sorry, I do C. No, play it if you like D. Yes, youd better not. 完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分)Many people like to use computers now. They are 16 in many ways. First, they are very 17 . They can work with information more quickly than a person. Second, computersm 18 work with quite a lot of information at the same time. Third, they can keep information for a 19 time. They do not often 20 things in the way people do. Also, computers are almost 21 correct. They are not perfect, of course, but they usually do not 22 mistakes.These days, 23 is important to know about computers. There are a number of ways to learn 24 to use them. Some companies have classes at work. Also, most universities offer day and night lessons in computer science. Another way to learn is from a book, or from a friend. 25 a few hours practice, you can work with computers. You may not be an expert (专家), but you have fun working with them.( )16. A. interested B. helpful C. delicious D. fresh ( )17. A. slow B. heavy C. light D. fast ( )18. A. can B. may C. need D. should ( )19. A. short B. good C. long D. small ( )20. A. keep B. forget C. remember D. write ( )21. A. always B. never C. sometimes D. usually ( )22. A. hear B. take C. tell D. make( )23. A. thatB. this C. it D. there ( )24. A. when B. why C. how D. where ( )25. A. BeforeB. After C. While D. When. 阅读理解 (每小题2分,共20分)ACloud 9 Bar (酒吧)Do you want to enjoy a cocktail (鸡尾酒) at the highest bar in Asia? If so, you can come to the 87th floor of the Jin Mao Tower. Here youll find Cloud 9, the Grand Hyatt Hotels bar. You can enjoy the nice beef and the beautiful light music. Add: 87F Jin Mao Building, 88 Shi Ji Street, PudongLowest Cost: ¥88/person Beer: ¥50/bottleTime: Mon. Sat.: 11:30 am2 amTel: 021-50471234 Bar Rouge Bar Rouge has a wide observation deck (观景台) on the 8th floor of it. You can overlook the Huangpu River on it. The decoration in the bar is in fashion and fantastic. Usually the door ticket is ¥100. If theres a special activity, the prices are higher. The cocktails are very good here, and you can enjoy your party until daybreak at weekends. Add: 7F, Bund 18, 18 Zhongshan Dong Yi Road, near Nanjing RoadTime: Mon. Thu.: 6 pm2 am Fri. Sat.: 6 pm until late( )26. If Mrs Green likes to eat beef and enjoy light music, she can go to .A. 78F of the Jin Mao Tower B. Cloud 9 on the 87F of Jin Mao TowerC. the highest bar in the world D. The Grand Hyatt Hotel on Nanjing Road( )27. If you want to have a meal in Cloud 9, you must .A. call 021 -50461334 B. drink more than two bottles of beerC. spend at least 88 yuan D. go there before 8 oclock in the morning( )28. You can also while you are drinking in Bar Rouge. A. watch TV B. have a dancing partyC. listen to the light music D. overlook the Huangpu River( )29. Tom wants to have his birthday party in Bar Rouge on Tuesday, he should go there .A. after 6 pm B. between 5 pm3 amC. before 6 am D. between 11:30 am2 am( )30. According to the passages, which of the following is NOT true?A. Both of the bars have cocktails. B. Cloud 9 is much higher than Bar Rouge.C. Both of the bars will be closed on Sundays. D. You have to buy door ticket if you go to either of the bars.BFreerice is an interesting game. Remember to play it when you are free. It can help the hungry around the world. How to playIn the middle of the Freerice home page you will see something like: small means: little old big yellow Click on one of the four words that you think is correct. If you get it right, Freerice donates (捐赠) 10 grains of rice to help the hungry. You will then get a chance to answer another question in the same way. How does playing the Freerice help you?Learning new words is useful. It can help you: Speak persuasively (口才好地) Write better papers, emails and business letters Read faster because you understand better Get better grades in a middle school, a high school and a college Perform better at job interviews and meetingsHow does the Freerice vocabulary (词汇) programme work?Freerice can adjust to your level of vocabulary. It starts by giving you words at different levels of difficulty. If you get one question wrong, you will go to an easier level. When you get three questions in a row right, you can go to a harder level. There are 60 levels of vocabulary with over 12,000 words in all, but it is difficult for people to get above level 50.( )31. What is Freerice?A. It is a video game. B. It is an online vocabulary game. C. It is an online farm. D. It is an online shop. ( )32. If you play the game, you can do many things EXCEPT .A. get some rice B. do better in daily EnglishC. understand passages better D. get better grades at school ( )33. What does the underlined phrase “adjust to” mean?A. 调节B. 固定 C. 减弱 D. 加强( )34. We can know that _.A. the hungry will get 100 grains of rice if you get five words rightB. you will be better at your English if you play the game C. the game starts by giving you an easy sentenceD. common people can get above 50 levels of the game ( )35. Whats the best title for the passage? A. How to learn English B. Freerice helps the hungryC. How to get good grades at schoolD. Freericean interesting game. 填空 (每小题1分,共15分)A. 根据所给汉语意思或者英语解释,用合适的单词填空。36. Without a (护照), you cant go abroad. 37. Yancheng is a city near the east (海岸) of China.38. I have played the game (more than two) times. But every time I played it, I failed.39. The elephants have (very large) bodies, but they can move fast.40. All these books are for teenagers. You can (choose) any one to read.B. 根据句子意思或者所给的首字母提示,用合适的单词填空。41. This p can help you draw pictures more easily on your computer.42. You can click on an icon on the m and a new window will be opened. 43. Yi Jianlian is about 7 tall. He is a born player.44. A of 50 trees were planted by us this morning.45. You must learn to your temper (脾气).C. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。46. You should learn some (day) English before you go to the USA.47. Its (wide) known that Nanjing was a capital city.48. Marco Polo was a great (travel) from Italy in the 13th century.49. Books (write) by Guo Jingming are mostly liked by teenagers.50. I ordered a (print) in their shop last week. 根据所给汉语意思填空,完成下面的句子。 (每小题2分,共10分)51. 大约两千年前中国人发明了纸。 Paper nearly two thousand years ago.52. 游客被困在山里多久? _ the tourists trapped in the mountain?53. 如果更多的森林被保护,野生生物将有更多的生存空间。 Wildlife will have more living space .54. 老师们经常鼓励我们多说英语。 We by our teachers.55. 他们选了谁扮演那个英雄的角色? Who did they choose ?. 任务型阅读 (每小题1分,共15分)A. 阅读下面的材料,根据其内容填空,完成后面的表格。Haiyan is 7 years old. Her parents gave her an iPad as a present for her birthday. A month later, her eyesight (视力) has decreased (下降) to 300 degrees. This is serious for such a young child. Many children in China are facing the same problem: tablet (平板电脑) and iPad using is bringing problems to their eyesight. The problem is so common that newspapers even call the iPad the “No. 1 killer of childrens eyesight”. “There are about 30 shortsighted children coming every day,” said Hu Dali, an eye doctor at Guiyang Aier Eye Hospital. “Half of those children have poor eyesight because they have played with phones and iPads for too long.” Doctors and scientists say childrens vision is not yet fully developed (发育) and their eyes get tired more easily. The screen of an iPad uses a very bright LED backlight. If children look at an iPad screen for a long time, their eyes do not have time to rest. This will make their eyesight worse over time (经过一段时间).Doctors advise that users should hold their iPads between 4060 centimetres away from them. The brightness of the screen should be comfortable for children. Parents should also stop their children from using an iPad for more than one hour every day. IPad brings problems to childrens eyesThe story of HaiyanHaiyan (56) an iPad as a present. After using it for a month, her eyesight decreased a lot. A common problem(57) of the children have poor eyesight because of using phones and iPads for too long.Reasons why iPad leads to eye problemsChildrens eyes get (58) easily. The screen of an iPad uses bright backlight. Using eyes for a long time without a (59) makes eyesight worse.Advice on how to solve the problemsUsers should hold their iPads between 40-60 centimetres away. The brightness should be (60) . Children shouldnt use iPads for more than an hour a day.B. 阅读下面的短文,根据所给首字母提示,用合适的单词填空。The computer and the Internet have become part of teens life. The number of teen Internet users in China is (61) g bigger, up to 253 million. The number shows a great increase (增长) in Internet users in China over the last (62) f years, especially among teenagers.And China becomes a large market for Internet (63) b .A new survey (调查) shows that Chinese teens take an (64) i in online activities. They seem not to know that spending too much time before a computer (65) s is bad for their health. According to the survey, 42.6% of teens have built their (66) o web blogs. More than half enjoy (67) c online with friends and 10.6% of teens play Internet games. It is a (68) p that only 6% use the Internet to get information for their learning projects! Also, the survey finds that the teens have different favourite (69) p to use the Internet. For teens in towns, 35% choose Internet bars as a main place to go online. For those living in large cities, 76% use home computers. Too much time online certainly (70) l to problems for their young life. Should teens think more about what role (角色) a computer plays?. 书面表达 (共15分)学校英语角本周的主题是My favourite country。Andy最喜欢的国家是法国,请你根据下面的提示,写一篇70词左右的短文介绍法国。Location: western Europe History: many centuries Paris: the capital, cultural centreTourism: attract 83 million foreigners a year, gardens and beaches, The Eiffel Tower, Disneyland ParisMoney: EUROMy favourite country is France. I hope I could visit it some day.参考答案. 1-5 AADBB6-10 DCABA 11-15 BABDC. 16-20 BDACB21-25 ADCCB. 26-30 BCDAD 31-35 BAABD. A. 36. passport 37. coast 38. several 39. huge 40. pickB. 41. program42. menu 43. feet 44. total 45. control C. 46. daily 47. widely 48. traveller 49. written 50. printer. 51. was invented by chinese52. How long were 53. if more forests are protected 54. are often encouraged to speak more English 55. to play the role of the hero . A. 56. received 57. Half 58. tired 59. rest 60. comfortableB. 61. growing 62. few 63. business 64. interest 65. screen 66. own 67. chatting 68. pity 69. places 70. leads. One possible version:My favourite country is France. I hope I could visit it some day.France is in western Europe. It is an old country with a history of many centuries. Its capital city is Paris. Paris is also the cultural centre of France and even Europe. France attracts 83 million foreigners every year. There are many places of interest in the country. It is famous for its gardens and beaches. And every day, thousands of people visit the Eiffel Tower and Disneyland Paris.People in France dont use dollars. They use EURO like people in other European countries.


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