人教版小学英语五年级上册Unit 3—unit 4复习课课件

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RevisionUnit3 unit4 Class1WewishyouamerryChristmas WewishyouamerryChristmas WewishyouamerryChristmas AndHappyNewYear Goodtidingswebring Toyouandyourkin GoodtidingsforChristmas AndHappyNewYear Dictation河流森林花小道草公园湖泊桥建筑物干净 平安果 What syourfavouritefruit Ilike What syourfavoutiefood Ilike Whatwouldyoulikeforlunchtoday I dlikesome Reviewunit3 unit4 pork eggplant mutton greenbeans potatoes cabbage fish tomatoes Keywords eggplant fish greenbeans lunch we sweet sour 茄子 青豆 鱼 午饭 我们 甜的 酸的 favourite 最喜欢的 fresh salty fruit grape potato tomato 新鲜的 咸的 水果 葡萄 土豆 西红柿 mutton eggplant greenbeans cabbage fish potato 英汉互译1 eggplant 2 greenbeans 3 favourite 4 土豆 5 午饭 6 水果 Keysentence1 我饿了 你今天午饭吃什么 2 我吃洋葱和青豆3 你晚饭想要吃什么4 你最喜欢的食物是什么 鱼 I mhungry Whatdoyouhaveforlunchtoday Whatwouldyoulikefordinner Ihaveonionsandgreenbeans What syourfavouritefood Fish 5 你最喜欢什么水果 我喜欢苹果 苹果很甜 6 我不喜欢吃葡萄 葡萄酸 Ilikebeef butI mheavynow Ihavetoeatvegetables What syourfavouritefruit Ilikeapples they resweet Idon tlikegrapes They resour 7 我喜欢吃牛肉 但是我现在太重了 得吃点蔬菜 连词成句1 your favourite what s food 2 lunch for do what have you today 3 dinner would you what like for 4 grapes like don t I What syourfavoutiefood Ilike Whatwouldyoulikeforlunchtoday I dlikesome dothedishes watertheflowers makethebed sweepthefloor washtheclothes useacomputer setthetable cleanthebedroom playchess 1你对家里有帮助吗 2 你会做什么 我会扫地 3 你会做家务吗 是的 我会 Areyouhelpfulathome Whatcanyoudo Icansweepthefloor Canyoudohousework Yes Ican Class2 4 你会洗衣服吗 不 我不会 但是我想尝试一下 5 你真能干 You rehelpful 6你会使用计算机吗 是的我会 Canyouuseacomputer Yes Ican Canyouwashtheclothes No Ican t butI dliketohaveatry Thisisadoor Thatisawindow Yes itis Isthisadesk Isthatadesk too No itisn t It sachair Thisisadoor Thatisawindow Isthisadesk Yes itis Isthatadesk too No itisn t it sachair It satable What sthis What sthat It sacup 一 补全单词f sh新鲜的t fu豆腐p tato土豆tom to西红柿l nch午饭t sty可口的fr it水果s ur酸的r ver河流f rest森林 二 英汉互译1 building 2 inthepark 3 做饭 4 打扫卧室 5 使用计算机 6 浇花 7 makethebed 8 setthetable 9 naturepark 10 playchess 11 dothedishes 三 根据句意 写出合适单词1 Whatcanyoudo Icanw theflowers 2 Icanm thebed 3 Amycanw theclothes 4 Shecanc themeals 5 Thereisaf inthepark 四连词成句thereanybridgesAreinvillageyour 2 air conditionerTheoverclosetisthe3 cleanIthecanbedroom4 yourfavouritewhat sfood5 lunch for do what have you today6 五 选择合适单词foraboutupto1 It stimetoget 2 I dlikesomemutton What you 3 It stime havesupper 4 Whatwouldyoulike lunch 六选择1 Canyoumakethebed A No Ican B Yes Ican C Yes Ican t 2 Isthereaforestinthepark A Yes thereis B No thereis 3 There aroadbesidetheriver isB are4 thereanypandasinthemountain isB are5 It stime gotoschool A forB toC in 6 There someclothesinthecloset A isB areC am7 yourfatherlike Who sB Where sC What s8 Isthereariver A Yes thereis B No thereis C No heisn t 甜蜜惩罚 给本组加5颗星 给对方组减5颗星 唱首英文歌 背诵一首古诗 模仿3种动物叫声 指认一名学生唱歌 1 gotothelivingroom 2 gotothestudy 3 gotothebathroom 4 gotothekitchen A readabook B watchTVC haveasnackD takeashower 1 A auntB teacherC uncle2 A driverB farmerC father3 A youngB strongC player4 A grandpaB fatherC student5 A sisterB driverC nurse 1 Heisgoodatsports A 他很擅长体育运动 B 他正在做运动 2 What syourfather A 你爸爸是谁 B 你爸爸是做什么的 3 Mymotherlikesmusic A 我爸爸在听音乐 B 我妈妈喜欢乐 4 Look Myparentsandme A 看 我的爸爸妈妈和我 B 看 我的爷爷奶奶和我8 She music A likeB likes Who they A areB is Welcome myhome A forB to Howmany arethereinyourfamily A peopleB man 1 abaseballplayer 2 mybabybrother 3 mygrandparents 4 howmany 5 What syouruncle 6 Issheadoctor 7 Helooksstrong 8 Actlikeadriver 1 What syourfather 2 Howoldisyourmother 3 Whereisyourteacher 4 Whoisthestrongman 5 Whatcolourisyourhair A HeisMr Black B It sBlack C Sheis35 D Heisadoctor E Sheisintheclassroom Class3 甜蜜惩罚 给本组加5颗星 给对方组减5颗星 点一首中文歌 点一首英文歌 模仿3种动物叫声 指认一名学生唱歌或讲笑话


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