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八年级(下)短语、句型汇编Unit6 Sunshine for all1. 做奥运会的志愿者be a volunteer for the Olympics2. 需要更多的食物来吃need some more food to eat3. 在工作 at work 4. 无家可归的人 the homeless, homeless people, a homeless person5. 帮助别人的一些其余方法some other ways to help others6. 写信给当地政府write to the local government7. 有他们自己住的地方have their own places to live8. 需要帮助的人people who need help, people in need9. 为特奥会做志愿工作volunteer for the Special Olympics World Games10. 他一生中最令人惊奇的经历the most amazing experience of all his life11. 有智力障碍的成年人adults with intellectual disabilities12. 给孩子们一次向全世界展示能力的机会give the children a chance to show their skills to the world13. 作为一个志愿者工作work as a volunteer14. 包括很多和奥运会相似的赛事include many events similar to those in the Olympics15. 放弃他们的空余时间give up their free time16. 放弃看电视give up watching TV17. 接受训练receive training (in)18. 在做这些任务之前before doing the tasks19. 为运动员提供支持provide support for the athletes20. 让这个赛事大获成功21. make the event a great success22. 这个小男孩的游泳教练a swimming coach for the young boy23. 一个名叫Tom的男孩a boy called Tom24. 花在作业上的时间the time spent on homework25. 住在这里的人们people living here26. 生来具有智力障碍be born with intellectual disabilities27. 以第四名结束finish fourth28. 把人们带到一起bring people together29. 来自于不同背景的运动员们come from different backgrounds30. 感觉像一个大家庭的一部分feel like part of one big family31. 想要读英语feel like reading English32. 和紧密合作work closely with33. 帮助他们实现梦想help them achieve their dreams34. 一个的介绍an introduction to 35. 不要回报的帮助help without getting paid36. 只有几个赛事only a few events37. 帮助盲人过马路help the blind cross the road38. 照顾一个流浪宠物look after a lost pet39. 捐钱给慈善机构donate money to charities40. 保持公园的干净keep parks clean41. 一对一的做他们的工作do their work one-to-one42. 在体育组in the sports group43. 和人们说话有困难have trouble talking with people44. 在数学方面有困难 have trouble with maths45. 更有耐心be more patient46. 在山区工作work in a mountain area47. 一个大学生 a college student48. 在中国的西北 in North-west China49. 在田野里in the fields50. 通过写电邮保持联系keep in touch by writing emails51. 住在遥远的村庄live in villages far away52. 课后after class53. 参加一个志愿者项take part in a volunteer project54. 用这种方法in this way55. 改善他们的生活improve their lives56. 在我们的日常生活中in our daily lives57. 在社区中心at community centres58. 在公共汽车上给老人让座give seats on the bus to the elderly59. 让我们的头脑放松help our mind relax60. 导致,引向 lead to 61. 患有严重的血液病have a serious disease62. 有足够的钱做这样的一个手术have enough money for such an operation63. 尽快as soon as possible64. 失去他的生命lose his life65. 恢复健康get well 66. 地震存活者earthquake survivors67. 贫困地区的人们people in poor areas68. 他很善良能支持我Its kind of him to support me. He is kind enough to support me. He is so kind that he can support me.69. 最重要的不是获得金牌或者银牌,而是参加。The most important is not to win a gold or a silver,but to take part.1


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