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GALL STONE CLEANSE: Remove gall stones! Remove gall stones without cost! Remove gall stones naturally in 24 hours! by Stephanie Relfe B.Sc. (Sydney) 彻底清除胆结石 除去胆结石! 不花一分钱除去胆结石! 24小时内自然地除去胆结石!DISCLAIMER:The information on this website is not medical science or medical advice. This information is not backed up by scientific evidence. This is just for your information. This information and these products have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products and information are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, disorder, pain, injury, deformity, or physical or mental condition. Results are not typical. Individual results may vary. Please do not do the cleanse or buy the book based on the stories below. 免责声明:这个网站上的信息不是医药科学也不是医学忠告,它没有科学证据证明。对你来讲它只是一个信息,这个信息和这些产品没有经过(美国)食品及药物管理局的评估。这个信息和这些产品无意诊断、治疗、治愈或预防任何疾病、失调、疼痛、损伤、畸形或身心疾病。结果因人而异。请不要根据下面的例子使用此清除法或购买书你有结石病吗?(Are you Stoned?)。BOOK SUMMARY: The following information on gall stones and the gall bladder is from the excellent book Are you Stoned? by chiropractor Claude M. Lewis, Edith Hiett and Leon Hiett. Most people are likely to have hundreds of gall stones. They are soft and dont show up on an x-ray unless they calcify. However, they cause problems such as gall bladder attack by blocking the bile ducts even when they are not calcified. Many people have experienced the non-surgical removal of gall stones. One gall stone cleanse is detailed in Hulda Clarks book The Cure for all Diseases. I did her gall bladder flush, and sure enough - next morning the toilet was filled with gall stones. However, her program required the ingestion of a lot of Epsom salts which I found very difficult (I vomited when I had my third lot the next morning, and so I took only half of what she recommended). I figured that there had to be an easier and healthier way. I found it in an excellent book Are you being stoned?. The only ingredients to this method are olive oil and lemon juice. This article is a summary of that book: 书摘:以下关于胆结石和胆囊的相关知识摘自你有结石病吗?。你有结石病吗?是一本优秀的书,作者是chiropractor Claude M. Lewis, Edith Hiett and Leon Hiett. 多数人可能有数百个胆结石,这些结石很软,只有它们钙化后才能在X-光下显现出来。不过这些结石即使不钙化也能引起诸如由于胆管被堵而引发的胆囊病症等问题。 很多人有非手术除去胆结石的经历。Hulda Clark在他的书所有疾病的疗法(The Cure for all Diseases)详细地给出了一个彻底清除胆结石的法子。我用了书中提供的胆囊冲洗法,千真万确,第二天早上的马桶有很多结石。不过,她的法子用到泻盐,这使我我很难坚持(当我喝到第三份时就呕吐,因而我只用了她推荐量的一半)。我认为一定有更容易、更健康的法子。 我在一本名叫你在患结石病吗(Are you being stoned?)这本优秀的书里找到了更容易、更健康的法子。这个法子只需要橄榄油和柠檬汁。这篇文章是那本书的概要。 The authors personally experienced the non-surgical removal of gall stones. Not only did they dispose of any possible future gall bladder problems, they also received more energy and stamina than they had in quite a while. 作者亲自经历了梅手术除去胆结石。他们不仅解决了所有可能的胆囊问题,他们的精神头也比以前好多了。 The pain of a gall bladder attack can be excruciating. I had one once. The pain came and went in bouts. For the first and only time in my life I realized why people get desperate enough to consider surgery - the pain was excruciating. However, after a while I remembered the big pile of deep-fried potato wedges that I had eaten - and the pain disappeared instantly. I gathered that it was my bodys way of telling me to NOT eat food that is deep-fried. 胆囊病发作引起的疼痛很折磨人。我有这样的一次经历,疼痛来来去去多个回合。那疼痛让我第一次也是我生命中唯一的一次理解了人们为什么不顾一切地考虑手术-那痛苦太难奈了。不过,不久我想起了一大堆我吃过的油炸薯片,疼痛立即消失。我据此推断这是我的身体在告诉我不要吃油炸食品。 Start to think of pain as your friend. Pain is your bodys way of telling you that something is wrong. Once you figure out what is wrong and what to do about it, the pain will go away. 开始把疼痛当作你的朋友吧。你的身体通过疼痛这种方式告诉你出问题了。一旦你明了哪里错了并采取措施,疼痛就会消失。 The book describes one man who had a gall bladder attack. It came on suddenly with no warning. He was very fit, looked healthy and had no symptoms. But when the pain came on it was so severe he almost had a car accident. So, he got had his gall bladder taken out with gall bladder surgery as so many people do. Presumably the doctors didnt warn him about the likely subsequent effects of a gall bladder surgery. Now, many food cause him real digestive troubles, even simple foods like lettuce, that didnt affect him before. 书中描述了一位男士,他的胆囊病发作地很突然,毫无征兆。他很健康,也没有任何病症。但是那痛苦如此的剧烈,差点使他出了车祸。因此,他像许多人那样做了胆囊摘除手术。现在,许多食物都会使他产生消化问题,即使是像莴苣这样以前对他毫无影响的食物。 Another woman was told that she would be able to eat what she liked after the operation. I dont know if they lied to her or were just ignorant, but after the operation she found the digestion of many foods unbearably painful, including meat, cream sauces, gravies, hot breads, pasta, green salad and sweets! Her digestive difficulties stayed with her for at least 15 years after her operation. 还有一位妇女,医生告诉她术后想吃什么就吃什么。我不知道医生在撒谎还是医生无知,术后她发现消化许多食物是及其痛苦的,这戏食物包括肉、奶油沙司、肉汁、热面包、意大利面食、绿色拉和糖果。术后,消化困难问题伴随着她十五年。 The authors told some friends how they removed their gall stones without surgery, simply and harmlessly, with no time lost from job or family, no pain, no expense. Their friends tried it with varying degrees of success, but ALL were successful. 作者告诉一些朋友他们是如何非手术、简单、无害、不占用上班时间、没有痛苦、没有巨大开销地除去胆结石的。朋友们用了这个法子,获得了不同程度地成功。What does the gall bladder do? The gall bladder stores bile, and releases it in optimum quantities when it is needed. Without your gall bladder, the liver will STILL produce bile, but the bile will leak inside you because it will not have a proper place to go. 胆囊是干什么的? 胆囊贮存胆汁并在需要时以最优的量释放胆汁。如果没有胆囊,肝脏仍会产生胆汁,但这些胆汁会渗漏到你的体内,因为胆汁没有恰当的去向。What is bile? The spleen breaks down worn-out red blood cells into bile salts and other substances. (What a wonderful system is our body! Even worn out blood cells get used!). Bile salts are normal in the body when in normal amounts. 胆汁是什么? 脾把废旧的红血球分解为胆汁盐和其他物质(人体是一个多么神奇的系统!即使是废旧的红血球也能被利用!)。当数量正常的时候,胆汁盐是正常的。 肝脏移除过多的胆汁盐和废弃物,并把它们存储在胆囊里。肝脏是人体主要的化工厂,如果人类建一个能执行肝脏所有化学功能的工厂,这个工厂会有500英亩。 当这些物质在胆囊里的时候,水分会被再吸收,废旧物变得越来越浓,形成胆汁。Bile is needed for 3 things: 1.It neutralizes the acid from the stomach (because bile is very alkaline) 2.It breaks down fats so that they can be digested 3.It is a natural laxative for the colon Bile is essential in the digestion of fats. When you eat a meal with fats, the gall bladder releases a LARGE amount of bile to digest the fats. One big problem when a person has gall bladder surgery is that the body has nowhere to store bile until it is needed. Therefore, it just drips continually. And when a large amount is needed to digest a meal with a lot of fat, there is not anywhere enough bile added to digest it properly. 胆汁的三种用途: 1. 中和胃酸(胆汁是碱性的)。 2. 分解脂肪以便脂肪能够被消化。 3. 天然的结肠通便剂。 胆汁是消化脂肪的必需品。当你吃脂肪时,胆囊释放大量的胆汁消化脂肪。当一个人的胆囊被切除后,最大的问题是没有地方储存胆汁以备所需。因而,胆汁只能持续不断地滴下。当吃进许多脂肪需要大量胆汁的时候,没有足够的胆汁加进来以助消化。What are gall stones? Stones can form anywhere in the body where there is a liquid containing mineral salts that can be crystallized and where the fluid is held for a while in a hollow organ, such as the gall bladder. The stones may be large or small, and sometimes grow together causing extra large stones. Small stones are often excreted along with the bile and eliminated with no problem. Larger ones, however, can become lodged in the ducts, causing gall stone colic, one of the most painful illnesses known. At other times, gall stones may be silent. In autopsies, examiners often find gall bladders full of gall stones although the deceased had no complaints about them. A gall stone is not a true stone. They are rather rubbery and soft. Most gall stones float. They are mostly green. The size varies from rice grains to golf balls. Even large gall stones will slip out easily with this gall stone cleanse. Dr Lewis had one lady who passed a gall stone as big as two hens eggs stuck together! 什么是胆结石? 在人体内,在含有能结晶无机盐的液体处,流体如果在诸如胆囊等中空的器官内停留一段时间,就可能形成结石。 结石可大可小,有时多个结石连在一起形成特别大的结石。小结石经常随着胆汁排出,而大的结石会留在胆管里引发结石绞痛,结石绞痛是最痛的病之一。平常结石是隐性的。在解剖中,尽管死者生前没有任何结石病症,但在他们的体内经常发现满胆囊的结石。 胆结石不是真正的石头,他们软而且有弹性。很多结石能漂浮在水上,多数结石是绿色的。结石大小各异,小的如米粒,大的如高尔夫球。使用这个清除结石的法子,即使大结石也会很容易地滑出。一位女士使用此法,排出一枚两个鸡蛋大的结石。What Symptoms might be produced if there are Gall stones? 胆结石的症状: 胆结石能引发诸如胆囊病发作、胆囊问题和胆囊疼痛等症状。胆结石也能引起看起来与胆结石毫无关系的病症,比如胃肠气胀和胃绞痛。 如果结石在胆汁中停留的时间很长,胆汁就会在结石后集结,这可能导致黄疸,人体皮肤变黄。 高胆固醇更可能引起胆结石。胆囊炎就是一种炎症,堵塞久了就可能引发胆囊感染。 器官从来不会出现故障,不该做的事情器官绝对不做。不过,器官确实停止工作。摘除器官不能解决问题,弄清楚该做什么让器官重新工作才是明智之举。When ducts get blocked with gall stones, the bile must still get out into the small intestine. It may take another route and end up in the pancreas and by that route go to the small intestine. The body is making the best of a bad situation. 当胆管被结石堵塞的时候,胆汁必须进入小肠内。胆汁走另一条路,胆汁进入胰腺再到小肠。人体为不健康的状况准备了最佳方案。 新路径的问题是胆汁激怒了胰腺。当细胞被激怒时,他就会发挥作用。在这种情况下,胰腺分泌胰岛素。胰岛素在错误的时间分泌,这会引发低血糖症。后来,当需要胰岛素的时候,胰岛素可能不足,这会引发高血糖症,也就是糖尿病。 Claude Lewis博士认为胆结石可能是成人糖尿病的主要诱因。(吃糖也是糖尿病的一大诱因。)要知道这不是治疗糖尿病的法子。但是有人在利用此法冲出体内的胆结石后减少或完全不用胰岛素了。服用胰岛素的人请注意: 当你采用此清除胆结石的法子后,检查你的胰岛素水平后再服用胰岛素。否则你可能因为胰岛素水平过高而引发胰岛素休克。一位三十多岁的妇女在冲出结石四天后就出现了发胰岛素休克。 结石移除后有助于便秘,因为这促进了胆汁的流动,胆汁是天然的通便剂。 结石移除后会使逐渐恶化的身体好转。 肝炎是一种肝脏炎症,它可以由胆结石引发。This gall stone cleanse is good also for those who have HAD THEIR GALL BLADDER REMOVED! To quote from the book: I remember one lady whod had her gall bladder surgically removed I cant believe it, she told me. Im still having the same symptoms I had before I had the gall bladder operation three years ago. You probably have gall stones I said You didnt hear me, she responded. I told you I had my gall bladder removed three years ago. That doesnt have anything to do with it. Youre still alive; therefore, your liver keeps on removing impurities. They have to go somewhere, and theyve formed more gall stones. (The doctor told her to watch what she ate, but did not tell her what she should and shouldnt eat. After all, the average doctor spends only 12 hours or less learning about nutrition in a five year course) This woman did the olive oil-lemon juice cleanse with very good results. Needless to say, she was very surprised! 这个清除胆结石的法子对胆囊摘除的人也有好处!下面一段引自那本书: “我记得一位女士.她的胆囊被手术摘除.”她告诉我:“我难以相信我仍然有和三年前我摘除了胆囊前一样的病症。” “你可能有胆结石。”我说。 “难道你没听我说过吗?”她回答道:“我告诉过你三年前我的胆囊就摘除了。” “胆囊摘除与胆结石无关。你还活着,你的肝脏依然排出废物。这些废弃物得找个地方呆着,他们形成更多的结石。” (医生告诉她注意饮食,但没告诉她该吃什么,不该吃什么。毕竟,大多数的医生在他们五年的学业中只花12小时甚至更少的时间学习营养知识。) 这位妇女做了橄榄油加柠檬汁清除结石的法子,效果很好。不用说,她很惊讶!GALL BLADDER SURGERY The medical system likes to surgically remove the gall bladder as a treatment for gall stones. The resulting scar is meant to be only 6 long, but the author of Are you stoned? knows several people who have had much longer scars, and two women who no longer wear two-piece bathing suits. After gall bladder surgery, tubes drain the excess fluid from the incision and a tube will drain bile from the bile duct. The tubes may be needed for as long as ten days. Two weeks is the usual stay in hospital. 胆囊手术: 医学界倾向于把胆囊手术摘除当作当结石的疗法。疤痕只有6长(译者注:原文无单位)。然而,你有结石吗的作者认识一些人,他们的疤痕要长得多。有两位妇女再也不能穿两件套的游泳衣了。NON-SURGICAL REMOVAL OF GALL STONES Dr Lewis found that 99% of the people who did his gall bladder cleanse had gall stones. Dr Lewis method removes gall stones: * Easily * Painlessly * Virtually for free * Usually overnight PLUS you get to keep your gall bladder, which is essential to keep your body at peak health! The ONLY ingredients you need are virgin olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice. There are some optional ingredients: Prior to the cleanse, apple, carrot, orange or grapefruit juice for a brief fast. During the cleanse, some V8 juice or pineapple juice. Following the cleanse he strongly recommends vitamin c, methionince, choline, inositol and lecithin be added to your daily supplements. 非手术移除胆结石: Lewis博士发现99%的人使用此胆结石清除之法后有结石。 Lewis博士移除胆结石的法子有以下特点: l 容易。 l 无痛苦。 l 几乎免费。 l 通常在晚上。 还有,这种法子留住了你的胆囊,胆囊对保持你的身体健康是很重要的。 你所需要的东西只有轻榨优质橄榄油和新榨柠檬汁。 其他可选择的成分:清除结石前,用苹果汁、胡萝卜汁、橙子汁或柚子汁进行短期节食。在清除结石期间,选用维生素8(V8)汁或菠萝汁。 结石清除后,强烈推荐补充维生素C、蛋氨酸、胆碱、纤维醇、卵磷脂等。A. SUGGESTED PRE-CLEANSE A colonic irrigation to clean out the system for easier elimination of the stones is recommended prior to the cleanse. You may need to start this a week or so before the treatment, to be able to have several colonic irrigations. If you cant have colonic irrigation, consider an enema. Do one or two days of modified fasting using fresh juices. Apple and carrot juice are probably the best. Unsweetened orange and grapefruit are next. Fresh is the first choice, fresh frozen second. Drink as much as you like! A. 前期准备: 在清除结石前最好冲洗结肠,这有助于排出结石。你可能在排石大约一周前冲洗结肠。 如果你没有冲洗结肠,考虑使用灌肠剂。 选用新鲜果汁进行一天或两天的节食。最好用苹果汁和胡萝卜汁,不加糖的橙子汁和柚子汁次之。最好用新鲜的,新鲜冷冻的次之。 想喝多少就喝多少。 B. THE CLEANSE Pick a day when you have nothing much to do the next day, and preferably even the day after. Friday is best for most people who have the weekend off. Dont make any plans to go out! 清除结石: 选择第二天没事的那一天,最好第三天也没什么事。最好是周五,对大部分人来讲周末是不工作的。不要有任何外出的计划。 DO NOT EAT ANY SOLID FOOD after noon on the cleanse day. You may drink water or fresh juices, as much as you like. 在排石那一天,午后不要吃任何固体食物。你可以喝水或新鲜果汁,想喝多少就喝多少。 DO NOT HAVE ANY FLUIDS after 6.30 pm (or 30 minutes before the start of your treatment) on the day of cleanse. Give your stomach time to evacuate all the fluids. Then the olive oil wont float up on top of the fluid and your chances of nausea will be greatly reduced. 下午六点半后不要吃任何流体(或在你做这个疗法之前的半小时不吃任何流体)。这使你的胃有时间排出所有流体。这样橄榄油就不会漂浮在流体上,你反胃的概率会大大减少。 YOU WILL NEED: One pint of virgin olive oil. One half-pint of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Peppermint oil (from your health food store) Pineapple or V8 juice (note: Biotta vegetable juice from Health food store is likely better than V8) Measuring cup or tablespoon size measuring spoon Pitcher of water Paint stirring stick Jar with screw-on lid Index cards Net to drape under the toilet seat, to catch your stones 你需要: 一品脱轻榨优质橄榄油。 半品脱新榨柠檬汁。 薄荷油(可从保健食品店购得。) 菠萝汁或维生素8汁(注:保健食品店里的Biotta蔬菜汁比V8好)。 量杯或汤匙状量匙。 水罐。 油漆搅拌棒。 带盖的罐子。 索引卡。 网,用来罩在马桶座下以便获得结石。 If you should experience extreme nausea or vomiting, try chasing it with a small amount of V8 juice or pineapple juice. Or you might try adding a few drops of peppermint oil to the olive oil. Use one of these mixtures for a couple of doses and then go back to the olive oil and lemon juice without adding anything. 也许你会极度恶心或呕吐,可以用V8汁或菠萝汁。你也可以往橄榄油里加几滴薄荷油,在以下的两三剂中服用橄榄油与薄荷油的混合物、柠檬汁,接下来喝不加任何东西的橄榄油、柠檬汁。THE PROCEDURE 12 Noon Stop eating all solid food 6.30 pm Stop drinking all fluids 7.00 pm Using a measuring device, pour cup (four tablespoonfuls) of olive oil and drink it. Follow immediately with one or two tablespoonfuls of lemon juice. Lie down and relax. Repeat this every 15 minutes. Sit up, swallow it and lie down again. If possible, have someone else bring them to you. Relax, read or watch television. Keep as still as possible. It is best to lie on your right side. Repeat the exact dosage every 15 minutes until you have swallowed all of the pint of olive oil. If there is any lemon juice left, drink it all. It is now probably 10.00 or 10.30 pm 程序: 中午12点:不吃任何固体食物。 下午六点半:不吃任何流体。 下午七点:用测量器皿倒出四分之一杯(四汤匙)的橄榄油喝下。 然后立即喝下一至两汤匙的柠檬汁。 躺下,放松。 每隔15分钟重复这个过程。坐起来,喝橄榄油、柠檬汁,躺下。如果可能,让人把橄榄油、柠檬汁递给你。 放松,阅读或看电视。尽量保持安静。最好右侧卧。 每隔15分钟重复这个过程,直到你喝完所有的橄榄油。如果此时还剩下柠檬汁,把柠檬汁喝完。 Remember, if you have terrible nausea or vomiting sensations, use the peppermint oil in the olive oil, or chase the olive oil with a small amount of V8 or pineapple juice, until you can resume taking the plain olive oil and lemon juice. While you are taking the olive oil and lemon juice, if it gets hard to swallow, take a little more time between doses. Try 20 minutes between doses, or 25 minutes. Try to swallow all of the oil and lemon juice. If you are too nauseated to get it all down, take as much as you possibly can. 如果你十分恶心或者想呕吐,往橄榄油里加薄荷油,或往橄榄油里加一些V8汁或菠萝汁,直到你能继续喝柠檬汁和不加任何东西的橄榄油。 在你喝橄榄油和柠檬汁的时候,如果难以吞咽,请稍微延长两次服用间的时间-20分钟或25分钟。尽量喝完所有的橄榄油和柠檬汁。如果你太恶心了,不能把他们全喝完,能喝多少喝多少。 You have finished the olive oil and lemon juice. Now go to bed and do your best to go to sleep. Lie on your right side. This position speeds up the process of the olive oil entering the gall bladder to act as a lubricant. This, along with the softening action of the lemon juice, will help to free the stones more easily and readily from the gall bladder. Stay in bed and forget everything until the urge to go the toilet comes. That was really quite simple, wasnt it? About 2.00 or 3.00 am youll probably wake up with the unmistakable urge to go to the toilet. It may not happen. For some, it doesnt happen until 11am the next day. If your first bowel movement is at 2.00 or 3.00 am you will probably have no stones in it, but youll want to check to be sure. 你已经喝完了橄榄油和柠檬汁,睡觉!右侧卧,这个姿势加速橄榄油作为润滑剂进入胆囊。随着柠檬汁把结石软化,右侧卧也有助于把胆结石更容易地从胆囊中排出。呆在床上,什么也不要想,直到你想去厕所。 大约凌晨二点或三点,你会醒来去厕所,也许不会。对一些人来讲,他们第二天上午11点才想去厕所。如果你的第一次大便在凌晨两点或三点,大便里可能没石头,但是你想检查确认一下。 When you have the first bowel movement after the cleanse, youll use the pitcher of water and the paint stirring stick to wash the fecal material through the net. Pour water gently and use the stick to separate the stones from the fecal material. The fecal material will be runny and wash through the net. Dr Lewis found that 1% of people failed to pass gall stones. If you are one of these 1%, dont be disappointed. In some individuals, the powerful action of the lemon juice causes the stones to dissolve before they are passed out of the body. IF you have only greenish liquid bowel movements, the cleanse has been effective. 使用此清除结石法后,当你第一次大便时,用水罐和油漆搅拌棒通过滤网冲洗排泄物。慢慢倒水,用棒把石头从排泄物里分离出来。排泄物易流动,可以穿过滤网。 Notice any increase in vitality that usually follows the cleanse. Remember, optimum efficiency in the human body can only occur if all our God-given parts are working properly. Some people (including doctors) will say that your gall stones are not gall stones but fecal matter. To quote from Dr Lewis: To clarify the situation and eliminate such questions, I sent a sample of gall stones to a medical analysis lab run by a Ph.D. who heads up the Science Department at Texas Womans University in Denton. He ran the necessary tests His analysis of the stone sample I sent was 91% cholesterol and the rest was bile salts, water and inert ingredients. In other words, the sample had the chemical contents of gall stones. And the report clearly states it was gall stones. 注意使用此法后活力的增强。 谨记,只有当所有与生俱来的器官正常工作时,人体最佳效率才会出现。 一些人(包括医生)会说你的胆结石不是胆结石,只是排泄物。Lewis博士说: “为了弄清楚这个情况消除某些问题,我把一个胆结石样本送到一个博士管理的医学分析实验室,这位博士得克萨斯妇女大学科学系的领导,他对样本惊醒了必要的测试。 对于我送去的胆结石样本,他的分析结果是:91%是胆固醇,其余的是胆盐、水和惰性成分。也就是说样本有胆结石的成分。报告明确地声明它是胆结石。”FOLLOW UP Take supplements to help your body to heal, including vitamins A,B,C,E and minerals especially magnesium and potassium. Also methionine, choline, inositol and lecithin. And whatever else your body tells you it needs. Stop eating deep-fried foods and any oils other than those that are cold pressed. Stop eating microwaved food. Suggested improvements to your diet are given in A secret of anti-aging. Drink 2 litres of good water a day (not distilled water - the energy has been changed). Once you have cleaned your gall bladder, the next step for you to regain perfect health may be to do a colon cleanse or a parasite cleanse. 后期工作: 吃些补品有助于你的身体恢复健康,包括维生素A、B、C、E和矿物质,特别是镁和钾。还有蛋氨酸、胆碱、纤维醇和卵磷脂。还有其它的你身体所需的东西。 不要吃油炸食品,除了冷压油不吃其它的油。不要吃微波过的食物。A secret of anti-aging一书中改进的饮食,建议你采用。 一天喝两升优质水(不要喝蒸馏水能量已被改变。) 一旦你清洁了你的胆囊,为了使你恢复完全的健康,下一步你可能要做的是结肠清洁或寄生虫清楚运动。MODIFICATION TO THIS CLEANSE WHICH USES LESS OIL (This bit is not in the book): Many people (myself, Stephanie Relfe, included) cannot drink a pint (two cups) of olive oil without throwing up. Therefore, I searched for yet another cleanse, which used less olive oil (and again, no epsom salts) Here is an alternative: Eat all the granny smith apples and/or FRESHLY SQUEEZED apple juice (NOT store bought) you can for three days. Also drink water. Eat nothing else. On the final evening g


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