人教版How often do you exercise sectionB 2b

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result percent although throughThe old habits die hard!Here are the results!()percent of +n.可放句首可放句首,不与不与but 连用连用The best way to relax is through exercise.such as加名词或动词加名词或动词ingRank these activities according to how often you think your classmates do them (1=most often,6=least often).2awatch TV go to the movies play computer gamesexercise or play sportsuse the Internetgo camping in the countryLets do a survey.What do you do in your free time?Doing exercise,use of the Internet or watching TV?What activities do you think is healthy for the mind and the body?2bRead the passage quickly and find the answer to the questions below.1.How many kinds of free time activities are mentioned in the passage?_2.What is the best way to relax?_Three.The best way to relax is through exercise.Read the passage carefully and complete the pie chart below._%every day Exercise_%3 or 4 times a weekUse of the Internet_%every day _%4-6 times a week_%1-3 times a week_%no exercise102015204590_%4-6 times a weekWatch TV_%1-3 times a week_%every day 851322cRead the article again and answer the questions.1.How many percent of the students do not exercise at all?_2.How many percent of the students use the Internet every day?_Ninety percent of the students.Twenty percent of the students.3.How often do most students watch TV?_ What do they usually watch?_ 4.What does the writer think is the best way to relax?_ Why?_ Most students watch TV every day./Every day.They usually watch sports,game shows.Because its healthy for the mind and the body.Exercise.5.Do you think the students in No.5 are healthy?_ Why or why not?_ _ _No,I dont think so.Because most students use the Internet or watch TV on their free time.They dont like exercising.Its unhealthy.2dAccording to the article and the pie charts,write sentences with the percentages using always,usually or sometimes.1.90%:_ _ 2.85%:_ _ 3.45%:_ _Eighty-five percent of the students always watch TV.Ninety percent of the students always use the Internet.Forty-five percent of the students usually exercise.4.10%:_ _5.13%:_ _ 6.2%:_ _Ten percent of the students sometimes use the Internet.Thirteen percent of the students usually watch TV.Two percent of the students sometimes watch TV.1.What were our questions about?About exercise,use of the Internet and watching TV.2 How often does the students exercise?15 percent of the students exercise every day.45%-four to six times a week 20%-only one to three times a week 20%-do not exercise3 How often does the students use the Internet?Ninety percent of them use the Internet every day.10%-at least three to four times a week most students for fun,not for homework4 How often does the students watch TV?What are the most popular shows?2%-one to three times a week 13%-four to six times a week 85%-every day Most students like to watch sports,and game shows are the most popular.Doing exercise is the best way to relax.Because It is healthy for the mind and the body.5 Whats the best way to relax?Why?Exercise such as playing sports is fun.1.1.去乡下露营去乡下露营2.2.在他们的空余时间在他们的空余时间3.3.询问关于某事询问关于某事4.4.课余活动课余活动 5.5.网络运用网络运用 6.6.百分之百分之 7.7.一周一周4 4到到6 6次次1.go camping in the country2.in their free time3.ask sb.about sth.4.free time activities5.use of the Internet6.percent of7.four to six times a week8.8.上网上网 9.9.吃惊吃惊 10.10.另外另外 11.11.至少至少12.12.一周一周3 3或或4 4次次13.13.为了娱乐为了娱乐 14.14.我们的问题的答案我们的问题的答案8.go online9.be surprised10.the other 11.at least12.three or four times a week13.for fun14.the answers to our questions15.15.最受欢迎的最受欢迎的 16.16.最好的方式最好的方式 17.17.例如例如 18.18.与某人共度时光与某人共度时光19.19.开始锻炼开始锻炼20.20.旧习难改旧习难改 15.the most popular16.the best way17.such as18.spend time with sb.19.start exercising20.old habits die hardWe all know that many students often go online,but we were surprised that ninety percent of them use the Internet every day.难句理解难句理解be surprised that 我们都知道我们都知道,但是我们很吃惊但是我们很吃惊percent做主语时,谓语动词的数要根据其后做主语时,谓语动词的数要根据其后面的名词来确定。面的名词来确定。Fifty percent of the apples are bad.50%的苹果都坏了。的苹果都坏了。Twenty percent of the meat is in the fridge.20%的肉都在冰箱。的肉都在冰箱。Although many students like to watch sports,game shows are the most popular.although 连词,连词,“尽管,虽然;即使尽管,虽然;即使”although引导的从句不能与引导的从句不能与but连用。连用。e.g.尽管他离家很早,但是他还是迟到了。尽管他离家很早,但是他还是迟到了。Although he left home early,but he was late.()Although he left home early,he was late.()the best way to relax is through exercise.through 介词,课文中意为介词,课文中意为“以,凭借以,凭借”He got the job through ads in the newspaper.他通过报纸上的广告找到这份工作。他通过报纸上的广告找到这份工作。拓展拓展 through“穿过穿过”,表示表示“从从内部穿内部穿过过”。They went through the forest yesterday.昨天他们穿越了森林。昨天他们穿越了森林。中考链接中考链接 My cousin knows a lot about geography,_ he is only four years old.A.because B.soC.although C


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