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.wd. 励志小故事1、上帝那里没有现成的果实三个人千辛万苦找到了上帝,请求他给予帮助。上帝问他们各需要什么。第一个人说他要一座大宅院;第二个人说,他要一个农庄;第三个人说他要一块大金条。上帝说他可以满足他们的需要。于是上帝给了第一个人一堆砖头,给了第二个人一把种子,给了第三个人一把沙子。No Ready-made Fruit in Gods HandThree guys finally got the God through trials and errors. They were eager to ask God for help. Right after the God asked what they want, the first man claim a big yard, the second a farmstead, and the third a bar of gold. God promised them. At last, the first man was given a pile of bricks, the second a bag of seed and the third a mass of sand.2、虫子的压力有这么一种虫子,它的体长还不到一毫米,也许因为在电子显微镜下看起来像一头黑熊,所以人们叫它雄虫。它主要生活在淡水的沉渣,潮湿土壤以及苔藓植物的水膜中。最近日本冈山大学物理学家小野文久发现了一个惊人的现象:当20只小熊虫被放入密封的容器内,在实验室制造的7.5万个大气压下,20只熊虫只有两只死亡,其余的18只安然无恙。7.5万个大气压!它相当于每平方豪米要承受700多千克重物的压力,它足以上淀粉瞬间变性,生米顷刻为熟饭。自然条件下,地球上也只有180千米的地幔深处才拥有如此大的压力。至今没有人能弄清楚熊虫为何如此能忍。不只是出于对这种超强生命力的尊重还是疑心,有人叫它地狱之虫。一个长度不超过1毫米的微缺乏道的虫子,能承受命运给他如此的压力,相比较而言,我们这些自称是高级动物,智慧生命,万物之灵的人呢在人的现实生活中,有多少小小的心结,小小的压力构成我们所谓的生存压力。在这样的压力下又有多少悲观失落之人将美好的人生称作地狱现在一比才觉得,其实我们的压力就好比是真空,我饿美女的地狱就是天堂中的天堂。在那一刻,我在心里默默地鞠了一躬,不是为熊虫,而是感谢造物主没有把这样的压力降在人间。Worms PressureThis is a worm whose body is no less than one millimeter. It is called 熊虫(XC) perhaps for the reason that it looks like a black bear under the microscop. The XC usually habited in the slurry of fresh water, wet soil and the 水膜 of moss plants. Recently, there was an amazing news discovered by 日本冈山大学物理学家小野文久: when 20 little XC were placed in a sealed container under the 7.5 万个大气压 making in experiment condition, there were only two died and the other 18 have no trouble at all. 7.5 万个大气压, equal to over 700 kilogram stress per square meter, which is powerful enough to它足以上淀粉瞬间变性 and the rice ready to eat. In natural condition, this pressure can only be found in the 地幔 beneath the earth 180 kilogram.Till now, nobody have an idea about the tolerance of XC. Someone also call it worm of hell out of admiration or suspicion. A worm, with its length less than one millimeter, is able to bear so heavy stress. Comparatively, we human beings, the so-called advanced animal, wisdom and genius of all, can do that? In our real lives, so much little minds, little stress has made up our living stress. How many pessimistic and disappointed people compare the beautiful life to the miserable hell under this pressure? By comparing, I suddenly realized that our stress is just like the vacuum and the hell is the heaven in heaven. At that moment, I made a bow in my mind. Not for XC, but for the freedom of this stress in the world made by the creator.3、豪华大厦意味着衰落珀金森的“办公大楼法那么是:某个组织的办公大楼设计得越完美,装饰得越豪华,该组织离解题的时间越进。他发现,有许多生意兴隆的公司影响巨大的组织都设在不起眼的地方,住在简陋的房屋里,一旦搬进豪华的大厦,便转到衰退的轨道。例如,圣彼得教堂、罗马教堂、梵蒂冈教堂等宗教组织,就是在极盛时期开场修建这些教堂,宗教组织的实力就开场走下坡路了。国际联盟大厦、凡尔赛宫、白金汉宫、英国殖民部办工大楼等政治组织的大楼,都是在落成典礼之后,组织权势便发生大幅度的下降,甚至带来了厄运。如果珀金森了叫中国历史,肯能会找到更多的例证,比方阿房宫,秦始皇陵等。为什么这些以豪华著称的建筑物,都成了这些组织的“令莫了珀金森以科学的态度进展如下推测:一个组织在兴旺兴旺之时。往往紧张而忙碌,没有时间和精力去设计和修建琼楼玉宇,当所有的重要工作都已经完成,想到要修建与其成就相称的大楼时,其时间和精力遍集中到外表功夫上,当某个组织的大楼设计和建造趋向完美之际,她的存在就开场失去意义。完美我的楼堂意味着这定局,而定居意味着终结。摘自?方圆法制?The Meaning of Wane on the Skyscraper珀金森s rule of business office is : the more perfect designed and more luxury the decoration cornament is, the nearer to its deadline.He found out that many profitable business companies were all placed at some not so eye-catching locations and in the shady houses. Ever since moved into luxury mansions, these companies may led to its last day/wither away. For example, religious institutions such as 圣彼得教堂、罗马教堂、梵蒂冈教堂, were built from the park of power, and at the exact time, their religious power become weak and even bad fortunes by them.If 珀金森 know Chinese history, then he may find more proofs like 阿房宫,秦始皇陵. I am wondering that why those architecture well-know as luxury al because the “tomb of their bodies?With scientific spirit, 珀金森 showed us his inference: when an institution is prosperous than never, it was too busy to design and build mansion with enough time and energy, while all key work done and considering to build a large building comparable to its achievements, its time and energy were concentrated on those superficial stuffs. When the design and building work of a constitution was about to complete, it has began to lose its meaning. 完美我的楼堂意味着这定局,而定居意味着终结。摘自?方圆法制?4、在沉默中面对最真实,最切己的人生感悟是找不到言辞的。 对于人生最重大的问题,我们没跟人都是能在沉默中单独面对。我们可以一般的谈论爱情、孤独、幸福、苦难、死亡等等,但是,那属于每个人自己的真正意义始终在话语之外。我无法告诉别人我的爱情有多么温柔,我的孤独有多么绝望,我的幸福有多么美丽,我的幸福有多么美丽,我的苦难有多么沉重,我的死亡有多么荒唐。我只能把这一切藏在心中,我所说出的写出的东西只是先思考的产物,而一切思考在某种意义上都是一种逃避,从最个别的逃向一般的,从命运逃向生活,从沉默的深渊逃向语言的此岸。如果说他们尚未沦为纯粹的空洞的概念,那也只是因为他们是从沉默中挣扎出来的,身上还散发着深渊里不可名状的事物的七夕。我不否认人与人之间沟通的可能,但我确信其前提是沉默,而不是言辞。美特林克说得好:沉默的性质解释了一个人灵魂的性质。在不能共享沉默的两个人之间,任何言辞都无法使他们的灵魂发生沟通。对于未曾在沉默中面对过一样问题的人来说,在深刻的哲理也只是一些套话,事实上那些浅薄的读者奇缺分不清深刻的感悟和空洞的感慨,格言和套话,哲理和老生常谈,平淡和平庸,佛性和故弄玄虚的禅机。一个人言辞理解的深度取决于他对沉默理解的深度,归根结底取决于她的沉默,亦即他的灵魂的深度。所以,在我看来,凡有志探究人生真理的人首要功夫便是沉默,在沉默中面对他灵魂中真正属于自己的重大问题。到他有了足够的孕育并因此感到不堪重负的时候,一切言语之门便向他翻开了,这是他不但理解了有限的言辞,而且理解了言辞背后的沉默着的背后无限的存在。摘自?中国社会报?Facing the Reality in SilenceThe truest and most expressive thought was hardly be expressed.We all face it alone in silence to the most important thing in life. We can talk occasionally about love, loneliness, happiness, miseries, death and so on, but the true meaning is hard to deliver by words. I cannot tell others how gentle my love is; how desperate my loneliness is; my enjoyable happiness is; how depressive my miseries is; how ridiculous my death is. I have no choice but to hide then deeply in my heart. All what I said and wrote but the product of thinking, while thinking, to some extend, is a kind of escape which from the particular to general, fate to life and the abyss of silence to the bank of language. If they have not become pure/solely and abstract idea, it is merely because they have newly struggled out from the silence and with something hard to tell in their bodies.I am not to deny the possibility of communication between human beings, but the condition. It is silence, instead of words. 美特林克 had an excellent explanation: the nature of silence tells the nature of ones soul. There is no any words may have a possibility to make a communication between their soul if the two cannot share the same silence. To those who have not solved the same questions in silence, even profound philosophy is only some polite formulas. In fact, those superficial reader have no ability to identify the profound philosophy and abstract thoughts, proverb and polite formulas, philosophy and 老生常谈, insipid/prosaic and commonplace, the knowledge of Buddha dharma and deceitful trick. Ones ability in words comprehension is based on his understanding to silence and eternally based on his silence; that is his capacity of soul. Therefore, I insist that the lesson of one who is determined to seek the life philosophy is silence-to face his important problem of sale in silence. Until he has enough accumulation and too tires to bear, all windows opened to him. This is the way that he not only understands the limited words, but also the unlimited information behind the silence of words.5、容易走的都是下坡路他在一所大学做教授,90岁的时候,荏苒每天坚持工作8小时,不管春秋冬夏,也不管风霜雨雪。他的秘书说:“他很衰弱,但是每天逼着自己从住的地方走过两个街口到办公室来,这段路要走一个小时,他却一定要走,因为这使他自觉有成就感。有一天,有个大学生从他办公室里出来,捧着一大堆书,一脸不快乐的抱怨:“总是这一套。我问一个和简单的问题,他可以用一个是或否答复,却给我十几本书,说可以在这些书里找到我所要的答案。他后来知道了这个学生的抱怨,微笑着说:“这就是我学到的读书方法,困难费事的方法。那孩子如能好好的钻研这些书,就可以了解这个问题,将来也许能成为一个好律师。这个90岁的老人就是曾任美国哈佛大学法学院院长的庞德。有一位哲学家说:“你应该每一两天做一些你不想做的事。这是人生进步的根基。正如另一位哲人所说“容易走的都是下坡路。All Slopes are Easy to GoHe was a professor. At the age of 90, he still work eight hours everyday regardless the season and weather.His secretary said: “He is extremely old, but he forced himself walk from his living place to office through two blocks. It would take him an hour, but he insisted to because it makes him get a sense of success. The other day, an university student step out from his office with a pile of books. He complained emotionally: “He is always this man. He may answer me just with yes or no to my question. However, he always gave me dozens of books and suggests me to find the answer. Later, he knew what this student complained. He told with smile: “This is the method I have learnt, a hard and troublesome way. If that kid could make full use of those books, he might know his question and maybe a good lawyer in the future.This 90-year-old man was 庞德, who was the president of law college in Haward University.Once a philosophist said: “You should do some thing that you don not want to every one or two days.This is the foundation of life progress.Just like another phlosophist said: “all slopes are easy to go. 6、公平的分配一个炎热的下午,两个农民在一棵大树下乘凉。其中一个叫拉姆,另一个叫希亚。两个人都带着美味的面包充当午饭。拉姆带了3个面包,希亚带了5个。正当他们准备吃午饭的时候,一个商人路过此地。“下午好,两位先生。商人向拉姆和希亚问候道。商人看起来又累又饿,所以拉姆和希亚邀请他和他们一起吃午饭。“但是我们有三个人怎么分这三个面包呢拉姆为难了。 “我们把面包放在一起,再把每个面包切成均等的三块。希亚建议道。 把面包切开后,他们把面包平均分成三份,每个人都不多也不少。吃完面包后,商人坚持要给他们钱。拉姆和希亚推辞不掉,只好收下。待商人离开后,两人一数金币的数量8个。“8个金币,两个人。我们就每人4个金币。拉姆说道。“这不公平。西亚大声反对,“我有5个面包,你只有3个。所以我应该拿5个金币,你只能拿3个。拉姆不想争吵,但他也不想给希亚5个金币。“我们去找村长做裁决。他是个公正的人。拉姆说道。他们来到村长毛尔维的家,把整个事情的经过告诉了他。毛尔维想了很久,最后说:“分配这笔钱的公平方法就是希亚拿7个金币,拉姆拿1个。“什么拉姆惊叫道。“我为什么该得7个希亚也觉得很奇怪。当毛尔维把他的分配理由解释清楚后,拉姆和希亚打偶没有对这个分配再提出异议。这真的是一个公平的裁决吗要知道毛尔维的裁决是否公平,就要先答复这些问题:1、8个面包被切成了多少块2、每个人吃了多少块面包3、拉姆的面包被分成了多少块4、拉姆吃了8块面包,还剩几块留给商人5、希亚的面包被分成了多上块6、希亚吃了8块面包,还剩几块留给商人毛尔维决定只给拉姆一个硬币,而给希亚7个,是因为商人吃了8块面包,只有一块是从拉姆的面包中来的,而其余7块都是希亚的。点示:我们愤愤不平,太多是因为我们只会算计,不会计算。Just AllocationIn a hot afternoon, two farmers were enjoying the cool under the tree. One farmer called L and the other called X. both carried tasty bread as their lunch. L took three bread and X five. A businessman passed by when they were ready to have lunch.“Good afternoon, gentlemen. The businessman greeted L and X. the businessman was tired and hungry. L and X invited him to have dinner together.“But we three men how to separate three breads? L confused.“Lets put the breads together, then divide every one into three equal parts. X suggested.Cutting and dividing the breads, they all got the exact one.Eating up the breads, the businessman insisted to pay and L and X have no idea but to get it.When the businessman went away, L and X counted the number of golden bills-eight.“Eight bills, two persons. Four bills every one. L said.“Its unjust, X opposed loudly, “I had five breads and you just three, so I should get five bills and you three.L reluctant to argue, neither would he gave X five bills.“Lets invite our village manager Morweys house and tell all to him. Thinking for a while, Morwey replied: “The just way to distribute these bill is X take seven bills and L one.“Pardon? L screamed.“Why should I posses seven? X also felt strange.After Morwey explained his reason clearly, both L and X had no dispute on this allocation.Was this really a just rule?Answer these questions before you decide whether it was just or not:1. How many small pieces the eight breads were divided into?2. How many pieces every one ate?3. How many small pieces did Ls breads?4. How many pieces L left for the businessman after he ate eight?5. How many small pieces did Xs breads were divided into?6. How many pieces X left for the businessman after he ate eight?The reason that Morwey only gave L one bill and X seven because the businessman ate eight pieces and only one was left from Ls while other seven pieces from X.Tips: we always indignant mostly because we are used to scheming, but not counting.7、事情有多重要我有一个手提箱要给你,里面有100万美元现金。手提箱放在离你现在住的地方大约1小时车程的一幢大楼上,条件是:你要在2小时内到达那幢大楼。如果在2个小时之内到,我就把皮箱交给你,你就多了100万美元。但是只要你迟到一分钟,你就一分钱都得不到。那么你什么时候出发去拿幢大楼呢很多人会答复:“现在就去。你呢你出发了。跳上你的车,发动,向那幢大楼方向开去。你相当冲动,方案着怎样花那100万美元。突然,路上堵车了,你的车子开不动了。你翻开收音机,发现在你和那幢大楼之间发生了重大交通事故,你没有别的路可以到达那里。你会怎么办你会打道回府吗或者翻开车门走出来,走路跑步或雇用直升飞机或用别的方法去那幢大楼如果你去看牙医,在路上也发生堵车,你肯定会转回家,跟牙医约另一天。这两种情况为什么会不一样因为出行的目的是不同的。如果你要做的事情对你非常重要,再大的困难你都会设法抑制; 如果你觉得要做的事情不是很重要,遇到困难你就会放弃了。所以,抑制困难的最好的方法,就是把你要做的事情看得非常重要。How important it isThere is a suitcase for you with a million US dollar in .The suitcase is placed in a building away from you about one hour driving. The condition is, you need to get there within two hours. If you did, I will give you the suitcase with a million US dollar. Or if you late for only one minute, nothing will you get. When would you get about?Many would say: “Now. will you?Now you set out. You hurry into your car, start it, drive for the building. You are so excited and wonder what to do about the one million US dollars. All of a sudden, you are stopped by the traffic jam. You turn on the radio and find there is no any way to get there because of the accident on your way. What will you do nest step? Go back? Or step out your car, go to the building on foot (running or employ a helicopter or other ways)?If, you are on the way to the dentists office and there is a traffic jam, surely you would turn back and appoit for another time.Why is there difference between these two thins? Because of the destination. If it is quite important for you, you will conquer it, regardless any hardship; or if yit is not so serious, you may call it a day.Therefore, the best way to face the difficulty is to make the thing a business.8、强光也是一堵墙一位父亲问他正读小学三年级的儿子:“阴天的夜晚,天空中看不到星星,是星星不存在吗儿子很干脆的答复:“不是。父亲又问:“那位什么我们一颗星星也看不见呢儿子答:“是云把星星都遮住了。父亲接着又问儿子:“晴空万里的白昼,天空中也看不见星星,是星星不存在吗儿子有些犹豫,显然不知道该如何答复父亲这个问题。父亲见儿子答不出,稍停了一下,说:“其实白天星星也存在,它们大都是恒星,永远存在于太空中,只是我们肉眼看不到罢了。儿子好奇地问:“这又是为什么呢父亲想了一下。告诉儿子说:“是太阳的光太强了,它把所有星星的光都盖住了。在生活中,很多人,很多事,也是如此。因为一个人或一件事所拥有的光环太强,不仅会把这个人或这件事本身的缺点遮住,而且还会把周围其他人或其他事的优点也都遮住,让大家无法看到他周围人的真实面目或其他事的真相。这不是按个人的眼睛出了问题,而是因为对方的光太强了。很多时候,强光也是一堵墙,是一堵肉眼看不见的墙,又是一堵肉眼无法看过去的墙,他可以迷惑我们正常的眼睛,也可以挡住我们正常的目光。Intense Light, a Wall as WellA father is asking his son in grade three: “We cannot find the star in the shady night. Is it not there?His son answered it with clear cut accent: “No.The father asked again: “Then why we cannot see any star?His son replied: “The cloud hide them.Again the father asked: “There is no star in the sunny daytime. Where are they?Hesitated, his son seemed have no idea to respond.For a moment, the father said: “Actually there is yet stars but most of them are恒星,and stay in the universe. It is just we cannot see them with our eyes. His son asked curiously: “Why?Thinking for a while, the father answered: “Because the sunlight is too intense, and it shade the stars light.The same goes to many things in our lives. The intense light of one person or one thing, may not only shade its own defects, but also the merits of the person or thing around it and makes it difficult for others to identify the facts besides him. This is not the problem of ones eye, but the intense light.Most cases, the intense light is a wall, a wall that cannot see and stride with our eyes. Not only can it confuse our normal eyes, but also hinder our normal sight.9、看着前方一个朋友对我说:“当你忧伤时,请看着前方。说来也怪,每当自己忧伤时,我很少看着前方,不是低低垂首,就是闭目不瞻,即便抬头仰望星空,也是越看越茫然。忧伤时,自己的视野真的窄了。 这个朋友有一个冰雪聪明的女儿,美丽得像朵舞蹈着的花,但她完全看不到外边的世界。朋友曾经伤心欲绝,但没有人能够帮助到他疗伤,是残酷的生活教会他看着前方,发现和拥有那些前行一段路程才能得到的喜悦。看着前方,他看到已经长大的女儿她更加漂亮乖巧,学会了自己照顾自己;她穿上了黑色的练功服、白色的舞蹈鞋,黑黑的头发盘得高高的,用发光的发带竖了起来;她时刻微笑着,那是聚集在她嘴角的点点明媚的春光;她变得坚强睿智,能够自食其力,如她所愿,果真成了一名受人欢迎的舞蹈教师、我们敲门时,上帝总是不在家。诗人朗费罗为此感慨不已:“你的命运一如他人,每个生命都会下雨。下雨时,忧伤时,最值得做的事情就像这位朋友所说的:看着前方!一分钟不行,再看一分钟,久久地看,一次又一次地看,用一生的经历来看,用最真的爱满怀着希望来看。看看是不是“所有的雨都会停,看看雨后的天空是不是更干净、更辽远、更美丽,是不是还会奇迹般地出现彩虹。上帝总有回家的时候,雨水总会停下,前方总有希望和喜悦。Look AheadOnce a friend suggested me: “Look ahead when you are sad. It is this weird that ever when I am in sad, I am always bow my head or shut my eyes regardless his suggestion. Even when I catch a glimpse of the sky with stars, but again at sea. When I am depressed, my vision narrowed.This friend has a lovely and smart daughter and so charming like a flower in dancing. But, she is unable to see the outside world clearly. My friend ever so grieve that he was so pessimistic. No other aids seem to help him, but he gained the delight after a journey of hardship with looking ahead that the crucial life taught him.Look ahead, he has witnessed his daughters experience journey-she is more beautiful and tamer and can take care of herself. She dresses her black excise cloth, with white dancing shoes, black and high-twist hair style with lighting belt; she is always smile, indicating her charming youth in her mouth; she becomes strong in mind and smart, live on herself. As preferred, she becomes a warmly received dancing teacherThe God is always absent when we knock His door. The great poet 朗费罗 could not help commending, “Your你的命运一如他人,每个生命都会下雨. When it rains and we feel sad, it is worth looking ahead. If one minute is not enough, then take one more. Looking again and again with a long time, or even your whole life and your love and hope. See whether所有的雨都会停; see the sky after rain if it is cleaner, vaster, more fantastic and see whether there is rainbow in magic.There is always the time the God go home; the stop for rain and the hope and joyous ahead.10、老故事咂出新滋味铁杵磨成针的故事告诉我们:白费力气的事尽管感人但却是可笑的。明明买根针就能做活,非要用根大铁棒磨它个三年两载。方向和方法错了,功夫下的再深也不行。三顾茅庐的故事告诉我们:机遇是等来的。如果孔明先生主动上门求职,就不见得有这样的效果。不过,这话只适合古代,现代人即使比孔明的本领大十倍,坐在家里干等也不见得有机遇出现。天知道重视人才的观念是进步了还是退步了。龟兔赛跑的故事告诉我们:永远不要以己之短比别人之长,更不要因一时的幸运成功把短当成长。如果是乌龟,可以跟兔子比潜水,也可以跟兔子比长寿,这才是乌龟的强项。井底的之蛙故事告诉我们:什么样的环境早就什么样的人生,反过来也同样,什么样的人生适合什么样的环境。别指责青蛙的短浅愚昧,因为蛙绝不可能从井底迁到东海生存。如果蛙受了教育启发,从此志在东海,那只有徒增烦恼了。武松打虎的故事告诉我们:英雄有时是被逼出来的。武松胆儿再大也是正常人,没有人不拍老虎的道理。要不是犟脾气加上十五碗小酒,决不回去做打虎的壮举。其实他也没想到会遇上老虎,真的遇上反而酒都被吓醒了,说明他并不是真的想当英雄。不是他死就是虎亡,他把自己逼成了英雄。现实的很多典型与此很类似,每一个英雄的出现都是有前提的。螳臂当车的故事告诉我们:即便粉身碎骨,也要为改变现状做一些看似无效的努力。也许,当轮前的螳臂多了,车会慢下来或者停下来。New understanding to classic stories铁杵磨成针tells us: Moving as the strenuous deeds, it is actually ridicules. Instead of buying a needle, he insisted to rub an iron stick exhausted for years. It is useless to work hard once the direction and method was wrong.三顾茅庐tells us:The opportunity is get by waiting. If Mr. Kong applied his position spontaneously, the result might be the other one. After all, it practices only in the old age. Though ten times the wisdom than King Ming, we modern people may lose enormous opportunities. Who knows if the attention to the talents is more or less?龟兔赛跑 tells us:Never compete its short comes with others merits, nor take the short comes as advantages for a short-time fortune. If you were a turtle, compete diving or lifespan with rabbit because these are your advantages.井底的之蛙 tells us:Man is what his surrounding and vise verse. The surrounding is fit for the man. Never condemn frogs narrow and foolish, for it never survive in the East Sea, it just a trouble made by itself.武松打虎 tells us:Hero is sometimes be made. A common though 武松s tremendous courage, for nobody without fear to tiger. Thanks to his stubborn and the fifteen 小酒, 武松 had the honor to kill the tiger. He also never knew that he might come across a tiger. His mind became clear the moment he saw the tiger; it showed he is not planned to be a hero. To be or not to be; was he kill the tiger and because a hero. Just like many incidents in life, every hero appears out of some conditions.螳臂当车 tells us:To change the situation, it prefers to do some useless efforts though it may die in pieces. Or maybe, when number of the same doers increased, the 车 may sow down or stop surprised.11、年龄加减法创造大王爱迪生,在他79岁时,自豪而幽默地对人们宣布:“我已经是135岁的人了。流行天后麦当娜,在她40岁时,语出惊人地对外宣称,她应该是35岁才合理。79岁的爱迪生为何加岁到135岁因为他积攒了超出常人多倍的时间财富:16至60岁,爱迪生通常每天工作1820小时,而在实验关键期,他那么常常会通宵达旦、废寝忘食地连续奋战几昼夜;60岁后,人们劝服他缩减了工作量,但每天仍要干16小时;80岁后,他依然坚持白天准时去实验室,一干一整天,晚上回家还要读35小时的书。爱迪生一生积攒和珍惜时间,如按平常人一生活动和工作的时间来计算,他的生命早已成倍延长了,寿命早就大大增长了,所以他才将79岁加成135岁。40岁的麦当娜为何要减岁到35岁因为她认为生命中有些岁月是被浪费的,所以理应减去:她与前夫的婚姻,有一整年是在争吵中浪费掉的,减1岁;她与好友因事翻脸,两年友情算空白,减2岁;她出演过一部烂片,那一年毫无价值,又减1岁;她与某男星屡传绯闻,那一年没有意义,再减1岁。这般算来,她整整少了5岁,一下子从40岁减成35岁。年龄加减法,参加的是珍惜的时光,减去的是浪费的岁月;参加的是有意义有价值的时光,减去的是被挥霍被耗空的岁月。善用减法,可理智地梳理和清点过去;善用加法,可合理地安排现在,规划未来。The Counting Rule of AgeAt th


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